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Long-term tracking using global positioning systems (GPS) is widely used to study vertebrate movement ecology, including fine-scale habitat selection as well as large-scale migrations. These data have the potential to provide much more information about the behavior and ecology of wild vertebrates: here we explore the potential of using GPS datasets to assess timing of activity in a chronobiological context. We compared two different populations of deer (Cervus elaphus), one in the Netherlands (red deer), the other in Canada (elk). GPS tracking data were used to calculate the speed of the animals as a measure for activity to deduce unbiased daily activity rhythms over prolonged periods of time. Speed proved a valid measure for activity, this being validated by comparing GPS based activity data with head movements recorded by activity sensors, and the use of GPS locations was effective for generating long term chronobiological data. Deer showed crepuscular activity rhythms with activity peaks at sunrise (the Netherlands) or after sunrise (Canada) and at the end of civil twilight at dusk. The deer in Canada were mostly diurnal while the deer in the Netherlands were mostly nocturnal. On an annual scale, Canadian deer were more active during the summer months while deer in the Netherlands were more active during winter. We suggest that these differences were mainly driven by human disturbance (on a daily scale) and local weather (on an annual scale). In both populations, the crepuscular activity peaks in the morning and evening showed a stable timing relative to dawn and dusk twilight throughout the year, but marked periods of daily a-rhythmicity occurred in the individual records. We suggest that this might indicate that (changes in) light levels around twilight elicit a direct behavioral response while the contribution of an internal circadian timing mechanism might be weak or even absent.  相似文献   
Evolutionary patterns of sequence divergence were analyzed in genes from the fungal genus Botrytis (Ascomycota), encoding phytotoxic proteins homologous to a necrosis and ethylene-inducing protein from Fusarium oxysporum. Fragments of two paralogous genes (designated NEP1 and NEP2) were amplified from all known Botrytis species and sequenced. NEP1 sequences of two Botrytis species contain premature stop codons, indicating that they may be non-functional. Both paralogs of all species encode proteins with a remarkably similar predicted secondary structure, however, they contain different types of post-translational modification motifs, which are conserved across the genus. While both NEP genes are, overall, under purifying selection, we identified a number of amino acids under positive selection based on inference using maximum likelihood models. Positively selected amino acids in NEP1 were not under selection in corresponding positions in NEP2. The biological significance of positively selected residues and the role of NEP proteins in pathogenesis remain to be resolved.  相似文献   
There is a constant threat of zoonotic influenza viruses causing a pandemic outbreak in humans. It is virtually impossible to predict which virus strain will cause the next pandemic and it takes a considerable amount of time before a safe and effective vaccine will be available once a pandemic occurs. In addition, development of pandemic vaccines is hampered by the generally poor immunogenicity of avian influenza viruses in humans. An effective pre-pandemic vaccine is therefore required as a first line of defense. Broadening of the protective efficacy of current seasonal vaccines by adding an adjuvant may be a way to provide such first line of defense. Here we evaluate whether a seasonal trivalent virosomal vaccine (TVV) adjuvated with the saponin-based adjuvant Matrix-M (MM) can confer protection against avian influenza H5 and H7 virus strains in mice and ferrets. We demonstrate that mice were protected from death against challenges with H5N1 and H7N7, but that the protection was not complete as evidenced by severe clinical signs. In ferrets, protection against H7N9 was not observed. In contrast, reduced upper and lower respiratory tract viral loads and reduced lung pathology, was achieved in H5N1 challenged ferrets. Together these results suggest that, at least to some extent, Matrix-M adjuvated seasonal virosomal influenza vaccine can serve as an interim measure to decrease morbidity and mortality associated with a pandemic outbreak.  相似文献   
The endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) is predominantly biosynthesized by sn-1-diacylglycerol lipase α (DAGL-α) in the CNS. Selective inhibitors of DAGL-α will provide valuable insights in the role of 2-AG in endocannabinoid signaling processes and are potential therapeutics for the treatment of obesity and neurodegenerative diseases. Here, we describe the development of a natural substrate-based fluorescence assay for DAGL-α, using a coupled enzyme approach. The continuous setup of our assay allows monitoring of DAGL-α activity in real-time and in a 96-well plate format. This constitutes a major improvement to the currently available radiometric and LC/MS-based methods, which can be executed only in low-throughput formats. In addition, our assay circumvents the use of radioactive material. We demonstrate that our assay can be used to screen inhibitors of DAGL-α activity, using 1-stearoyl-2-arachidonoyl-sn-glycerol as the physiologically relevant natural substrate of DAGL-α. Furthermore, our method can be employed to measure DAGL activity and inhibition in the mouse brain membrane proteome. Consequently, our assay should serve as a valuable tool for rapid hit validation and lead optimization of DAGL-α inhibitors.  相似文献   
Cholesteryl oleate, selectively deuterated at various positions along the acyl chain, has been incorporated into fresh human serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL2). Temperature-dependent 2H-NMR spectra were recorded between 15 and 45 degrees C. For deuterons at C-2' and C-5' of the acyl chain, two 2H-NMR spectral components, a broad and a narrow signal, are observed. This is interpreted as reflecting the coexistence of two cholesteryl ester regions in the LDL2 core which possess different degrees of order. The C-2H bond order parameters, SCD, are approx. 0.12-0.20 for the more ordered region and approx. 0.04-0.06 for the less ordered region. Longitudinal relaxation times, T1, of deuterated cholesteryl oleate are found to increase between C-8' and the terminal -C2H3 group, which is consistent with an increased rate of chain motion toward the free ends of the ester acyl chains.  相似文献   
Freek Colombijn 《Ethnos》2018,83(1):58-79
Violence has an enormous potential impact on the production of urban space. This article presents an analysis of how violence has made an impact on Indonesian cities since 1998. Using case material from communal violence in Kota Ambon, and lynching and vigilantism in Jakarta, the article addresses the question what impact did violence have on the spatial restructuring of some Indonesian cities and, conversely, – assuming that the people who used violence are slowly relinquishing its use – what impact does the restoration of law and order have on urban space? How enduring are some of the underlying, historical patterns of violence and do many of them still exist, hidden under the surface, today?  相似文献   
Spectropolarimetry of intact plant leaves allows to probe the molecular architecture of vegetation photosynthesis in a non-invasive and non-destructive way and, as such, can offer a wealth of physiological information. In addition to the molecular signals due to the photosynthetic machinery, the cell structure and its arrangement within a leaf can create and modify polarization signals. Using Mueller matrix polarimetry with rotating retarder modulation, we have visualized spatial variations in polarization in transmission around the chlorophyll a absorbance band from 650?nm to 710?nm. We show linear and circular polarization measurements of maple leaves and cultivated maize leaves and discuss the corresponding Mueller matrices and the Mueller matrix decompositions, which show distinct features in diattenuation, polarizance, retardance and depolarization. Importantly, while normal leaf tissue shows a typical split signal with both a negative and a positive peak in the induced fractional circular polarization and circular dichroism, the signals close to the veins only display a negative band. The results are similar to the negative band as reported earlier for single macrodomains. We discuss the possible role of the chloroplast orientation around the veins as a cause of this phenomenon. Systematic artefacts are ruled out as three independent measurements by different instruments gave similar results. These results provide better insight into circular polarization measurements on whole leaves and options for vegetation remote sensing using circular polarization.  相似文献   
Snake venoms are recognized here as a grossly under-explored resource in pharmacological prospecting. Discoveries in snake systematics demonstrate that former taxonomic bias in research has led to the neglect of thousands of species of potential medical use. Recent discoveries reveal an unexpectedly vast degree of variation in venom composition among snakes, from different species down to litter mates. The molecular mechanisms underlying this diversity are only beginning to be understood. However, the enormous potential that this resource represents for pharmacological prospecting is clear. New high-throughput screening systems offer greatly increased speed and efficiency in identifying and extracting therapeutically useful molecules. At the same time a global biodiversity crisis is threatening the very snake populations on which hopes for new venom-derived medications depend. Biomedical researchers, pharmacologists, clinicians, herpetologists, and conservation biologists must combine their efforts if the full potential of snake venom-derived medications is to be realized.  相似文献   
It is generally assumed that the characteristic deregionalized body plan of species with a snake-like morphology evolved through a corresponding homogenization of Hox gene expression domains along the primary axis. Here, we examine the expression of Hox genes in snake embryos and show that a collinear pattern of Hox expression is retained within the paraxial mesoderm of the trunk. Genes expressed at the anterior and most posterior, regionalized, parts of the skeleton correspond to the expected anatomical boundaries. Unexpectedly however, also the dorsal (thoracic), homogenous rib-bearing region of trunk, is regionalized by unconventional gradual anterior limits of Hox expression that are not obviously reflected in the skeletal anatomy. In the lateral plate mesoderm we also detect regionalized Hox expression yet the forelimb marker Tbx5 is not restricted to a rudimentary forelimb domain but is expressed throughout the entire flank region. Analysis of several Hox genes in a caecilian amphibian, which convergently evolved a deregionalized body plan, reveals a similar global collinear pattern of Hox expression. The differential expression of posterior, vertebra-modifying or even rib-suppressing Hox genes within the dorsal region is inconsistent with the homogeneity in vertebral identity. Our results suggest that the evolution of a deregionalized, snake-like body involved not only alterations in Hox gene cis-regulation but also a different downstream interpretation of the Hox code.  相似文献   
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