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Summary We report on the isolation and propagation of endothelial cells from the mouse embryonic yolk sac, the earliest site of blood vessel development, and on the advantages of a hypervascular transgenic mouse source of these cells. These transgenic mice express multiple copies of an activated allele of the humanfps/fes proto-oncogene and display hypervascularity progressing to multifocal hemangiomas. This phenotype suggested a role of thefps/fes proto-oncogene in vasculogenesis and angiogenesis and led us to investigate the growth characteristics of yolk-sac-derived endothelial cells from transgenicfps/fes embryos. We have established eight independent cell clones from a mixture of transgenic and control yolk sacs from Day 12 embryos. Southern blot hybridization analysis showed all eight clones to be derived from transgenic cells suggesting a growth advantage of cells carrying the activatedfps/fes gene. A cell line, Clone 166 (C166), established from one of these clones, was more fully characterized. C166 exhibits normal endothelial characteristics, such as rearrangement into tubelike structures when placed on Matrigel, expression of angiotensin converting enzyme, retention of cobblestone morphology at confluence, and the presence of cell surface receptors for acetylated low density lipoprotein. The cells constitutively express murine endothelial cell adhesion molecule VCAM-1 and the vascular addressin identified by antibody MECA-99. As expected, the cell line expresses high levels of the cytoplasmic protein-tyrosine kinase encoded by thefps/fes proto-oncogene. The clone we have described as well as other endothelial cell lines that we have established from the mouse embryonic yolk sac should prove useful for the study of endothelial cell differentiation and for the determination of the mechanisms underlying the establishment of organ-specific endothelial cell heterogeneity.  相似文献   
The role of Syk kinase in Fc gamma receptor (Fc gamma R) IIA-mediated phagocytosis was examined with two forms of antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) designed to hybridize to human Syk mRNA. Monocytes were incubated with linear and stem-loop antisense ODNs targeted to Syk mRNA. When complexed with cationic liposomes, stem-loop Syk antisense ODN with phosphorothioate modification exhibited stability in fetal bovine and human serum. The stem-loop Syk antisense ODN at a concentration of 0.2 microM inhibited Fc gamma RIIA-mediated phagocytosis by 90% and completely eliminated Syk mRNA and protein in monocytes, whereas scrambled-control ODNs had no effect. The Syk antisense ODNs did not change beta-actin mRNA levels and Fc gamma RII cell-surface expression. In addition, stem-loop Syk antisense ODN inhibited Fc gamma RI and Fc gamma RIIIA-mediated phagocytosis. These data indicate the efficacy of stem-loop Syk antisense ODN for targeting and degrading Syk mRNA and protein and the importance of Syk kinase in Fc gamma receptor-mediated phagocytosis. Immunoblotting assay demonstrated that Fc gamma RII tyrosine phosphorylation after Fc gamma RII cross-linking did not change in the absence of Syk protein. These results indicate that Syk kinase is required for Fc gamma RIIA-mediated phagocytic signaling and that Fc gamma RII cross-linking leads to tyrosine phosphorylation of Fc gamma RII independent of Syk kinase.  相似文献   
神经节苷脂GM_3对小鼠腹腔常驻巨噬细胞(R-M)和Ge-132体内激活的巨噬细胞(Ge-132-M)的磷脂代谢转换有显著的影响,当这两种M在体外用GM_3处理时,表现出[ ̄(32)P]Pi和[ ̄3H]肌醇参入PI降低,参入PIP、PIP_2增加;但在[ ̄(32)P]Pi和[ ̄3H]胆碱参入PC上,R-M与Ge-132-M不同,即GM_3促进同位素前体参入R-M的PC,抑制它们参入Ge-132-M的PC.以上结果表明GM3可能提高了PI或PIP的磷酸激酶的活性,致使[ ̄(32)P]PIP和[ ̄(32)P]PIP_2增多,[ ̄(32)P]PI减少.激活的M(Ge-132-M)本身PC代谢转换率较R-M高,当Ge-132-M再受GM_3刺激,PC代谢转换率降低,这提示GM_3对激活的M的PC代谢转换有调节作用.  相似文献   
本文提出了一种检测非真空电束辐射的间接作用的一种方法,根据氧化型和还原型的细胞色素C的吸收光谱不同,从而测量非真空电子束作用对应的辐射分解的自由基总量。  相似文献   
采用基因工程方法制取人胸腺素α原获得成功。用20ug/ml植物血球凝集素(PHA)和500U/ml重组人白细胞介素2(IL-2)联合刺激人胎儿胸腺细胞,从中提取总RNA,经反转录PCR获得了人胸腺素α原cDNA;将之克隆入pUC19中,序列测定表明与已报道序列一致,进一步将之亚克隆入原核表达载体pBV220,转化大肠杆菌DH5a.观察到在不改变氨基酸编码的前提下,增加胸腺素a原上游引物中A、T含量,可以明显提高胸腺素α原的表达量,同时,不同培养基对它的表达也有影响。胸腺素α原在大肠杆菌中以可溶形式表达,不需复性。初步活性测定显示,它可明显刺激人外周血淋巴细胞E-玫瑰花结形成率。重组人胸腺素α原在大肠杆菌中表达,为其临床应用及基础研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
 根据内蒙古典型草原地带的羊草+大针茅草原退化变型一冷蒿群落封育12年(1983—1994)的动态监测数据进行分析,对群落恢复演替轨迹取得以下认识: 1.依据群落优势种的更替及主分量分析结果可将恢复演替过程划分为冷蒿优势阶段、冷蒿+冰草阶段、冰草优势阶段、羊草优势阶段。 2;退化草原群落在恢复演替过程中,群落生产力的变化表现出阶梯式跃变和亚稳态阶面相间的特点。第一次跃变发生在1984年,上升到第二个阶面,第二次跃变发生在1990年,进入了第三个阶面,已接近于原生群落的生产力。 3.群落生产力与水资源量的关系因恢复演替阶段不同而异。第一亚稳态时期,群落地上现存生物量大体处于166g·m-2的水平上,生长季降水量达176mm以上时,增加降水对群落生产力的提高不发生显著影响。第二亚稳态时期,群落生物量与降水量之间的相关性显著。可推算出群落于物质生产用水量介于1.1~1.6mm·g-1之间。此值在1.1mm·g-1时,群落对水资源的利用效率最高,而在1.6mm·g-1时群落生物量达到最大值。 4.在恢复演替进程中,群落密度的位点常数约为271.5株·m-2,循此常数上下波动,表现出拥挤与稀疏交替发生的过程,构成了恢复演替的节奏性变化。群落生物量的跃变与亚稳态的形成,以及群落密度的拥挤与稀疏交替作用是群落恢复演替的内在机制。恢复演替的速度,到第10年发生了1.78个半变的生态距离。5.草原退化群落恢复演替过程中,按照其节奏性及生产力跃变与亚稳态的规律,调控放牧利用强度或采取技术措施,调节群落拥挤和稀疏的交替过程可加速恢复演替进程。  相似文献   
 本文采用自行设汁的蒸散仪和加拿大Campbe 11科学仪器公司生产的自动气象设备测定了松嫩草原碱化草地角碱蓬群落的蒸散、蒸腾量、太阳辐射及空气温度等环境因子。分析结果表明生长季的睛天条件下,角碱蓬群落的蒸散、蒸腾速率的日进程均为单峰曲线,且各月份间差异很大。群落蒸腾速率与太阳辐射强度、空气温度、相对湿度、风速等环境因子紧密相关,其中与太阳辐射强度呈极显著正相关关系。生长季降雨量和土壤含水量在角碱蓬群落水分循环与平衡的过程中起重要调节作用。1992年6~8月的生长季中,角碱蓬群落总的水分亏缺较少(6.3mm),但各月份间差异很大,其中6月份水分亏缺最高(30.1mm)。  相似文献   
对1587名献血员进行了抗-HCV检测,总阳性率5.60%,在不同职业中农民较高,占6.72%,30岁以上为12.76%。我站自改进采浆工艺,严格使用一次性消毒器具后,未发现HCV交叉感染。职业献血者抗-HCV阳性率高达35.48%,易造成输血后HCV感染。对HCV感染OD值阳性30人又进行4-6个月的观察复测,其中16人OD值下降,6人上升,认为OD值的变化与自限性HCV感染有关。  相似文献   
利用RT-PCR技术分离低密度脂蛋白受体基因cDNA,将长为2605bp的cDNA插入质粒pJN6,并经全序列测定证实,该序列与已报道序列相比,存在两个变异碱基,即第754位C→T,和1654位的G→A,这两个变异碱基并不改变编码的氨基酸,利用LDL受体基因cDNA中的ClaⅠ片段作为探针,检测到LDL受体基因上外显子8的StuⅠ位点是个限制性片段长度多态性位点。所克隆的cDNA含有可译框架的全部密码,因此可作为基因表达材料。  相似文献   
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