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Granulocytic differentiation of human HL-60 cells can be induced by retinoic acid and is accompanied by a massive expression of CD38, a multi-functional enzyme responsible for metabolizing cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR), a Ca(2+) messenger. Immunofluorescence staining showed that CD38 was expressed not only on the surface of intact HL-60 cells but also intracellularly, which was revealed after permeabilization with Triton. Concomitant with CD38 expression was the accumulation of cADPR, and both time courses preceded the onset of differentiation, suggesting a causal role for CD38. Consistently, treatment of HL-60 cells with a permeant inhibitor of CD38, nicotinamide, inhibited both the CD38 activity and differentiation. More specific blockage of CD38 expression was achieved by using morpholino antisense oligonucleotides targeting its mRNA, which produced a corresponding inhibition of differentiation as well. Similar inhibitory effects were observed when CD38 expression was reduced by the RNA interference technique targeting two separate regions of the coding sequence of CD38. Further support came from transfecting HL-60 cells with a Tet-On expression vector containing a full-length CD38. Subsequent treatments with doxycycline induced both CD38 expression and differentiation in the absence of retinoic acid. These results provide the first evidence that CD38 expression and the consequential accumulation of cADPR play a causal role in mediating cellular differentiation.  相似文献   
In the present communication we analyzed the levels of IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4 and IgE isotypes to soluble egg antigen of Schistosoma mansoni by ELISA in individuals from an endemic area for schistosomiasis in Northeast Brazil. The analysis was performed before and after treatment to evaluate the age-dependent pattern, and to identify differences in the reactivities to antigens. Our results suggest that schistosomiasis treatment would not interfere with this sort of immune response.  相似文献   
This report describes the epidemiological and clinical-evolutive characteristics of eight patients with hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil. A positive history of contact with rodents was present in 100% of the cases. The time between the onset of symptoms and hospital care was, on average, 3.6 days. All patients showed clinical and laboratory findings suggestive of HPS. Elevated urea and creatinine levels were observed in 6 (75%) cases, PO2 was < 60 mmHg in 100% of the cases, and a chest X-ray demonstrated a bilateral interstitial-alveolar infiltrate. The diagnosis was confirmed by the detection of IgM antibodies against Sin Nombre virus by ELISA. Three patients died as a direct consequence of HPS.  相似文献   
The analyses of the ectoparasite species associated with a small mammal community on Ilha Grande, a coastal island in southern of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, evaluated the level of host-ectoparasite specificity. Was used the Jaccard index for qualitative data to analyse the similarity. The lowest value of similarity occurred between Proechimys iheringi and Marmosops incanus and between Sciurus aestuans and Nectomys squamipes (Cj=0.08) and the highest between P. iheringi and Oxymycterus sp. (Cj=0.33). This index showed a low value of similarity across the ectoparasite community. The only exception from this pattern of high host specificity occurred with P. iheringi and Oxymycterus sp., which shared five species of ectoparasites. The similarity values, for most of the cases, is smaller than 0.2.  相似文献   
Summary Some native species produce seeds with a low frequency of germination accompanied with a period of dormancy. These features make it difficult to produce new phenotypes through sexual propagation. Maclura tinctoria has been considered an endangered species due to extensive use of its wood and low frequency of seed germination. The objective of the present study is to establish an in vitro propagation system for this species. Organogenic friable callus formation from nodal segments has been obtained using woody plant medium (WPM) supplemented with 10.74 μM 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA)+4.43 μM 6-benzylaminopurine (BA). Results indicate that the highest frequency of shoot formation is observed when WPM supplemented with 4.03 μM NAA+4.43 BA is used. For root formation, the use of WPM medium (pH adjusted to 7.0) supplemented with 23.62 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and 4.7gl−1 activated charcoal is recommended. For acelimatization, subjecting rooted plantlets to 70%, 50%, and 30% mesh screen, each successively for a period of 7 d, has resulted in 97% plantlet survival.  相似文献   
Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas' disease in humans, is an intracellular protozoan parasite with the ability to invade a wide variety of mammalian cells by a unique and remarkable process in cell biology that is poorly understood. Here we present evidence suggesting a role for the host phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinases during T. cruzi invasion. The PI 3-kinase inhibitor wortmannin marked inhibited T. cruzi infection when macrophages were pretreated for 20 min at 37 degrees C before inoculation. Infection of macrophages with T. cruzi markedly stimulated the formation of the lipid products of the phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinases, PI 3-phospate, PI 3,4-biphosphate, and PI 3,4,5-triphosphate, but not PI 4-phosphate or PI 4,5-biphosphate. This activation was inhibited by wortmannin. Infection with T. cruzi also stimulated a marked increase in the in vitro lipid kinase activities that are present in the immunoprecipitates of anti-p85 subunit of class I PI 3-kinase and anti-phosphotyrosine. In addition, T. cruzi invasion also activated lipid kinase activity found in immunoprecipitates of class II and class III PI 3-kinases. These data demonstrate that T. cruzi invasion into macrophages strongly activates separated PI 3-kinase isoforms. Furthermore, the inhibition of the class I and class III PI 3-kinase activities abolishes the parasite entry into macrophages. These findings suggest a prominent role for the host PI 3-kinase activities during the T. cruzi infection process.  相似文献   
The influence of ring size on the photobehaviour of condensed 1,4-naphthoquinone systems, such as pyrano- and furano-derivatives (1 and 2, respectively) has been investigated. The absorption spectra for both families of naphthoquinones reveal clear differences; in the case of 2 they extend to longer wavelengths. A solvatochromic red shift in polar solvents is consistent with the π,π* character of the S(0)→ S(1) electronic transition in all cases. Theoretical (B3LYP) analysis of the HOMO and LUMO Kohn-Sham molecular orbitals of the S(0) state indicates that they are π and π* in nature, consistent with the experimental observation. A systematic study on the efficiency of singlet oxygen generation by these 1,4-naphthoquinones is presented, and values larger than 0.7 were found in every case. In accordance with these results, laser flash photolysis of deoxygenated acetonitrile solutions led to the formation of detectable triplet transient species with absorptions at 390 and 450 nm (1) and at 370 nm (2), with φ(ISC) close to 1. Additionally, the calculated energies for the T(1) states relative to the S(0) states at UB3LYP/6-311++G** are ca. 47 kcal mol(-1) for 1 and 43 kcal mol(-1) for 2. A comparison of the geometrical parameters for the S(0) and T(1) states reveals a marked difference with respect to the arrangement of the exocyclic phenyl ring whilst a comparison of electronic parameters revealed the change from a quinone structure to a di-dehydroquinone diradical structure.  相似文献   
This study reports the effect of daily mean ambient temperature on daily activity and habitat use by the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) in the Pantanal wetlands of Brazil. We equipped 11 giant anteaters with a global position system collar programmed to acquire a location every 10 min for 15 d. A temperature data logger left in the meteorological station at the study site registered data on ambient temperature. Giant anteaters were mainly active in open fields except during the coldest days, when they sought protection inside forests. Giant anteaters also used open habitats for resting but during the hottest or chilliest days they sheltered in forests. In the Pantanal, where temperatures are usually high, giant anteaters were active all night long, but as daily average ambient temperature decreased anteaters began and finished activity progressively earlier and reduced total activity. As a consequence, time spent active at daylight increased progressively and time spent active during the night decreased progressively, probably to allow the anteaters to expose themselves to solar radiation and to avoid heat loss during the night.  相似文献   
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