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Identifying and explaining bottlenecks in organic carbon mineralization and the persistence of organic matter in marine sediments remain challenging. This study aims to illuminate the process of carbon flow between microorganisms involved in the sedimentary microbial food chain in anoxic, organic-rich sediments of the central Namibian upwelling system, using biogeochemical rate measurements and abundances of Bacteroidetes, Gammaproteobacteria, and sulfate-reducing bacteria at two sampling stations. Sulfate reduction rates decreased by three orders of magnitude in the top 20 cm at one sampling station (280 nmol cm?3 d?1 – 0.1 nmol cm?3 d?1) and by a factor of 7 at the second station (65 nmol cm?3 d?1 – 9.6 nmol cm?3 d?1). However, rates of enzymatic hydrolysis decreased by less than a factor of three at both sampling stations for the polysaccharides laminarin (23 nmol cm?3 d?1– 8 nmol cm?3 d?1 and 22 nmol cm?3 d?1– 10 nmol cm?3 d?1) and pullulan (11 nmol cm?3 d?1– 4 nmol cm?3 d?1 and 8 nmol cm?3 d?1– 6 nmol cm?3 d?1). Increasing imbalance between carbon turnover by hydrolysis and terminal oxidation with depth, the steep decrease in cell specific activity of sulfate reducing bacteria with depth, low concentrations of volatile fatty acids (less than 15 μM), and persistence of dissolved organic carbon, suggest decreasing bioavailability and substrate limitation with depth.  相似文献   
Intellectual disability in Down syndrome (DS) appears to be related to severe proliferation impairment during brain development. Recent evidence shows that it is not only cellular proliferation that is heavily compromised in DS, but also cell fate specification and dendritic maturation. The amyloid precursor protein (APP), a gene that is triplicated in DS, plays a key role in normal brain development by influencing neural precursor cell proliferation, cell fate specification, and neuronal maturation. APP influences these processes via two separate domains, the APP intracellular domain (AICD) and the soluble secreted APP. We recently found that the proliferation impairment of neuronal precursors (NPCs) from the Ts65Dn mouse model for DS was caused by derangement of the Shh pathway due to overexpression of patched1(Ptch1), its inhibitory regulator. Ptch1 overexpression was related to increased levels within the APP/AICD system. The overall goal of this study was to determine whether APP contributes to neurogenesis impairment in DS by influencing in addition to proliferation, cell fate specification, and neurite development. We found that normalization of APP expression restored the reduced neuronogenesis, the increased astrogliogenesis, and the reduced neurite length of trisomic NPCs, indicating that APP overexpression underpins all aspects of neurogenesis impairment. Moreover, we found that two different domains of APP impair neuronal differentiation and maturation in trisomic NPCs. The APP/AICD system regulates neuronogenesis and neurite length through the Shh pathway, whereas the APP/secreted AP system promotes astrogliogenesis through an IL-6-associated signaling cascade. These results provide novel insight into the mechanisms underlying brain development alterations in DS.  相似文献   
We conduct a phylogeographic study of the Crested Drongo (Dicrurus forficatus forficatus), a broadly distributed bird species on Madagascar. We first determined the demographic and spatial pattern inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear data, and then compared these results with predictions from a present to 0.120‐Myr‐old reconstruction of the spatial dynamics of the range of D. f. forficatus on Madagascar, enabling putative areas of stability (lineage persistence) to be detected. Weak genetic structure along an east–west pattern and comparatively low genetic diversity were recovered, with strong evidence of population expansion found at all ten loci sampled. The palaeoclimatic distribution models over the past 0.120 Myr suggest the presence of extensive areas of suitable climate in the east and west for the species since its colonization of Madagascar, a result in strong concordance with the spatial and genetic signal derived from our multilocus data set. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   
Current research of imperfect mimicry brings ambiguous results. Experiments simulating more natural conditions rather than laboratory experiments show lower willingness of avian predators to attack less perfect mimics. We decided to simulate a natural situation by testing responses of wild‐caught adult avian predators (Great tit – Parus major) to variously perfect mimics of the red firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus), which were in previous studies shown to elicit avoidance in Great tits. Presented mimics were perfect in all traits (firebug with its own colour pattern), imperfect in colour pattern (firebug with modified colour pattern), perfect in colour pattern, but imperfect in other visual traits (cockroach with firebug colour pattern), and imperfect in colour pattern as well as in other visual traits (cockroach with modified colour patterns). Modification of the pattern focused on the rounded spots on firebug's hemielytra, which is a conspicuous trait within the pattern. The pattern modification had no influence on the number of birds attacking the prey; nevertheless, birds spent more time observing the cockroaches that displayed the perfect firebug colour pattern than in the case of any other prey. Moreover, firebugs that displayed the perfect firebug colour pattern were observed for the shortest time (equal to that of the model – unmodified firebug). Cockroaches were attacked more often than firebugs, which suggest that birds were able to use additional visual cues (shape of legs and antennae) in prey recognition. Given these result, we conclude that differences in morphological traits characteristic for used prey taxa (true bugs, cockroaches) seem to be more important in the prey's protection than its colour pattern.  相似文献   
Capsule?Of 26 species of wintering waterbirds, 18 showed an increase in numbers, five showed a decrease and two showed no change.

Aim?To assess long-term trends in the numbers and distribution of the 26 most abundant wintering waterbird species in the Czech Republic.

Methods?We used International Waterbird Census data from between 48 and 639 wetland sites which had been counted annually in the Czech Republic from 1966 to 2008. From these data long-term changes in numbers and distributions were determined. Log-linear Poisson regression analysis was used to estimate missing data using trim software. The distribution of each species was described as the ratio of the number of sites occupied by that species to the total number of sites investigated.

Results?Increasing trends were found for 18 species, five species were found to be declining, one species was stable and two species were found with uncertain trends. Wintering distributions (the ratio of sites occupied by a given species to the total number of sites counted) increased in 16 species and decreased in two species, broadly correlated with the species changes in numbers.

Conclusion?In most species changes in numbers as well as changes in distribution followed the Western Palearctic population trends. Those species which increased were mainly piscivores and included geese, ducks and gulls. Scarcer species also exhibited an increase in numbers. The changes in numbers (both positive and negative) were more frequent among species associated with running water, whereas species which showed uncertain trends were more frequently recorded on standing water, which is more affected by variable weather conditions.  相似文献   
Capsule Radiotracked male Corncrake often intruded on the territories of neighbouring males.

Aims To test that intruders' visits are goal-directed, not just a by-product of extended spatial activity during daylight hours.

Methods Using radiotelemetry, we sampled a total of 20 three-day home ranges from 11 tagged males. We recorded daily vocal activity and used a permutation test to see if the movements of tracked males were independent of the position of neighbouring males.

Results The majority of males who had a neighbouring male, up to approximately 600 m from their night calling site, undertook goal-directed visits to the neighbour's territory. Males undertook these visits every day, or every other day, when the neighbours were close. Males undertook visits approximately once every three days when they were more distant. The time spent in the neighbour's territory was longest where the distance between night calling sites was about 200 m. Males tended to be silent in neighbour's territory, apparently to prevent confrontation. Otherwise the distance of neighbouring males did not significantly affect daytime vocal activity. Visiting males tended to sing more often in their home territories.

Conclusions Daily movement of the majority of males was towards the neighbouring male's calling site. We suggest that the purpose of these visits was to seek females. These males may try to drive a female into their territory or gain extra-pair copulation.  相似文献   
Asymmetric cell divisions (ACDs) result in two unequal daughter cells and are a hallmark of stem cells. ACDs can be achieved either by asymmetric partitioning of proteins and organelles or by asymmetric cell fate acquisition due to the microenvironment in which the daughters are placed. Increasing evidence suggests that in the mammalian epidermis, both of these processes occur. During embryonic epidermal development, changes occur in the orientation of the mitotic spindle in relation to the underlying basement membrane. These changes are guided by conserved molecular machinery that is operative in lower eukaryotes and dictates asymmetric partitioning of proteins during cell divisions. That said, the shift in spindle alignment also determines whether a division will be parallel or perpendicular to the basement membrane, and this in turn provides a differential microenvironment for the resulting daughter cells. Here, we review how oriented divisions of progenitors contribute to the development and stratification of the epidermis.  相似文献   
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