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An immunosorbent assay system to detect genetically engineered IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) was established, whereby soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) was detected in the culture medium when sIL-6R cDNA was transfected into COS1 cells. A stably transformed Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line constitutively expressing sIL-6R has been established. The recombinant sIL-6R was purified to homogeneity by sequential filtration and chromatography of the culture medium. The recombinant sIL-6R augmented the sensitivity of M1 cells to IL-6 in growth inhibition assay in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, a radioisotope immunosorbent assay (RIA) utilizing recombinant sIL-6R was established which could detect IL-6 in a quantity as low as 10 ng/ml.  相似文献   
Immuno-cross-reactivity between histidine decarboxylase (HDC) and dopa decarboxylase (DDC) was investigated. By comparing the cDNA sequences of rat HDC with rat and guinea-pig DDCs, we found a region that may possibly be related to the cross-reactivity of anti-rat HDC antibody with guinea-pig DDC. The peptide encoded by this region was synthesized and anti-peptide antibody was prepared. We also purified HDC and DDC homogeniously from fetal rat liver and guinea-pig liver, respectively. On immunoblotting, anti-peptide antibody recognized both rat HDC and guinea-pig DDC. Anti-HDC polyclonal antibody which also recognizes both enzymes detected only rat HDC when it was absorbed by the peptide. This result indicates that this region is responsible for the immuno-cross-reactivity of anti-rat HDC antibody with guinea-pig DDC.  相似文献   
Summary Lipase from Rhizopus delemar was immobilized by entrapment with photo-crosslinkable resin prepolymers or urethane prepolymers or by binding to various types of porous silica beads. The immobilized lipase preparations thus obtained were examined for their activity in converting olive oil to an interesterified fat (cacao butter-like fat), whose oleic acid moieties at 1- and 3-positions were replaced with stearic acid moieties, in the reaction solvent n-hexane. Although all of the immobilized preparations exhibited some activity, lipase adsorbed on Celite and then entrapped with a hydrophobic photo-crosslinkable resin prepolymer showed the highest activity, about 75% of that of lipase simply adsorbed onto Celite. Entrapment markedly enhanced the operational stability of lipase.Dedicated to Professor H. Holzer, Freiburg University, on his 60th birthday (June 13, 1981)  相似文献   
The kinetics of hydrogen-tritium exchange reaction have been followed by a Sephadex technique of a double-helical poly(ribo-2-methylthio-adenylic acid)·poly(ribouridylic acid) complex with the Hoogsteen-type basepair. Only one hydrogen in every 2-methylthio-adenine·uracil basepair has been found to exchange at a measurably slow rate, 0.023 s?1 (at 0°C), which is, however, much greater than that for a double-helix with the Watson-Crick type A·U pair. The kinetics of hydrogen-tritium exchange were also examined by triple-helical poly(rU)·poly(rA)·poly(rU) which involves both the Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen basepairings. Here, three hydrogens in every U·A·U base triplet have been found to exchange at a relatively slow rate, 0.0116 s?1 (at 0°C). The kinetics of hydrogen-deuterium exchange reactions of these polynucleotide helices have also been followed by a stopped-flow ultraviolet absorption spectrophotometry at various temperatures. On the basis of these experimental results, the mechanism of the hydrogen exchange reactions in these helical polynucleotides was discussed. In the triple helix, the rate-determining process of the slow exchange of the three (one uracil-imide and two adenine-amino) hydrogens is considered to be the opening of the Watson-Crick part of the U·A·U triplet. This opening is considered to take place only after the opening of the Hoogsteen part of the triplet.  相似文献   
Summary Phosphorylases (EC from potato and rabbit muscle are similar in many of their structural and kinetic properties, despite differences in regulation of their enzyme activity. Rabbit muscle phosphorylase is subject to both allosteric and covalent controls, while potato phosphorylase is an active species without any regulatory mechanism. Both phosphorylases are composed of subunits of approximately 100 000 molecular weight, and contain a firmly bound pyridoxal 5-phosphate. Their actions follow a rapid equilibrium random Bi Bi mechanism. From the sequence comparison between the two phosphorylases, high homologies of widely distributed regions have been found, suggesting that they may have evolved from the same ancestral protein. By contrast, the sequences of the N-terminal region are remarkably different from each other. Since this region of the muscle enzyme forms the phosphorylatable and AMP-binding sites as well as the subunit-subunit contact region, these results provide the structural basis for the difference in the regulatory properties between potato and rabbit muscle phosphorylases. Judged from CD spectra, the surface structures of the potato enzyme might be significantly different from that of the muscle enzyme. Indeed, the subunit-subunit interaction in the potato enzyme is tighter than that in the muscle enzyme, and the susceptibility of the two enzymes toward modification reagents and proteolytic enzymes are different. Despite these differences, the structural and functional features of the cofactor, pyridoxal phosphate, site are surprisingly well conserved in these phosphorylases. X-ray crystallographic studies on rabbit muscle phosphorylase have shown that glucose-1-phosphate and orthophosphate bind to a common region close to the 5-phosphate of the cofactor. The muscle enzyme has a glycogen storage site for binding of the enzyme to saccharide substrate, which is located away from the cofactor site. We have obtained, in our reconstitution studies, evidence for binding of saccharide directly to the cofactor site of potato phosphorylase. This difference in the topography of the functional sites explains the previously known different specificities for saccharide substrates in the two phosphorylases. Based on a combination of these and other studies, it is now clear that the 5-phosphate group of pyridoxal phosphate plays a direct role in the catalysis of this enzyme. Information now available on the reaction mechanism of phosphorylase is briefly described.  相似文献   
Summary Exocytotic release of the secretory granules of the endocrine cells in the midgut of a cockroach, Periplaneta americana, was studied by means of fixation with tannic acid in combination with glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide. A sequence of images indicative of exocytosis suggests the following steps in this process: (1) A delicate connection appears between the granule-limiting membrane and the plasma membrane. (2) The plasma membrane approaches the granule, forming a concave indentation. (3) The granule-limiting membrane fuses with the plasma membrane and opens to give rise to an omega profile. (4) The granule content is voided into extracellular space. Exocytosis occurs not only at the base of the cell but occasionally at its side facing adjacent cells. (5) The exocytotic invagination after release becomes smaller and narrower; sometimes a coated pit with bristles appears. Multiple exocytosis, and exocytosis in the endocrine cells of the nidus, i.e., the regenerative cell mass, are also described.  相似文献   
5′-Nucleotidase (EC was solubilized from rod membranes with Ammonyx LO and purified by chromatographic methods. A highly sensitive radioassay was developed. The purified enzyme behaved as a homogeneous protein of 75,000 daltons in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and as a protein of 79,000 in gel filtration. Thus, the enzyme does not contain subunits. The Km values obtained were 1.3 μm for 5′-AMP and 2.3 μm for 5′-GMP. The enzyme was inhibited by concanavalin A, wheat germ agglutinin, and Ricinus communis agglutinin. Rabbit muscle G-actin formed a complex with the enzyme and inhibited its activity. The catalytic site of the enzyme was localized on the internal surface of the disk which, in terms of membrane sidedness, corresponds to the cell surface. A soluble 5′-nucleotidase was extracted from rod membranes with Tris buffer (pH 8.0) containing EGTA in the dark; less enzyme was extracted if the membranes had been exposed to light or incubated with Ca2+. The extracted enzyme was partially purified. The enzyme was unstable and lost 50% of its activity in 3 days at 3 °C. The Km values were 1.3 μm for 5′-AMP and 2.3 μm for 5′-GMP. The enzyme was inhibited by G-actin. A role for the soluble enzyme in the regulation of 5′-GMP in the rod outer segment was suggested.  相似文献   
The apoenzyme of diol dehydrase was inactivated by modification with pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (pyridoxal-P). The inactivation was accompanied by appearance of a new peak at 425 nm which was shifted to 325 nm by reduction with NaBH4. ?-N-Pyridoxyl lysine was detected by paper chromatography and paper electrophoresis from the hydrolysate of the NaBH4-reduced enzyme-pyridoxal-P complex. The relationship of inactivation vs pyridoxal-P incorporation as well as kinetic experiments suggests that one lysyl residue per enzyme molecule was essential for catalytic activity, although two to three pyridoxal-P molecules were introduced into the almost completely inactivated enzyme molecule. Both 1,2-propanediol (substrate) and adenosylcobalamin (coenzyme) completely protected the enzyme from inactivation. The result of disc gel electrophoresis showed that the inactivation of diol dehydrase by pyridoxal-P results from irreversible dissociation of the enzyme into subunits upon pyridoxal-P modification. Therefore, it is suggested that this modifiable lysyl residue is essential for subunit interaction to form an active oligomeric enzyme. The inactivated enzyme restored activity by addition of excess component F, but not by S, suggesting that the essential lysyl residue is located in component F of the enzyme. Pyridoxal-P-modified enzyme was no longer able to bind cyanocobalamin (a competitive inhibitor of adenosylcobalamin).  相似文献   
The apoenzyme of diol dehydrase was inactivated by four sulfhydryl-modifying reagents, p-chloromercuribenzoate, 5,5′-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) (DTNB), iodoacetamide, and N-ethylmaleimide. In each case pseudo-first-order kinetics was observed. p-Chloromercuribenzoate modified two sulfhydryl groups per enzyme molecule and modification of the first one resulted in complete inactivation of the enzyme. DTNB also modified two sulfhydryl groups, but modification of the second one essentially corresponded to the inactivation. In both cases, the inactivation was reversed by incubation with dithiothreitol. Cyanocobalamin, a potent competitive inhibitor of adenosylcobalamin, protected the essential residue, but not the nonessential one, against the modification by these reagents. By resolving the sulfhydryl-modified cyanocobalamin-enzyme complex, the enzyme activity was recovered, irrespective of treatment with dithiothreitol. From these results, we can conclude that diol dehydrase has two reactive sulfhydryl groups, one of which is essential for catalytic activity and located at or in close proximity to the coenzyme binding site. The other is nonessential for activity. Neitherp-chloromercuribenzoate- nor DTNB-modified apoenzyme was able to bind cyanocobalamin, whereas the iodoacetamide- and N-ethylmaleimide-modified apoenzyme only partially lost the ability to bind cyanocobalamin. The inactivation of diol dehydrase by p-chloromercuribenzoate and DTNB did not bring about dissociation of the enzyme into subunits. Total number of the sulfhydryl groups of this enzyme was 14 when determined in the presence of 6 m guanidine hydrochloride. No disulfide bond was detected.  相似文献   
Ultrastructure of the mating tube formed in yeast haplont of the heterobasidiomycete Tremella mesenterica was studied by electron microscopy. Cell wall of the mating tube emerged as evagination of the inner layers, rupturing outer layers of the mother cell wall. Comparison with budding cells suggested that the tube emergence place at bud scar and the process of tube emergence was the same as that of bud emergence. Electron transparent vesicles of 0.1 m diameter were scattered in the cytoplasm of the mating tube. Nucleus-associated organelle was located at one side of the nuclear envelope which extended towards the mating tube. A few microtubules were detected in the mating tube, but their association with a nucleus was not clear. The cytoplasmic structure of the mating tube was discussed in comparison with that of hyphae of the filamentous fungi.  相似文献   
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