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Individual neurons can express both the neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) and the neuron-glia cell adhesion molecule (Ng-CAM) at their cell surfaces. To determine how the functions of the two molecules may be differentially controlled, we have used specific antibodies to each cell adhesion molecule (CAM) to perturb its function, first in brain membrane vesicle aggregation and then in tissue culture assays testing the fasciculation of neurite outgrowths from cultured dorsal root ganglia, the migration of granule cells in cerebellar explants, and the formation of histological layers in the developing retina. Our strategy was initially to delineate further the binding mechanisms for each CAM. Antibodies to Ng-CAM and N-CAM each inhibited brain membrane vesicle aggregation but the binding mechanisms of the two CAMs differed. As expected from the known homophilic binding mechanism of N-CAM, anti-N- CAM-coated vesicles did not co-aggregate with uncoated vesicles. Anti- Ng-CAM-coated vesicles readily co-aggregated with uncoated vesicles in accord with a postulated heterophilic binding mechanism. It was also shown that N-CAM was not a ligand for Ng-CAM. In contrast to assays with brain membrane vesicles, cellular systems can reveal functional differences for each CAM reflecting its relative amount (prevalence modulation) and location (polarity modulation). Consistent with this, each of the three cellular processes examined in vitro was preferentially inhibited only by anti-N-CAM or by anti-Ng-CAM antibodies. Both neurite fasciculation and the migration of cerebellar granule cells were preferentially inhibited by anti-Ng-CAM antibodies. Anti-N-CAM antibodies inhibited the formation of histological layers in the retina. The data on perturbation by antibodies were correlated with the relative levels of expression of Ng-CAM and N-CAM in each of these different neural regions. Quantitative immunoblotting experiments indicated that the relative Ng-CAM/N-CAM ratios in comparable extracts of brain, dorsal root ganglia, and retina were respectively 0.32, 0.81, and 0.04. During culture of dorsal root ganglia in the presence of nerve growth factor, the Ng-CAM/N-CAM ratio rose to 4.95 in neurite outgrowths and 1.99 in the ganglion proper, reflecting both polarity and prevalence modulation. These results suggest that the relative ability of anti-Ng-CAM and anti-N-CAM antibodies to inhibit cell-cell interactions in different neural tissues is strongly correlated with the local Ng-CAM/N-CAM ratio.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Molecular systematists need increased access to nuclear genes. Highly conserved, low copy number protein-encoding nuclear genes have attractive features for phylogenetic inference but have heretofore been applied mostly to very ancient divergences. By virtue of their synonymous substitutions, such genes should contain a wealth of information about lower-level taxonomic relationships as well, with the advantage that amino acid conservatism makes both alignment and primer definition straightforward. We tested this postulate for the elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1 alpha) gene in the noctuid moth subfamily Heliothinae, which has probably diversified since the middle Tertiary. We sequenced 1,240 bp in 18 taxa representing heliothine groupings strongly supported by previous morphological and allozyme studies. The single most parsimonious gene tree and the neighbor-joining tree for all nucleotides show almost complete concordance with the morphological tree. Homoplasy and pairwise divergence levels are low, transition/transversion ratios are high, and phylogenetic information is spread evenly across gene regions. The EF-1 alpha gene and presumably other highly conserved genes hold much promise for phylogenetics of Tertiary age eukaryote groups.   相似文献   


Although simulation studies show that combining multiple breeds in one reference population increases accuracy of genomic prediction, this is not always confirmed in empirical studies. This discrepancy might be due to the assumptions on quantitative trait loci (QTL) properties applied in simulation studies, including number of QTL, spectrum of QTL allele frequencies across breeds, and distribution of allele substitution effects. We investigated the effects of QTL properties and of including a random across- and within-breed animal effect in a genomic best linear unbiased prediction (GBLUP) model on accuracy of multi-breed genomic prediction using genotypes of Holstein-Friesian and Jersey cows.


Genotypes of three classes of variants obtained from whole-genome sequence data, with moderately low, very low or extremely low average minor allele frequencies (MAF), were imputed in 3000 Holstein-Friesian and 3000 Jersey cows that had real high-density genotypes. Phenotypes of traits controlled by QTL with different properties were simulated by sampling 100 or 1000 QTL from one class of variants and their allele substitution effects either randomly from a gamma distribution, or computed such that each QTL explained the same variance, i.e. rare alleles had a large effect. Genomic breeding values for 1000 selection candidates per breed were estimated using GBLUP modelsincluding a random across- and a within-breed animal effect.


For all three classes of QTL allele frequency spectra, accuracies of genomic prediction were not affected by the addition of 2000 individuals of the other breed to a reference population of the same breed as the selection candidates. Accuracies of both single- and multi-breed genomic prediction decreased as MAF of QTL decreased, especially when rare alleles had a large effect. Accuracies of genomic prediction were similar for the models with and without a random within-breed animal effect, probably because of insufficient power to separate across- and within-breed animal effects.


Accuracy of both single- and multi-breed genomic prediction depends on the properties of the QTL that underlie the trait. As QTL MAF decreased, accuracy decreased, especially when rare alleles had a large effect. This demonstrates that QTL properties are key parameters that determine the accuracy of genomic prediction.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12711-015-0124-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   


A major hindrance to the development of high yielding biofuel feedstocks is the ability to rapidly assess large populations for fermentable sugar yields. Whilst recent advances have outlined methods for the rapid assessment of biomass saccharification efficiency, none take into account the total biomass, or the soluble sugar fraction of the plant. Here we present a holistic high-throughput methodology for assessing sweet Sorghum bicolor feedstocks at 10 days post-anthesis for total fermentable sugar yields including stalk biomass, soluble sugar concentrations, and cell wall saccharification efficiency.


A mathematical method for assessing whole S. bicolor stalks using the fourth internode from the base of the plant proved to be an effective high-throughput strategy for assessing stalk biomass, soluble sugar concentrations, and cell wall composition and allowed calculation of total stalk fermentable sugars. A high-throughput method for measuring soluble sucrose, glucose, and fructose using partial least squares (PLS) modelling of juice Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra was developed. The PLS prediction was shown to be highly accurate with each sugar attaining a coefficient of determination (R 2 ) of 0.99 with a root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP) of 11.93, 5.52, and 3.23 mM for sucrose, glucose, and fructose, respectively, which constitutes an error of <4% in each case. The sugar PLS model correlated well with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and brix measures. Similarly, a high-throughput method for predicting enzymatic cell wall digestibility using PLS modelling of FTIR spectra obtained from S. bicolor bagasse was developed. The PLS prediction was shown to be accurate with an R 2 of 0.94 and RMSEP of 0.64 μg.mgDW-1.h-1.


This methodology has been demonstrated as an efficient and effective way to screen large biofuel feedstock populations for biomass, soluble sugar concentrations, and cell wall digestibility simultaneously allowing a total fermentable yield calculation. It unifies and simplifies previous screening methodologies to produce a holistic assessment of biofuel feedstock potential.
Characterization of the functional domains of Bacillus anthracis protective antigen (PA, 83-kDa), the common cellular binding molecule for both anthrax edema toxin and anthrax lethal toxin, is important for understanding the mechanism of entry and action of the anthrax toxins. In this study, we generated both biologically active (facilitates killing of J774A.1 cells in combination with lethal factor, LF) and inactive preparations of PA by protease treatment. Limited proteolytic digestion of PA in vitro with trypsin generated a 20-kDa fragment and a biologically active 63-kDa fragment. In contrast, limited digestion of PA with chymotrypsin yielded a preparation containing 37- and 47-kDa fragments defective for biological activity. Treatment with both chymotrypsin and trypsin generated three major fragments, 20, "17," and 47 kDa as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This PA preparation was also biologically inactive. To investigate the nature of the defect resulting from chymotrypsin treatment, we assayed PA preparations for the ability to bind to the cellular receptor and to bind and internalize 125I-LF. All radiolabeled PA preparations bound with specificity to J774A.1 cells and exhibited affinities similar to native 83-kDa PA. Once bound to the cell surface receptor, both trypsin-treated PA and chymotrypsin/trypsin-treated PA specifically bound 125I-LF with high affinity. Finally, these PA preparations delivered 125I-LF to a Pronase-resistant cellular compartment in a time- and temperature-dependent fashion. Thus, the biological defect exhibited by chymotrypsin-treated PA is not at the level of cell binding or internalization but at a step later, such as toxin routing or processing by J774A.1 cells. These protease-treated preparations of PA should prove useful in both elucidating the intracellular processing of anthrax lethal toxin and determining the structure-function relationship of PA and LF.  相似文献   
In order to evaluate the influence of membrane fluidization on three apical transport systems and on a basolateral enzyme, and to analyse the mechanisms involved, we studied, in cultured rabbit proximal tubular cells, the effect of increasing concentrations of the local anesthetic drug benzyl alcohol on Na(+)-dependent uptakes of phosphate (Pi), methyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside (MGP), and L-alanine, as well as on basal and stimulated cyclic AMP content. At 10 mM, benzyl alcohol increased the Vmax of Pi uptake by 31%, decreased that of MGP uptake by 24%, and did not affect alanine uptake. Km values were not affected. Benzyl alcohol, up to 40 mM, increased in a concentration-dependent manner basal, PTH-stimulated, and cholera toxin-stimulated, but not forskolin-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation. In the presence of 40 mM benzyl alcohol, the magnitude of PTH-induced inhibition of Pi uptake was enhanced from 11% to 24%. It is concluded that: (i) fluidization of apical membranes affected differently Na+/Pi, Na+/MGP, and Na+/alanine cotransports, reflecting differences in the lipidic environments of these transport system; (ii) fluidization of basolateral membranes enhanced PTH-stimulated cyclic AMP generation through improved coupling between the receptor-GS complex and the catalytic subunit of adenylate cyclase; (iii) these variations may result in physiological and pathophysiological modulation of the renal handling of solutes and of the phosphaturic effect of PTH.  相似文献   
The liver cell adhesion molecule (L-CAM) and N-cadherin or adherens junction-specific CAM (A-CAM) are structurally related cell surface glycoproteins that mediate calcium-dependent adhesion in different tissues. We have isolated and characterized a full-length cDNA clone for chicken N-cadherin and used this clone to transfect S180 mouse sarcoma cells that do not normally express N-cadherin. The transfected cells (S180cadN cells) expressed N-cadherin on their surfaces and resembled S180 cells transfected with L-CAM (S180L cells) in that at confluence they formed an epithelioid sheet and displayed a large increase in the number of adherens and gap junctions. In addition, N-cadherin in S180cadN cells, like L-CAM in S180L cells, accumulated at cellular boundaries where it was colocalized with cortical actin. In S180L cells and S180cadN cells, L-CAM and N-cadherin were seen at sites of adherens junctions but were not restricted to these areas. Adhesion mediated by either CAM was inhibited by treatment with cytochalasin D that disrupted the actin network of the transfected cells. Despite their known structural similarities, there was no evidence of interaction between L-CAM and N-cadherin. Doubly transfected cells (S180L/cadN) also formed epithelioid sheets. In these cells, both N-cadherin and L-CAM colocalized at areas of cell contact and the presence of antibodies to both CAMs was required to disrupt the sheets of cells. Studies using divalent antibodies to localize each CAM at the cell surface or to perturb their distributions indicated that in the same cell there were no interactions between L-CAM and N-cadherin molecules. These data suggest that the Ca(++)-dependent CAMs are likely to play a critical role in the maintenance of epithelial structures and support a model for the segregation of CAM mediated binding. They also provide further support for the so-called precedence hypothesis that proposes that expression and homophilic binding of CAMs are necessary for formation of junctional structures in epithelia.  相似文献   
The effects of manno-1-deoxynojirimycin (ManDJN) and 2,5-dihydroxymethyl-3,4-dihydroxypyrrolidine (DMDP) were compared in IEC-6 intestinal epithelial cells in culture. ManDJN caused complete inhibition of N-linked complex oligosaccharide synthesis whereas a maximum of 80% inhibition was obtained with DMDP. HPLC showed similar endo H-sensitive oligosaccharides for control and treated cells. ManDJN caused a large increase in the levels of labeled Man7-9 GlcNAc and a decrease in Man5GlcNAc. DMDP produced similar changes except that the increase in Man7-9GlcNAc was less pronounced and some increase in glucosylated oligosaccharides was observed. Since the major oligosaccharides found in DMDP-treated cells were non-glucosylated, its primary effect on complex oligosaccharide synthesis is not due to inhibition of glucosidases, in contrast to what has been reported for influenza virus-infected MDCK cells [(1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 12409-12413].  相似文献   
By using a recently developed flow cytometric method we have analyzed cellular DNA content of paraffin-embedded histological material from cancer patients. This method allows the retrospective study of tumors from patients whose clinical outcome is already known, and we have applied it to ovarian cancers, stage II breast cancers, and to metastatic adenocarcinoma of unknown primary site. In addition to knowledge of patient survival, comprehensive information was available about other prognostic determinants and treatment received, and we have used multivariate analysis in an attempt to determine the prognostic significance of cellular DNA content. In ovarian cancer, it is a major prognostic variable except in stage IV disease, whereas in metastatic adenocarcinoma of unknown primary site cellular DNA content has no influence on survival. For stage II breast cancer the situation is more complex and requires larger numbers to be studied. However, aneuploid tumors tend to have more extensive involvement of axillary lymph nodes and a poorer overall disease-free survival. This influence of DNA content on disease-free survival appears to be confined to premenopausal patients, and has no effect on patient survival following disease recurrence. Although we need to study more patients and more tumor types, taken together the results so far show a generally more favorable prognosis for patients with diploid tumors, except in the presence of recurrent or metastatic disease. The better prognosis associated with diploid tumors could be due to the fact that they are more commonly found in earlier clinical stages rather than to their being inherently less aggressive than aneuploid tumors.  相似文献   
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