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根据中朝两国政府文化合作协定,中国科学院外事局在院内组织了糖槭树考察团(四人)于1984年7月中、下旬赴朝鲜民主主义人民共和国考察,得到朝方自然保护联盟中央委员会及其有关部门、单位的热情接待和大力支持,使这次考察获得圆满成功。现仅就朝鲜木本糖料植物的研究概况报道如下:  相似文献   
应用甘蓝型油菜DH系保604为材料研究小孢子胚发生过程,结果表明,在小孢子离体培养1~5d内,随培养天数增加,小孢子的存活率迅速下降,部分小孢子培养后出现细胞膨大和分裂,并沿2-细胞。“f”形3细胞,多细胞原体,胚柄球形胚,心形胚最终发育成鱼雷形胚,一般在心形胚阶段,胚柄脱离胚主体部分游离到培养基中,大多数膨大的细胞不能分裂或分裂后停止发育或发育异常。  相似文献   
时间生物学主要是研究生物体内生理和行为的时间机制的学科,而这种机制主要是由生物钟调控的。研究表明,营养代谢的各个方面如葡萄糖转运、糖原异生、脂质合成及降解、氧化磷酸化等作用都受到生物钟核心转录机制的调控,并具有时间敏感性;相反,代谢信号也可以反馈调节生物钟系统,包括生物钟基因表达和行为活动。生物钟的紊乱会造成诸如心血管疾病、肥胖、糖尿病等多种疾病。本文从代谢与生物钟的相互关系、各类营养信号和营养素对生物钟的作用以及生物钟与营养代谢相关疾病的关系等多方面综述了哺乳动物营养代谢的时间生物学研究进展。  相似文献   
Carbon monoxide (CO), previously considered a toxic waste product of heme catabolism, is emerging as an important gaseous molecule. In addition to its important role in neurotransmission, exogenous CO protects against vascular injury, transplant rejection, and acute lung injury. However, little is known regarding the precise signaling mechanisms of CO. We have recently shown that CO attenuates endothelial cell apoptosis during anoxia-reoxygenation injury by activating MKK3/p38alpha mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways. Our current study is the first to demonstrate that CO can differentially modulate STAT1 and STAT3 activation and, specifically, that STAT3 activation by CO is responsible for the anti-apoptotic effect in endothelial cells. In addition, we show that the anti-apoptotic effects of CO depend upon both phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt and p38 MAPK signaling pathways in endothelial cells, whereas previous reports have implicated only the MKK3/p38 MAPK pathway. Using chemical inhibitors and dominant negative constructs, we show that CO enhances STAT3 activation via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt and p38 MAPK pathways with subsequent attenuation of Fas expression and caspase 3 activity. These data highlight the anti-apoptotic signaling mechanisms of CO and, importantly, delineate potential therapeutic strategies to prevent ischemia-reperfusion or anoxia-reoxygenation injury in the vasculature.  相似文献   
Tumor suppressor p53 plays important roles in cell cycle regulation, apoptosis and DNA repair in different cell types including lung cancer. There are different p53 apoptotic pathways in high and low metastatic ability lung cancer cells. However, the exactly mechanism in the pathway is still unclear. Here we found that Annexin A2, a Ca2+-dependent phospholipid-binding protein, is involved in p53-mediated apoptosis. First, by using mRNA differential display technique, down-regulated Annexin A2 expression was found in all cell lines transfected of Ad-p53 (adenoviral expression construct encoding wild type p53 gene) especially in highly metastatic Anip973 lung cancer cells. Then, decreased expression of Annexin A2 was further confirmed by Northern blot and Western blot analysis. At last, knock down of Annexin A2 by siRNA inhibited cellular proliferation in BE1 cell line with highly metastatic ability. Taken together, our results suggested that Annexin A2 may play roles in p53 induced apoptosis and it is also involved in regulation of cell proliferation. The authors Yun Huang, Yan Jin and Cheng-hui Yan contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   
桂林小花苣苔离体快速繁殖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对抗结核植物桂林小花苣苔(Chiritopsis repanda var. guilinensis)进行离体培养与快速繁殖技术研究。结果表明: 桂林小花苣苔叶片外植体的最适初代诱导培养基为MS+0.5 mg·L–16-BA+0.05 mg·L–1IBA, pH8.0; 最适继代增殖培养基为 MS+0.1 mg·L–16-BA+0.05 mg·L–1IBA, pH6.0, 繁殖系数7.0/35天; 最适生根培养基为1/2MS+0.2 mg·L–1NAA, pH6.0, 生根率为93.6%。模拟桂林小花苣苔自然生境, 在春季对生根试管苗进行大棚移栽, 成活率达90%。根据上述快繁技术, 理论上每株试管苗每年可繁殖桂林小花苣苔种苗46万株。  相似文献   
地下芽地下结实是指由植株地下芽分化形成的具长管状花被的花伸出地表开放、而子房在地下发育成果实的一种特殊结实现象。白番红花(Crocus alatavicus)是生长于天山西部亚高山带、具地下芽地下结实特性的多年生早春短命植物。本文采用野外观测和控制实验方法,对该物种地下子房和幼果的发育特点与种子扩散特性及其适应意义进行了研究。结果表明:白番红花从开花到地下果实露出地表的发育时间约需35 d,地下果实在花梗的伸长生长作用下露出地面开裂并扩散种子,且种子具有油质体等典型蚁传植物种子的特征。蚁类是白番红花种子的主要传播者。在搬运种子的Formica pressilabris、栗色林蚁和黑褐蚁中,F.pressilabris出现的频率最高,但栗色林蚁搬运的速度最快、距离最远。3种蚂蚁搬运白番红花种子的平均距离为62.4±1.7 cm。Formica pressilabris将白番红花种子搬运至蚁穴中后取食油质体,且有超过50%的种子被储藏在蚁穴中。啮齿类和鸟类不传播白番红花种子,但水媒和风媒对种子的短距离散布具有一定作用。这些结果说明:白番红花的地下结实及蚁传特性不仅可保护发育中的子房及果实躲避地表草食动物的取食,避免自然火灾对地上果实的伤害,以及延长果实和种子的发育时间以保障其安全成熟,还可避免真菌和其他病原体的侵扰、减少同胞之间以及母株与子代间的竞争,使种子在适宜环境中萌发并建立新的种群。  相似文献   
对TMV不同抗性番茄品种的叶绿体DNA限制性内切酶酶谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用对TMV有抗性和敏感的番茄品种、制备其ct-DNA, 用限制性内切酶BumHI、EcoRI和PstI完全酶解, 三种酶切图谱与前人报道一致, 由酶切片段计算番茄ct-DNA。分子量约为156.9kb。比较抗性和敏感品种的ct-DNA图谱, 发现三种酶切图谱均存在差异, 但由差异片段计算分子量之和又很除近。我们推测这是由于检基顺序变异或小段DNA顺序插入或缺失所造成, 由此证明, 叶绿体基因组与核中的TMV抗性基因, 共同决定着植物体对TMV的抗性。  相似文献   
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