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Western Amazonia is known to harbour some of Earth's most diverse forests, but previous floristic analyses have excluded peatland forests which are extensive in northern Peru and are among the most environmentally extreme ecosystems in the lowland tropics. Understanding patterns of tree species diversity in these ecosystems is important both for quantifying beta‐diversity in this region, and for understanding determinants of diversity more generally in tropical forests. Here we explore patterns of tree diversity and composition in two peatland forest types – palm swamps and peatland pole forests – using 26 forest plots distributed over a large area of northern Peru. We place our results in a regional context by making comparisons with three other major forest types: terra firme forests (29 plots), white‐sand forests (23 plots) and seasonally‐flooded forests (11 plots). Peatland forests had extremely low (within‐plot) alpha‐diversity compared with the other forest types that were sampled. In particular, peatland pole forests had the lowest levels of tree diversity yet recorded in Amazonia (20 species per 500 stems, Fisher's alpha 4.57). However, peatland pole forests and palm swamps were compositionally different from each other as well as from other forest types in the region. Few species appeared to be peatland endemics. Instead, peatland forests were largely characterised by a distinctive combination of generalist species and species previously thought to be specialists of other habitats, especially white‐sand forests. We suggest that the transient nature and extreme environmental conditions of Amazonian peatland ecosystems have shaped their current patterns of tree composition and diversity. Despite their low alpha‐diversity, the unique combination of species found in tree communities in Amazonian peatlands augment regional beta‐diversity. This contribution, alongside their extremely high carbon storage capacity and lack of protection at national level, strengthens their status as a conservation priority.  相似文献   
We introduce two theoretical models for predicting forces between cadherin-coated sphere and plane. The first model is based on a continuum theory previously developed for the interaction of large objects embedded in liquids. The second model takes into account size effects, which are relevant in the cadherin measurements, as the size of the tip is frequently comparable to the size of geometrical features of the cadherin. We use the models to compare force–separation curves in atomic force microscopy and surface force apparatus.  相似文献   

Interest in research on soft ticks has increased in recent decades, leading to valuable insight into their role as disease vectors. The use of metagenomics-based analyses have helped to elucidate ecological factors involved in pathogen, vector, and host dynamics. To understand the main bacterial assemblages present in Ornithodoros cf. hasei and its mammalian hosts, 84 ticks and 13 blood samples from bat hosts (Chiroptera) were selected, and the 16S rRNA gene V4 region was sequenced in five pools (each one related to each host-tick pairing). Bacterial taxonomic assignment analyses were performed by comparing operational taxonomic units (OTUs) shared between ticks and their host blood. This analysis showed the presence of Proteobacteria (38.8%), Enterobacteriaceae (25%), Firmicutes (12.3%), and Actinobacteria (10.9%) within blood samples, and Rickettsiaceae (39%), Firmicutes (25%), Actinobacteria (13.1%), and Proteobacteria (9%) within ticks. Species related to potentially pathogenic genera were detected in ticks, such as Borrelia sp., Bartonella tamiae, Ehrlichia sp. and Rickettsia-like endosymbiont, and the presence of these organisms was found in all analyzed bat species (Cynomops planirostris, Molossus pretiosus, Noctilio albiventris), and O. cf. hasei. About 41–48.6% of bacterial OTUs (genera and species) were shared between ticks and the blood of bat hosts. Targeted metagenomic screening techniques allowed the detection of tick-associated pathogens for O. cf. hasei and small mammals for the first time, enabling future research on many of these pathogens.

Duckweeds are amongst the fastest growing of higher plants, making them attractive high-biomass targets for biofuel feedstock production. Their fronds have high rates of fatty acid synthesis to meet the demand for new membranes, but triacylglycerols (TAG) only accumulate to very low levels. Here we report on the engineering of Lemna japonica for the synthesis and accumulation of TAG in its fronds. This was achieved by expression of an estradiol-inducible cyan fluorescent protein-Arabidopsis WRINKLED1 fusion protein (CFP-AtWRI1), strong constitutive expression of a mouse diacylglycerol:acyl-CoA acyltransferase2 (MmDGAT), and a sesame oleosin variant (SiOLE(*)). Individual expression of each gene increased TAG accumulation by 1- to 7-fold relative to controls, while expression of pairs of these genes increased TAG by 7- to 45-fold. In uninduced transgenics containing all three genes, TAG accumulation increased by 45-fold to 3.6% of dry weight (DW) without severely impacting growth, and by 108-fold to 8.7% of DW after incubation on medium containing 100 μm estradiol for 4 days. TAG accumulation was accompanied by an increase in total fatty acids of up to three-fold to approximately 15% of DW. Lipid droplets from fronds of all transgenic lines were visible by confocal microscopy of BODIPY-stained fronds. At a conservative 12 tonnes (dry matter) per acre and 10% (DW) TAG, duckweed could produce 350 gallons of oil/acre/year, approximately seven-fold the yield of soybean, and similar to that of oil palm. These findings provide the foundation for optimizing TAG accumulation in duckweed and present a new opportunity for producing biofuels and lipidic bioproducts.  相似文献   
The carbon neutral potential of bioenergy relies in part on the ability of feedstocks to sequester carbon (C) in the soil. Sugarcane is one of the most widely used bioenergy crops, yet there remain unknowns about how it impacts soil C dynamics. In addition, Oilcane, a genetically modified version of Sugarcane has been produced to accumulate more energy-dense oils and less soluble lignin, which enhances conversion efficiency but may also impact soil C cycling. Thus, our objectives were to examine the impact of Sugarcane litter decomposition on soil C formation and losses and determine if the genetic modifications to produce Oilcane alter these dynamics. To do this, we incubated bagasse (processed stem litter) and leaf litter from Sugarcane and Oilcane in microcosms with forest soil for 11 weeks. We used differences in natural abundance δ13C between C3 forest soil and C4 litter to trace the fate of the litter into respiratory losses as well as stable and unstable soil C pools. Our results show that genetic modifications to Oilcane did not substantially alter soil C dynamics. Sugarcane and Oilcane litter both led to net soil C gains dominated by an accumulation of the added litter as unstable, particulate organic C (POC). Oilcane litter led to small but significantly greater net soil C gains than Sugarcane litter due to greater POC formation, but the formation of stable, mineral associated organic matter (MAOC) did not differ between crop types. Sugarcane and Oilcane had opposing effects on tissue type where Sugarcane bagasse formed more MAOC, while Oilcane leaves preferentially remained as POC which may have important management implications. These results suggest that genetic modifications to Sugarcane will not significantly impact soil C dynamics; however, this may not be universal to other crops particularly if modifications lead to greater differences in litter chemistry.  相似文献   
Freshwater fish communities in Ecuador exhibit some of the highest levels of diversity and endemism in the Neotropics. Unfortunately, aquatic ecosystems in the country are under serious threat and conditions are deteriorating. In 2018–19, the government of Ecuador sponsored a series of workshops to examine the conservation status of Ecuador's freshwater fishes. Concerns were identified for 35 species, most of which are native to the Amazon region, and overfishing of Amazonian pimelodid catfishes emerged as a major issue. However, much of the information needed to make decisions across fish groups and regions was not available, hindering the process and highlighting the need for a review of the conservation threats to Ecuador's freshwater fishes. Here, we review how the physical alteration of rivers, deforestation, wetland and floodplain degradation, agricultural and urban water pollution, mining, oil extraction, dams, overfishing, introduced species and climate change are affecting freshwater fishes in Ecuador. Although many of these factors affect fishes throughout the Neotropics, the lack of data on Ecuadorian fish communities is staggering and highlights the urgent need for more research. We also make recommendations, including the need for proper enforcement of existing environmental laws, restoration of degraded aquatic ecosystems, establishment of a national monitoring system for freshwater ecosystems, investment in research to fill gaps in knowledge, and encouragement of public engagement in citizen science and conservation efforts. Freshwater fishes are an important component of the cultural and biological legacy of the Ecuadorian people. Conserving them for future generations is critical.  相似文献   
The development of Chagas disease is determined by a complex interaction between the genetic traits of both the protozoan parasite, T. cruzi, and the infected host. This process is regulated by multiple genes that control different aspects of the host-parasite interaction. While determination of the relevant genes in humans is extremely difficult, it is feasible to use inbred mouse strains to determine the genes and loci responsible for host resistance to infection. In this study, we investigated the susceptibility of several inbred mouse strains to infection with the highly virulent Y strain of T. cruzi and found a considerable difference in susceptibility between A/J and C57BL/6 mice. We explored the differences between these two mouse strains and found that the A/J strain presented higher mortality, exacerbated and uncontrolled parasitemia and distinct histopathology in the target organs, which were associated with a higher parasite burden and more extensive tissue lesions. We then employed a genetic approach to assess the pattern of inheritance of the resistance phenotype in an F1 population and detected a strong parent-of-origin effect determining the susceptibility of the F1 male mice. This effect is unlikely to result from imprinted genes because the inheritance of this susceptibility was affected by the direction of the parental crossing. Collectively, our genetic approach of using the F1 population suggests that genes contained in the murine chromosome X contribute to the natural resistance against T. cruzi infection. Future linkage studies may reveal the locus and genes participating on the host resistance process reported herein.  相似文献   
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