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Establishment of correct synaptic connections is a crucial step during neural circuitry formation. The Teneurin family of neuronal transmembrane proteins promotes cell–cell adhesion via homophilic and heterophilic interactions, and is required for synaptic partner matching in the visual and hippocampal systems in vertebrates. It remains unclear how individual Teneurins form macromolecular cis‐ and trans‐synaptic protein complexes. Here, we present a 2.7 Å cryo‐EM structure of the dimeric ectodomain of human Teneurin4. The structure reveals a compact conformation of the dimer, stabilized by interactions mediated by the C‐rich, YD‐shell, and ABD domains. A 1.5 Å crystal structure of the C‐rich domain shows three conserved calcium binding sites, and thermal unfolding assays and SAXS‐based rigid‐body modeling demonstrate that the compactness and stability of Teneurin4 dimers are calcium‐dependent. Teneurin4 dimers form a more extended conformation in conditions that lack calcium. Cellular assays reveal that the compact cis‐dimer is compatible with homomeric trans‐interactions. Together, these findings support a role for teneurins as a scaffold for macromolecular complex assembly and the establishment of cis‐ and trans‐synaptic interactions to construct functional neuronal circuits.  相似文献   
We investigated stem radial growth and water storage dynamics of 2 conifer species differing in hydraulic carbon strategies, Juniperus monosperma and Pinus edulis, under conditions of ambient, drought (~45% reduction in precipitation), heat (~4.8 °C temperature increase), and the combination of drought + heat, in 2013 and 2014. Juniper maintained low growth across all treatments. Overall, the relatively isohydric piñon pine showed significantly greater growth and water storage recharge than the relatively anisohydric juniper across all treatments in the average climate year (2014) but no differences in the regionally dry year (2013). Piñon pine ceased growth at a constant predawn water potential across all treatments and at a less negative water potential threshold than juniper. Heat has a greater negative impact on piñon pines' growth and water storage than drought, whereas juniper was, in contrast, unaffected by heat but strongly impacted by drought. The whole‐plant hydraulic carbon strategies, in this case captured using the isohydric/anisohydric concept, translate into alternative growth and water storage strategies under drought and heat conditions.  相似文献   
New methods for quantitative and qualitative facial studies: an overview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The clinical study of birth defects has traditionally followed the Gestalt approach, with a trend, in recent years, toward more objective delineation. Data collection, however, has been largely restricted to measurements from X-rays and anthropometry. In other fields, new techniques are being applied that capitalize on the use of modern computer technology. One such technique is that of remote sensing, of which photogrammetry is a branch. Cartographers, surveyors and engineers, using specially designed cameras, have applied geometrical techniques to locate points on an object precisely. These techniques, in their long-range application, have become part of our industrial technology and have assumed great importance with the development of satellite-borne surveillance systems. The close-range application of similar techniques has the potential for extremely accurate clinical measurement. We are currently evaluating the application of remote sensing to facial measurement using three conventional 35 mm still cameras. The subject is photographed in front of a carefully measured grid, and digitization is then carried out on 35-mm slides specific landmarks on the cranioface are identified, along with points on the background grid and the four corners of the slide frame, and are registered as xy coordinates by a digitizer. These coordinates are then converted into precise locations in object space. The technique is capable of producing measurements to within 1/100th of an inch. We suggest that remote sensing methods such as this may well be of great value in the study of congenital malformations.  相似文献   
Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) are remote‐controlled devices capable of collecting information from difficult‐to‐access places while minimizing disturbance. Although UAS are increasingly used in many research disciplines, their application to wildlife research remains to be explored in depth. Here, we report on the use of a small UAS to monitor temporal changes in breeding population size in a Black‐headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus colony. This method makes it possible to obtain georeferenced data on nest locations without causing colony disturbance, which would not otherwise be possible via direct ground observations.  相似文献   
Many Gram-negative, cold-adapted bacteria from the Antarctic environment produce large amounts of extracellular matter, which has potential biotechnology applications. We examined the ultrastructure of extracellular matter from five Antarctic bacteria (Shewanella livingstonensis NF22T, Shewanella vesiculosa M7T, Pseudoalteromonas sp. M4.2, Psychrobacter fozii NF23T, and Marinobacter guineae M3BT) by transmission electron microscopy after high-pressure freezing and freeze substitution. All analyzed extracellular matter appeared as a netlike mesh composed of a capsular polymer around cells and large numbers of membrane vesicles (MVs), which have not yet been described for members of the genera Psychrobacter and Marinobacter. MVs showed the typical characteristics described for these structures, and seemed to be surrounded by the same capsular polymer as that found around the cells. The analysis of MV proteins from Antarctic strains by SDS-PAGE showed different banding profiles in MVs compared to the outer membrane, suggesting some kind of protein sorting during membrane vesicle formation. For the psychrotolerant bacterium, S. livingstonensis NF22T, the growth temperature seemed to influence the amount and morphology of MVs. In an initial attempt to elucidate the functions of MVs for this psychrotolerant bacterium, we conducted a proteomic analysis on membrane vesicles from S. livingstonensis NF22T obtained at 4 and 18°C. At both temperatures, MVs were highly enriched in outer membrane proteins and periplasmic proteins related to nutrient processing and transport in Gram-negative bacteria suggesting that MVs could be related with nutrient sensing and bacterial survival. Differences were observed in the expression of some proteins depending on incubation temperature but further studies will be necessary to define their roles and implications in the survival of bacteria in the extreme Antarctic environment.  相似文献   
Permanent jejunal fistulas enable easy, noninjurious, repeated and direct administration to and collection from the small intestines of conscious laboratory dogs. This study aimed at identifying potential alterations in the small intestinal morphology and function of this canine model after the surgery required to establish the fistulas. Assays of serum folate and cobalamin and (51)Cr-EDTA permeability tests were performed before and 4 wk after experimental jejunoplasties in 14 laboratory beagle dogs. Serum folate concentrations (mean ± SD) before (12.22 ± 1.80 μg/L) and after (14.14 ± 1.70 μg/L) jejunal surgery were within reference ranges for healthy dogs, although folate concentrations were higher after surgery. The cobalamin concentrations and the 6-h urinary excretion of (51)Cr-EDTA before (573.50 ± 150.04 ng/L and 6.75 ± 1.56%, respectively) and after (496.71 ± 164.22 ng/L and 6.41 ± 1.10%) were normal for healthy dogs, and no significant differences between pre- and postsurgical values were detected. The findings of the present study indicate that the small intestinal vitamin absorption and permeability of laboratory beagle dogs with jejunal fistulas remains unimpaired.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was the development and optimization of enzymatic monolithic membranes with high catalytic activity for the degradation of xylan into xylooligosaccharides. The chemometric tool design of experiments has been utilized here for the first time for the optimization of the enzymatic activity of the monolithic membranes based on their constituents. The effect of three process variables, including the amount of various monomer contents and the porogenic solvents ratio, has been studied on the enzymatic activity of the resulted membranes. The experimental design chosen was a central face centred with six central points in order to obtain an orthogonal model, with the precision of the results being independent of the range of values considered for each parameter. The software Modde(c) 6.0 from Umetrics(c) was used to build and analyze the results of the experimental design using partial least squares regression. The optimization of the suggested model provided the best membrane composition to achieve maximum enzymatic activity, which can be related to the amount of enzyme immobilized on the monolithic membrane. The predictive capacity of the model was evaluated performing additional experiments.  相似文献   
The fate of free cholesterol released after endocytosis of low-density lipoproteins remains obscure. Here we report that late endosomes have a pivotal role in intracellular cholesterol transport. We find that in the genetic disease Niemann-Pick type C (NPC), and in drug-treated cells that mimic NPC, cholesterol accumulates in late endosomes and sorting of the lysosomal enzyme receptor is impaired. Our results show that the characteristic network of lysobisphosphatidic acid-rich membranes contained within multivesicular late endosomes regulates cholesterol transport, presumably by acting as a collection and distribution device. The results also suggest that similar endosomal defects accompany the anti-phospholipid syndrome and NPC.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the usefulness of reclassifying "atypical" diagnoses in reporting biliary cytology using strict morphologic criteria. STUDY DESIGN: Cytologic specimens from 139 patients (direct, alcohol-fixed smears or cytocentrifuge preparations) were evaluated. Diagnoses were benign (70), atypical (36) and malignant (33). Using strict criteria--major (nuclear contour, chromatin pattern) and minor (polarity, cell types, nuclear size, nuclear grooves, nucleoli, mitosis, nuclear/cytoplasmic [N/C] ratio)--atypical cases were reevaluated and reclassified. Follow-up (F/U) was available on all cases. RESULTS: Atypical cases, (36) were reclassified as malignant (26), atypical favor benign (2)/reactive (3) and atypical, not otherwise specified (NOS) (5). Cases reclassified as malignant showed irregular nuclear contours, chromatin irregularities and rare mitosis. Nuclear enlargement, nucleoli and cellularity varied widely in all groups. N/C ratio was increased in most reclassified malignant cases. All 26 malignant reclassifications correlated with F/U of malignancy. Benign and reactive cases (5) were negative for malignancy on F/U (4), and in 1 case a metastatic carcinoma involving the biliary tree was found. In the 5 atypical (NOS) cases, F/U showed malignancy (3) and pancreatitis (2). Cytocentrifuge preparations made in our laboratory were of superior quality when compared to other methods of cell preparation. CONCLUSION: Irregularities in nuclear membrane and abnormal chromatin pattern were the most consistently useful features correlating with malignancy. The sensitivity and specificity of biliary brush cytology can be enhanced by using strict cytomorphologic criteria and proper collection and fixation, all of which decrease atypical diagnoses.  相似文献   
Genetic selection assays were developed to measure rates of deletion of one or more (CAG).(CTG) repeats, or an entire repeat tract, in Escherichia coli. In-frame insertions of >or=25 repeats in the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene of pBR325 resulted in a chloramphenicol-sensitive (Cm(s)) phenotype. When (CAG)25 comprised the leading template strand, deletion of one or more repeats resulted in a chloramphenicol resistant (Cm(r)) phenotype at a rate of 4 x 10(-2) revertants per cell per generation. The mutation rates for plasmids containing (CAG)43 or (CAG)79 decreased significantly. When (CTG)n comprised the leading template strand the Cm(r) mutation rates were 100-1000 lower than for the opposite orientation. As an initial application of this assay, the effects of mutations influencing mismatch repair and recombination were examined. The methyl directed mismatch repair system increased repeat stability only when (CTG)n comprised the leading template strand. Replication errors made with the opposite repeat orientation were apparently not recognized. For the (CAG)n leading strand orientation, mutation rates were reduced as much as 3000-fold in a recA- strain. In a second assay, out-of-frame mutation inserts underwent complete deletion at rates ranging from about 5 x 10(-9) to 1 x 10(-7) per cell per generation. These assays allow careful quantitation of triplet repeat instability in E. coli and provide a way to examine the effects of mutations in replication, repair, and recombination on repeat instability.  相似文献   
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