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Summary The perennial foliage of the California coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia Nee) permits herbivores to feed on this oak species throughout the year. Patterns of herbivory for a two-year period on Q. agrifolia were observed in relation to seasonal and age-related changes in the nutritional and defensive characteristics of leaves. Nitrogen and phosphorus contents were higher in new leaves compared to mature foliage. Structural compounds (e.g., cellulose) in leaves rapidly increased with age. Concentrations of tatal phenolics (Folin-Denis) and astringency were higher in new foliage, and concentrations of condensed tannins gradually increased as the leaves matured. Peaks of herbivore damage were observed in June and in September–October, and were caused by outbreaks of the California oak moth (Phryganidia californica). P. californica, a bivoltine oak specialist, exhibited feeding preferences in June for old leaves over emerging leaves, and showed no preferences for leaf classes in September. These results suggest that P. californica is adapted to survive on nutritionally poor foliage and to circumvent quantitative defenses such as condensed tannins.  相似文献   
Four samples of the musselMytilus edulis were taken between 1984 and 1987 from Stony Brook, New York, and used to study the glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI) polymorphism in this species.In vitro specific activity andin vivo flux measured in the same animals were found to be significantly correlated. A significant effect of GPI genotype on flux was observed in one of the samples; overall, significant evidence of effect of genotype on enzyme activity was also obtained. GPI activities of common genotypes tend to deviate less from the population mean than those of rare (frequency less than 5%) genotypes. This suggests the possibility that rare GPI genotypes are rare as a consequence of having biochemical properties that deviate from an optimum level and, therefore, having a lower fitness. In support of this hypothesis, we found in one of our samples that shell length is a concave function of GPI activity with an intermediate optimum activity level. The financial support provided to P.J.N.S. by the Luso-American Educational Commission (Fulbright Program), the Instituto Nacional de Investigacao Científica (Portugal), and the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa during several stages of this research is gratefully acknowledged. Financial support from the Ministerio de Educatión y Ciencia (Spain) in the form of a postdoctoral Fulbright/MEC fellowship to M.S. is also gratefully acknowledged. Research was supported by National Science Foundation Grant BSR-8415060 to R.K.K. This is contribution No. 736 from the Program in Ecology and Evolution, State University of New York at Stony Brook. On leave from Departamento de Biologia Vegetal, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande C2, Lisboa, Portugal.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Rückstände chlorierter Kohlenwasserstoffe in Eiern und Lebern von im Binnenland Niedersachsens brütenden Vogelarten — Feldsperling, Mehlschwalbe, Weißstorch, Graureiher, Saatkrähe, Stockente und andere Arten — werden angegeben und deren Abhängigkeit von Brutort, Nahrung und Zugverhalten diskutiert.
Chlorinated hydrocarbons of some bird species breeding in the inland of Lower Saxony (FRG)
Summary Residues of chlorinated hydrocarbons in eggs and livers of some bird species — Tree Sparrow, House Martin, White Stork, Heron, Rook, Mallard, and further species — are presented. The dependence on place of breeding, food web, and migration is discussed.
Summary Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) patients in chronic phase display compromised lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cell induction, which is partly restored after therapy with interferon . However, the relative resistance of the leukemic cells from these patients to autologous or allogeneic LAK lysis is not affected by this treatment. In an attempt to render CML cells more susceptible to lysis or cytostasis, they were precultured in serum-free medium with or without recombinant growth factors. In eight patients studied, interleukin-3 (IL-3) significantly enhanced the spontaneous short-term (6-day) proliferation of CML cells, with retention of ability to form colonies in methylcellulose. Culture in either medium alone or IL-3 led to a significant enrichment of CD14+ and CD33+ cells but to a reduction in CD34+ cells. In contrast, culture of the same cells in IL-2 (to generate autologous LAK activity) resulted in a loss of CD14+ and CD33+ as well as CD34+ cells but in a significant increase in CD3+ and CD56+ cells. Despite similarities in their phenotypes, IL-3 cultured cells but not those cultured in medium alone acquired susceptibility to lysis by the IL-2-cultured autologous LAK cells. These results may have significance for the design of novel combination immunotherapy in CML.This work was supported in part by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 120)  相似文献   
The enzyme acetyl-CoA: 17-O-deacetylvindoline 17-O-acetyltransferase which terminates vindoline biosynthesis has been isolated from Catharanthus roseus leaves, further characterized and purified to homogeneity by three step column chromatography and subsequent preparative isoelectric focusing. Kinetic properties concerning the enzyme reaction are discussed. Five multiple forms of the acetyl-transferase could be observed, each consisting of two subunits. This enzyme is now the best characterized of the enzymes involved in vindoline biosynthesis.Abbreviations DTE dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid - HEPES N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-piperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - IEF isoelectric focusing - KPi potassium phosphate - Mr rel.molecular mass - PEG polyethylene glycol - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - Tris 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propandiol  相似文献   
Summary A reproducible Romanowsky-Giemsa staining (RGS) can be carried out with standardized staining solutions containing the two dyes azure B (AB) and eosin Y (EY). After staining, cell nuclei have a purple coloration generated by DNA-AB-EY complexes. The microspectra of cell nuclei have a sharp and intense absorption band at 18 100 cm–1 (552 nm), the so called Romanowsky band (RB), which is due to the EY chromophore of the dye complexes. Other absorption bands can be assigned to the DNA-bound AB cations.Artificial DNA-AB-EY complexes can be prepared outside the cell by subsequent staining of DNA with AB and EY. In the first step of our staining experiments we prepared thin films of blue DNA-AB complexes on microslides with 1:1 composition: each anionic phosphodiester residue of the nucleic acid was occupied by one AB cation. Microspectrophotometric investigations of the dye preparations demonstrated that, besides monomers and dimers, mainly higher AB aggregates are bound to DNA by electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. These DNA-AB complexes are insoluble in water. Therefore it was possible to stain the DNA-AB films with aqueous EY solutions and also to prepare insoluble DNA-AB-EY films in the second step of the staining experiments. After the reaction with EY, thin sites within the dye preparations were purple. The microspectra of the purple spots show a strong Romanowsky band at 18 100 cm–1. Using a special technique it was possible to estimate the composition of the purple dye complexes. The ratio of the two dyes was approximately EY:AB1:3. The EY anions are mainly bound by hydrophobic interaction to the AB framework of the electrical neutral DNA-AB complexes. The EY absorption is red shifted by the interaction of EY with the AB framework of DNA-AB-EY. We suppose that this red shift is caused by a dielectric polarization of the bound EY dianions.The DNA chains in the DNA-AB complexes can mechanically be aligned in a preferred direction k. Highly orientated dye complexes prepared on microslides were birefringent and dichroic. The orientation is maintained during subsequent staining with aqueous EY solutions. In this way we also prepared highly orientated purple DNA-AB-EY complexes on microslides. The light absorption of both types of dye complexes was studied by means of a microspectrophotometer equipped with a polarizer and an analyser. The sites of best orientation within the dye preparations were selected under crossed nicols according to the quality of birefringence. Subsequently, the absorption spectra of the highly orientated dye complexes were measured with plane polarized light. We found that the transition moments, m AB, of the bound AB cations in DNA-AB and DNA-AB-EY are orientated almost perpendicular to k, i.e. m ABk. On the contrary, the transition moments, m EY, of the bound EY anions in DNA-AB-EY are polarized parallel to k, i.e. m EY k. The transition moments m AB and m EY lay in the direction of the long axes of the AB and EY chromophores. For that reason, in both DNA-AB and DNA-AB-EY the long molecular axes of the AB cations are orientated approximately perpendicular to the DNA chains, while the long molecular axes of the EY chromophores are polarized in the direction of the DNA chains. Therefore, in DNA-AB-EY the long axes of AB and EY are perpendicular to each other, m ABm EY. This molecular arrangement fully agrees with our quantitative measurements and with the theory of the absorption of plane polarized light by orientated dye complexes, which has been developed and discussed in detail.  相似文献   
Summary Two -glucosidase genes, designatedbglA andbglB, were isolated from a gene bank ofClostridium thermocellum DSM 1237. The coding sequences forbglA andbglB were located on non-homologous DNA fragments of 3.2– and 3.4-kb, respectively. Both genes direct inEscherichia coli the synthesis of cytoplasmic -glucosidases, which differ with respect to substrate specificity and temperature profile. The properties of thebglA-encoded -glucosidase A closely resemble that of a -glucosidase previously isolated fromC. thermocellum cultures.  相似文献   
Summary In a newly constructed one-vessel dialysis fermentor, a strain of Staphylococcus carnosus TM300 carrying the lipase secretion plasmid pLipPS1 was used to investigate exoenzyme and biomass production. The bacterial culture grows in an inner compartment of 21 volume, separated from a 101 nutrient broth compartment by a conventional dialysis membrane. In order to avoid substrate depletion and to prolong the growth phase, a highly concentrated nutrient broth was used. The biomass production reached 60 g cell dry weight/l. The increase in extracellular lipase concentration was directly coupled with the increase of cell mass and reached a value of 230 mg/l culture supernatant. Harvesting the cells in the late growth phase, the lipase content was about 30% of the total exoproteins in the supernatant.  相似文献   
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