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The structural characteristics of proteoglycans produced by seminiferous peritubular cells and by Sertoli cells are defined. Peritubular cells secrete two proteoglycans designated PC I and PC II. PC I is a high molecular mass protein containing chondroitin glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains (maximum 70 kDa). PC II has a protein core of 45 kDa and also contains chondroitin GAG chains (maximum 70 kDa). Preliminary results imply that PC II may be a degraded or processed form of PC I. A cellular proteoglycan associated with the peritubular cells is described which has properties similar to those of PC I. Sertoli cells secrete two different proteoglycans, designated SC I and SC II. SC I is a large protein containing both chondroitin (maximum 62 kDa) and heparin (maximum 15 kDa) GAG chains. Results obtained suggest that this novel proteoglycan contains both chondroitin and heparin GAG chains bound to the same core protein. SC II has a 50-kDa protein core and contains chondroitin (maximum 25 kDa) GAG chains. A proteoglycan obtained from extracts of Sertoli cells is described which contains heparin (maximum 48 kDa) GAG chains. In addition, Sertoli cells secrete a sulfoprotein, SC III, which is not a proteoglycan. SC III has properties similar to those of a major Sertoli cell-secreted protein previously defined as a dimeric acidic glycoprotein. The stimulation by follicle-stimulating hormone of the incorporation of [35S]SO2(-4) into moieties secreted by Sertoli cells is shown to represent an increased production or sulfation of SC III (i.e. dimeric acidic glycoprotein), and not an increased production or sulfation of proteoglycans. Results are discussed in relation to the possible functions of proteoglycans in the seminiferous tubule.  相似文献   
Recombinant eglin c (originally isolated from the medical leech) and antileukoprotease (HUSI-I from human seminal plasma) were examined for their ability to inhibit the mastcell protease chymase. Both inhibitors react rapidly with the enzyme: when about equimolar concentrations (in the range of 10(-8) M) of chymase and HUSI-I or eglin c were incubated the complex formation was apparently at equilibrium after 1 or 5 min respectively. When a constant amount of chymase (approximately 3 X 10(-8) M) was incubated with increasing concentrations of inhibitor a concentration of HUSI-I of 7 X 10(-7) M was necessary to cause 50% inhibition of the initial enzyme activity, whereas 8 X 10(-8) M eglin c was sufficient. The dissociation constant of the chymase-eglin c complex was calculated to be 4.4 X 10(-8) M. These results are discussed with respect to the possible in vivo function of antileukoprotease as an inhibitor of mast cell chymase.  相似文献   
summary The effect of gravity on the web building behaviour of the common garden spiderAraneus diadematus was studied in three ways: (i) frames with partially completed vertical webs were swivelled into a horizontal position, (ii) by rotating frames with spiders in a vertical klinostat (1 rpm), and (iii) by vertically rotating a partially completed web treadmill fashion keeping the building animal in a certain position in space.(i) In the horizontal, radial wheels are not constructed, however, a more or less irregular spiral is added to a completed wheel; (ii) in the klinostat the radial wheel lacks the up/down distinction of normal webs, and the spiral is irregular; (iii) in the treadmill the spiral course is abnormal, and the degree of deviation depends on the position of the animal. If the body axis is parallel to gravity the spiral path deviates to both sides of the norm. In ag perpendicular body position the path deviates predominantly to one side, spiralling sharply inwards towards the hub. The observations suggest that the cyclic changes in the body position of spiral-buildingAraneus are an important component of the animal's orientation during this phase of web-construction.  相似文献   
Effects on the aquatic biota of lime (CaCO3) application in acidified lakes and streams were studied in a number of waters. After treatment, lime-sensitive species of mosses (Sphagnum spp.) decreased, but species such as Potamogeton natans and Myriophyllum alterniflorum seemed to be favoured. A few years after liming species composition and diversity of phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthic insect larvae were almost identical to that found in oligotrophic and non-acid lakes. Molluscs and benthic crustaceans may have difficulties recolonizing. Reproduction of remaining species of fish was successful as soon as pH increased. High survival of larvae and fry can result in some extremely rich year classes with slow individual growth. In most cases restocking of depleted fish stocks was successful.  相似文献   
Revertants have been obtained from six mutants of the box9 cluster, which are supposed to be defective in RNA splicing as a result of alterations in a splice signal sequence. This sequence is in the 5' part of intron 4 of the cob gene, 330 to 340 bp downstream from the 5' splice site. Sequencing reveals that reversion to splicing competence is achieved by restoration of the wild-type box9 sequence; by creation of novel box9 sequences; and by introduction of a second site or suppressor mutation (sup-) compensating for the effect of the primary box9- mutation. The sup- mutation alters a sequence in intron 4,293 bp upstream from the box9- primary mutation. The box9 sequence and this upstream sequence can base pair to form an intramolecular hybrid in intron RNA in which box9- and sup- are compensatory base pair exchanges (G----A and C----U, respectively). Thus intramolecular hybrid structures of intron RNA are essential for RNA splicing.  相似文献   
Two monoclonal antibodies, one raised by immunization with mouse myelin basic protein (MBP) and the second raised by immunization with peptide 68-88 of guinea pig MBP, were compared with respect to specificity. The former antibody (15.32) cross-reacted completely with rat, guinea pig, human, and bovine MBP. It also reacted with peptide 43-88 from each MBP. The latter antibody (22.17) was nonreactive with MBP, but cross-reacted with peptide 43-88 from rat, human, guinea pig, and bovine MBP. When tested with small peptides derived from peptide 43-88, antibody 22.17 reacted with an epitope in the C-terminal region. Antibody 15.32 reacted with an epitope in the N-terminal half of the peptide. The data show that 22.17 reacted with a unique epitope associated only with free peptide, whereas 15.32 recognized an epitope common to both peptide 43-88 and MBP.  相似文献   
Nontransformed cultures of vascular smooth muscle cells proliferate until they form a confluent sheet of cells. Subsequently, the cells become reorganized to form multicellular nodules that are loosely attached to the substrate. The formation of nodules is facilitated by the addition of medium conditioned by nodular cultures. Nodulation is inhibited by the addition of fibronectin. Fibronectins derived from monolayer culture conditioned medium or from plasma are maximally effective while fibronectin isolated from nodular cell conditioned medium is inactive. Analysis by NaDodSO4-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis reveals that the nodular cell fibronectin has a molecular weight that is about 20-30 kd less than that of monolayer cell fibronectin. Further, nodular cell conditioned medium contains an activity that can convert both plasma fibronectin and monolayer cell fibronectin to the lower molecular weight correlated with the loss of biological activity.  相似文献   
A genetic analysis of a multiply antibiotic-resistant strain of Staphylococcus epidermidis was performed. Experiments designed to show reversion of organisms to antibiotic susceptibility, as well as studies of the influence of ultraviolet irradiation of phage on the transduction frequencies of the resistance markers, indicated that determinants of chloramphenicol (cml), tetracycline (tet), and neomycin (neo) resistance are present on separate plasmids, but the streptomycin marker is chromosomal. In 2 to 6% of tetracycline-resistant transductants, co-transduction of cml was also observed. By using CsCl-dye density gradients followed by neutral sucrose gradients, the plasmids carrying cml, tet, and neo could be isolated and their molecular weights could be determined. The tetracycline plasmid is shown to be incompatible with one of the cryptic plasmids of a recipient strain.  相似文献   
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