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Quick surveys are often used by conservation biologists to assess biodiversity. In tropical forests, fruit-feeding butterflies are a convenient indicator group because they can be readily trapped and are comparatively easy to identify. However, studies carried out in Costa Rica and Ecuador have revealed that long-term sampling is needed to estimate biodiversity accurately. Furthermore, almost half of the biodiversity of fruit-feeding butterflies in the neotropics was found to be in the canopy. Short term sampling in the understory can, therefore, lead to inaccurate estimates of species richness and worse, to poorly informed conservation decisions. Comparable to the studies in South America, we performed a long-term trapping study of the same guild of butterflies in the understory and canopy of Kibale Forest in Uganda, to describe temporal and vertical patterns of biodiversity. We caught 32,308 individuals of 94 species over three years. About 14% of these species could be categorized as canopy specialists and 68% as understory specialists. Temporal variation was extensive and did not follow a clear seasonal pattern. This is the first study in an African forest with continuous sampling of fruit-feeding butterflies over multiple years and in both canopy and understory.  相似文献   
Given that immature and adult insects have different life styles, different target body compositions can be expected. For adults, such targets will also differ depending on life history strategy, and thus vary among the sexes, and in females depend on the degree of capital versus income breeding and ovigeny. Since these targets may in part be approximated by loss of substances upon eclosion, comparing sexual differences in such losses upon eclosion among species that differ in life history would provide insights into insect functional ecology. We studied weight loss in eclosing insects using original data on pupal and adult live weights of 38 species of Lepidoptera (mainly Geometridae) and further literature data on 15 species of Lepidoptera and six representatives of other insect orders, and applied the phylogenetic independent contrasts approach. In addition, data on live and dry weights of pupae of four species of Lepidoptera are presented. We documented that Lepidoptera typically lose a large proportion (20-80%) of their pupal weight upon adult eclosion. Sexual differences in weight loss varied between absent and strongly male biased. Most of the weight loss was water loss, and sexual differences in adult water content correlate strongly with differences in weight loss. Using feeding habits (feeds or does not feed as an adult) and female biased sexual size dimorphism as measures of degree of capital breeding, we found that the difference among the sexes in weight loss tends to be more pronounced in capital breeding species. Additionally, females of more pro-ovigenic species (large proportion of eggs mature upon emergence) tend to have higher water contents. Our results suggests that metamorphosis is generally facilitated by a high water content, while adults excrete water upon eclosion to benefit flight unless water has been allocated to eggs, or is treated as a capital resource for adult survival or future allocation to eggs.  相似文献   
Animals in the wild often have physical impairments that can affect their fitness. The aim of this study was to compare injuries and impairments of four different primate species (black-and-white colobus, red colobus, red-tailed monkeys, and grey-cheeked mangabeys) living in Kibale National Park (Uganda), and estimate the proportion of injured and impaired individuals among the sexes and age classes. The species differed in the proportion of individuals with injuries and impairments, with 16.7% in black-and-white colobus, 23.1% in red colobus, 16.2% in red-tailed monkey and 30.2% in grey-cheeked mangabeys. Species also differed in the types and location on the body of injuries. Adult animals had more injuries than immatures. Males had more injuries than females, in all but red-tailed monkeys. The results are discussed in relation to the literature on aggressive behavior, locomotion, and predation in these species.  相似文献   
Reproductive tactics of males can change with individual quality, relatedness and social structure. Here we describe the behaviours of male grey-cheeked mangabeys towards other males, and females and their offspring ( Lophocebus albigena ) in relation to male status (high-ranking/low-ranking/transient) and group composition in Kibale National Park, Uganda. High-ranking males had the highest mating success, frequency of loud calls, mate guarding and aggression towards females and males. Only transient males were often observed to be aggressive towards juveniles, while some high-ranking males provided infant care. Mating tactics of high-ranking males varied greatly among the five studied groups, probably as a function of the intensity of male–male competition. These results are discussed with regard to the role of male–male competition and behaviours that could affect female mate choice as tactics to obtain reproductive success.  相似文献   
Testosterone can be expected to play a significant role in mediating behavior and life history in social animals, but the number of species with data from the wild is still too small to make generalizations. We investigated the influence of social factors (social status, aggression, and reproductive females) and environmental variation (rainfall and temperature) on fecal testosterone concentrations in wild male gray-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena) living in five groups in Kibale National Park, Uganda. This species is phylogenetically closely related to baboons, but is arboreal, with multi-male, multi-female groups rarely exceeding 20 individuals. We analyzed 358 fecal samples from 21 adult males. We found that the highest-ranking males had the highest testosterone concentrations while immigrant males had the lowest testosterone concentrations. Aggression was not correlated with testosterone levels. The presence of females with sexual swellings at their most tumescent stage increased testosterone concentrations in all males. Finally, individuals tended to have lower testosterone when the temperature was higher.  相似文献   
Concentration of the hormone cortisol is often used as an indicator of stress, and chronically high cortisol levels are often associated with poor health. Among group living animals that compete for resources, agonistic social interactions can be expected to contribute to variation in cortisol levels within and among individuals over time. Reproductive tactics of males can change with individual quality, relatedness, and social structure, and affect cortisol levels. In gray-cheeked mangabey (Lophocebus albigena) groups, male rank is an important factor in social interactions, and males also move between groups while actively competing for females or sneaking copulations. During a 20-month study we observed the social behavior and collected 461 fecal samples from 24 adult male gray-cheeked mangabeys from five groups in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Aggressive interactions and the presence of females at the peak of sexual swelling were associated with elevated cortisol concentrations in all males. Independently, dominant (i.e., highest-ranking) males within groups had higher cortisol concentrations than subordinate males, and immigrant males had higher cortisol concentrations than dominant males.  相似文献   
Specificity (= the degree of ecological specialisation) is one of the fundamental concepts of the science of ecology. Ambiguities on how to define and measure specificity have however complicated respective research efforts. Here we propose that, in insects, a behavioural trait – adult oviposition latency in captivity without a favourable host plant – correlates with a species’ specificity in larval host use. In the absence of a suitable host, monophagous insects are expected to wait for a long time before commencing oviposition, with the long waiting time corresponding to careful host location behaviour in nature. Polyphagous insects, in contrast, should be selected for an increased oviposition rate at the expense of the quality of oviposition substrate encountered and will on average have a short latency time. Using experimentally derived data on oviposition latency, we performed a phylogenetically informed analysis based on Bayesian inference to show that this variable correlates with host specificity (larval diet breadth) in a sample of north European species of geometrid moths. A closely related index – the probability to lay any eggs on an unfavourable substrate – shows an analogous pattern. To provide an example of how these indices can be applied, we compare our sample of geometrid moths from northern Europe with a sample from equatorial Africa. A comparative analysis based on an original phylogenetic reconstruction found no differences between the two study sites in parameters of oviposition behaviour. We conclude that behavioural tests can provide information about ecological interactions when the latter can not be directly recorded. Our example study also hints at the possibility that host specificity of herbivores is not necessarily higher in a tropical region compared to a temperate one.  相似文献   
In communities of tropical insects, adult abundance tends to fluctuate widely, perhaps in part owing to predator–prey dynamics. Yet, temporal patterns of attack rates in tropical forest habitats have not been studied systematically; the identity of predators of insects in tropical forests is poorly known; and their responses to temporal variation in prey abundance have rarely been explored. We recorded incidence and shape of marks of attacks on dummy caterpillars (proxy of predation rate) in a sub‐montane tropical forest in Uganda during a yearlong experiment, and explored correlations with inferred caterpillar abundance. Applying the highest and lowest observed daily attack rates on clay dummies over a realistic duration of the larval stage of butterflies, indicates that the temporal variation in attack rate could cause more than 10‐fold temporal variation in caterpillar survival. Inferred predators were almost exclusively invertebrates, and beak marks of birds were very scarce. Attack rates by wasps varied more over time than those of ants. Attack rates on dummies peaked during the two wet seasons, and appeared congruent with inferred peaks in caterpillar density. This suggests (1) a functional response (predators shifting to more abundant resource) or adaptive timed phenology (predators timing activity or breeding to coincide with seasonal peaks in prey abundance) of predators, rather than a numerical response (predator populations increasing following peaks in prey abundance); and (2) that predation would dampen abundance fluctuations of tropical Lepidoptera communities.  相似文献   
Female sexual strategies affect male strategies and can play an important role in shaping mating systems. We investigated female sexual behaviour within five groups of grey-cheeked mangabeys in Kibale National Park, Uganda, and tested the hypothesis that females exhibit mate choice using as indications the prevalence of (1) females soliciting matings by presenting to males and (2) females refusing to mate with approaching males. In addition, we describe how these behaviours as well as grooming and copulation calls are distributed over high-ranking, low-ranking and migrating males and discuss these patterns with regard to trade-offs that could play a roll in female mate choice in multi-male groups. Females were promiscuous and initiated almost half of the matings, with both resident and migrating males. More than half of male mating approaches were refused by peak females. Female mate choice in this species may depend on individual female preferences, oestrus phase and male tactic.  相似文献   
1. Comparative studies on insect life histories are facilitated by the increasing availability of reliable phylogenies but are hampered by the scarcity of comparable data. Fortunately, morphological proxies of some life‐history traits can be measured on preserved specimens. 2. This study compared values of size‐related life‐history traits among a tropical (Ugandan) and a temperate (Estonian) assemblage of geometrid moths. 3. A comparative analysis based on an originally derived phylogeny revealed that tropical moths were, on average, larger than temperate ones. Tropical moths also had somewhat lower relative abdomen masses than temperate ones. This indicates that the tropical rather than the temperate moths tend to use an income (rather than capital) breeding strategy. Nevertheless, no difference was found in a related index of pro‐ovigeny. When body size was accounted for, tropical moths were found to lay smaller eggs than temperate ones. 4. The differences between the two compared areas are consistent with selection on higher mobility of the moths imposed by the more diverse tropical vegetation. Relatively larger eggs of temperate moths may constitute an adaptation to overcome the presumably stronger quantitative defences of their host plants. 5. Overall, however, we conclude that the differences in ecologically relevant size‐related traits are relatively low among moth assemblages of a tropical and a temperate forest region, indicating that these environments may not impose radically different selective pressures on insect life histories.  相似文献   
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