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Systemic deletion of senescent cells leads to robust improvements in cognitive, cardiovascular, and whole‐body metabolism, but their role in tissue reparative processes is incompletely understood. We hypothesized that senolytic drugs would enhance regeneration in aged skeletal muscle. Young (3 months) and old (20 months) male C57Bl/6J mice were administered the senolytics dasatinib (5 mg/kg) and quercetin (50 mg/kg) or vehicle bi‐weekly for 4 months. Tibialis anterior (TA) was then injected with 1.2% BaCl2 or PBS 7‐ or 28 days prior to euthanization. Senescence‐associated β‐Galactosidase positive (SA β‐Gal+) cell abundance was low in muscle from both young and old mice and increased similarly 7 days following injury in both age groups, with no effect of D+Q. Most SA β‐Gal+ cells were also CD11b+ in young and old mice 7‐ and 14 days following injury, suggesting they are infiltrating immune cells. By 14 days, SA β‐Gal+/CD11b+ cells from old mice expressed senescence genes, whereas those from young mice expressed higher levels of genes characteristic of anti‐inflammatory macrophages. SA β‐Gal+ cells remained elevated in old compared to young mice 28 days following injury, which were reduced by D+Q only in the old mice. In D+Q‐treated old mice, muscle regenerated following injury to a greater extent compared to vehicle‐treated old mice, having larger fiber cross‐sectional area after 28 days. Conversely, D+Q blunted regeneration in young mice. In vitro experiments suggested D+Q directly improve myogenic progenitor cell proliferation. Enhanced physical function and improved muscle regeneration demonstrate that senolytics have beneficial effects only in old mice.  相似文献   
Virus crystallography can provide atomic resolution structures for intact isometric virus particles and components thereof. The methodology is illustrated by reference to a particularly complex example, the core of the bluetongue virus (700 Å).  相似文献   
Previous research on overtraining due to excessive use of maximal resistance exercise loads [100% 1 repetition maximum (1 RM)] indicates that peripheral muscle maladaptation contributes to overtraining-induced performance decrements. This study examined the cellular and molecular responses of skeletal muscle to performance decrements due to high-relative-intensity (%1 RM) resistance exercise overtraining. Weight-trained men were divided into overtrained (OT, n = 8) and control (Con, n = 8) groups. The OT group performed 10 x 1 at 100% 1 RM daily for 2 wk, whereas the Con group performed normal training 2 days/wk. Muscle biopsies from the vastus lateralis muscle, voluntary static and dynamic muscle performances, and nocturnal urinary epinephrine were assessed before (pre) and after (post) overtraining. Overtraining occurred as indicated by a decrease in 1-RM strength for the OT group (mean +/- SE; OT pre = 159.3 +/- 10.1 kg, OT post = 151.4 +/- 9.9 kg, Con pre = 146.0 +/- 12.9 kg, Con post = 144.9 +/- 13.3 kg), as well as a 36.3% decrease in mean power at 100% 1-RM loads. Normal training could be resumed only after 2-8 wk of training cessation. Muscle beta(2)-adrenergic receptor (beta(2)-AR; fmol/mg protein) density significantly decreased by 37.0% for the OT group and was unchanged for the Con group (-1.8%). Nocturnal urinary epinephrine for the OT group increased by 49%, although this was not significant (effect size = 0.42). The ratio of nocturnal urinary epinephrine to beta(2)-AR density suggested a decreased beta(2)-AR sensitivity for the OT group (2.4-fold increase). Overtraining occurred based on decreased muscular force and power. Desensitization of the beta(2)-AR system suggests that this may be an important contributor to performance decrements due to excessive use of maximal resistance exercise loads.  相似文献   
Commonly accepted intensity-dependent normalization in spotted microarray studies takes account of measurement errors in the differential expression ratio but ignores measurement errors in the total intensity, although the definitions imply the same measurement error components are involved in both statistics. Furthermore, identification of differentially expressed genes is usually considered separately following normalization, which is statistically problematic. By incorporating the measurement errors in both total intensities and differential expression ratios, we propose a measurement-error model for intensity-dependent normalization and identification of differentially expressed genes. This model is also flexible enough to incorporate intra-array and inter-array effects. A Bayesian framework is proposed for the analysis of the proposed measurement-error model to avoid the potential risk of using the common two-step procedure. We also propose a Bayesian identification of differentially expressed genes to control the false discovery rate instead of the ad hoc thresholding of the posterior odds ratio. The simulation study and an application to real microarray data demonstrate promising results.  相似文献   
The C-C chemokine receptor 5, 32 base-pair deletion (CCR5-Δ32) allele confers strong resistance to infection by the AIDS virus HIV. Previous studies have suggested that CCR5-Δ32 arose within the past 1,000 y and rose to its present high frequency (5%–14%) in Europe as a result of strong positive selection, perhaps by such selective agents as the bubonic plague or smallpox during the Middle Ages. This hypothesis was based on several lines of evidence, including the absence of the allele outside of Europe and long-range linkage disequilibrium at the locus. We reevaluated this evidence with the benefit of much denser genetic maps and extensive control data. We find that the pattern of genetic variation at CCR5-Δ32 does not stand out as exceptional relative to other loci across the genome. Moreover using newer genetic maps, we estimated that the CCR5-Δ32 allele is likely to have arisen more than 5,000 y ago. While such results can not rule out the possibility that some selection may have occurred at C-C chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5), they imply that the pattern of genetic variation seen atCCR5-Δ32 is consistent with neutral evolution. More broadly, the results have general implications for the design of future studies to detect the signs of positive selection in the human genome.  相似文献   
D C Fry  S A Kuby  A S Mildvan 《Biochemistry》1985,24(17):4680-4694
Proton NMR was used to study the interaction of beta,gamma-bidentate Cr3+ATP and MgATP with rabbit muscle adenylate kinase, which has 194 amino acids, and with a synthetic peptide consisting of residues 1-45 of the enzyme, which has previously been shown to bind MgepsilonATP [Hamada, M., Palmieri, R. H., Russell, G. A., & Kuby, S. A. (1979) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 195, 155-177]. The peptide is globular and binds Cr3+ATP competitively with MgATP with a dissociation constant, KD(Cr3+ATP) = 35 microM, comparable to that of the complete enzyme [KI(Cr3+ATP) = 12 microM]. Time-dependent nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE's) were used to measure interproton distances on enzyme- and peptide-bound MgATP. The correlation time was measured directly for peptide-bound MgATP by studying the frequency dependence of the NOE's at 250 and 500 MHz. The H2' to H1' distance so obtained (3.07 A) was within the range established by X-ray and model-building studies of nucleotides (2.9 +/- 0.2 A). Interproton distances yielded conformations of enzyme- and peptide-bound MgATP with indistinguishable anti-glycosyl torsional angles (chi = 63 +/- 12 degrees) and 3'-endo/O1'-endo ribose puckers (sigma = 96 +/- 12 degrees). Enzyme- and peptide-bound MgATP molecules exhibited different C4'-C5' torsional angles (gamma) of 170 degrees and 50 degrees, respectively. Ten intermolecular NOE's from protons of the enzyme and four such NOE's from protons of the peptide to protons of bound MgATP were detected, which indicated proximity of the adenine ribose moiety to the same residues on both the enzyme and the peptide. Paramagnetic effects of beta,gamma-bidentate Cr3+ATP on the longitudinal relaxation rates of protons of the peptide provided a set of distances to the side chains of five residues, which allowed the location of the bound Cr3+ atom to be uniquely defined. Distances from enzyme-bound Cr3+ATP to the side chains of three residues of the protein agreed with those measured for the peptide. The mutual consistency of interproton and Cr3+ to proton distances obtained in metal-ATP complexes of both the enzyme and the peptide suggests that the conformation of the peptide is very similar to that of residues 1-45 of the enzyme. When this was assumed to be the case and when molecular models and a computer graphics system were used, MgATP could be fit into the X-ray structure of adenylate kinase in a unique manner such that all of the distances determined by NMR were accommodated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
D C Fry  K G Strothkamp 《Biochemistry》1983,22(21):4949-4953
Irradiation of Agaricus bisporus tyrosinase in the presence of citrate at pH 5.6 with 300-420-nm light results in a loss of both catecholase activity and cresolase activity. The light-sensitive species appears to be an enzyme-citrate complex, most likely involving coordination of citrate to the active site copper. One copper ion from each binuclear active site can be removed from the inactivated enzyme, resulting in the formation of a met apo derivative. The electron spin resonance spectrum of met apo tyrosinase resembles that of met apo hemocyanin and half-met Neurospora tyrosinase. It is consistent with a distorted square-planar geometry around the copper and with either nitrogen or nitrogen and oxygen ligands. Amino acid analysis indicates that four histidines on the heavy subunit are destroyed during the inactivation process. Some or all of these histidines may serve as ligands to the copper ion which becomes labile after inactivation. Photoinactivation results in decarboxylation of citrate and does not require the presence of oxygen. The reaction may involve generation of a free radical from the citrate which then attacks nearby histidine residues.  相似文献   
Factor D, a protein purified from rabbit liver that selectively enhances traversal of template oligodeoxythymidine tracts by diverse DNA polymerases, was examined for the sequence specificity of its binding to DNA. Terminally [32P]-labeled oligomers with the sequence 5'-d[AATTC(N)16G]-3', N being dT, dA, dG, or dC, were interacted with purified factor D and examined for the formation of protein-DNA complexes that exhibit retarded electrophoretic mobility under nondenaturing conditions. Whereas significant binding of factor D to 5'-d[AATTC(T)16G]-3' is detected, there is no discernable association between this protein and oligomers that contain 16 contiguous moieties of dG, dA, or dC. Furthermore, factor D does not form detectable complexes with the duplexes oligo(dA).oligo(dT) or poly(dA).poly(dT). The preferential interaction of factor D with single-stranded poly(dT) is confirmed by experiments in which the polymerase-enhancing activity of this protein is protected by poly(dT) against heat inactivation two- and four-fold more efficiently than by poly(dA) or poly(dA).poly(dT), respectively.  相似文献   
We have examined two interrelated questions: is the susceptibility for radiogenic cancer related to the natural incidence, and are the responses of cancer induction by radiation described better by an absolute or a relative risk model. Also, we have examined whether it is possible to extrapolate relative risk estimates across species, from mice to humans. The answers to these questions were obtained from determinations of risk estimates for nine neoplasms in female and male C3Hf/Bd and C57BL/6 Bd mice and from data obtained from previous experiments with female BALB/c Bd and RFM mice. The mice were exposed to 137Cs gamma rays at 0.4 Gy/min to doses of 0, 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0 Gy. When tumors that were considered the cause of death were examined, both the control and induced mortality rates for the various tumors varied considerably among sexes and strains. The results suggest that in general susceptibility is determined by the control incidence. The relative risk model was significantly superior in five of the tumor types: lung, breast, liver, ovary, and adrenal. Both models appeared to fit myeloid leukemia and Harderian gland tumors, and neither provided good fits for thymic lymphoma and reticulum cell sarcoma. When risk estimates of radiation-induced tumors in humans and mice were compared, it was found that the relative risk estimates for lung, breast, and leukemia were not significantly different between humans and mice. In the case of liver tumors, mice had a higher risk than humans. These results indicate that the relative risk model is the appropriate approach for risk estimation for a number of tumors. The apparent concordance of relative risk estimates between humans and mice for the small number of cancers examined encourages us to undertake further studies.  相似文献   
To determine whether the high ovulation rate of the Booroola Merino ewe could be explained by FSH metabolism we have tested the proposition that FSH may have a longer half-life in the plasma of Booroola Merino ewes than in control ewes. The half-life of plasma FSH was determined by removal of the pituitary gland, to abolish FSH secretion into the peripheral circulation, and monitoring by repeated blood sampling the subsequent decline in plasma FSH concentrations. The half-life of FSH was similar in Booroola (103 +/- 14 (s.e.m.) min, N = 8) and control (116 +/- 8 min, N = 9) ewes. However, when ewes that had been ovariectomized at least 6 months earlier were hypophysectomized, the half-life of FSH was increased from 110 + 8 min in ovary-intact ewes (N = 11) to 1101 +/- 49 min (N = 6) (P less than 0.001) with no difference between the two Merino strains. We conclude that changes in the circulating half-life of FSH do not account for the high fecundity of the Booroola but that ovariectomy can alter the half-life of FSH secreted by the pituitary gland.  相似文献   
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