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It has been reported previously that spleen cells from (SJL x PL) F1 hybrid mice are not tolerant to SJL parental cells as assessed by a one-way MLR. The possibility that the F1 anti-SJL reaction was due to the effect of lymphokines produced by the irradiated SJL T cells in response to I-Eu expressed on the F1 hybrid cells was eliminated since inclusion of anti-I-E mAb was without effect. Cell separations showed the responder cells to be plastic and nylon wool nonadherent Ia- T cells. Separation of the SJL spleen cells showed that the stimulator cells were nonadherent, passed through a nylon wool column, and were Ia-. the F1-anti-SJL MLR was blocked 70 to 90% by inclusion of mAb KJ23a in the culture medium that indicated that the stimulatory cell population was V beta 17a+ T cells. This was confirmed by the use of V beta 17a+ and V beta 17a-T cell clones as stimulators. To determine whether failure to develop tolerance to this T cell subset in F1 hybrid mice might be responsible for the F1-anti-parent MLR, (SJL x PL)F1 mice were treated at birth and 48 h thereafter with anti-I-E mAb for 7 wk. Spleen cells from antibody-treated F1 mice were nonreactive with irradiated SJL parental cells in contrast to spleen cells from control mice which indicated that V beta 17a+ T cells were eliminated by negative selection before the development of tolerance.  相似文献   
Summary Various rodent and primate DNAs exhibit a stronger intra- than interspecies cross-hybridization with probes derived from the N-terminal domain exons of human and rat carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)-like genes. Southern analyses also reveal that the human and rat CEA gene families are of similar complexity. We counted at least 10 different genes per human haploid genome. In the rat, approximately seven to nine different N-terminal domain exons that presumably represent different genes appear to be present. We were able to assign the corresponding genomic restriction endonuclease fragments to already isolated CEA gene family members of both human and rat. Highly similar subgroups, as found within the human CEA gene family, seem to be absent from the rat genome. Hybridization with an intron probe from the human nonspecific cross-reacting antigen (NCA) gene and analysis of DNA sequence data indicate the conservation of noncoding regions among CEA-like genes within primates, implicating that whole gene units may have been duplicated. With the help of a computer program and by calculating the rate of synonymous substitutions, evolutionary trees have been derived. From this, we propose that an independent parallel evolution, leading to different CEA gene families, must have taken place in, at least, the primate and rodent orders.  相似文献   
The major processing steps in the maturation of the lysosomal hydrolase, acid beta-glucosidase, were examined in fibroblasts from normal individuals and from patients with types 1 and 2 Gaucher disease. In pulse-chase studies with normal fibroblasts, remodeling of N-linked oligosaccharides resulted in the temporal appearance of three molecular-weight forms of acid beta-glucosidase. An initial 64-kDa form, containing high mannose-type oligosaccharide side chains, was processed quantitatively, within 24 h, to a sialylated 69-kDa form. During the subsequent 96 h, some of the 69-kDa form is processed to 59 kDa. Glycosidase digestion studies revealed that the increase in the apparent molecular weight of the normal enzyme from 64 kDa to 69 kDa resulted primarily from the addition to sialic acid residues in the Golgi apparatus. The polypeptide backbone of both the 64-kDa and 69-kDa forms was 55.3 kDa. Processing of acid beta-glucosidase in fibroblasts from three of four type 1 (nonneuronopathic) Ashkenazi Jewish Gaucher disease patients was nearly normal. With fibroblasts from one Ashkenazi Jewish and three non-Jewish type 1 as well as from two type 2 (acute neuronopathic) Gaucher disease patients, only a 64-kDa form of acid beta-glucosidase was detected. Inefficient and incomplete processing to the 69-kDa form was found in one type 2 cell line (GM2627). These results indicate that no firm correlation exists between the type or degree of abnormal processing of acid beta-glucosidase in fibroblasts and the phenotype of Gaucher disease.  相似文献   
Nucleotide sequence of the dcm locus of Escherichia coli K12.   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
λ-Glutamylcysteine synthetase activity (EC was analysed in Sephacryl S-200 eluents of extracts from cell suspension cultures ofNicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun by determination of λ-glutamylcysteine as its monobromobimane derivative. The enzyme has a relative molecular mass (Mr) of 60000 and exhibits maximal activity at pH 8 (50% at pH 7.0 and pH9.0) and an absolute requirement for Mg2+. With 0.2mM Cd2+ or Zn2+, enzyme activity was reduced by 35% and 19%, respectively. Treatment with 5 mM dithioerythritol led to a heavy loss of activity and to dissociation into subunits (Mr 34000). Buthionine sulfoximine andl-methionine-sulfoximine, known as potent inhibitors of λ-glutamylcysteine synthetase from mammalian cells, were found to be effective inhibitors of the plant enzyme too. The apparent Km values forl-glutamate,l-cysteine, and α-aminobutyrate were, respectively, 10.4mM, 0.19 mM, and 6.36 mM. The enzyme was completely inhibited by glutathione (Ki=0.42 mM). The data indicate that the rate of glutathione synthesis in vivo may be influenced substantially by the concentration of cysteine and glutamate and may be further regulated by feedback inhibition of λ-glutamylcysteine synthetase by glutathione itself. λ-Glutamylcysteine synthetase is, like glutathione synthetase, localized in chloroplasts as well as in the cytoplasm. Chloroplasts fromPisum sativum L. isolated on a Percoll gradient contained about 72% of the λ-glutamylcysteine synthetase activity in leaf cells and 48% of the total glutathione synthetase activity. In chloroplasts ofSpinacia oleracea L. about 61% of the total λ-glutamylcysteine synthetase activity of the cells were found and 58% of the total glutathione synthetase activity. These results indicate that glutathione synthesis can take place in at least two compartments of the plant cell. Dedicated to Professor A. Prison on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   
In rat prefrontal cortical slices, the excitatory amino acids N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), ibotenate, L-aspartate, quisqualate, kainate and L-glutamate inhibit carbachol-induced phosphoinositide hydrolysis as measured by the accumulation of [3H]inositol-1-phosphate ([3H]IP1). NMDA dose-dependently inhibited the carbachol response (IC50 = 14.4 microM), and this inhibition was blocked by the NMDA receptor antagonist D,L-aminophosphonovaleric acid. Lowering medium Na+ concentration to 10 mM or exposing slices to pertussis toxin alleviated the inhibitory effect of NMDA on carbachol-induced [3H]IP1 formation. Serotonin-induced stimulation of [3H]IP1 was also inhibited by NMDA; in contrast, stimulation by norepinephrine, epinephrine or dopamine was unaffected. The results suggest that excitatory amino acids, besides their traditional role as stimulatory substances, can also act to inhibit the production of 2nd messengers activated by certain neurotransmitters in the brain.  相似文献   
Overexpression of the MDR protein, or p-glycoprotein (p-GP), in cells leads to decreased initial rates of accumulation and altered intracellular retention of chemotherapeutic drugs and a variety of other compounds. Thus, increased expression of the protein is related to increased drug resistance. Since several homologues of the MDR protein (CRP, ltpGPA, PDR5, sapABCDF) are also involved in conferring drug resistance phenomena in microorganisms, elucidating the function of the MDR protein at a molecular level will have important general applications. Although MDR protein function has been studied for nearly 20 years, interpretation of most data is complicated by the drug-selection conditions used to create model MDR cell lines. Precisely what level of resistance to particular drugs is conferred by a given amount of MDR protein, as well as a variety of other critical issues, are not yet resolved. Data from a number of laboratories has been gathered in support of at least four different models for the MDR protein. One model is that the protein uses the energy released from ATP hydrolysis to directly translocate drugs out of cells in some fashion. Another is that MDR protein overexpression perturbs electrical membrane potential () and/or intracellular pH (pHi) and therebyindirectly alters translocation and intracellular retention of hydrophobic drugs that are cationic, weakly basic, and/or that react with intracellular targets in a pHi, or -dependent manner. A third model proposes that the protein alternates between drug pump and Cl channel (or channel regulator) conformations, implying that both direct and indirect mechanisms of altered drug translocation may be catalyzed by MDR protein. A fourth is that the protein acts as an ATP channel. Our recent work has tested predictions of these models via kinetic analysis of drug transport and single-cell photometry analysis of pHi, , and volume regulation in novel MDR and CFTR transfectants that have not been exposed to chemotherapeutic drugs prior to analysis. This paper reviews these data and previous work from other laboratories, as well as relevant transport physiology concepts, and summarizes how they either support or contradict the different models for MDR protein function.  相似文献   
A gamete recognition mechanism in Antithamnion sparsum Tokidais proposed based on experiments using various lectins and carbohydrates.Spermatial binding to trichogynes is inhibited by pre-incubationof spermatia with concanavalin A (ConA) and/or L-fucose, whiletrichogyne receptors are blocked by the complementary carbohydrate-methyl D-mannose and/or the lectin Ulex europaeus agglutinin(UeA1). Binding inhibition (40–50%) was observed with10–50 mM carbohydrates and 25–50 µg ml-1 lectins.The inhibitory effects of ConA and UeA1 is partially reversed(to 80–90% of controls) by addition of -methyl D-mannoseand L-fucose, respectively. Lectin binding to spermatial surfaceswas visualized by Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) conjugatedConA, whereas carbohydrate receptors along the trichogyne andspermatium were localized with -mannosylated-FITC-albumin andL-fucosylated-FITC-albumin, respectively. These results suggestthat gamete recognition in Antithamnion sparsum is mediatedby a double-docking recognition system consisting of spermatiapossessing surface L-fucose receptors and -methyl D-mannosemoiety, and trichogynes possessing the complementary receptors. (Received December 5, 1995; Accepted April 22, 1996)  相似文献   
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