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Protein-carbohydrate interactions are supposed to play key roles in the mechanisms of cell adhesion, biosignalling and intracellular routing, warranting the analysis of the developmental course of expression of epitopes of this system. Thus, a panel of carrier-immobilized carbohydrate ligands was used as probes, namely lactose,N-acetylgalactosamine,N-acetylglucosamine, mannose, fucose and maltose. Additionally, an antibody to an endogenous -galactoside-binding lectin (anti-galectin-1), the biotinylated lectin and two further human lectins, namely the macrophage migration inhibitory factor-binding sarcolectin and serum amyloid P component (SAP) that displays selectivity for sulphated sugars and mannose-6-phosphate, were included. They enabled us to assess the extent of the presence of respective binding sites in fixed sections from human lungs (pulmonary epithelial cells), livers (hepatocytes) and hearts (myocard cells) of 10–50 weeks gestation. Invariably, specific binding was detected in the three organ types, at least in certain stages. In most of the cases, the intensity of staining exhibited developmental regulation. The apparent patterns reveal similarities between the different cell types, as seen with immobilizedN-acetylglucosamine as well as with labelled galectin-1 and sarcolectin. However, drastic differences among such patterns with nearly opposite developmental courses do also occur, as detected for carrier-attached mannose and maltose residues. These results point to a potential importance for the detected glycohistochemical features in human development and substantiate the possibility of differential regulation of the presence of binding sites for distinct sugars within a certain organ and between the individual cell types of the monitored organs.  相似文献   
The usefulness of hybridization by protoplast fusion and mitotic segregation for the genetic analysis of the imperfect fodder yeastCandida maltosa was tested. Mitotically stable fusion hybrids were obtained with frequencies between 10–6 and 10–7. Complementation tests were performed by protoplast fusion. Substances that are known to induce frequent mitotic segregation in other yeast species such as benomyl, p-fluorophenylalanine, and acriflavine were ineffective inC. maltosa. UV irradiation induced mitotic segregation in up to 10%. This agent induced mainly mitotic crossing over inC. maltosa. Our data enabled the construction of the linkage group I with the sequenceCEN-ade-26-pro-1.  相似文献   
Inhibitors of animal, plant, and microbial origin were tested against human and canine granulocytic elastases. The trypsin-chymotrypsin inhibitors from dog submandibular glands, from soybeans (Bowman-Birk) and from chickpeas show strong interaction with these proteases (Ki = 10(-8) - 10(-9)M). The trypsin-kallikrein inactivator of bovine organs (Trasylol) is not active against granulocytic elastases or against human granulocytic cathepsin G. Elastatinal, a specific inhibitor of elastases, isolated from actinomycetes (Streptomyces griseoruber), forms stable complexes with elastase from human (Ki = 6.2 X 10(-6)M) and canine granulocytes (Ki = 1.1 X 10(-6)M). A possible therapeutic application of these inhibitors for the inactivation of granulocytic proteases, which are able to degrade connective tissue in different pathological states, is discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract— Phenylalanine ammmonia-lyase (PAL), an enzyme which converts phenylalanine (Phe) and tyrosine (Tyr) to trans-p-cinnamic acid and trans-p-coumaric acid, respectively, was administered to mice and its effect on the conversion of [3H]tryptophan to 5-[3H]HT in the brain was measured. Although PAL significantly depleted plasma Tyr, it has little or no effect on either brain Tyr or catecholamine concentrations. Endogenous brain tryptophan levels were significantly increased 2 h after PAL administration, brain 5-HT was dramatically increased 4 h following PAL and each returned to baseline levels by 8 h. This return to baseline was accompanied by a marked decrease in the fraction of tryptophan converted to 5-HT during a 20 min pulse period preceding death, suggesting the activation of a compensatory decrease in 5-HT synthesis in response to increased 5-HT concentration. These data suggest that PAL administration readily produces reversible alterations in 5-HT synthesis and that this may be a fruitful approach to studying brain 5-HT function.  相似文献   
Molecular Genetics and Genomics - IS2 has been marked genetically by the in vitro insertion into its HindIII site of a 3.3 Kb HindIII fragment of Tn5 conferring resistance to kanamycin. The...  相似文献   
Sucrose (2,5–1000 mmol l–1), labeled with [14C]sucrose, was taken up by the xylem when supplied to one end of a 30-cm-long leaf strip of Zea mays L. cv. Prior. The sugar was loaded into the phloem and transported to the opposite end, which was immersed in diluted Hoagland's nutrient solution. When the Hoagland's solution at the opposite end was replaced by unlabeled sucrose solution of the same molarity as the labeled one, the two solutions met near the middle of the leaf strip, as indicated by radioautographs. In the dark, translocation of 14C-labeled assimilates was always directed away from the site of sucrose application, its distance depending on sugar concentration and translocation time. When sucrose was applied to both ends of the leaf strip, translocation of 14C-labeled assimilates was directed toward the lower sugar concentration. In the light, transport of 14-C-labeled assimilates can be directed (1) toward the morphological base of the leaf strip only (light effect), (2) toward the base and away from the site of sucrose application (light and sucrose effect), or (3) away from the site of sucrose application independent of the (basipetal or acropetal) direction (sucrose effect). The strength of a sink, represented by the darkened half of a leaf strip, can be reduced by applying sucrose (at least 25 mmol l–1) to the darkened end of the leaf strip. However, equimolar sucrose solutions applied to both ends do not affect the strength of the dark sink. Only above 75 mmol l–1 sucrose was the sink effect of the darnened part of the leaf strip reduced. Presumably, increasing the sucrose concentration replenishes the leaf tissue more rapidly, and photosynthates from the illuminated part of the leaf strip are imported to a lesser extent by the dark sink.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   
Lipophilic compounds of the culture suspension containing Rhodococcus erythropolis DSM43215 had surfactant properties when the bacteria were cultivated with n-alkanes as the sole carbon source. Thirteen main components from a dichloromethane-methanol extract of the R. erythropolis cultures were isolated and characterized to specify quantitatively their surfactant properties, e.g., minimum surface and interfacial tensions and critical micelle concentrations. The interfacial activity of the organic extract was dominated by α,α-trehalose-6,6′-dicorynomycolates which reduced interfacial tension from 44 to 18 mN/m. Phosphatidylethanolamines which were also present in the organic extract reduced the interfacial tension below 1 mN/m. The trehalose corynomycolates had extremely low critical micelle concentrations in high-salinity solutions, and the interfacial properties were stabile in solutions with a wide range of pH and ionic strength.  相似文献   
We report investigations on factors influencing contractility by testicular peritubular cells (PC) maintained in culture in a three-dimensional collagen gel system, and the behavior of PC in culture on a two-dimensional system. At low and moderate cell densities, PC embedded in collagen gels in serum-free Eagle's minimal essential medium (MEM) have a lesser degree of contractility than PC in culture in MEM containing calf serum. The contractility by PC, measured by determining changes in diameter of the collagen gel, was increased by addition of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) to serum-free MEM, and this was further enhanced by supplementing the medium with platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). In the absence of TGF-beta, however, PDGF had no detectable effects on PC contractility. Other growth factors examined (epidermal growth factor, insulin, and fibroblast growth factor) did not influence the degree of contractility of PC in serum-free MEM in the presence or absence of TGF-beta. PC maintained in MEM supplemented with platelet-poor serum (PPS) have a lesser degree of contractility than their counterparts in MEM containing 2.5% calf serum. The addition of TGF-beta and PDGF to PPS-supplemented MEM restored contractility by PC to a level comparable to that observed by PC in MEM containing complete serum. The addition of nonpurified bovine serum albumin (BSA) to MEM greatly increased PC contractility. By contrast, highly purified BSA had no such effect, suggesting that one or more components adsorbed to the impure BSA was implicated. Polyclonal antibody against fibronectin did not influence the contractility of PC in collagen gels in the presence or absence of serum. Antiserum against TGF-beta partially blocked the enhancement of contractility of PC in MEM containing non-purified BSA. In PC plated on top of a collagen gel lattice, the attachment, spreading, and cell shape were greatly influenced by the presence of TGF-beta and PDGF, both singly and together. Data presented are interpreted to indicate that effects elicited by serum on the properties of PC in culture, and on the contractility of PC, can be attributed in part to the combined influences of TGF-beta and PDGF in serum.  相似文献   
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