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Drug-induced liver injury is a common reason for drug attrition in late clinical phases, and even for post-launch withdrawals. As a consequence, there is a broad consensus in the pharmaceutical industry, and within regulatory authorities, that a significant improvement of the current in vitro test methodologies for accurate assessment and prediction of such adverse effects is needed. For this purpose, appropriate in vivo-like hepatic in vitro models are necessary, in addition to novel sources of human hepatocytes. In this report, we describe recent and ongoing research toward the use of human embryonic stem cell (hESC)-derived hepatic cells, in conjunction with new and improved test methods, for evaluating drug metabolism and hepatotoxicity. Recent progress on the directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells to the functional hepatic phenotype is reported, as well as the development and adaptation of bioreactors and toxicity assay technologies for the testing of hepatic cells. The aim of achieving a testing platform for metabolism and hepatotoxicity assessment, based on hESC-derived hepatic cells, has advanced markedly in the last 2-3 years. However, great challenges still remain, before such new test systems could be routinely used by the industry. In particular, we give an overview of results from the Vitrocellomics project (EU Framework 6) and discuss these in relation to the current state-of-the-art and the remaining difficulties, with suggestions on how to proceed before such in vitro systems can be implemented in industrial discovery and development settings and in regulatory acceptance.  相似文献   
The combination of the obesity epidemic and an aging population presents growing challenges for the healthcare system. Obesity and aging are major risk factors for a diverse number of diseases and it is of importance to understand their interaction and the underlying molecular mechanisms. Herein the authors examined the methylation levels of 27578 CpG sites in 46 samples from adult peripheral blood. The effect of obesity and aging was ascertained with general linear models. More than one hundred probes were correlated to aging, nine of which belonged to the KEGG group map04080. Additionally, 10 CpG sites had diverse methylation profiles in obese and lean individuals, one of which was the telomerase catalytic subunit (TERT). In eight of ten cases the methylation change was reverted between obese and lean individuals. One region proved to be differentially methylated with obesity (LINC00304) independent of age. This study provides evidence that obesity influences age driven epigenetic changes, which provides a molecular link between aging and obesity. This link and the identified markers may prove to be valuable biomarkers for the understanding of the molecular basis of aging, obesity and associated diseases.  相似文献   
Five novel loci recently found to be associated with body mass in two GWAS of East Asian populations were evaluated in two cohorts of Swedish and Greek children and adolescents. These loci are located within, or in the proximity of: CDKAL1, PCSK1, GP2, PAX6 and KLF9. No association with body mass has previously been reported for these loci in GWAS performed on European populations. The single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with the strongest association at each loci in the East Asian GWAS were genotyped in two cohorts, one obesity case control cohort of Swedish children and adolescents consisting of 496 cases and 520 controls and one cross-sectional cohort of 2293 nine-to-thirteen year old Greek children and adolescents. SNPs were surveyed for association with body mass and other phenotypic traits commonly associated with obesity, including adipose tissue distribution, insulin resistance and daily caloric intake. No association with body mass was found in either cohort. However, among the Greek children, association with insulin resistance could be observed for the two CDKAL1-related SNPs: rs9356744 (β = 0.018, p = 0.014) and rs2206734 (β = 0.024, p = 0.001). CDKAL1-related variants have previously been associated with type 2 diabetes and insulin response. This study reports association of CDKAL1-related SNPs with insulin resistance, a clinical marker related to type 2 diabetes in a cross-sectional cohort of Greek children and adolescents of European descent.  相似文献   
Two growth-selected lines in chickens have been developed from a single founder population by divergent selection for body weight at 56 days of age. After more than 40 generations of selection they show a nine-fold difference in body weight at selection age and large differences in growth rate, appetite, fat deposition and metabolic characteristics. We have generated a large intercross between these lines comprising more than 800 F2 birds. QTL mapping revealed 13 loci affecting growth. The most striking observation was that the allele in the high weight line in all cases was associated with enhanced growth, but each locus explained only a small proportion of the phenotypic variance using a standard QTL model (1.3-3.1%). This result is in sharp contrast to our previous study where we reported that the two-fold difference in adult body size between the red junglefowl and White Leghorn domestic chickens is explained by a small number of QTLs with large additive effects. Furthermore, no QTLs for anorexia or antibody response were detected despite large differences for these traits between the founder lines. The result is an excellent example where a large phenotypic difference between populations occurs in the apparent absence of any single locus with large phenotypic effects. The study underscores the need for powerful experimental designs in genetic studies of multifactorial traits. No QTL at all would have reached genome-wide significance using a less powerful design (e.g. approx. 200 F2 individuals) regardless of the nine-fold phenotypic difference between the founder lines for the selected trait.  相似文献   
A liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) method for determination of the analgesic aminophenol ketobemidone in human plasma is presented. Two preparation methods for plasma samples containing ketobemidone were compared, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and solid-phase extraction (SPE). Both methods showed good precision (n=10), 1.7% and 2.9%, respectively (0.04 micro M) and 1.1% and 2.5%, respectively (0.14 micro M). The accuracy was 98% and 103%, respectively (0.04 micro M) and 105% and 99%, respectively (0.14 micro M). Ketobemidone could be quantified at 0.43 nM, with a relative standard deviation of 17.5% (n=19) using LLE and 18.6% (n=10) using SPE. This level was an order of magnitude lower than earlier reported quantification limits. Quantitative data from plasma samples analyzed with LC-MS-MS were in good agreement with those obtained by gas chromatography with chemical ionization mass spectrometry (GC-CI/MS). This indicates that LC-MS-MS is a good alternative method to GC-MS as it is more sensitive and time-consuming derivatization can be avoided.  相似文献   
We report eight novel members of the superfamily of human G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) found by searches in the human genome databases, termed GPR97, GPR110, GPR111, GPR112, GPR113, GPR114, GPR115 and GPR116. Phylogenetic analysis shows that these are additional members of a family of GPCRs with long N-termini, previously termed EGF-7TM, LNB-7TM, B2 or LN-7TM. Five of the receptors form their own phylogenetic cluster, while three others form a cluster with the previously reported HE6 and GPR56 (TM7XN1). All the receptors have a GPS domain in their N-terminus and long Ser/Thr-rich regions forming mucin-like stalks. GPR113 has a hormone binding domain and one EGF domain. GPR112 has over 20 Ser/Thr repeats and a pentraxin domain. GPR116 has two immunoglobulin-like repeats and a SEA box. We found several human EST sequences for most of the receptors showing differential expression patterns, which may indicate that some of these receptors participate in reproductive functions while others are more likely to have a role in the immune system.  相似文献   
We describe a scheme for biomolecule enumeration by converting nanometer-scale specific molecular recognition events mediated by rolling-circle amplification to fluorescent micrometer-sized DNA molecules amenable to discrete optical detection. Our amplified single-molecule detection (SMD) approach preserves the discrete nature of the molecular population, allowing multiplex detection and highly precise quantification of molecules over a dynamic range of seven orders of magnitude. We apply the method for sensitive detection and quantification of the bacterial pathogen Vibrio cholerae.  相似文献   
The G-protein-coupled melanocortin receptors (MCRs) play an important role in a variety of essential functions such as the regulation of pigmentation, energy homeostasis, and steroid production. We performed a comprehensive characterization of the MC system in Fugu (Takifugu rubripes). We show that Fugu has an AGRP gene with high degree of conservation in the C-terminal region in addition to a POMC gene lacking gamma-MSH. The Fugu genome contains single copies of four MCRs, whereas the MC3R is missing. The MC2R and MC5R are found in tandem and remarkably contain one and two introns, respectively. We suggest that these introns were inserted through a reverse splicing mechanism into the DRY motif that is widely conserved through GPCRs. We were able to assemble large blocks around the MCRs in Fugu, showing remarkable synteny with human chromosomes 16 and 18. Detailed pharmacological characterization showed that ACTH had surprisingly high affinity for the Fugu MC1R and MC4R, whereas alpha-MSH had lower affinity. We also showed that the MC2R gene in Fugu codes for an ACTH receptor, which did not respond to alpha-MSH. All the Fugu receptors were able to couple functionally to cAMP production in line with the mammalian orthologs. The anatomical characterization shows that the MC2R is expressed in the brain in addition to the head-kidney, whereas the MC4R and MC5R are found in both brain regions and peripheral tissues. This is the first comprehensive genomic and functional characterization of a GPCR family within the Fugu genome. The study shows that some parts of the MC system are highly conserved through vertebrate evolution, such as regions in POMC coding for ACTH, alpha-MSH, and beta-MSH, the C-terminal region of AGRP, key binding units within the MC1R, MC2R, MC4R, and MC5R, synteny blocks around the MCRs, pharmacological properties of the MC2R, whereas other parts in the system are either missing, such as the MC3R and gamma-MSH, or different as compared to mammals, such as the affinity of ACTH and MSH peptides to MC1R and MC4R and the anatomical expression pattern of the MCRs.  相似文献   
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