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The relationship between anionic-lipid concentration and the functional properties of plasma-membrane domains was explored using the guinea-pig sperm membrane as a model, with polymyxin B (PXB) as a probe. Areas of plasmalemma specialized for fusion during the acrosome reaction had a higher affinity for the probe than adjacent nonfusigenic regions. In addition, capacitation--a process preceding acrosome:plasma-membrane fusion--markedly enlarged the area susceptible to PXB binding over the acrosomal cap. Protease treatment mimicked capacitation by increasing the acrosome-reaction incidence as well as PXB binding, at enzyme concentrations not affecting the surface coat nor altering filipin/sterol localization. Both proteolytic digestion and capacitation failed to augment PXB- or filipin-affinity in nonfusigenic zones, such as the post-acrosomal segment, including its particle-free maculae. Incubation of sperm in capacitating medium supplemented with 32P-labeled phosphate, followed by lipid extraction, thin-layer chromatography, and autoradiography, revealed a radioactive band comigrating with cardiolipin and phosphatidic acid. Vermiform protrusions elicited by PXB in the outer lamellae of cardiolipin- phosphatidylcholine liposomes resembled those seen in fusional regions of sperm membrane. We conclude that (a) differing concentrations of anionic lipids are found in adjacent domains of the sperm plasma membrane; (b) these domains mirror the functional regions of the membrane, with higher anionic-lipid concentrations localized over fusional zones; (c) the surface coat does not participate in the maintenance of such domains; (d) anionic-lipid synthesis may contribute to their formation; and (e) anionic-lipid concentrations increase as the membrane becomes fusionally competent, indicating that cellular modulation of lipid domains accompanies regulation of membrane function.  相似文献   
Laser Raman spectra of the DNA bacteriophage P22 and of its precursor particles and related structures have been obtained using 514.5-nm excitation. The spectra show that P22 DNA exists in the B form both inside of the phage head and after extraction from the phage. The major coat protein (gp5) contains a secondary structure composed of 18% α-helix, 20% β-sheet and 62% irregular conformations. The scaffolding protein (gp8) in the phage prohead is substantially richer than gp5 in α-helical content. Among the amino acid residues which give prominent Raman lines, the spectra show that tryptophans are exposed to solvent and most tyrosines are hydrogen bonded to positive donor groups. The above features of phage DNA and protein structures are nearly invariant to changes in temperature up to 80°C, indicating a remarkable thermal stability of the phage head and its encapsulated DNA.  相似文献   
T. Ap Rees  W.A. Fuller  B.W. Wright 《BBA》1977,461(2):274-282
1. This work was done to compare the amounts of glycolytic intermediates in the club of the spadix of Arum maculatum L. at an early stage (α) of development, immediately prior to the increase in glycolysis (pre-thermogenesis), and at the peak of the rapid glycolysis (thermogenesis).2. Glucose 1-phosphate, glucose 6-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, 3-phosphoglycerate, 2-phosphoglycerate, phosphoenolpyruvate and pyruvate were measured. The results indicate that at all the above stages of club development the reactions catalysed by phosphoglucomutase, glucosephosphate isomerase, phosphoglycerate mutase and enolase were close to equilibrium, but those catalysed by phosphofructo-kinase and pyruvate kinase were considerably displaced from equilibrium.3. The amounts of the above compounds per club increased 5-fold between α stage and pre-thermogenesis but the relative amounts remained unchanged. When glycolysis increased by more than 50-fold at thermogenesis, the amount of fructose 1,6-diphosphate per club rose, but no changes were detected in the amounts per club of any of the other compounds listed above. These results are discussed in relation to the control of glycolysis.  相似文献   
Polyvinyl catheters were placed into the right and left utero-ovarian veins and saphenous vein and artery of three control (C) and four estradiol valerate (EV) treated gilts on Day 9 after onset of estrus. The EV treated gilts received 5mg EV/day on Days 11 through 15 after onset of estrus. On Days 12 through 17 utero-ovarian vein blood samples were collected at 15 min intervals from 0700 to 1000 hr and 1900 to 2200 hr and single samples were taken at 1100 and 2300 hr. Peripheral blood samples (saphenous vein or artery) were taken at 0700, 1100, 1900 and 2300 hr from Day 12 until the control gilts returned to estrus or until Day 25 for EV treated gilts and used to measure plasma steroid hormone concentrations. Utero-ovarian vein prostaglandin F (PGF) concentrations (ng/ml, n=1,177) were measured by RIA. Status (control EV treated gilts) by day interactions were detected (P=.10). Curvilinear day trends were detected for plasma PGF concentrations in control (P<.01) but not EV treated gilts. PGF concentrations ( ) for control and EV treated gilts were 1.20 ± 2.08 and .26 ± .84 ng/ml, respectively. PGF peaks (concentrations greater than + 2 S.D.) occured with greater frequency in control gilts (X2 = 4.87; P<.05). The interestrus interval ( ) for control and treated gilts was 19.0 ± .6 and 146.5 ± 74.8 days, respectively. Data indicate that estradiol valerate may exert its luteotrophic effect by preventing PGF release from the uterus.  相似文献   
In the Whitehall study of 18 403 male civil servants aged 40-64 years the 10 year mortality rates from coronary heart disease and stroke showed a non-linear relation to two hour blood glucose values, with a significantly increased risk for glucose intolerant subjects with concentrations above the 95th centile point (5.4-11.0 mmol/l; 96-199 mg/100 ml) and for diabetics (blood glucose greater than or equal to 11.1 mmol/l; greater than or equal to 200 mg/100 ml). Multiple logistic analysis showed that between one half and three quarters of the relative risks for deaths from coronary heart disease and stroke were "unexplained" by between group differences in risk factors such as age, blood pressure, obesity, smoking, cholesterol concentration, and electrocardiographic abnormalities. Within the glucose intolerant and diabetic groups the risk factors most strongly related to subsequent death from coronary heart disease were age and blood pressure, with less consistent relations for smoking, cholesterol concentration, and obesity. This study confirms the importance of hypertension as a cardiovascular risk factor in groups with glucose intolerance and diabetes, and this may have important preventive implications.  相似文献   
We examined the entry process of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) by using infectious virus and previously characterized noninfectious viruses that can bind to cells but cannot penetrate as a result of inactivation of essential viral glycoprotein D (gD) or H (gH). After contact of infectious virus with the cell plasma membrane, discernible changes of the envelope and tegument could be seen by electron microscopy. Noninfectious virions were arrested at distinct steps in interactions with cells. Viruses inactivated by anti-gD neutralizing antibodies attached to cells but were arrested prior to initiation of a visible fusion bridge between the virus and cell. As judged from its increased sensitivity to elution, virus lacking gD was less stably bound to cells than was virus containing gD. Moreover, soluble gD could substantially reduce virus attachment when added to cells prior to or with the addition of virus. Virus inactivated by anti-gH neutralizing antibodies attached and could form a fusion bridge but did not show expansion of the fusion bridge or extensive rearrangement of the envelope and tegument. We propose a model for infectious entry of HSV-1 by a series of interactions between the virion envelope and the cell plasma membrane that trigger virion disassembly, membrane fusion, and capsid penetration. In this entry process, gD mediates a stable attachment that is likely required for penetration, and gH seems to participate in fusion initiation or expansion.  相似文献   
Significant advances have recently been made in a number of areas concerning central nervous system (CNS) neoplasia. Particularly salient are the following: (1) gene amplification is related to increasing grade of human glioma malignancy and occurs in approximately 40% of the most common and most malignant variety of glioma, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), (2) by far the most commonly amplified gene in glioblastomas is the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene, which is amplified in about one third of GBMs, (3) a small percentage of GBMs amplify N-myc or the novel sequence gli, (4) the EGFR gene is rearranged in at least half of gliomas in which it is amplified, and (5) EGFR gene rearrangement results in external domain deletions that yield truncated EGF receptors. Antibodies specific for the mutant EGF receptor fusion junction have been successfully produced and provide stimulating new potential avenues for tumor imaging and therapy. For pediatric CNS neoplasms, only medulloblastoma has been investigated in adequate numbers; a small percentage exhibit amplification of either the N-myc or c-myc genes.  相似文献   
A new, powerful, synthetic inhibitor of mammalian tissue collagenases and related metalloproteinases is inhibitory to ovulation in perfused rat ovaries. Ovaries of immature rats, primed with 20 IU of eCG, were dissected and perfused with 0.1 micrograms/ml LH and 0.2 mM 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) for 20 h. Addition of SC 44463 (N4-hydroxy-N1-[1S [(4-methoxphenyl)methyl]-2-(methylamino)-2-oxoethyl]- 2R-(2-methylpropyl)butane-diamide) at a concentration of 25 nM inhibited ovulation by 55% (9.6 +/- 1.7 ovulations per ovary, mean +/- SEM, compared to a control value of 21.7 +/- 1.7); and 250 nM inhibited ovulation by 75% (5.3 +/- 1.1 ovulations per ovary). We previously showed that the related compound SC 40827 inhibited ovulation by 70% when used at a concentration of 25 microM (Br?nnstr?m et al., Endocrinology 1988; 122:1715-1721). We now show that SC 44463 is 100, 500, and 75 times more powerful than SC 40827 in blocking ovulation, inhibiting action of ovarian interstitial collagenase, and inhibiting action of the small metalloproteinase of the rat uterus, respectively. SC 44463 also inhibits ovarian type IV collagen-digesting activity 50% at a concentration of 18 nM. Ovulation occurs after 9-12 h of perfusion with LH. Compound SC 44463 (25 nM) showed its full inhibitory capacity when added to the medium as late as 7 h after LH, but there was no significant inhibition when it was added at 9 h. This suggests that the major collagenolytic events occur beyond 7 h after stimulation by LH.  相似文献   
The mutant nc4 allele of whirligig (3-54.4) of Drosophila melanogaster fails to complement mutations in an alpha-tubulin locus, alpha 1t, mutations in a beta-tubulin locus, B2t, or a mutation in the haywire locus. However, wrl fails to map to any of the known alpha- or beta-tubulin genes. The extragenic failure to complement could indicate that the wrl product participates in structural interactions with microtubule proteins. The whirligig locus appears to be haploinsufficient for male fertility. Both a deficiency of wrl and possible loss of function alleles obtained by reverting the failure to complement between wrlnc4 and B2tn are dominant male sterile in a genetic background wild type for tubulin. The dominant male sterility of the revertant alleles is suppressed if the flies are also heterozygous for B2tn, for a deficiency of alpha 1t, or for the haync2 allele. These results suggest that it is not the absolute level of wrl gene product but its level relative to tubulin or microtubule function that is important for normal spermatogenesis. The phenotype of homozygous wrl mutants suggests that the whirligig product plays a role in postmeiotic spermatid differentiation, possibly in organizing the microtubules of the sperm flagellar axoneme. Flies homozygous for either wrlnc4 or revertant alleles are viable and female fertile but male sterile. Premeiotic and meiotic stages of spermatogenesis appear normal. However, in post-meiotic stages, flagellar axonemes show loss of the accessory microtubule on the B-subfiber of outer doublet microtubules, outer triplet instead of outer doublet microtubules, and missing central pair microtubules.  相似文献   
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