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Replicated divergent artificial selection for abdominal and sternopleural bristle number from a highly inbred strain of Drosophila melanogaster resulted in an average divergence after 125 generations of selection of 12.0 abdominal and 8.2 sternopleural bristles from the accumulation of new mutations affecting bristle number. Responses to selection were highly asymmetrical, with greater responses for low abdominal and high sternopleural bristle numbers. Estimates of V(M), the mutational variance arising per generation, based on the infinitesimal model and averaged over the responses to the first 25 generations of selection, were 4.32 X 10(-3) V(E) for abdominal bristle number and 3.66 X 10(-3) V(E) for sternopleural bristle number, where V(E) is the environmental variance. Based on 10 generations of divergent selection within lines from generation 93, V(M) for abdominal bristle number was 6.75 X 10(-3) V(E) and for sternopleural bristle number was 5.31 X 10(-3) V(E). However, estimates of V(M) using the entire 125 generations of response to selection were lower and generally did not fit the infinitesimal model largely because the observed decelerating responses were not compatible with the predicted increasing genetic variance over time. These decelerating responses, periods of response in the opposite direction to artificial selection, and rapid responses to reverse selection all suggest new mutations affecting bristle number on average have deleterious effects on fitness. Commonly observed periods of accelerated responses followed by long periods of stasis suggest a leptokurtic distribution of mutational effects for bristles.  相似文献   
The Influence of Landscape Grain Size on Butterfly Diversity in Grasslands   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The relationship between butterfly diversity and both habitat and landscape variables was studied in two areas of southern Sweden. The habitat quality of the grasslands was similar in the two study areas but the landscape pattern differed in grain size and amount of grassland and forest. Using a transect survey method, a total of 3341 butterflies were observed and 30 taxa identified. We found that both habitat and landscape variables influenced the butterfly diversity of the investigated grasslands. Species composition differed markedly between the two study areas. A study area with a fine-grained landscape pattern, a high cover of semi-natural grassland and many forest edges had twice as many butterfly species but half the number of individuals compared with a coarser-grained study area with larger grasslands widely spread in a matrix of arable fields. The results of our study indicate that both habitat quality and landscape pattern have to be considered when developing conservation strategies for grassland butterflies.  相似文献   
It has been reported recently that parts of the nucleotide sequences present in the 5′- and 3′-terminal regions of cytoplasmic mRNA are derived from double-stranded hairpin structures of heterogeneous nuclear RNA—a putative mRNA precursor (Naora, 1979). In order to explore the nature of double-stranded hairpin structures, using the sequencing data of human and rabbit globin mRNA and hen ovalbumin mRNA, we examined the following possibility: that certain regions of both the 5′- and 3′-terminal nucleotide sequences of mature mRNA were present in double-stranded hairpin structures covalently linked to both sides of the message sequence in the precursor mRNA molecule and that these double-stranded hairpin structures are similar to each other. The results support the above possibility by showing substantial similarity of nucleotide sequences between the 5′- and 3′-terminal regions of these mRNAs in terms of the formation of similar double-stranded hairpin structures.  相似文献   
A novel apicomplexan parasite was serendipitously discovered in horses at the United States – Mexico border. Phylogenetic analysis based on 18S rDNA showed the erythrocyte-infective parasite to be related to, but distinct from, Theileria spp. in Africa, the most similar taxa being Theileria spp. from waterbuck and mountain zebra. The degree of sequence variability observed at the 18S rDNA locus also suggests the likely existence of additional cryptic species. Among described species, the genome of this novel equid Theileria parasite is most similar to that of Theileria equi, also a pathogen of horses. The estimated divergence time between the new Theileria sp. and T. equi, based on genomic sequence data, is greater than 33?million years. Average protein sequence divergence between them, at 23%, is greater than that of Theileria parva and Theileria annulata proteins, which is 18%. The latter two represent highly virulent Theileria spp. of domestic cattle, as well as of African and Asian wild buffalo, respectively, which differ markedly in pathology, host cell tropism, tick vector and geographical distribution. The extent of genome-wide sequence divergence, as well as significant morphological differences, relative to T. equi justify the classification of Theileria sp. as a new taxon. Despite the overall genomic divergence, the nine member equi merozoite antigen (EMA) superfamily, previously found as a multigene family only in T. equi, is also present in the novel parasite. Practically, significant sequence divergence in antigenic loci resulted in this undescribed Theileria sp. not being detectable using currently available diagnostic tests. Discovery of this novel species infective to equids highlights exceptional diversity within the genus Theileria, a finding with serious implications for apicomplexan parasite surveillance.  相似文献   
We report a possible case of extended gestation in the koala, Phascolarctos cinereus. Birth of a pouch young was first observed 127 days after the removal of the male from a multi-female colony at Taronga Zoo. No other males were present at that time or had access to the facility. Head measurements and other growth data collected at the time of detection and over the period of pouch life indicates the time from removal of the male and the date of birth to be between 50 and 77 days. DNA fingerprinting using microsatellite loci unambiguously assigned paternity of the pouch young to this male.

These observations suggest either an extended period of gestation of at least 50 days, or activation of a dormant blastocyst from the previous breeding season, as the female entered the period of seasonal oestrus.  相似文献   

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