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As nonhuman animals age, geriatric individuals require additional care and veterinary support to ensure their well being. The focus on lifelong care is a relatively newer approach when providing good welfare, and few studies have examined how veterinary care impacts behavior at different ages or how best to accommodate geriatric individuals in zoos. The objectives of this study were to (a) assess both the immediate and long-term (one year later) behavioral impacts of cataract removal for macaroni (Eudyptes chrysolophus) and southern rockhopper (Eudyptes chrysocome) penguins; (b) compare the behavior of penguins following cataract surgery to that of other conspecifics in the same habitat; and (c) monitor the impacts of cataract surgery on swimming behavior using time-depth recorders. Individual responses to cataract removal differed in direction and magnitude, and these mixed results highlight that welfare is experienced and thus measured at the individual level. Positive responses included increased habitat use, increased time spent swimming, and increased rates of affiliative interactions. This study highlights the importance of assessing welfare impacts of veterinary interventions on geriatric individuals.  相似文献   
The effects of trichloroethylene (TCE) and toluene on soil nitrogen-cycling activities were examined. Ammonium oxidation potential (AOP) was reduced after incubation with as little as 1 microgram of TCE ml-1, and the effects were generally greater when toluene was present and increased with longer exposure. Arginine ammonification potential and denitrification enzyme activity were constant regardless of TCE concentration or the presence of toluene, while nitrite oxidation potential (NOP) exhibited variable sensitivity. KCl-extractable ammonium levels increased dramatically after exposure to 30 and 60 micrograms of TCE ml-1 in the presence of toluene, whereas gamma-irradiated or sodium azide-treated soil incubated with the same concentrations of TCE and toluene showed no increase. Alfalfa-amended soils showed similar decreases in AOP and increases in extractable ammonium during incubation with 60 micrograms of TCE ml-1 and 20 micrograms of toluene ml-1, although most probable number estimates of the ammonium oxidizer population showed no difference between exposed and unexposed soil. AOP and extractable ammonium returned slowly to control levels after 28 days of incubation in the presence of TCE and toluene. Activity assays to which various TCE and toluene concentrations were added indicated that AOP and NOP were relatively more sensitive to these compounds than was arginine ammonification potential. These results indicate that the soil microbial populations responsible for nitrogen cycling exhibit different sensitivities to TCE and toluene and that they may be more susceptible to adverse effects than previously thought.  相似文献   
Whole cells and isolated chlorosomes (antenna complex) of the green photosynthetic bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus have been studied by absorption spectroscopy (77 K and room temperature), fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism, linear dichroism and electron spin resonance spectroscopy. The chlorosome absorption spectrum has maxima at 450 (contributed by carotenoids and bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) a Soret), 742 (BChl c) and 792 nm (BChl a) with intensity ratios of 20:25. The fluorescence emission spectrum has peaks at 748 and 802 nm when excitation is into either the 742 or 450 nm absorption bands, respectively. Whole cells have fluorescence peaks identical to those in chlorosomes with the addition of a major peak observed at 867 nm. The CD spectrum of isolated chlorosomes has an asymmetric-derivative-shaped CD centered at 739 nm suggestive of exciton interaction at least on the level of dimers. Linear dichroism of oriented chlorosomes shows preferential absorption at 742 nm of light polarized parallel to the long axis of the chlorosome. This implies that the transition dipoles are also oriented more or less parallel to the long axis of the chlorosome. Treatment with ferricyanide results in the appearance of a 2.3 G wide ESR spectrum at g 2.002. Whole cells grown under different light conditions exhibit different fluorescence behavior when absorption is normalized at 742 nm. Cells grown under low light conditions have higher fluorescence intensity at 748 nm and lower intensity at 802 nm than cells grown under high light conditions. These results indicate that the BChl c in chlorosomes is highly organized, and transfers energy from BChl c (742 nm) to a connector of baseplate BChl B792 (BChl a) presumably located in the chlorosome baseplate adjacent to the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   
The zoospore of Blastocladiella emersonii has been re-examined with the electron microscope. The following new findings were made. A double unit-membrane system surrounds all cell organelles except γ-bodies, vacuoles and a few fragments of membranes. Lipid granules on one side of the large mitochondrion alternate with vesicles. The kinetosome of the posterior flagellum does not have any central fibrils as previously reported; a small, cylindrical structure is found within its anterior end. An associated centriole is located next to the kinetosome. Three striated rootlets pass from the kinetosome by separate channels through the mitochondrion. There appears to be no connection between the striated rootlets and the mitochondrion. Microtubules originating at the anterior end of the kinetosome pass into the cytoplasm between the mitochondrion and the nuclear cap. Long, dense strands were observed in some nuclei. The axoneme is taken up into the spore during encystment and is found in the freshly encysted spore. No trace of the flagellar sheath has been found in the encysted spore.  相似文献   
Whether male competition and female choice act in concert, independently,or in opposition is a critical issue for understanding sexualselection. In complex social systems, the outcomes of pairwiseinteractions may not be accurate indicators of how sexual selectionemerges. We investigated how female choice and male competitioninteract in the bluefin killifish, Lucania goodei, in a 3-stagedexperiment where 1) females could choose between 2 males, 2)those males could interact in the presence of that female, and3) females and males could freely interact and spawn. In thepairwise stages (1 and 2), females displayed pronounced preferencesbetween males and male competition produced a distinctly dominantindividual. None of the morphological traits, including color,measured in males were associated with either female preferenceor male dominance. When all 3 fish interacted (stage 3), maleactivity level was the sole predictor of spawning success. Maleswith elevated activity levels were more aggressive toward malesand females, exhibited intensified courtship, and obtained morespawns. Female preference did not predict the number of spawnswith a male, but it did predict her latency to spawn; femalesspawned more quickly with preferred males. Thus, male competitionand female choice interact to determine reproductive success,but there is evidence for conflict and a cost to females ofassociating with dominant males. Reproductive success in thisspecies is not easily predicted from simple measures of morphologyor female preference and is influenced by complex social interactions,both between males, and between males and females.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The dsDNA bacteriophage PRD1 has a membrane inside its icosahedral capsid. While its large size (66 MDa) hinders the study of the complete virion at atomic resolution, a 1.65-A crystallographic structure of its major coat protein, P3, is available. Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and three-dimensional reconstruction have shown the capsid at 20-28 A resolution. Striking architectural similarities between PRD1 and the mammalian adenovirus indicate a common ancestor. RESULTS: The P3 atomic structure has been fitted into improved cryo-EM reconstructions for three types of PRD1 particles: the wild-type virion, a packaging mutant without DNA, and a P3-shell lacking the membrane and the vertices. Establishing the absolute EM scale was crucial for an accurate match. The resulting "quasi-atomic" models of the capsid define the residues involved in the major P3 interactions, within the quasi-equivalent interfaces and with the membrane, and show how these are altered upon DNA packaging. CONCLUSIONS: The new cryo-EM reconstructions reveal the structure of the PRD1 vertex and the concentric packing of DNA. The capsid is essentially unchanged upon DNA packaging, with alterations limited to those P3 residues involved in membrane contacts. These are restricted to a few of the N termini along the icosahedral edges in the empty particle; DNA packaging leads to a 4-fold increase in the number of contacts, including almost all copies of the N terminus and the loop between the two beta barrels. Analysis of the P3 residues in each quasi-equivalent interface suggests two sites for minor proteins in the capsid edges, analogous to those in adenovirus.  相似文献   
Elaborate, sexually dimorphic traits are widely thought to evolve under sexual selection through female preference, male–male competition, or both. The orangethroat darter (Etheostoma spectabile) is a sexually dichromatic fish in which females exhibit no preferences for male size or coloration. We tested whether these traits affect individual reproductive success in E. spectabile when multiple males are allowed to freely compete for a female. The quality and quantity of male coloration were associated with greater success in maintaining access to the female and in spawning as the primary male (first male to participate). On the other hand, sneaking behavior showed little correlation with coloration. Male breeding coloration in E. spectabile may therefore demonstrate how intrasexual competition can be a predominant factor underlying the evolution of male ornaments.  相似文献   
Garden bird feeding predicts the structure of urban avian assemblages   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Households across the developed world cumulatively spend many millions of dollars annually on feeding garden birds. While beneficial effects on avian assemblages are frequently claimed, the relationships between levels of garden bird feeding and local avian populations are unknown. Using data from a large UK city, we show that both avian species richness and abundance vary across different socioeconomic neighbourhood types. We examined whether patterns in bird feeding could explain this variation. The density of bird feeding stations across the urban environment was strongly positively related to avian abundance, after controlling for differences in habitat availability. This effect was almost exclusively driven by the abundance of those species known to utilize garden feeding stations frequently. In contrast, the density of feeding stations had no effect on avian species richness. We also examined variation in the proportion of households in different communities that provide food for birds, a factor that is not correlated with feeder density. The prevalence of bird feeding across different neighbourhoods declined as socioeconomic deprivation increased, and increased with avian species richness and abundance. Our results suggest that the provision of supplementary food for birds by multiple landowners across a city can impact the status of urban bird populations. The potential for harnessing these actions for conservation needs to be explored.  相似文献   
Cladistic and phenetic analyses of leaf and other morphological characters ofGunnera strongly support monophyly of the genus, with the Saxifragaceae s.str. as the closest sister group. This morphologically based phylogeny provides a more coherent understanding of the evolutionary history ofGunnera than do recent phylogenetic hypotheses based on genetic data sets with Myrothamnaceae as the sister group. Simple, crenate, palinactinodromously veined leaves lacking freely ending veinlets and tricolpate, tectate-perforate pollen with a reticulate exine indicate a shared ancestry. Within the genusGunnera all six traditionally recognized subgenera are monophyletic, as supported by leaf architectural apomorphies. The monotypic subgenusOstenigunnera is the sister group to the other five subgenera, which can be divided into two principal lineages. One lineage includes the subgeneraMilligania andMisandra, characterized by a prostate stoloniferous habit with small, low-rank leaves and exclusively unisexual flowers, whereas the other lineage includes the subgeneraPerpensum, Pseudo Gunnera, andPanke, all of which possess at least some hermaphroditic flowers and larger, high-rank leaves. When the phylogeny of the subgenera is considered in light of biogeography and the fossil record, a number of cladogenetic events can be explained by continental vicariance in the Late Cretaceous. The AfricanPerpensum became distinct from the other large-leafed lineage with the separation of the African continent ca. 90 Ma. The two small-leafed lineages, the subgeneraMilligania andMisandra, split with the separation of New Zealand from Western Gondwana, about 80 Ma.Pseudo-Gunnera became isolated fromPanke prior to this time, whenPanke fossils occur in North America.Gunnera probably arose out of an early herbaceous radiation of tricolpate eudicots having close affinity to the basal Saxifragaceae, espethe genusChrysosplenium.  相似文献   
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