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The present article addresses the development of a microbial reaction system for the transformation of carveol to carvone, using whole cells of Rhodococcus erythropolis DCL14. This strain contains a NAD-dependent carveol dehydrogenase (CDH) when grown on limonene or on cyclohexanol. When a mixture of (−)-cis and (−)-trans-carveol is supplied, only (−)-trans-carveol is converted. Thus, besides (−)-carvone, pure (−)-cis-carveol can be obtained as product.

Initial experiments were performed batchwise using an aqueous system. (−)-Trans-carveol conversion rate gradually decreased during successive reutilisation batches. After the third reutilisation, activity was completely lost. Cells grown on cyclohexanol showed a slightly higher activity as compared to cells grown on (+)-limonene. A production of 4.3 μmol (−)-carvone formed per mg protein was achieved. A significant improvement with respect to initial reaction rate and productivity was obtained with aqueous–organic two-phase systems. Using a 5 to 1 buffer/iso-octane system, a 40% increase in the initial rate and a 16-fold increase of the production was observed. A further improvement resulted from increasing the volume of solvent (1 to 1 buffer/dodecane ratio). An initial reaction rate of 26 nmol/(min*mg protein) was observed, while production increased to 208 μmol (−)-carvone formed per mg protein. As in the single-phase system, reaction rate gradually decreased along the successive cell reutilisation batches. Addition of co-substrates for the regeneration of NAD did not prevent this decay. A simple downstream process was developed for the recovery of carvone and cis-carveol.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry-based (MS) methods are effective tools for discovering protein biomarker candidates that can differentiate between physiological and pathophysiological states. Promising candidates are validated in studies comprising large patient cohorts. Here, targeted protein analytics are used to increase sample throughput. Methods involving antibodies, such as sandwich immunoassays or Western blots, are commonly applied at this stage. Highly-specific and sensitive mass spectrometry-based immunoassays that have been established in recent years offer a suitable alternative to sandwich immunoassays for quantifying proteins. Mass Spectrometric ImmunoAssays (MSIA) and Stable Isotope Standards and Capture by Anti-Peptide Antibodies (SISCAPA/iMALDI) are two prominent types of MS-based immunoassays in which the capture is done either at the protein or the peptide level. We present an overview of these emerging types of immunoassays and discuss their suitability for the discovery and validation of protein biomarkers. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Biomarkers: A Proteomic Challenge.  相似文献   
Frozen thin sections and sections from freeze-dried and embedded tissue are used for the autoradiographic localization of diffusible substances at the electron microscope level. The presence of ice crystals in such sections may limit the autoradiographic resolution. Ice crystals are formed during freezing and may grow during subsequent processing of tissue. The contribution of ice crystal growth to the final image was estimated by measuring the distribution of the ice crystal sizes in freeze-etch replicas and in sections from freeze-dried and embedded tissues. A surface layer (10-15 mu) without visible ice crystals was present in both preparations. Beneath this surface layer the diameter of ice crystals increased towards the interior with the same relationship between crystal size and distance from the surface in the freeze-etch preparation as in the freeze-dry preparation. Ice crystal growth occurring during a much longer time during freeze-drying compared to freeze-etching does not significantly contribute to the final image in the electron microscope. The formation of ice crystals during freezing determines to a large extent the image (and therefore the autoradiographic resolution) of freeze-dry preparations and this probably holds also for thin cryosections of which examples are given.  相似文献   


To elucidate in polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) the role of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α and the therapeutic potential of blockade with soluble TNF-α receptor, we carried out the first randomized controlled trial with etanercept in PMR.  相似文献   
The structures of the carbohydrate O-specific side-chain moiety of the lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of Yokenella regensburgei, strains PCM 2476, 2477, 2478, and 2494, have been investigated by (1)H and (13)C NMR, fast atom bombardment tandem mass spectrometry (FAB-MSMS), matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry, methylation analysis, partial acid hydrolysis, and immunological methods. It was concluded that the O-specific polysaccharides of strains 2476, 2477, 2478, and 2494 are composed of the same basic trisaccharide repeating unit having the structure -->3)-alpha-D-FucpNAc-(1-->2)-L-alpha-D-Hepp-(1-->3)-6-deoxy -alpha-L- Talp-(1-->, in which L-alpha-D-Hepp is L-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptopyranose. The detailed analysis revealed, however, differences in O-acetylation patterns of the 6-deoxy-L-talose residue, with 2- and 4-O-acetyl disubstituted -->3)-6-deoxy-alpha-L-Talp-(1--> in strain PCM 2476 and a 2-O-acetylated residue in strains 2477, 2478, and 2494. These structures represent novel, trisaccharide repeating units of bacterial O-antigens that are characteristic and unique to the Y. regensburgeispecies. By use of the high-resolution magic-angle spinning (HR-MAS) technique, (1)H NMR spectra of the O-polysaccharides directly in isolated LPS were obtained. This allowed for almost full assignment and structural determination of the polysaccharide. By this technique the O-polysaccharide components were also observed in their original form directly on the surface of living bacterial cells.  相似文献   
The purpose of a drinking water distribution system is to deliver drinking water to the consumer, preferably with the same quality as when it left the treatment plant. In this context, the maintenance of good microbiological quality is often referred to as biological stability, and the addition of sufficient chlorine residuals is regarded as one way to achieve this. The full-scale drinking water distribution system of Riga (Latvia) was investigated with respect to biological stability in chlorinated drinking water. Flow cytometric (FCM) intact cell concentrations, intracellular adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP), heterotrophic plate counts and residual chlorine measurements were performed to evaluate the drinking water quality and stability at 49 sampling points throughout the distribution network. Cell viability methods were compared and the importance of extracellular ATP measurements was examined as well. FCM intact cell concentrations varied from 5×103 cells mL−1 to 4.66×105 cells mL−1 in the network. While this parameter did not exceed 2.1×104 cells mL−1 in the effluent from any water treatment plant, 50% of all the network samples contained more than 1.06×105 cells mL−1. This indisputably demonstrates biological instability in this particular drinking water distribution system, which was ascribed to a loss of disinfectant residuals and concomitant bacterial growth. The study highlights the potential of using cultivation-independent methods for the assessment of chlorinated water samples. In addition, it underlines the complexity of full-scale drinking water distribution systems, and the resulting challenges to establish the causes of biological instability.  相似文献   
Wheezing is one of the most common respiratory symptoms in preschool children under six years old. Currently, no tests are available that predict at early stage who will develop asthma and who will be a transient wheezer. Diagnostic tests of asthma are reliable in adults but the same tests are difficult to use in children, because they are invasive and require active cooperation of the patient. A non-invasive alternative is needed for children. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) excreted in breath could yield such non-invasive and patient-friendly diagnostic. The aim of this study was to identify VOCs in the breath of preschool children (inclusion at age 2–4 years) that indicate preclinical asthma. For that purpose we analyzed the total array of exhaled VOCs with Gas Chromatography time of flight Mass Spectrometry of 252 children between 2 and 6 years of age. Breath samples were collected at multiple time points of each child. Each breath-o-gram contained between 300 and 500 VOCs; in total 3256 different compounds were identified across all samples. Using two multivariate methods, Random Forests and dissimilarity Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis, we were able to select a set of 17 VOCs which discriminated preschool asthmatic children from transient wheezing children. The correct prediction rate was equal to 80% in an independent test set. These VOCs are related to oxidative stress caused by inflammation in the lungs and consequently lipid peroxidation. In conclusion, we showed that VOCs in the exhaled breath predict the subsequent development of asthma which might guide early treatment.  相似文献   
Developmental Phenotypic Landscapes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The aim of the present project was to investigate whether repeated visits by a therapy dog to nursing homes might affect the older residents’ systolic blood pressure and heart rate. A secondary aim was to investigate and compare effects (differences in responses) in older people with high and normal systolic blood pressure. The project consisted of two consecutive studies; the dog study (two researchers and a therapy dog with a handler visited the residents at three nursing homes, n = 13), and the control study (the two researchers alone visited the residents at three different nursing homes, n = 13). The studies were divided into three periods; period 1 (weeks 1–2), period 2 (weeks 3–4), and period 3 (weeks 5–6) and included two visits per week. The dog and her handler visited during periods 2 and 3 in the dog study. Participants’ heart rate and blood pressure were measured at 0 and 20 minutes at each visit. The data were analyzed using Friedman's two- way analysis of Variance by Rank with post-hoc analysis using Wilcoxon signed-rank tests with a Bonferroni correction, and also with the Mann-Whitney U test for independent samples. In the dog study, participants’ heart rate decreased significantly (p = 0.006) from period 1 to period 3. Participants with an initial systolic blood pressure ≥ 130 mmHg had a significant decrease in both systolic blood pressure (p = 0.009) and heart rate (p = 0.009). In the control study, participants’ heart rate and systolic blood pressure did not change significantly. The participants in the dog study had a significantly lower systolic blood pressure during period 3 (p = 0.016) compared with those in the control study. In conclusion, repeated visits by a therapy dog–handler team decreased the older adults’ heart rate, and for those with high initial systolic blood pressure, blood pressure also decreased. In addition, systolic blood pressure decreased significantly in the dog group when compared with the control group.  相似文献   
Scale insects are commonly associated with obligate, intracellular microorganisms which play important roles in complementing their hosts with essential nutrients. Here we characterized the symbiotic system of Greenisca brachypodii, a member of the family Eriococcidae. Histological and ultrastructural analyses have indicated that G. brachypodii is stably associated with coccoid and rod‐shaped bacteria. Phylogenetic analyses have revealed that the coccoid bacteria represent a sister group to the secondary symbiont of the mealybug Melanococcus albizziae, whereas the rod‐shaped symbionts are close relatives of Arsenophonus symbionts in insects – to our knowledge, this is the first report of the presence of Arsenophonus bacterium in scale insects. As a comparison of 16S and 23S rRNA genes sequences of the G. brachypodii coccoid symbiont with other gammaprotebacterial sequences showed only low similarity (~90%), we propose the name ‘Candidatus Kotejella greeniscae’ for its tentative classification. Both symbionts are transovarially transmitted from one generation to the next. The infection takes place in the neck region of the ovariole. The bacteria migrate between follicular cells, as well as through the cytoplasm of those cells to the perivitelline space, where they form a characteristic ‘symbiont ball’. Our findings provide evidence for a polyphyletic origin of symbionts of Eriococcidae.  相似文献   
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