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A method for determination of malondialdehyde with capillary electrophoresis using UV detection at 267 nm has been developed. The buffer system consisted of 10 mM borax and 0.5 mM CTAB at pH 9.3. Malondialdehyde migrated as the first peak in the electropherogram at 2.6 min. Limit of detection was 1.2 μM corresponding to 7.8 pg. Malondialdehyde was determined before and after stimulating lipid peroxidation with the addition of ferrous ammonium sulphate to homogenates of rat brain tissue. Proteins were precipitated by boiling and removed from the brain homogenates with centrifugation. No further pretreatment was made before injecting the homogenates on the CE system. Non-precipitated homogenates could also be analyzed, but this required washing of the capillary with 0.1 M NaOH before introduction of the next sample.  相似文献   
The proper identification of differentially methylated CpGs is central in most epigenetic studies. The Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip is widely used to quantify DNA methylation; nevertheless, the design of an appropriate analysis pipeline faces severe challenges due to the convolution of biological and technical variability and the presence of a signal bias between Infinium I and II probe design types. Despite recent attempts to investigate how to analyze DNA methylation data with such an array design, it has not been possible to perform a comprehensive comparison between different bioinformatics pipelines due to the lack of appropriate data sets having both large sample size and sufficient number of technical replicates. Here we perform such a comparative analysis, targeting the problems of reducing the technical variability, eliminating the probe design bias and reducing the batch effect by exploiting two unpublished data sets, which included technical replicates and were profiled for DNA methylation either on peripheral blood, monocytes or muscle biopsies. We evaluated the performance of different analysis pipelines and demonstrated that: (1) it is critical to correct for the probe design type, since the amplitude of the measured methylation change depends on the underlying chemistry; (2) the effect of different normalization schemes is mixed, and the most effective method in our hands were quantile normalization and Beta Mixture Quantile dilation (BMIQ); (3) it is beneficial to correct for batch effects. In conclusion, our comparative analysis using a comprehensive data set suggests an efficient pipeline for proper identification of differentially methylated CpGs using the Illumina 450K arrays.  相似文献   
In model organisms, thousands of genes differ in expression between females and males. It is not known if differences on a similar scale are found in humans nor how this relates to disease. However, in allergic disease gender differences in the levels of both inflammatory cells and proteins have been shown. In this study, we found lower nasal fluid allergen-specific IgE in women than men with seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR). This led to genome-wide analyses of gene expression in allergen-challenged CD4+ cells from patients with SAR before and after treatment with cortisone. Before treatment, 975 genes differed in expression between women and men: 337 were higher in women. After treatment only 428 genes and one pathway differed in expression. The genes that differed in expression between women and men were over-represented in 10 pathways. Five of the pathways regulated chemotaxis. All five were less active in women. One of the pathways was induced by the eosinophilic chemokine CCL4. Analysis of nasal fluid CCL4 protein confirmed lower levels in women with seasonal allergic rhinitis, before and during the pollen season. By contrast, nasal fluid CCL3 levels did not differ between the genders. In summary, this study shows gender differences in specific inflammatory pathways and proteins in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis. Further studies are warranted to examine if such differences have diagnostic and therapeutic implications in allergic diseases.  相似文献   
We have isolated the plasma membrane H+−ATPase in a phosphorylated form from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaf tissue incubated with fusicoccin, a fungal toxin that induces irreversible binding of 14–3–3 protein to the C terminus of the H+-ATPase, thus activating H+ pumping. We have identified threonine-948, the second residue from the C-terminal end of the H+-ATPase, as the phosphorylated amino acid. Turnover of the phosphate group of phosphothreonine-948 was inhibited by 14–3–3 binding, suggesting that this residue may form part of a binding motif for 14–3–3. This is the first identification to our knowledge of an in vivo phosphorylation site in the plant plasma membrane H+-ATPase.  相似文献   
Scale of competition has been shown to be an important factor in shaping the evolution of social interactions. Although many theoretical and experimental studies have examined its effect on altruistic cooperation, relatively little research effort has been focused on spiteful behaviors--actions that harm both the actor and the recipient. In this study, we expand on existing theory by investigating the importance of the global frequency of spiteful alleles, and we determine experimentally how the scale of competition affects selection for spite in the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa under high and intermediate spatial relatedness. Consistent with our theoretical results, we found in our experiments that spiteful genotypes are more favored under local (rather than global) competition and intermediate (rather than high) spatial relatedness, conditions that have been shown to select against indiscriminate altruism.  相似文献   
Synchrotron radiation X‐ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM) was used to virtually dissect and peel the shields off of the microscopic, bivalved phosphatocopine crustaceans in the Cambrian ‘Orsten’ type of preservation of Sweden. Doing so opened up for an array of concealed internal structures to be observed in a fully enclosed specimen of Hesslandona ventrospinata and a semi‐enclosed specimen of Hesslandona angustata. For comparison, also a head‐larva stage specimen of H. angustata, with shields in ‘butterfly position’, was analysed. The X‐ray tomographic data sets revealed excellently preserved structures, such as labrum, sternum, antennae, mandibular and post‐mandibular limbs with their minute setae, all of which were more or less disguised by the enclosing shields. This, moreover, allowed assignment to growth stages of the specimens, which is impossible based solely on external morphology and size. Micro‐spherules observed inside the shields of the semi‐enclosed H. angustata specimen may represent remains of food particles, and the feeding biology of phosphatocopines is discussed in detail. Our analyses suggest that phosphatocopines were particle feeders. The SRXTM technique offers the ability to three‐dimensionally reconstruct the morphology in high resolution, construct virtual serial sections and study concealed structures. The resulting data allow for new structures to be revealed for previously known taxa and for new taxa to be identified, with the added benefit of not destroying the specimens in the process. Hence, we do not longer have to rely on serendipitous finds of broken and/or open phosphatocopine specimens to elucidate their diagnostic ventral morphology.  相似文献   
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