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Histidine supported good growth of Alcaligenes eutrophus strain H 16 as a nitrogen source, but only poor growth as a carbon and energy source. The facultative chemolithoautotrophic bacterium was also able to utilize urocanic acid, the first intermediate of histidine catabolism. The products of histidine degradation were ammonium, formate and glutamate. Three enzymes of the pathway, histidase, urocanase and formiminoglutamate hydrolase, were present in histidine-grown cells. Two types of spontaneous mutants, derived from the wild type, were characterized by an increased growth rate on histidine. One of these types was found to produce histidase constitutively and at a higher activity compared with the parental strain. The second type of mutant had apparently gained an improved histidine uptake system, which is supposed to be growth rate-limiting in the wild type. From the physiological studies the conclusion was drawn that the control of histidine-degrading enzymes is based on induction by urocanate and catabolite repression by carbon sources supporting fast growth, such as succinate or pyruvate. Ammonium was found not to affect catabolite repression, however, we obtained evidence that histidine uptake is subject to a nitrogen control.Abbreviation CTAB hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide  相似文献   
The nonproteinogenic amino acid, cyclopentenylglycine, is found in certain Flacourtiaceae. This compound may be synthesized by two C1-chain elongations of -ketoglutarate via -ketopimelate (C5+2C1) or by condensation of C4 and C3 units (C4+C3), a pathway not involving -ketopimelate. The following experimental design elucidated the biosynthetic pathway: Idesia polycarpa callus cultures were freshly established from leaf petioles; synthetic -[1,2-14C]ketopimelate was added to the medium and cultures were incubated for 3 weeks. After isolation and separation of free amino acids from the tissues, the radioactivity incorporated into cyclopentenylglycine was determined. The results establish -ketopimelate as a precursor for cyclopentenylglycine, thus providing evidence for the C5+2C1 biosynthetic path.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Ausdehnung des Jagdgebietes der Rohrweihe hängt neben dem Beuteangebot und der Struktur des Gebietes vom Stadium und der Größe der Brut ab. Die Jagdgebietsgröße, ermittelt in einem Mäusejahr an 5 Paaren zur Brutzeit, schwankte zwischen 300–900 ha.1973–1975 wurden an 36 Rohrweihenhorsten 1202 Beutereste gesammelt und ausgewertet. Jagdweise, Beutebehandlung sowie das Auswerten der Beuteaufsammlung werden beschrieben. 58 Wirbeltierarten wurden festgestellt. Der prozentuale Anteil von Säugern und Vögeln an der Beute war in den einzelnen Jahren recht unterschiedlich, während der Anteil der Vögel während zweier Jahre 81 bzw. 75% betrug, sank er in einem Mäusejahr auf ca. 20%. Reptilien, Amphibien und Fische sowie Aas und Vogeleier waren im Untersuchungsgebiet von untergeordneter Bedeutung.Die Frage wird diskutiert, ob Rohrweihen, abgesehen von ihrer angeborenen Vorliebe für Vogeleier, als Nahrungs-Spezialisten zu bezeichnen sind. Ferner werden Hinweise aufgezeigt, die auf große Effizienz beim Nahrungserwerb schließen lassen.
Hunting-area and food of the marsh-harrier (Cirus aeruginosus) in Schleswig-Holstein
Summary The hunting-area of five pairs of the Marsh-harrier during the breeding season has been investigated in a year with a graduation of field voles (Microtus arvalis). The area varied between 300 and 900 ha per pair. The size of the area was influenced by food availability, the structure of the countryside, clutch size and the growth of the nestlings.From 1973 to 1975, 1202 prey remnants and pellets were collected from 36 nests. The hunting and feeding behaviour of the birds are described. 58 species of vertebrates were identified. The percentage of mammals and birds in the prey was very different in each year. The proportion of birds during two years was 81% and 75% respectively. In a year with a small mammal gradation it decreased to 20%. Other vertebrates (reptiles, amphibians and fishes), carrion, and bird eggs were of minor importance in the study area.The question is discussed whether marsh-harriers tend to a genuine food specialisation, except for their innate preference for bird eggs. Furthermore hints are given concerning the great efficiency of predation.
Summary DNA of the IS-elements IS1 and IS2 was prepared by digestion of appropriate heteroduplex molecules with endonuclease S1, followed by sucrose gradient centrifugation or gel electrophoresis. The material obtained is homogeneous with regard to size. The length of IS1 DNA is 820±65 nucleotides, the length of IS2 DNA is 1.350±70 nucleotides. IS1 DNA is not cleaved by the restriction endonucleases Eco R1, Hind II or Hind III. IS2 DNA is cleaved once by each of the two latter enzymes. The buoyant density determined by equilibrium centrifugation of Hg-complexes in Cs2SO4 corresponds to a GC content of approximately 50%. Labelling with polynucleotide kinase indicates that both IS DNA's have a guanosyl residue at both of their 5-termini.  相似文献   
Abstract A virulent bacteriophage, øSK311, was isolated from Staphylococcus carnosus , an organism used as a starter culture for the production of dry sausage. Electron microscopic studies revealed that this bacteriophage showed some morphological similarities with the Escherichia coli phages T4 and λ. The host range of øSK311 extends over 9 different staphylococcal species. A phage-resistant mutant of S. carnosus could be isolated. Cells of this mutant exhibited a capsule-like structure. The DNA of øSK311 possesses a G + C content of 31.4 mol% and appears to be highly modified.  相似文献   
The development of new linkers (handles) for solid-phase synthesis provides new chemical opportunities for peptide synthesis. To understand the chemical properties of a recently developed backbone amide linker from a structural perspective, the crystal structure of S-((5-formyl-3,4-ethylenedioxy)thiophene-2-yl)-3-thiopropionic acid (T-BAL2) was studied. Specifically, we wished to address whether this highly substituted thiophene retained planarity in the aromatic ring as well as between the aromatic ring and the aldehyde carbonyl. Furthermore, we sought an explanation for the relatively low reactivity in reductive aminations of the thienylaldehyde with amines in solution and on solid phase. Based on the crystal structure of T-BAL2, the thienyl-C (aldehyde) and C–O (aldehyde) bond lengths were applied as measures for the electron-deficiency (electrophilicity) of the aldehyde and compared to similar bond lengths found in previously reported formylated homo- and hetero-aromatic systems, which show significantly higher reactivity towards imine formation. The bond lengths found in the present structure are in accordance with normal C–C single bond and C–O double bond lengths. The high similarity in aldehyde bond lengths in the present system and in the reported systems indicates similar electron distribution in these systems. The lower reactivity of the present system may therefore not be attributed to electronic factors.  相似文献   
Leprosy is still a prevalent disease in Brazil, representing 93% of all occurrences in the Americas. Leprosy neuropathy is one of the most worrying manifestations of the disease. Acute neuropathy usually occurs during reaction episodes and is called neuritis. Twenty-two leprosy patients were included in this study. These patients had neural pain associated with ulnar sensory neuropathy, with or without adjunct motor involvement. The neurological picture began within thirty days of the clinical evaluation. The patients underwent a nerve conduction study and the demyelinating findings confirmed the diagnosis of neuritis. Ultrasonographic study (US) of the ulnar nerve was performed in all patients by a radiologist who was blinded to the clinical or neurophysiological results. Morphological characteristics of the ulnar nerve were analyzed, such as echogenicity, fascicular pattern, transverse cross-sectional area (CSA), aspect of the epineurium, as well as their anatomical relationships. The volume of selected muscles referring to the ulnar nerve, as well as their echogenicity, was also examined. Based on this analysis, patients with increased ulnar nerve CSA associated with loss of fascicular pattern, epineurium hyperechogenicity and presence of power Doppler flow were classified as neuritis. Therefore, patients initially classified by the clinical-electrophysiological criteria were reclassified by the imaging criteria pre-established in this study as with and without neuritis. Loss of fascicular pattern and flow detection on power Doppler showed to be significant morphological features in the detection of neuritis. In 38.5% of patients without clinical or neurophysiological findings of neuritis, US identified power Doppler flow and loss of fascicular pattern. The US is a method of high resolution and portability, and its low cost means that it could be used as an auxiliary tool in the diagnosis of neuritis and its treatment, especially in basic health units.  相似文献   
Human activated protein C (APC) is a key component of a natural anticoagulant system that regulates blood coagulation. In vivo, the catalytic activity of APC is regulated by two serpins, alpha1-antitrypsin and the protein C inhibitor (PCI), the inhibition by the latter being stimulated by heparin. We have identified a heparin-binding site in the serine protease domain of APC and characterized the energetic basis of the interaction with heparin. According to the counter-ion condensation theory, the binding of heparin to APC is 66% ionic in nature and comprises four to six net ionic interactions. To localize the heparin-binding site, five recombinant APC variants containing amino acid exchanges in loops 37, 60, and 70 (chymotrypsinogen numbering) were created. As demonstrated by surface plasmon resonance, reduction of the electropositive character of loops 37 and 60 resulted in complete loss of heparin binding. The functional consequence was loss in heparin-induced stimulation of APC inhibition by PCI, whereas the PCI-induced APC inhibition in the absence of heparin was enhanced. Presumably, the former observations were due to the inability of heparin to bridge some APC mutants to PCI, whereas the increased inhibition of certain APC variants by PCI in the absence of heparin was due to reduced repulsion between the enzymes and the serpin. The heparin-binding site of APC was also shown to interact with heparan sulfate, albeit with lower affinity. In conclusion, we have characterized and spatially localized the functionally important heparin/heparan sulfate-binding site of APC.  相似文献   
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