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Zusammenfassung Im Ebrodelta ist, abgesehen von einigen Seen und Sümpfen, nur noch ein schmaler Küstenstreifen landwirtschaftlich ungenutzt. Hier hat sich ein Teil ursprünglichen Vogelreichtums erhalten, und hier wurde seit einigen Jahren eine Reihe faunistischer Erhebungen durchgeführt.Diese erbrachten mehrere erste Brutnachweise für Spanien oder die spanische Mittelmeerküste:Larus ridibundus, Sterna dougallii, St. sandvicensis, Haematopus ostralegus, Limosa limosa, Asio flammeus, Acrocephalus palustris. Als Rast- und Überwinterungsgebiet ist das Delta von großer Bedeutung, z. B. fürEgretta garzetta undPhoenicopterus ruber. Enge Beziehungen zur Camargue sind vielfach erkennbar, vielleicht sogar hinsichtlich der Ausbreitung vonLarus ridibundus undHaematopus ostralegus. Regelmäßige Wintervorkommen vonMarmaronetta angustirostris sind erwähnenswert.Es wird mit einigen bisher unbekannten Brutplätzen von Laro-Limicolen bekanntgemacht, von denen eine Kolonie vonSterna albifrons mit 300–400 Paaren besonders vermerkt sei. Für weitere Arten können Bestandsangaben gemacht werden.Dieses einzige, bedeutende Brut- und Rastgebiet zwischen Camargue und Coto Doñana ist in höchster Gefahr, durch intensivere landwirtschaftliche Nutzung und touristische Erschließung vernichtet zu werden.
Resumen Datos ornitologicos sobre el Delta del Ebro. — Sin contar con charcas y marismas, el Delta del Ebro es una franja costera aun no explotada por la agricultura. Gracias a esto una numerosa variedad de aves ha podido mantenerse aprovechando las todavia persistentes condiciones orginarias del medio ambiente. Sobre estas aves se han venido acumulando en los ultimos años un buen acopio de observaciones.Se pudo constatar como nidificantes por primera vez en España o costas mediterranes a las siguientes especies:Larus ridibundus, Sterna dougalli, St. sandvicensis, Haematopus ostralegus, Limosa limosa, Asio flammeus, Acrocephalus palustris. Como lugar de invernada o refugio durante el paso el Delta del Ebro tiene un especial interes, por ejemplo paraEgretta garzetta yPhoenicopterus ruber. Se establecen algunas relaciones con la Camarga principalmente en cuanto a la expansión deLarus ridibundus yHaematopus ostralegus. Se mencionan invernadas regulares deMarmaronetta angustirostris. Se señalan algunos nuevos lugares de cria para Laro-Limicolas, merece destacarse el hallazgo de una colonia deSterna albifrons compuesta por unos 300–400 pares. Para otras especies se dan datos numerieos estimativos.El Delta del Ebro es un lugar unico y de gran importancia, situado entre la Camarga y el Coto de Doñana, que está hoy en peligro de desaparición debido a la colonización intensiva de la agricultura y a la creciente afluencia turistica.
An aldehyde reductase (EC from human liver has been purified to homogeneity. The enzyme is NADPH-dependent, prefers aromatic to aliphatic aldehydes as substrates, and is inhibited by barbiturates and hydantoins. The following physicochemical parameters were determined: molecular weight, 36,200; sedimentation coefficient, 2.9 S; Stokes radius, 2.65 nm; isoelectric point, pH 5.3; extinction coefficient at 280 nm, 54,300 M-1 cm-1. Results from polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with and without sodium dodecyl sulfate, gel filtration, and ultracentrifugation suggest a monomeric structure. On molecule of NADPH binds to the enzyme causing a red shift of the coenzyme absorption maximum from 340 to 352 nm. The amino acid composition has been determined and a partial specific volume of 0.74 was computed from these data. An alpha-helicity of 7 and 18% was estimated from the ellipticities at 208 and 222 nm, respectively. Combination of the most reactive thiol group with p-mercuribenzoate does not cause loss of catalytic activity. Inactivation occurs when more than one thiol group is modified. The presence of NADPH or NADP+ prevents loss of activity by thiol modification. The comparison of structural features of aldehyde reductase with other monomeric and oligomeric dehydrogenases suggest similarities of aldehyde reductase with octopine dehydrogenase.  相似文献   
The nature of the conversion of thyroxine (T4) to triiodothyronine (T3) and reverse triiodothyronine (rT3) was investigated in rat liver homogenate and microsomes. A 6-fold rise of T3 and 2.5-fold rise of rT3 levels determined by specific radioimmunoassays was observed over 6 h after the addition of T4. An enzymic process is suggested that converts T4 to T3 and rT3. For T3 the optimal pH is 6 and for rT3, 9.5. The converting activity for both T3 and rT3 is temperature dependent and can be suppressed by heat, H2O2, merthiolate and by 5-propyl-2-thiouracil. rT3 and to a lesser degree iodide, were able to inhibit the production of T3 in a dose related fashion. Therefore the pH dependendy, rT3 and iodide may regulate the availability of T3 or rT3 depending on the metabolic requirements of thyroid hormones.  相似文献   
Voltage-gated Kv7 channels are inhibited by agonists of Gq-protein-coupled receptors, such as histamine. Recent works have provided evidence that inhibition of vascular Kv7 channels may trigger vessel contractions. In this study, we investigated how Kv7 activity modulates the histamine-induced contractions in “healthy” and metabolic syndrome (MetS) pig right coronary arteries (CAs). We performed isometric tension and immunohistochemical studies with domestic, lean Ossabaw, and MetS Ossabaw pig CAs. We found that neither the Kv7.2/Kv7.4/Kv7.5 activator ML213 nor the general Kv7 inhibitor XE991 altered the tension of CA rings under preload, indicating that vascular Kv7 channels are likely inactive in the preloaded rings. Conversely, ML213 potently dilated histamine-pre-contracted CAs, suggesting that Kv7 channels are activated during histamine applications and yet partially inhibited by histamine. Immunohistochemistry analysis revealed strong Kv7.4 immunostaining in the medial and intimal layers of the CA wall, whereas Kv7.5 immunostaining intensity was strong in the intimal but weak in the medial layers. The medial Kv7 immunostaining was significantly weaker in MetS Ossabaw CAs as compared to lean Ossabaw or domestic CAs. Consistently, histamine-pre-contracted MetS Ossabaw CAs exhibited attenuated ML213-dependent dilations. In domestic pig CAs, where medial Kv7 immunostaining intensity was stronger, histamine-induced contractions spontaneously decayed to ~31% of the peak amplitude within 4 minutes. Oppositely, in Ossabaw CAs, where Kv7 immunostaining intensity was weaker, the histamine-induced contractions were more sustained. XE991 pretreatment significantly slowed the decay rate of histamine-induced contractions in domestic CAs, supporting the hypothesis that increased Kv7 activity correlates with a faster rate of histamine-induced contraction decay. Alternatively, XE991 significantly decreased the amplitude of bradykinin-dependent dilations in pre-contracted CAs. We propose that in CAs, a decreased expression or a loss of function of Kv7 channels may lead to sustained histamine-induced contractions and reduced endothelium-dependent relaxation, both risk factors for coronary spasm.  相似文献   
Tightly coupled inside-out vesicles were prepared from Paracoccus denitrificans cells (SPP, sub-Paracoccus particles) and characterized kinetically. The rate of NADH oxidation, catalysed by SPP, increases 6-8 times on addition of gramicidin. The vesicles are capable of catalysing Delta micro H+-dependent reverse electron transfer from quinol to NAD+. The kinetic parameters of the NADH-oxidase and the reverse electron transfer carried out by membrane-bound P. denitrificans complex I were estimated and compared with those of the mitochondrial enzyme. The data demonstrate that catalytic properties of the dinucleotide-binding site of the bacterial and mitochondrial complex I are almost identical, pointing out similar organization of the site in mammals and P. denitrificans. Inhibition of the bacterial complex I by a specific inhibitor of Q reduction, rotenone, is very different from that of the mitochondrial enzyme. The inhibitor is capable of suppressing the NADH oxidation reaction only at micromolar concentrations, while the activity of mitochondrial enzyme is suppressed by nanomolar concentrations of rotenone. In contrast to the mitochondrial enzyme, rotenone, even at concentrations as high as 10 micro m, does not inhibit the reverse, Delta micro H+-dependent NAD+-reductase reaction on SPP.  相似文献   
A study was conducted of possible reasons for acclimation of microbial communities to the mineralization of organic compounds in lake water and sewage. The acclimation period for the mineralization of 2 ng of p-nitrophenol (PNP) or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid per ml of sewage was eliminated when the sewage was incubated for 9 or 16 days, respectively, with no added substrate. The acclimation period for the mineralization of 2 ng but not 200 ng or 2 micrograms of PNP per ml was eliminated when the compound was added to lake water that had been first incubated in the laboratory. Mineralization of PNP by Flavobacterium sp. was detected within 7 h at concentrations of 20 ng/ml to 2 micrograms/ml but only after 25 h at 2 ng/ml. PNP-utilizing organisms began to multiply logarithmically after 1 day in lake water amended with 2 micrograms of PNP per ml, but substrate disappearance was only detected at 8 days, at which time the numbers were approaching 10(5) cells per ml. The addition of inorganic nutrients reduced the length of the acclimation period from 6 to 3 days in sewage and from 6 days to 1 day in lake water. The prior degradation of natural organic materials in the sewage and lake water had no effect on the acclimation period for the mineralization of PNP, and naturally occurring inhibitors that might delay the mineralization were not present. The length of the acclimation phase for the mineralization of 2 ng of PNP per ml was shortened when the protozoa in sewage were suppressed by eucaryotic inhibitors, but it was unaffected or increased if the inhibitors were added to lake water.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The kinetics of simultaneous mineralization of p-nitrophenol (PNP) and glucose by Pseudomonas sp. were evaluated by nonlinear regression analysis. Pseudomonas sp. did not mineralize PNP at a concentration of 10 ng/ml but metabolized it at concentrations of 50 ng/ml or higher. The Ks value for PNP mineralization by Pseudomonas sp. was 1.1 micrograms/ml, whereas the Ks values for phenol and glucose mineralization were 0.10 and 0.25 micrograms/ml, respectively. The addition of glucose to the media did not enable Pseudomonas sp. to mineralize 10 ng of PNP per ml but did enhance the degradation of higher concentrations of PNP. This enhanced degradation resulted from the simultaneous use of glucose and PNP and the increased rate of growth of Pseudomonas sp. on glucose. The Monod equation and a dual-substrate model fit these data equally well. The dual-substrate model was used to analyze the data because the theoretical assumptions of the Monod equation were not met. Phenol inhibited PNP mineralization and changed the kinetics of PNP mineralization so that the pattern appeared to reflect growth, when in fact growth was not occurring. Thus, the fitting of models to substrate depletion curves may lead to erroneous interpretations of data if the effects of second substrates on population dynamics are not considered.  相似文献   
Summary Pea albumin 2 (PA2:Mr26000) is a major component of the albumin fraction derived from aqueous salt extracts of pea seed. Sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel resolve PA2 into two closely related components (PA2a and PA2b). A cDNA clone coding for one of these components has been sequenced and the deduced amino acid sequence compared with partial, chemically-determined sequences for cyanogen bromide peptides from both PA2 components. Complete amino acid sequences were obtained for the C-terminal peptides. The PA2 molecule of 230 amino acids contains four imperfect repeat sequences each of approximately 57 amino acids in length.The combined sequence data, together with a comparison of PA2-related polypeptides produced in vitro and in vivo, indicate that PA2 is synthesized without a signal sequence and does not undergo significant post-translational modification. Although both forms of PA2 contain Asn-X-Thr consensus sequences, neither form is glycosylated. Accumulation of PA2 contributes approximately 11% of the sulfur-amino acids in pea seeds (cysteine plus methionine equals 2.6 residues percent). Suppression of levels of PA2 polypeptides and their mRNAs in developing seeds of sulfur-deficient plants is less marked than that for legumin, in spite of the lower content of sulfur-amino acids in legumin.  相似文献   
Axillary shoot producing cultures were obtained from microcuttings and shoot tips of Calluna vulgaris cv. H.E. Beale. For cultures derived from microcuttings the highest multiplication rate of 38 shoots (5 mm or longer) was obtained on a reduced salt medium with the addition of 0.5 mgl-1 2-isopentenyladenine (2iP) during an 8 week subculture. For shoot tip derived cultures 0.2 mgl-1 6-benzyladenine (BA) was the best cytokinin and led to a multiplication rate of 26 for a 6 week subculture. The addition of 1 g/l casein hydrolysate to a multiplication medium enhanced shoot proliferation in presence of 0.5 mgl-1 BA.Despite various auxin treatments shoots formed no roots in vitro but rooted readily if transferred to a peat substrate ex vitro. A high rooting percentage (80%) was also obtained with shoots taken from the end of a multiplication phase and rooted directly. An additional subculture on low auxin containing media before transfer to peat substrate is recommended because the shoot condition can be improved in this way. A high number of rooted plantlets was produced, so the methods described will allow mass propagation.  相似文献   
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