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干巴菌菌丝营养生理特性的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了不同碳源、氮源、微量元素及维生素培养基对干巴菌菌丝生长的影响。试验表明,干巴菌菌丝利用最好的碳原是葡萄糖,其次是蔗糖;利用最好的氮源是硝酸钙,其次是硝酸铁和硫酸饮,对蛋白际和尿素的利用效果差。缺少联源或氮源时菌丝生长细弱、稀少,不形成原基。微量元素和维生素均对干巴菌菌丝生长有促进作用,其中以锰、铜和维生素B2的作用尤为突出。  相似文献   
应用脱氧核糖降解法研究了离体条件下Cu,Zn-SOD与H2O2反应产生·OH,并对其机理进行了探讨。H2O2可使Cu,Zn-SOD失活,在失活过程中有·OH产生,甲酸钠和苯甲酸钠均能不同程度地保护Cu,Zn-SOD和降低H2O2与Cu,Zn-SOD反应中·OH的产额;热失活SOD也可和H2O2反应生成·OH,且效能高于活性Cu,Zn-SOD;用螫合剂脱去Cu,Zn-SOD的金属辅基后,脱辅基的SOD蛋白不能和H2O2反应产生·OH;Cu2+和H2O2反应产生·OH的效率很高,而Zn2+产生·OH的效率很低。实验结果提示Cu,Zn-SOD与H2O2反应产生的·OH可能是SOD活性中心的Cu2+与H2O2发生Fenton反应的结果.  相似文献   
一株高含玫红品的红树林海洋紫色硫细菌分离鉴定及特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
摘要:【目的】挖掘我国海洋紫色硫细菌物种资源、深入理解紫色硫细菌在红树林生态系统中的作用。【方法】采用琼脂振荡稀释法、显微技术、紫外可见吸收光谱法、TLC、HPLC 和MS 法。【结果】从福建泉州洛阳桥红树林潮间带泥水样分离获得一株细胞内含多个硫粒的细菌菌株,光合内膜呈囊状、含细菌叶绿素a 和螺菌黄质系类胡萝卜素,结合16S rRNA 基因序列分析和系统发育分析,表明该菌株属于海洋着色菌属(Marichromatium)。该菌株细胞球杆状;最适pH 范围5.7-6.7;最适盐度范围2%-3.5%;温度范围20℃ -35℃;能耐受3.6 mmol/L 硫化物;主要积累玫红品类胡萝卜素,而不是螺菌黄质;3 种细菌叶绿素组分中,一种为BChl aP,另2 种未见报道;不需要生长因子;可光同化固定CO2、能很好利用多种有机酸盐、多价态氮化物和硫化物,尤其能利用柠檬酸、葡萄糖、蔗糖、果糖和丙醇;对氯霉素、头孢唑林、苯、对羟基联苯、恩诺沙星、啶虫脒、HgCl2 和CdCl2的IC50 值分别为70、100、20、20、3、170、5 mg /L和25 mg/L。【结论】该菌株是一株轻度耐酸、高含玫红品类胡萝卜素的紫色硫细菌,被鉴定为Marichromatium gracile 新菌株,编号YL28。该菌株具有广泛利用多种碳源、氮源和硫源物质的能力,对抗生素氯霉素和头孢唑啉、农药啶虫脒、重金属汞和镉具有较强耐受性,对抗生素恩诺沙星较敏感。  相似文献   
介绍微生物燃料电池的基本工作原理。根据电子传递方式阳极产电微生物分为无需中间体微生物和需中间体微生物。对阴极进行不同反应所涉及的最终电子受体进行了概述,并展望了微生物燃料电池的应用前景。  相似文献   
杆状病毒转导不同哺乳动物骨髓来源间充质干细胞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liu ZS  Zhang C  Lu XL  Li Y  Xu YF  Xiong F  Feng SW  Li L 《生理学报》2008,60(3):431-436
杆状病毒作为一种新型基因载体,若能有效转导不同哺乳动物骨髓来源间充质干细胞(bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells, BMSCs),将会成为干细胞基因修饰研究领域中更理想的一种基因载体.本文探讨了重组杆状病毒(BacV-CMV-EGFP)对不同哺乳动物BMSCs的转导效率.体外原代培养小鼠、大鼠、猪、恒河猴及人的BMSCs.用培养3代以上的哺乳动物BMSCs进行病毒转导实验,转导2d后用倒置荧光显微镜观察绿色荧光蛋白在不同哺乳动物BMSCs中的表达,并用流式细胞仪检测重组杆状病毒对不同哺乳动物BMSCs的转导效率.结果显示:原代培养的小鼠、大鼠、猪、恒河猴及人的BMSCs于体外传代3次以上后,细胞呈现较均一的梭形,漩涡状生长;倒置荧光显微镜观察显示,与小鼠、大鼠、猪的BMSCs相比,恒河猴及人有更多BMSCs表达绿色荧光蛋白,且荧光强度较强;杆状病毒对小鼠、大鼠、猪、恒河猴及人的BMSCs的转导效率分别为(21.21±3.02)%、(22.51±4.48)%、(39.13±5.79)%、(71.16±5.36)%及(70.67±3.74)%.上述结果表明,重组杆状病毒对不同哺乳动物BMSCs的转导效率不同,对恒河猴及人的BMSCs转导效率较高,说明重组杆状病毒可作为人或灵长类动物BMSCs基因修饰研究领域中更理想的基因载体.  相似文献   


We assessed HIV/AIDS expenditures in Dehong Prefecture, Yunnan Province, one of the highest prevalence regions in China, and describe funding sources and spending for different categories of HIV-related interventions and at-risk populations.


2010 HIV/AIDS expenditures in Dehong Prefecture were evaluated based on UNAIDS’ National AIDS Spending Assessment methodology.


Nearly 93% of total expenditures for HIV/AIDS was contributed by public sources. Of total expenditures, 52.7% was allocated to treatment and care, 24.5% to program management and administration and 19.8% to prevention. Spending on treatment and care was primarily allocated to the treatment of opportunistic infections. Most (40.4%) prevention spending was concentrated on most-at-risk populations, injection drug users (IDUs), sex workers, and men who have sex with men (MSM), with 5.5% allocated to voluntary counseling and testing. Prevention funding allocated for MSM, partners of people living with HIV and prisoners and other confined populations was low compared to the disproportionate burden of HIV/AIDS in these populations. Overall, people living with HIV accounted for 57.57% of total expenditures, while most-at-risk populations accounted for only 7.99%.


Our study demonstrated the applicability of NASA for tracking and assessing HIV expenditure in the context of China, it proved to be a useful tool in understanding national HIV/AIDS response from financial aspect, and to assess the extent to which HIV expenditure matches epidemic patterns. Limited funding for primary prevention and prevention for MSM, prisoners and partners of people living with HIV, signal that resource allocation to these key areas must be strengthened. Comprehensive analyses of regional and national funding strategies are needed to inform more equitable, effective and cost-effective HIV/AIDS resource allocation.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that an Escherichia coli-expressed, denatured spike (S) protein fragment of the severe acute respiratory coronavirus, containing residues 1029 to 1192 which include the heptad repeat 2 (HR2) domain, was able to induce neutralizing polyclonal antibodies (C. T. Keng, A. Zhang, S. Shen, K. M. Lip, B. C. Fielding, T. H. Tan, C. F. Chou, C. B. Loh, S. Wang, J. Fu, X. Yang, S. G. Lim, W. Hong, and Y. J. Tan, J. Virol. 79:3289-3296, 2005). In this study, monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were raised against this fragment to identify the linear neutralizing epitopes in the functional domain and to investigate the mechanisms involved in neutralization. Eighteen hybridomas secreting the S protein-specific MAbs were obtained. Binding sites of these MAbs were mapped to four linear epitopes. Two of them were located within the HR2 region and two immediately upstream of the HR2 domain. MAbs targeting these epitopes showed in vitro neutralizing activities and were able to inhibit cell-cell membrane fusion. These results provide evidence of novel neutralizing epitopes that are located in the HR2 domain and the spacer region immediately upstream of the HR2 of the S protein.  相似文献   
Furin is a proprotein convertase that activates different kinds of regulatory proteins, including SARS-CoV-2 spike protein which contains an additional furin-specific cleavage site. It is essential in predicting cancer patients'' susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 and the disease outcomes due to varying furin expressions in tumor tissues. In this study, we analyzed furin''s expression, methylation, mutation rate, functional enrichment, survival rate and COVID-19 outcomes in normal and cancer tissues using online databases, and our IHC. As a result, furin presented with biased expression profiles in normal tissues, showing 12.25-fold higher than ACE2 in the lungs. The furin expression in tumors were significantly increased in ESCA and TGCT, and decreased in DLBC and THYM, indicating furin may play critical mechanistic functions in COVID-19 viral entry into cells in these cancer patients. Line with furin over/downexpression, furin promoter hypo-/hyper-methylation may be the regulatory cause of disease and lead to pathogenesis of ESCA and THYM. Furthermore, presence of FURIN-201 isoform with functional domains (P_proprotein, Peptidase_S8 and S8_pro-domain) is highest in all cancer types in comparison to other isoforms, demonstrating its use in tumorigenesis and SARS-Cov-2 entry into tumor tissues. Furin mutation frequency was highest in UCES, and its mutation might elevate ACE2 expression in LUAD and UCEC, reduce ACE2 expression in COAD, elevate HSPA5 expression in PAAD, and elevate TMPRSS2 expression in BRCA. These results showed that furin mutations mostly increased expression of ACE2, HSPA5, and TMPRSS2 in certain cancers, indicating furin mutations might facilitate COVID-19 cell entry in cancer patients. In addition, high expression of furin was significantly inversely correlated with long overall survival (OS) in LGG and correlated with long OS in COAD and KIRC, indicating that it could be used as a favorable prognostic marker for cancer patients'' survival. GO and KEGG demonstrated that furin was mostly enriched in genes for metabolic and biosynthetic processes, retinal dehydrogenase activity, tRNA methyltransferase activity, and genes involving COVID-19, further supporting its role in COVID-19 and cancer metabolism. Moreover, Cordycepin (CD) inhibited furin expression in a dosage dependent manner. Altogether, furin''s high expression might not only implies increased susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 and higher severity of COVID-19 symptoms in cancer patients, but also it highlights the need for cancer treatment and therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic. CD might have a potential to develop an anti-SARS-CoV-2 drug through inhibiting furin expression.  相似文献   
近年的研究表明, 口蹄疫病毒(FMDV)非结构蛋白(NSP)2C在区分灭活疫苗免疫动物与自然感染动物方面具有潜在的价值, 为了建立敏感性更高的鉴别诊断方法, 将截取了2C蛋白N-端和C-端的主要B细胞表位区和完整3AB蛋白基因组合后, 进行了原核表达, 得到了分子量约为47.6 kD的目的蛋白2C¢3AB。通过Western blotting分析证明, 表达产物能被FMDV感染动物阳性血清识别, 具有很好的反应性。以通过电泳纯化的目的蛋白作抗原进行间接ELISA检测不同来源的动物血清, 结果表明, 该抗原仅与感染动物血清具有很好的反应活性, 而与健康动物与免疫动物血清无反应, 说明重组蛋白2C¢3AB可作为区分灭活疫苗免疫动物与感染动物的鉴别诊断抗原。用2C¢3AB和3ABC为抗原进行间接ELISA, 对比检测田间血清样品, 结果显示2C¢3AB-ELISA敏感性比3ABC-ELISA高。说明以重组蛋白2C¢3AB作为鉴别诊断抗原, 能进一步提高对临界值血清的检出率, 这对区分灭活疫苗免疫动物与FMDV隐性感染动物与带毒动物具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   
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