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The phylogenetic position of the Pedetidae, represented by a single species Pedetes capensis, is controversial, reflecting in part the retention of both Hystricomorphous and Sciurognathous characteristics in this rodent. In an attempt to clarify the species evolutionary relationships, mtDNA gene sequences from 10 rodent species (representing seven families) were analyzed using phenetic, parsimony, and maximum-likelihood methods of phylogenetic inference; the rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus (Order Lagomorpha), and cow, Bos taurus (Order Artiodactyla), were used as outgroups. Investigation of 714 base pairs of the protein-coding cytochrome b gene indicate strong base bias at the third codon position with significant rate heterogeneity evident between the three structural domains of this gene. Similar analyses conducted on 816 base pairs of the 12S rRNA gene revealed a transversion bias in the loop sections of all taxa. The cytochrome b gene sequences proved useful in resolving associations between closely related species but failed to produce consistent tree topologies at the family level. In contrast, phylogenetic analysis of the 12S rRNA gene resulted in strong support for the clustering of Pedetidae/Heteromyidae/Geomyidae and Muridae in one clade to the exclusion of the Hystricidae/Thryonomyidae and Sciuridae, a finding which is concordant with studies of rodent fetal membranes as well as reproductive and other anatomical features.   相似文献   
苎麻光合生理生态特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以大田栽培的苎麻植株为材料,用TPS-2便携式光合作用测定系统测定自然条件下生长的苎麻叶片的光合气体交换参数,以及光响应曲线和CO2响应曲线,并通过回归和相关法分析探讨净光合速率与主要生理、生态因子间的关系.结果表明:(1)苎麻叶片的净光合速率(Pn)日变化曲线呈现双峰型,2个光合峰高度接近,其净光合速率具有典型的午休"现象;蒸腾速率(Tr)日变化曲线呈现单峰型,其走势与气孔导度(Gs)日变化一致.(2)苎麻叶片光合作用的光饱和点(LSP)为1 568.5μmol?m-2?s-1,光补偿点(LCP)为54.18μmol?m-2?s-1,表观量子效率(AQY)为0.025 8 mol?mol-1;而其CO2补偿点(CCP)、饱和点(CSP)和羧化效率(CE)分别为49.25、1 746.9μmol?mol-1和0.045;因此,苎麻属于喜光性阳生植物,且对强光有一定的耐受能力.(3)苎麻叶片Pn日变化的主要限制因子是胞间CO2浓度(Ci),主要决定生理因子是气孔导度(Gs).  相似文献   
比较温度对入侵种喜旱莲子草(Alternantheraphiloxeroides(Mart.)Griseb.)和其本土近缘种莲子草(A.sessilis(L.)DC.)的营养生长、叶片光合作用及叶绿素荧光的影响。实验将生长均衡的这两种植物放在不同温度(10℃、15℃、20℃、25℃、30℃)的光照培养箱中处理28d。结果表明,喜旱莲子草营养生长的速率和对温度的响应明显不同于莲子草:前者主茎生长的有效积温明显低于后者,分别是11.6d℃和27.0d℃;而新叶萌发的有效积温高于后者,分别是12.1d℃和6.7d℃。入侵种主茎和叶的发育起点温度都比本土种低,分别是10.4℃、11.0℃和12.8℃、14.9℃,表明喜旱莲子草的发育对低温反应不及莲子草敏感。对两种植物叶片的光合作用和叶绿素荧光的测定结果还表明:入侵种比本土种有较高的最大净光合速率和光饱和点,尤其在25℃时;10-30℃的温度范围内喜旱莲子草的最大光化学效率Fv/Fm没有显著变化,而莲子草在10℃低温条件下Fv/Fm值显著降低。较快的主茎生长速率、较宽的温度适应范围以及较高的光合能力可能使喜旱莲子草比本地种具有更强的竞争力,从而在其入侵过程中起了重要作用。  相似文献   


On the island of Bioko (Equatorial Guinea), insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) have been the main tool used to control malaria over the last 13 years. In 2004, started an indoor residual spraying (IRS) campaign to control malaria. The purpose of this study is to asses the impact of the two control strategies on the island of Bioko (Equatorial Guinea), with regards to Plasmodium infection and anaemia in the children under five years of age.


Two transversal studies, the first one prior to the start of the IRS campaign and the second one year later. Sampling was carried out by stratified clusters. Malaria infection was measured by means of thick and thin film, and the packed cell volume (PCV) percentage. Data related to ITN use and information regarding IRS were collected. The Pearson's chi-square and logistic regression statistical tests were used to calculate odds ratios (OR)


In the first survey, 168 children were sampled and 433 children in the second one. The prevalence of infection was 40% in 2004, and significantly lower at 21.7% in 2005. PCV was 41% and 39%, respectively. 58% of the children surveyed in 2004 and 44.3% in 2005 had slept under an ITN. 78% of the dwellings studied in 2005 had been sprayed. In the 2005 survey, sleeping without a mosquito net meant a risk of infection 3 times greater than sleeping protected with a net hanged correctly and with no holes (p < 0.05).


IRS and ITNs have proven to be effective control strategies on the island of Bioko. The choice of one or other strategy is, above all, a question of operational feasibility and availability of local resources.  相似文献   
傅骏  曹超  邢岩  黄春兰  陆颖影  曾悦 《生物磁学》2013,(36):7048-7051
目的:目前认为,十二指肠胆道反流是引起胆道反复感染,进而导致胆道结石再发和胆道狭窄的原因之一。近年来应用以内镜下逆行胆胰管造影术(endoscopicretrogradecholangiopancreatography,ERCP)为基础的微创治疗胆总管结束的技术开展颇为广泛。它主要包括ERCP、Oddi括约肌切开术(endoscopicsphincterotomy,EST)、十二指肠乳头球囊扩张术(endoscopicpapillarybal—Iondilation,EPBD)、胆管结石碎石取石术、胆总管支架植入术和鼻胆管引流术六大技术。本文主要研究了采用不同术式的EST,即EST中切口和EST小切口+EPBD术,在术后早期对患者十二指肠胆道反流的影响。方法:63例胆总管结石患者,男30例,女33例,予行经内镜下逆行的胆胰管造影(ERCP)后分别采用不同术式EST,术后安放胆总管引流管。术后l周留取胆汁采用口服核素和测定胆汁中的胃蛋白酶I、II的浓度,对十二指肠胆道反流进行定量和定性的测定。结果:EST中切口术组、EST小切口+球囊扩张(EPBD)组分别与无EST组相比,年龄和性别无统计学意义(P=0.07,P=0.416)。行EST中切开和小切开+球囊扩张患者胆汁中的锝计数明显高于无EST组,且这两组不同术式的患者锝计数存在显著的统计学差异(P〈0.05)。行EST中切口者、EST小切口+球囊扩张术者胆汁中的PGII质量浓度明显低于无EST组(P〈0.05),但是EST中切口者和EST小切口+球囊扩张术后两组间胆汁中PGII的质量浓度无统计学差异。结论:行EST中切口取胆总管结石的患者在手术早期较易发生十二指肠胆道的反流。因此,建议对于胆总管结石患者尽量选择行EST小切口+球裳扩张术(EPBD)的手术方式。  相似文献   
Hu FL  B Liu  ZM Liu  YT Fang  CA Busso 《Phyton》2015,84(1):209-221
Grasslands are one of the most widespread landscapes worldwide, covering approximately one-fifth of the world’s land surface, where grazing is a common practice. How carbon storage responds to grazing in steppes remains poorly understood. We quantified the effects of grazing on community composition and species diversity, and carbon storage in two typical grasslands of northeastern China, one in Horqin and the other one in Hulunbeier. In both grasslands, grazing did not influence plant species diversity. However, it substantially decreased aboveground carbon by 31% and 54% in Horqin and Hulunbeier, respectively. Fenced and grazing treatments showed a similar belowground carbon at both locations. The predominant carbon pool in the study grassland ecosystem was found in the upper 100 cm soil depth, from 98.2 to 99.1% of the total carbon storage. There were no significant effects of grazing on soil carbon neither in the whole profile nor in the uppermost 20 cm soil depth in the two study grasslands. Studies on the effects of varying rangeland management, such as region disparity and grazing systems, may have important consequences on species diversity and carbon partitioning, and thus on rangeland stability and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   
Tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD) is one of the most devastating viral diseases affecting tomato crops in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of the world. Here, we focus on the interactions through recombination between the different begomovirus species causing TYLCD, provide an overview of the interactions with the cellular genes involved in viral replication, and highlight recent progress on the relationships between these viruses and their vector, the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Taxonomy: The tomato yellow leaf curl virus‐like viruses (TYLCVs) are a complex of begomoviruses (family Geminiviridae, genus Begomovirus) including 10 accepted species: Tomato yellow leaf curl Axarquia virus (TYLCAxV), Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus (TYLCCNV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Guangdong virus (TYLCGuV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Indonesia virus (TYLCIDV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Kanchanaburi virus (TYLVKaV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Malaga virus (TYLCMalV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Mali virus (TYLCMLV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus (TYLCSV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus (TYLCTHV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Vietnam virus (TYLCVNV) and Tomato yellow leaf curl virus(TYLCV). We follow the species demarcation criteria of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), the most important of which is an 89% nucleotide identity threshold between full‐length DNA‐A component nucleotide sequences for begomovirus species. Strains of a species are defined by a 93% nucleotide identity threshold. Host range: The primary host of TYLCVs is tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), but they can also naturally infect other crops [common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum), chilli pepper (C. chinense) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)], a number of ornamentals [petunia (Petunia×hybrida) and lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflora)], as well as common weeds (Solanum nigrum and Datura stramonium). TYLCVs also infect the experimental host Nicotiana benthamiana. Disease symptoms: Infected tomato plants are stunted or dwarfed, with leaflets rolled upwards and inwards; young leaves are slightly chlorotic; in recently infected plants, fruits might not be produced or, if produced, are small and unmarketable. In common bean, some TYLCVs produce the bean leaf crumple disease, with thickening, epinasty, crumpling, blade reduction and upward curling of leaves, as well as abnormal shoot proliferation and internode reduction; the very small leaves result in a bushy appearance.  相似文献   
The evolution of animal and plant vascular systems played a pivotal role in the advancement from simple to complex organisms, through the provision of a delivery system for the distribution  相似文献   
目的:克隆核心组蛋白H2A、H2B、H3和H4的基因,表达并纯化组蛋白与谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GST)的融合蛋白。方法:用PCR方法从乳腺文库中扩增核心组蛋白H2A、H2B、H3和H4的编码序列,分别将其以正确相位与pGEX-KG载体中的GST编码序列融合,得到重组质粒pGST-H2A、pGST-H2B、pGST-H3和pGST-H4,分别转化大肠杆菌BL21,表达融合蛋白GST-H2A、GST-H2B、GST-H3和GST-H4;用谷胱甘肽-Sepharose 4B亲和纯化融合蛋白;用Western印迹检测融合蛋白的表达及纯化。结果:分别构建了核心组蛋白H2A、H2B、H3和H4的融合表达载体;Western印迹检测表明,融合蛋白GST-H2A、GST-H2B、GST-H3和GST-H4获得表达及纯化。结论:表达并纯化了H2A、H2B、H3和H4的融合蛋白,为进一步研究核心组蛋白的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Amyloid formation is an ordered aggregation process, where β-sheet rich polymers are assembled from unstructured or partially folded monomers. We examined how two Escherichia coli cytosolic chaperones, DnaK and Hsp33, and a more recently characterized periplasmic chaperone, Spy, modulate the aggregation of a functional amyloid protein, CsgA. We found that DnaK, the Hsp70 homolog in E. coli, and Hsp33, a redox-regulated holdase, potently inhibited CsgA amyloidogenesis. The Hsp33 anti-amyloidogenesis activity was oxidation dependent, as oxidized Hsp33 was significantly more efficient than reduced Hsp33 at preventing CsgA aggregation. When soluble CsgA was seeded with preformed amyloid fibers, neither Hsp33 nor DnaK were able to efficiently prevent soluble CsgA from adopting the amyloid conformation. Moreover, both DnaK and Hsp33 increased the time that CsgA was reactive with the amyloid oligomer conformation-specific A11 antibody. Since CsgA must also pass through the periplasm during secretion, we assessed the ability of the periplasmic chaperone Spy to inhibit CsgA polymerization. Like DnaK and Hsp33, Spy also inhibited CsgA polymerization in vitro. Overexpression of Spy resulted in increased chaperone activity in periplasmic extracts and in reduced curli biogenesis in vivo. We propose that DnaK, Hsp33 and Spy exert their effects during the nucleation stages of CsgA fibrillation. Thus, both housekeeping and stress induced cytosolic and periplasmic chaperones may be involved in discouraging premature CsgA interactions during curli biogenesis.Key words: chaperone, curli, functional amyloid, CsgA, DnaK, Hsp33, Spy  相似文献   
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