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Yersinia pestis is the causative agent of the bubonic, septicemic, and pneumonic plagues (also known as black death) and has been responsible for recurrent devastating pandemics throughout history. To further understand this virulent bacterium and to accelerate an ongoing sequencing project, two whole-genome restriction maps (XhoI and PvuII) of Y. pestis strain KIM were constructed using shotgun optical mapping. This approach constructs ordered restriction maps from randomly sheared individual DNA molecules directly extracted from cells. The two maps served different purposes; the XhoI map facilitated sequence assembly by providing a scaffold for high-resolution alignment, while the PvuII map verified genome sequence assembly. Our results show that such maps facilitated the closure of sequence gaps and, most importantly, provided a purely independent means for sequence validation. Given the recent advancements to the optical mapping system, increased resolution and throughput are enabling such maps to guide sequence assembly at a very early stage of a microbial sequencing project.  相似文献   
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Williams 82 and A3127] plants were grown in the field under long-term soil moisture deficit and irrigation to determine the effects of severe drought stress on the photosynthetic capacity of soybean leaves. Afternoon leaf water potentials, stomatal conductances, intercellular CO2 concentrations and CO2-assimilation rates for the two soil moisture treatments were compared during the pod elongation and seed enlargement stages of crop development. Leaf CO2-assimilation rates were measured with either ambient (340 l CO2 l–1) or CO2-enriched (1800 l CO2 l–1) air. Although seed yield and leaf area per plant were decreased an average of 48 and 31%, respectively, as a result of drought stress, leaf water potentials were reduced only an average of 0.27 MPa during the sampling period. Afternoon leaf CO2-assimilation rates measured with ambient air were decreased an average of 56 and 49% by soil moisture deficit for Williams 82 and A3127, respectively. The reductions in leaf photosynthesis of both cultivars were associated with similar decreases in leaf stomatal conductance and with small increases in leaf intercellular CO2 concentration. When the CO2-enriched air was used, similar afternoon leaf CO2-assimilation rates were found between the soil moisture treatments at each stage of crop development. These results suggest that photosynthetic capacity of soybean leaves is not reduced by severe soil moisture deficit when a stress develops gradually under field conditions.Abbreviations Ci intercellular CO2 concentrations - Aa rates of CO2 assimilation measured with ambient air - Ae rates of CO2 assimilation measured with CO2-enriched air - gs stomatal conductances - RuBPCase ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase  相似文献   
Recently, efforts have been made to improve the properties of Escherichia coli as a recombinant host by 'genomic surgery'-deleting large segments of the E. coli K12 MG1655 genome without scars. These excised segments included K-islands, which contain a high proportion of transposons, insertion sequences, cryptic phage, damaged, and unknown-function genes. The resulting multiple-deletion strain, designated E. coli MDS40, has a 14% (about 700 genes) smaller genome than the parent strain, E. coli MG1655. The multiple-deletion and parent E. coli strains were cultured in fed-batch fermenters to high cell densities on minimal medium to simulate industrial conditions for evaluating growth and recombinant protein production characteristics. Recombinant protein production and by-product levels were quantified at different controlled growth rates. These results indicate that the multiple-deletion strain's growth behavior and recombinant protein productivity closely matched the parent stain. Thus, the multiple-deletion strain E. coli MDS40 provides a suitable foundation for further genomic reduction.  相似文献   
The specific membrane capacitance and conductivity of mammalian cells, which reflect their surface morphological complexities and membrane barrier functions, respectively, have been shown to respond to cell physiologic and pathologic changes. Here, the effects of induced apoptosis on these membrane properties of cultured human promyelocytic HL-60 cells are reported. Changes in membrane capacitance and conductivity were deduced from measurements of cellular dielectrophoretic crossover frequencies following treatment with genistein (GEN). The apparent specific cell membrane capacitance of HL-60 cells fell from an initial value of 17.6+/-0.9 to 9.1+/-0.5 mF/m(2) 4 h after treatment. Changes began within minutes of treatment and preceded both the externalization of phosphatidylserine (PS), as gauged by the Annexin V assay, and the appearance of a sub-G1 cell subpopulation, as determined through ethidium bromide staining of DNA. Treatment by the broad spectrum caspase inhibitor N-benzyloxycarbony-Val-Ala-Asp(O-methyl)-fluoromethyketone (zVAD-fmk) did not prevent these early cell membrane dielectric responses, suggesting that the caspase system was not involved. Although membrane conductivity did not alter during the first 4 h of GEN treatment, it rose significantly and progressively thereafter. Finally, as the barrier function failed and the cells became necrotic, it increased by many orders of magnitude. The effective membrane capacitance and conductivity findings serve to focus attention on the membrane as a site for early participation in apoptosis. In conjunction with our prior reports of the use of dielectric methods for cell manipulation and separation, these results demonstrate that dielectrophoretic technologies should be applicable to the rapid detection, separation, and quantification of normal, apoptotic, and necrotic cells from cell mixtures.  相似文献   
More extensive genetic tests have been performed on a series of 832 X-ray-induced specific-locus mutations in the ad-3 region of a 2-component heterokaryon (H-12) of Neurospora crassa, reported earlier (Webber and de Serres 1965). Using a new tester strains and techniques for performing large-scale genetic tests (heterokaryon, dikaryon and trikaryon) to characterize ad-3 mutants induced in 2-component heterokaryons, new data have been obtained on this sample of X-ray-induced ad-3 mutants. These new data show that unexpectedly high frequencies of both single-locus (gene/point) mutations and multilocus deletions in the ad-3 region have additional, but separate, sites of resessive lethal (RLCL) damage in the immediately adjacent genetic regions. The frequencies of these X-ray-induced multiple-locus mutants in the ad-3 region are orders of magnitude higher than expected on the basis of target theory and classical models of chromosome structure during interphase. Current models of interphase chromosome structure in higher eukaryotes as revealed by chromosome “painting” offer a possible explanation of the Neurospora data.  相似文献   
Water plays a central role in plant biology and the efficiency of water transport throughout the plant affects both photosynthetic rate and growth, an influence that scales up deterministically to the productivity of terrestrial ecosystems. Moreover, hydraulic traits mediate the ways in which plants interact with their abiotic and biotic environment. At landscape to global scale, plant hydraulic traits are important in describing the function of ecological communities and ecosystems. Plant hydraulics is increasingly recognized as a central hub within a network by which plant biology is connected to palaeobiology, agronomy, climatology, forestry, community and ecosystem ecology and earth‐system science. Such grand challenges as anticipating and mitigating the impacts of climate change, and improving the security and sustainability of our food supply rely on our fundamental knowledge of how water behaves in the cells, tissues, organs, bodies and diverse communities of plants. A workshop, ‘Emerging Frontiers in Plant Hydraulics’ supported by the National Science Foundation, was held in Washington DC, 2015 to promote open discussion of new ideas, controversies regarding measurements and analyses, and especially, the potential for expansion of up‐scaled and down‐scaled inter‐disciplinary research, and the strengthening of connections between plant hydraulic research, allied fields and global modelling efforts.  相似文献   
Although genetic studies have contributed greatly to our understanding of the colonization of Near and Remote Oceania, important gaps still exist. One such gap is the Solomon Islands, which extend between Bougainville and Vanuatu, thereby bridging Near and Remote Oceania, and include both Austronesian-speaking and Papuan-speaking groups. Here, we describe patterns of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nonrecombining Y chromosome (NRY) variation in over 700 individuals from 18 populations in the Solomons, including 11 Austronesian-speaking groups, 3 Papuan-speaking groups, and 4 Polynesian Outliers (descended via back migration from Polynesia). We find evidence for ancient (pre-Lapita) colonization of the Solomons in old NRY paragroups as well as from M2-M353, which probably arose in the Solomons ~9,200 years ago and is the most frequent NRY haplogroup there. There are no consistent genetic differences between Austronesian-speaking and Papuan-speaking groups, suggesting extensive genetic contact between them. Santa Cruz, which is located in Remote Oceania, shows unusually low frequencies of mtDNA and NRY haplogroups of recent Asian ancestry. This is in apparent contradiction with expectations based on archaeological and linguistic evidence for an early (~3,200 years ago), direct colonization of Santa Cruz by Lapita people from the Bismarck Archipelago, via a migration that "leapfrogged" over the rest of the Solomons. Polynesian Outliers show dramatic island-specific founder events involving various NRY haplogroups. We also find that NRY, but not mtDNA, genetic distance is correlated with the geographic distance between Solomons groups and that historically attested spheres of cultural interaction are associated with the recent genetic structure of Solomons groups, as revealed by mtDNA HV1 sequence and Y-STR haplotype diversity. Our results fill an important lacuna in human genetic studies of Oceania and aid in understanding the colonization and genetic history of this region.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Caspases are a family of aspartate-specific cysteine proteases that play an essential role in initiating and executing programmed cell death (PCD) in metazoans. Caspase-like activities have been shown to be required for the initiation of PCD in plants, but the genes encoding those activities have not been identified. VPEgamma, a cysteine protease, is induced during senescence, a form of PCD in plants, and is localized in precursor protease vesicles and vacuoles, compartments associated with PCD processes in plants. RESULTS: We show that VPEgamma binds in vivo to a general caspase inhibitor and to caspase-1-specific inhibitors, which block the activity of VPEgamma. A cysteine protease inhibitor, cystatin, accumulates to 20-fold higher levels in vpegamma mutants. Homologs of cystatin are known to suppress hypersensitive cell death in plant and animal systems. We also report that infection with an avirulent strain of Pseudomonas syringae results in an increase of caspase-1 activity, and this increase is partially suppressed in vpegamma mutants. Plants overexpressing VPEgamma exhibit a greater amount of ion leakage during infection with P. syringae, suggesting that VPEgamma may regulate cell death progression during plant-pathogen interaction. VPEgamma expression is induced after infection with P. syringae, Botrytis cinerea, and turnip mosaic virus, and knockout of VPEgamma results in increased susceptibility to these pathogens. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that VPEgamma is a caspase-like enzyme that has been recruited in plants to regulate vacuole-mediated cell dismantling during cell death, a process that has significant influence in the outcome of a diverse set of plant-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   
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