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The seasonal change in gut contents of nymphs of Isoperla grammatica and I. difformis from six streams in southern Sweden was analysed. Both species had ingested a variety of benthic prey and vegetable matter, predominantly diatoms. Some seasonality was evident with high percentages of diatoms in spring in I. grammatica, and in autumn in I. difformis. The scope of food was larger in the latter species which contained about equal proportions of vegetable matter, chironomids, mayfly, stonefly, and black fly larvae. In I. grammatica plant matter and chironomids dominated strongly, comprising > 50% of the gut contents on an annual basis, > 90 % in spring. While small nymphs of I. difformis contained a low proportion of animal matter, only gradually increasing with size, the nymphs of I. grammatica were carnivorous from very early instars. Both species switched to a temporarily strong utilization of algae in spring. This differed among sites, and appeared to reflect differences in insolation and thus the availability of algae. There was a significant negative relationship between the mean densities of Isoperla nymphs and the proportion of animal material found in the guts of I. grammatica (R 2 = 0.86). Considering the density of I. grammatica alone, the relationship was weaker (R 2 = 0.56). A positive correlation between predator and prey size was observed. With chironomid prey the size range increased with predator size. With simuliid prey, however, prey size increased with predator size in such a way that it suggests selection rather than just an expanding prey size range. Correlations were stronger and regression coefficients significantly higher for I. grammatica than for I. difformis. We suggest that I. grammatica, which ingests a much wider size range of prey might choose prey of optimal sizes more readily than the more synchronously developing I. difformis. Although the life cycles of the two species are staggered, overlap in size distribution indicates that competition for food could be important in spring. However, observed differences in diet should facilitate coexistence. Gut content differences might in turn be accomplished through microhabitat segregation.  相似文献   
Lipectomy is a standard procedure in plastic surgery. Until now, however, there was no definite information about the influence of different liposuction techniques (tumescent versus dry liposuction) on the integrity of lymph collectors during this procedure. To study the effect of these liposuction techniques on the incidence of lymph vessel injury, postmortem lymphatic preparations were done in nine human cadavers (18 lower extremities). Conventional liposuction with a blunt 4-mm cannula in the dry technique (n = 29 regions) was compared with the tumescent technique (n = 26). Liposuction was performed in parallel to the superficial lymph vessels (longitudinal suction) or transversally in an 80-degree to 90-degree angle to the extremity (vertical suction). Careful surgical preparation of different regions followed. A specific macroscopic lymph vessel injury score was applied to differentiate three degrees of lymph vessel lesions according to the extravasation of patent blue. In all lower extremities, postmortem lymph flow occurred as indicated by patent blue staining of the lymph vessels. Injection of fluid that is obligatory during tumescent suction did not result in grade 2 injury. On the contrary, tumescent suction overall produced significantly fewer lymph vessel lesions when compared with the dry technique (p < 0.05). Longitudinal liposuction produced significantly less injury when compared with vertical suction (p < 0.05). Tumescent suction and dry suction were equally effective in removing adipose aspirates, as verified by circumference measurements. In addition, tumescent liposuction is unlikely to cause major lesions of epifascial lymph vessels during suction procedures vertical to the extremity axis. Therefore, in this respect, this technique is superior to dry suction.  相似文献   
Irisin was first identified in muscle cells. We detected irisin immunoreactivity in various organs of the crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata). In the epidermis, irisin immunoreactivity was localized mainly in stratum basale, stratum spinosum and stratum granulosum layers; immunoreactivity was not observed in the stratum corneum. In the dermis, irisin was found in the external and internal root sheath, cortex and medulla of hair follicles, and in sebaceous glands. Irisin immunoreactivity was found in the neural retina and skeletal muscle fibers associated with the eye. The pineal and thyroid glands also exhibited irisin immunoreactivity.  相似文献   
Acute rheumatic fever is a serious autoimmune sequela of pharyngitis caused by certain group A streptococci. One mechanism applied by streptococcal strains capable of causing acute rheumatic fever is formation of an autoantigenic complex with human collagen IV. In some geographic regions with a high incidence of acute rheumatic fever pharyngeal carriage of group C and group G streptococci prevails. Examination of such strains revealed the presence of M-like surface proteins that bind human collagen. Using a peptide array and recombinant proteins with targeted amino acid substitutions, we could demonstrate that formation of collagen complexes during streptococcal infections depends on an octapeptide motif, which is present in collagen binding M and M-like proteins of different beta-hemolytic streptococcal species. Mice immunized with streptococcal proteins that contain the collagen binding octapeptide motif developed high serum titers of anti-collagen antibodies. In sera of rheumatic fever patients such a collagen autoimmune response was accompanied by specific reactivity against the collagen-binding proteins, linking the observed effect to clinical cases. Taken together, the data demonstrate that the identified octapeptide motif through its action on collagen plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of rheumatic fever. Eradication of streptococci that express proteins with the collagen binding motif appears advisable for controlling rheumatic fever.  相似文献   
Recent epidemiological data on diseases caused by beta-hemolytic streptococci belonging to Lancefield group C and G (GCS, GGS) underline that they are an emerging threat to human health. Among various virulence factors expressed by GCS and GGS isolates from human infections, M and M-like proteins are considered important because of their anti-phagocytic activity. In addition, protein G has been implicated in the accumulation of IgG on the bacterial surface through non-immune binding. The function of this interaction, however, is still unknown. Using isogenic mutants lacking protein G or the M-like protein FOG (group G streptococci), respectively, we could show that FOG contributes substantially to IgG binding. A detailed characterization of the interaction between IgG and FOG revealed its ability to bind the Fc region of human IgG and its binding to the subclasses IgG1, IgG2, and IgG4. FOG was also found to bind IgG of several animal species. Surface plasmon resonance measurements indicate a high affinity to human IgG with a dissociation constant of 2.4 pm. The binding site was localized in a central motif of FOG. It has long been speculated about anti-opsonic functions of streptococcal Fc-binding proteins. The presented data for the first time provide evidence and, furthermore, indicate functional differences between protein G and FOG. By obstructing the interaction between IgG and C1q, protein G prevented recognition by the classical pathway of the complement system. In contrast, IgG that was bound to FOG remained capable of binding C1q, an effect that may have important consequences in the pathogenesis of GGS infections.  相似文献   
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