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By using newly hatched (approximately 2 weeks old) brown trout(Salmo trutta) from six families of wild and six families ofsea-ranched origin (seventh generation), we tested the hypothesesthat (1) the hatchery environment selects for increased boldness,and (2) boldness predicts dominance status. Sea-ranched troutspend their first 2 years in the hatchery before being releasedinto the wild at the onset of seaward migration. Trout werepresented with a novel object (tack) and with food (brine shrimp),and their responses were measured and scored in terms of boldness.Siblings with increasing difference in boldness were then pairedin dyadic contests. Fish of sea-ranged origin were on averagebolder than were fish of wild origin, and bolder individualswere more likely to become dominant regardless of origin. Boldnesswas not related to RNA levels, indicating that bold behaviorwas not a consequence of higher metabolism or growth rate. Neitherwas size a predictor of bold behavior or the outcome of dyadiccontests. These results are consistent with studies on olderlife stages showing increased boldness toward predators in hatchery-selectedfish, which suggests that behavioral consequences of hatcheryselection are manifested very early in life. The concordancebetween boldness and dominance may suggest that these behaviorsare linked in a risk prone-aggressive phenotype, which may bepromoted by hatchery selection. However, we also found significantvariation in behavioral and growth-related traits among families,suggesting that heritable variation has not been exhausted bysea-ranching procedures.  相似文献   
[Acyl CoA]monoacylglycerol acyltransferase 2 (MGAT2) is of interest as a target for therapeutic treatment of diabetes, obesity and other diseases which together constitute the metabolic syndrome. In this Letter we report our discovery and optimisation of a novel series of MGAT2 inhibitors. The development of the SAR of the series and a detailed discussion around some key parameters monitored and addressed during the lead generation phase will be given. The in vivo results from an oral lipid tolerance test (OLTT) using the MGAT2 inhibitor (S)-10, shows a significant reduction (68% inhibition relative to na?ve, p <0.01) in plasma triacylglycerol (TAG) concentration.  相似文献   
Peroxidation of membrane lipids has been hypothesized to play a key role in various types of tissue degeneration and pathology. Lipid peroxides are formed when oxygen reacts with an unsaturated fatty acid chain. Virtually all of the unsaturated fatty acids in biological systems are bound by ester linkages in phospholipids or triglycerides. Phospholipid and triglyceride peroxides are primary products of lipid peroxidation and have rarely been measured. Most of the commonly used methods for detection of lipid peroxidation are based on detection of malondialdehyde or other chemical species that are derived from oxidized fatty acids. This review presents an overview of recently developed methods aimed at identifying and measuring oxidized phospholipids and triglycerides which are direct evidence of the occurrence of lipid peroxidation in vivo.  相似文献   
Pyrophosphate:D-fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase waspurified over 700-fold from germinating cucumber (Cucumis sativuscv. Fletcher) seeds. The purified enzyme has a specific activityof 5.2 µmol.min–1.mg protein–1 in the presenceof 1 µM fru-2,6-P2. The pH optima is similar for boththe forward and reverse reactions (pH 7.5–7.8). Magnesium,manganese and cobalt activate the enzyme, with the highest affinitybeing for magnesium. The enzyme exhibits normal Michaelis-Mentenkinetics in both the presence and absence of fru-2,6-P2. Half-maximumactivation of the enzyme was obtained with 35 nM fru-2,6-P2.Fru-2,6-P2 stimulates activity by increasing Vmax and increasingthe affinity for fru-6-P, fru-1,6-P2 and PPi. Phosphate causesnoncompetitive inhibition with respect to both fru-6-P and PPi.On the basis of the steadystate substrate interaction and Piinhibition data a sequential ternary complex mechanism is proposed. (Received April 28, 1986; Accepted July 9, 1986)  相似文献   
Methods for measuring 3H-SCH 23390 binding and dopamine (DA) stimulated adenylate cyclase (AC) were established in identical tissue preparations and under similar experimental conditions. Pharmacological characterization revealed that both assays involved interaction with the D1 receptor or closely associated sites. In order to investigate whether the binding sites for 3H-SCH 23390 and DA in fact are identical, the antagonistic effects of a variety of pharmacologically active compounds were examined. Surprisingly, the Ki-values obtained from Schild-plot analysis of the antagonism of DA-stimulated AC, were 80-240 times higher than the Ki-values obtained from competition curves of 3H-SCH 23390 binding. Since both assays were performed under identical conditions, the differences in Ki-values indicate the possibility of different binding sites for DA and 3H-SCH 23390 or, that DA and 3H-SCH 23390 label different states of the same receptor.  相似文献   
Empis borealisfemales form swarms, and males carrying a nuptial gift come to swarms to mate. Males either mated with one of the females (accepted swarms) or left swarms without mating (refused swarms). Males mated with the younger (low wing-wear) and relatively larger females in accepted swarms. They seemed to be able to judge the relative size of the females but to ignore their absolute size. Visiting males stayed shorter in accepted swarms as female size variation increased. This probably reflects their greater ease in choosing a mate among females of relatively different sizes. Females in accepted swarms tended to be larger and to have less worn wings than females in rejected swarms.  相似文献   
Tannic acid induces aggregation and formation of multilamellar vesicles when added to preparations of small unilamellar vesicles, specifically those containing phosphatidylcholine. Aggregation and clustering of vesicles was demonstrated by cryo-electron microscopy of thin films and by freeze-fracture technique. Turbidity measurements revealed an approximately one-to-one molar ratio between tannic acid and phosphatidylcholine necessary for a fast and massive aggregation of the small unilamellar vesicles. When tannic acid-induced aggregates were dehydrated and embedded for conventional thin-section electron microscopy, multilamellar vesicles were retrieved in thin sections. It is concluded from morphological studies, as well as previous tracer studies, that tannic acid, at least to a great extent, prevents the extraction of phosphatidylcholine. Multilamellar vesicles were also observed in tannic acid-treated vesicles prepared from total lipid extracts from either rabbit or rat hearts. Substantially more multilamellar vesicles were retrieved in the rabbit vesicle preparation. This difference can probably be explained by the difference in the proportion of the plasmalogen phosphatidylcholine, and possibly the content of sphingomyelin, in lipid extracts of rabbit and rat hearts. It is concluded that the dual effect (reduced extraction and aggregation) of tannic acid on phosphatidylcholines should be taken into consideration when tannic acid is used in tissue preparation.  相似文献   
Superantigen-based tumor therapy: in vivo activation of cytotoxic T cells   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
We have recently demonstrated that the superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) targets in vitro activated cytotoxic T lymphocytes against tumor cells expressing major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II antigens. In this report we analyze the use of SEA as an immunoactivator in vivo. Treatment of mice with SEA activated a fraction of CD3+ T cells apparently as a function of their T cell receptor V expression. SEA induced interleukin-2 receptor expression and proliferation in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. This proliferative response was dose-dependent (0.1 – 100 µg/mouse), peaked during day 1 after treatment and declined to background levels within 4 days. The cytotoxic response, measured as cytotoxicity to SEA-coated MHC class II+ target cells (staphylococcal-enterotoxin-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, SDCC), was maximal at a dosage of 1 µg SEA/mouse. The SDCC was confined to the CD8+ T cell compartment, peaked 2 days after treatment and declined to background levels within 4 days. A second injection of SEA on day 5 after the first SEA treatment resulted in SDCC function with kinetics and magnitude identical to that seen after one injection. These results pave the way for the use of SEA in the treatment of MHC class II+ tumors.  相似文献   
Membracids (family: Membracidae), commonly known as treehoppers, are recognizable by their enlarged and often elaborated pronota. Much of the research investigating the development and evolution of this structure has focused on the fifth instar to adult transition, in which the pronotum undergoes the largest transformation as it takes on adult identity. However, little is known about the earlier nymphal stages, the degree to which the pronotum develops at these timepoints, and how development has changed relative to the ancestral state. Here, we studied the nymphal stages and adults of five morphologically distinct membracid species and of Aetalion reticulatum (family: Aetalionidae), the outgroup which was used as an ancestral state proxy. We found that shape differentiation in the pronotum of membracids can start as early as the second instar stage. Most shape differentiation occurs within the nymphal stages and not in the embryo since the shape of the first-instar pronotum did not differ from the outgroup species in all but one species we investigated. We found the anterior–posterior axis of the pronotum elongated at a faster relative rate in membracid species than in A. reticulatum, which contributed to the development of exaggerated pronotal size. Finally, we found differences in the morphogenesis of shape across species. We suggest this is due to the developmental and evolutionary divergence of differential growth patterning of the dorsal surface of the pronotum, not only across species, but also between stages within the same species. This lability may contribute to the evolvability and diversification of the membracid pronotum.  相似文献   
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