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The oligomerization of Aβ peptide into amyloid fibrils is a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. Due to its biological relevance, phosphate is the most commonly used buffer system for studying the formation of Aβ and other amyloid fibrils. Investigation into the characteristics and formation of amyloid fibrils frequently relies upon material formed in vitro, predominantly in phosphate buffers. Herein, we examine the effects on the fibrillation and oligomerization mechanism of Aβ peptide that occur due solely to the influence of phosphate buffer. We reveal that significant differences in amyloid fibrillation are observed due to fibrillation being initiated in phosphate or HEPES buffer (at physiological pH and temperature). Except for the differing buffer ions, all experimental parameters were kept constant. Fibril formation was assessed using fluorescently monitored kinetic studies, microscopy, X-ray fiber diffraction and infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies. Based on this set up, we herein reveal profound effects on the mechanism and speed of Aβ fibrillation. The three histidine residues at positions 6, 13 and 14 of Aβ(1–40) are instrumental in these mechanistic changes. We conclude that buffer plays a more significant role in fibril formation than has been generally acknowledged.  相似文献   
The parvulin-type peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerases (PPIases) have been shown to be involved in tumor progression and the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease and were therefore a subject of intense research. Here, we describe a role for parvulin 17 in microtubule assembly. Co-precipitation experiments and sedimentation assays demonstrated that parvulin 17 interacts with tubulin in a GTP-dependent manner and thereby promotes the formation of microtubules, as shown by transmission electron microscopy and a microtubule polymerization assay. The microtubule-assembly-promoting properties of parvulin 17 seem to depend on its PPIase activity. Thus, catalytic deficient variants of parvulin 17 were not able to promote microtubule formation. Accordingly, inhibitors of parvulin 17 activity also prevent parvulin-catalyzed tubulin polymerization. The analysis of tubulin interaction sites on parvulin using peptide microarrays revealed that tubulin interacts with the substrate binding pocket of parvulin. Additionally, β-tubulin peptide scan on microarrays demonstrates interaction of parvulin 17 with an Arg-Pro-Asp motif corresponding to proline residue 87 of β-tubulin. Confocal laser scanning microscopy points to a function of parvulin 17 in microtubule dynamics as well. Parvulin 17 is predominantly found in the cytosol and colocalizes with microtubules.  相似文献   
Haloferax volcanii is highly polyploid and contains about 20 copies of the major chromosome. A heterozygous strain was constructed that contained two different types of genomes: the leuB locus contained either the wild-type leuB gene or a leuB:trpA gene introduced by gene replacement. As the trpA locus is devoid of the wild-type trpA gene, growth in the absence of both amino acids is only possible when both types of genomes are simultaneously present, exemplifying gene redundancy and the potential to form heterozygous cells as one possible evolutionary advantage of polyploidy. The heterozygous strain was grown (i) in the presence of tryptophan, selecting for the presence of leuB, (ii) in the presence of leucine selecting for leuB:trpA and (iii) in the absence of selection. Both types of genomes were quantified with real-time PCR. The first condition led to a complete loss of leuB:trpA-containing genomes, while under the second condition leuB-containing genomes were lost. Also in the absence of selection gene conversion led to a fast equalization of genomes and resulted in homozygous leuB-containing cells. Gene conversion leading to genome equalization can explain the escape from 'Muller's ratchet' as well as the ease of mutant construction using polyploid haloarchaea.  相似文献   
Core histone octamers that are repetitively spaced along a DNA molecule are called nucleosomal arrays. Nucleosomal arrays are obtained in one of two ways: purification from in vivo sources, or reconstitution in vitro from recombinant core histones and tandemly repeated nucleosome positioning DNA. The latter method has the benefit of allowing for the assembly of a more compositionally uniform and precisely positioned nucleosomal array. Sedimentation velocity experiments in the analytical ultracentrifuge yield information about the size and shape of macromolecules by analyzing the rate at which they migrate through solution under centrifugal force. This technique, along with atomic force microscopy, can be used for quality control, ensuring that the majority of DNA templates are saturated with nucleosomes after reconstitution. Here we describe the protocols necessary to reconstitute milligram quantities of length and compositionally defined nucleosomal arrays suitable for biochemical and biophysical studies of chromatin structure and function.  相似文献   
Cellular senescence is described to be a consequence of telomere erosion during the replicative life span of primary human cells. Quiescence should therefore not contribute to cellular aging but rather extend lifespan. Here we tested this hypothesis and demonstrate that cultured long-term quiescent human fibroblasts transit into senescence due to similar cellular mechanisms with similar dynamics and with a similar maximum life span as proliferating controls, even under physiological oxygen conditions. Both, long-term quiescent and senescent fibroblasts almost completely fail to undergo apoptosis. The transition of long-term quiescent fibroblasts into senescence is also independent of HES1 which protects short-term quiescent cells from becoming senescent. Most significantly, DNA damage accumulates during senescence as well as during long-term quiescence at physiological oxygen levels. We suggest that telomere-independent, potentially maintenance driven gradual induction of cellular senescence during quiescence is a counterbalance to tumor development.  相似文献   
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