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Light stimulates the synthesis of amaranthin in Amaranthus caudatus var. viridis. Evidence suggests that this stimulation is markedly dependent on seedling age. Synthesis is controlled by both a “low-energy” red/far-red reversible phytochrome system and an HER at least partially under phytochrome control. In seedlings exposed to light, synthesis is promoted by exogenously applied DOPA and tyrosine. It is suggested that at least two light-promoted reactions occur in the biosynthetic pathway; one between tyrosine and DOPA and a second between DOPA and amaranthin.  相似文献   
Ectotherms can attain preferred body temperatures by selecting specific temperature microhabitats within a varied thermal environment. The side‐blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana may employ microhabitat selection to thermoregulate behaviorally. It is unknown to what degree habitat structural complexity provides thermal microhabitats for thermoregulation. Thermal microhabitat structure, lizard temperature, and substrate preference were simultaneously evaluated using thermal imaging. A broad range of microhabitat temperatures was available (mean range of 11°C within 1–2 m2) while mean lizard temperature was between 36°C and 38°C. Lizards selected sites that differed significantly from the mean environmental temperature, indicating behavioral thermoregulation, and maintained a temperature significantly above that of their perch (mean difference of 2.6°C). Uta's thermoregulatory potential within a complex thermal microhabitat structure suggests that a warming trend may prove advantageous, rather than detrimental for this population.  相似文献   
Australia's ecosystems are the basis of our current and future prosperity, and our national well‐being. A strong and sustainable Australian ecosystem science enterprise is vital for understanding and securing these ecosystems in the face of current and future challenges. This Plan defines the vision and key directions for a national ecosystem science capability that will enable Australia to understand and effectively manage its ecosystems for decades to come. The Plan's underlying theme is that excellent science supports a range of activities, including public engagement, that enable us to understand and maintain healthy ecosystems. Those healthy ecosystems are the cornerstone of our social and economic well‐being. The vision guiding the development of this Plan is that in 20 years' time the status of Australian ecosystems and how they change will be widely reported and understood, and the prosperity and well‐being they provide will be secure. To enable this, Australia's national ecosystem science capability will be coordinated, collaborative and connected. The Plan is based on an extensive set of collaboratively generated proposals from national town hall meetings that also form the basis for its implementation. Some directions within the Plan are for the Australian ecosystem science community itself to implement, others will involve the users of ecosystem science and the groups that fund ecosystem science. We identify six equal priority areas for action to achieve our vision: (i) delivering maximum impact for Australia: enhancing relationships between scientists and end‐users; (ii) supporting long‐term research; (iii) enabling ecosystem surveillance; (iv) making the most of data resources; (v) inspiring a generation: empowering the public with knowledge and opportunities; (vi) facilitating coordination, collaboration and leadership. This shared vision will enable us to consolidate our current successes, overcome remaining barriers and establish the foundations to ensure Australian ecosystem science delivers for the future needs of Australia.  相似文献   
Five lighthorse mares were actively immunized against gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) to determine the relative importance of this hypothalamic hormone in the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Five mares immunized against the conjugation protein served as controls. Mares were initially immunized in November and received secondary immunizations 4 wk later, and then at 6-wk intervals until ovariectomy in June. All mares immunized against GnRH exhibited an increase (p less than 0.01) in the binding of tritiated GnRH by plasma, an indication that antibodies against this hormone had been elicited. Concentrations of LH, FSH and progesterone in weekly blood samples were lower (p less than 0.05) in GnRH-immunized mares than in controls after approximately 4 mo of immunization. However, the LH concentrations were affected to a greater degree than were FSH concentrations. All five control mares exhibited normal cycles of estrus and diestrus in spring, whereas no GnRH-immunized mare exhibited cyclic displays of estrus up to ovariectomy. All mares were injected intravenously with a GnRH analog (which cross-reacted less than 0.1% with the anti-GnRH antibodies) in May, after all control mares had displayed normal estrous cycles, to characterize the response of LH and FSH in these mares; two days later, the mares were injected with GnRH. The LH response to the analog, which was assessed by net area under the curve, was lower (p less than 0.01) by approximately 99% in mares immunized against GnRH than in control mares. In contrast, the FSH response to the analog was similar for both groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Background:Rates of imaging for low-back pain are high and are associated with increased health care costs and radiation exposure as well as potentially poorer patient outcomes. We conducted a systematic review to investigate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing the use of imaging for low-back pain.Methods:We searched MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials from the earliest records to June 23, 2014. We included randomized controlled trials, controlled clinical trials and interrupted time series studies that assessed interventions designed to reduce the use of imaging in any clinical setting, including primary, emergency and specialist care. Two independent reviewers extracted data and assessed risk of bias. We used raw data on imaging rates to calculate summary statistics. Study heterogeneity prevented meta-analysis.Results:A total of 8500 records were identified through the literature search. Of the 54 potentially eligible studies reviewed in full, 7 were included in our review. Clinical decision support involving a modified referral form in a hospital setting reduced imaging by 36.8% (95% confidence interval [CI] 33.2% to 40.5%). Targeted reminders to primary care physicians of appropriate indications for imaging reduced referrals for imaging by 22.5% (95% CI 8.4% to 36.8%). Interventions that used practitioner audits and feedback, practitioner education or guideline dissemination did not significantly reduce imaging rates. Lack of power within some of the included studies resulted in lack of statistical significance despite potentially clinically important effects.Interpretation:Clinical decision support in a hospital setting and targeted reminders to primary care doctors were effective interventions in reducing the use of imaging for low-back pain. These are potentially low-cost interventions that would substantially decrease medical expenditures associated with the management of low-back pain.Current evidence-based clinical practice guidelines recommend against the routine use of imaging in patients presenting with low-back pain.13 Despite this, imaging rates remain high,4,5 which indicates poor concordance with these guidelines.6,7Unnecessary imaging for low-back pain has been associated with poorer patient outcomes, increased radiation exposure and higher health care costs.8 No short- or long-term clinical benefits have been shown with routine imaging of the low back, and the diagnostic value of incidental imaging findings remains uncertain.912 A 2008 systematic review found that imaging accounted for 7% of direct costs associated with low-back pain, which in 1998 translated to more than US$6 billion in the United States and £114 million in the United Kingdom.13 Current costs are likely to be substantially higher, with an estimated 65% increase in spine-related expenditures between 1997 and 2005.14Various interventions have been tried for reducing imaging rates among people with low-back pain. These include strategies targeted at the practitioner such as guideline dissemination,1517 education workshops,18,19 audit and feedback of imaging use,7,20,21 ongoing reminders7 and clinical decision support.2224 It is unclear which, if any, of these strategies are effective.25 We conducted a systematic review to investigate the effectiveness of interventions designed to reduce imaging rates for the management of low-back pain.  相似文献   
BackgroundLymphatic filariasis (LF) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are major public health problems. Individuals may be co-infected, raising the possibility of important interactions between these two pathogens with consequences for LF elimination through annual mass drug administration (MDA).Conclusions/SignificanceIn this large cross-sectional study of two distinct LF-exposed populations, there is no evidence that HIV infection has an impact on LF epidemiology that will interfere with LF control measures. A significant association of ART use with lower CFA prevalence merits further investigation to understand this apparent beneficial impact of ART.  相似文献   
The incidence of melanoma has significantly increased, and a better understanding of its pathogenesis and development of new therapeutic strategies are urgently needed. Here, we describe a murine model of metastatic cutaneous melanoma using C57BL/6 mice expressing a mutated human N-Ras gene under the control of a tyrosinase promoter (TyrRas). These mice were topically exposed to 7,12- dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) for brief exposure periods. Cutaneous melanoma developed at the site of exposure on average by 19 weeks of age and in 80% of mice. Importantly, as in humans, melanoma development was associated with subsequent metastasis to tumor-draining lymph nodes. Critically, such metastatic behavior is transplantable, as intradermal inoculation of melanoma cells from TyrRas-DMBA mice into non-transgenic mice led to the growth of melanoma and, again, metastasis to skin-draining lymph nodes. This metastatic melanoma model closely mimics human pathology and should be a useful tool for studying melanoma pathogenesis and developing new therapies.  相似文献   
Acylated beta-cyclodextrins (beta-CDs) were studied to gain perspective on maltose octapropanoate, the crystal structure of which was reported in the preceding paper in this issue. Acylated beta-CDs are distorted so we looked at other CDs and gained increased understanding of distortion in CDs and possibly, shapes in starch. Classic CDs have six to eight glucose residues in a doughnut shape that is stabilized by a ring of inter-residue O3,,,O2' hydrogen bonds. On a phi,psi energy map for a maltose analog that does not form hydrogen bonds, classic CD linkages have higher energies than structures that are stabilized by the exo-anomeric effect. In distorted beta-CDs, which lack hydrogen bonding, some linkages attain low-energies from the exo-anomeric effect and acyl stacking. Those linkages result in left-handed helical geometry so other linkages are forced by the CD macrocycle to have counter-balancing right-handed character. Permethylated gamma-CDs have two 'flipping' linkages as do some larger native CDs. Flipping linkages allow two left-handed segments to join into a macrocycle, thus avoiding the higher-energy, right-handed forms. Some glucose rings in derivatized beta-CDs have substantial positive twists of the pseudo torsion angle O1-C1...C4-O4, adding right-handed character to balance the left-handed linkages. In substituted gamma-CD, all residues have negative twists, giving extra left-handed character to the short, pseudo-helical segments. In non-macrocyclic molecules the twists ranged from -14 degrees to +2 degrees , averaging -6.1 degrees. In these beta- and gamma-CDs, the twists ranged from -22 degrees to +16 degrees for (4)C(1) rings, and the (O)S(2) ring in acetylated beta-CD has a twist of +34 degrees . Glucose residues in other CDs were less twisted.  相似文献   
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