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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The objective of this study is to examine the palynological diversity of Balsaminaceae (two genera/+/-1000 species), Tetrameristaceae (two genera/two species) and Pellicieraceae (one genus/one species). The diversity found will be used to infer the systematic value of pollen features within the balsaminoid clade. METHODS: Pollen morphology and ultrastructure of 29 species, representing all families of the balsaminoid clade except Marcgraviaceae, are investigated by means of light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. KEY RESULTS: Balsaminaceae pollen is small to medium sized with three to four apertures, which can be either colpate or porate, and a sexine sculpturing varying from coarsely reticulate to almost microreticulate. Tetrameristaceae pollen is small sized, 3-colporate, with a heterobrochate reticulate sculpturing and granules present in the lumina. Pellicieraceae pollen is large sized, 3-colporate with long ectocolpi and a perforate sexine sculpturing with large verrucae. Furthermore, Pelliciera is characterized by the occurrence of aggregated orbicules, while orbicules are completely absent in both Balsaminaceae and Tetrameristaceae. Balsaminaceae pollen differs from the other balsaminoid families due to the occurrence of colpate or porate grains with an oblate to peroblate shape, a very thin foot layer and a lamellated endexine. CONCLUSIONS: From a pollen morphological point of view, Balsaminaceae are completely different from the other balsaminoid families. Therefore, no pollen morphological synapomorphies could be defined for the balsaminoid clade. However, various pollen features were observed that could indicate a possible relationship between Tetrameristaceae, Pellicieraceae and Marcgraviaceae. Despite the palynological similarities in the latter three families, it remains unclear to what extent they are related to each other.  相似文献   
The Spratly Island archipelago is a remote network of coral reefs and islands in the South China Sea that is a likely source of coral larvae to the greater region, but about which little is known. Using a particle-tracking model driven by oceanographic data from the Coral Triangle region, we simulated both spring and fall spawning events of Acropora millepora, a common coral species, over a 46-yr period (1960–2005). Simulated population biology of A. millepora included the acquisition and loss of competency, settlement over appropriate benthic habitat, and mortality based on experimental data. The simulations aimed to provide insights into the connectivity of reefs within the Spratly Islands, the settlement of larvae on reefs of the greater South China Sea, and the potential dispersal range of reef organisms from the Spratly Islands. Results suggest that (1) the Spratly Islands may be a significant source of A. millepora larvae for the Palawan reefs (Philippines) and some of the most isolated reefs of the South China Sea; and (2) the relatively isolated western Spratly Islands have limited source reefs supplying them with larvae and fewer of their larvae successfully settling on other reefs. Examination of particle dispersal without biology (settlement and mortality) suggests that larval connectivity is possible throughout the South China Sea and into the Coral Triangle region. Strong differences in the spring versus fall larval connectivity and dispersal highlight the need for a greater understanding of spawning dynamics of the region. This study confirms that the Spratly Islands are likely an important source of larvae for the South China Sea and Coral Triangle region.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton abundance, biomass and species composition of the Caspian Sea were evaluated by using samples collected from the Iranian (southern Caspian Sea) and southern Kazakhstan (eastern Caspian Sea) surface waters in March 2001. A total of 45 taxa were found in the samples (20 diatoms, 17 dinoflagellates and 8 others). Abundance and biomass of diatoms were high at the eastern stations, while dinoflagellates were dominant in terms of both biomass and abundance in the southern region. Average abundance and biomass were 40 000 ± 35 000 cell l−1 and 580 ± 690 μg l−1. The mean biomass value found here for the Middle and southern Caspian Sea in March are difficult to compare with the past due to limited information, but seems higher than previously registered values. Higher chlorophyll values were also apparent from the SeaWIFS images in 2001 compared to those in 1998. This is suggested to be due to decreased grazing of phytoplankton by zooplankton which is voraciously preyed by the recent invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi.  相似文献   
Ultramafic soils at Bandalup Hill (Western Australia) are characterised by high concentrations of Ni and low levels of P. Amongst the plant species that can sustain such hostile conditions, Hakea verrucosa F. Muell from a non-mycorrhizal family (Proteaceae) would be expected to rely on cluster roots to access P. However, the acidification of ultramafic soils by cluster roots might increase the dissolution of soil Ni, and therefore its availability to plants. Symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungi, on the other hand, might help to reduce the uptake of Ni by H. verrucosa. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the mycorrhizal status of H. verrucosa, and assess any contribution from mycorrhizal fungi to its growth and nutrient status. Seedlings of H. verrucosa were first grown in undisturbed ultramafic soil cores from Bandalup Hill for 8 weeks to assess the presence of mycorrhizal fungi in their roots. In a second experiment, H. verrucosa seedlings were grown in the same ultramafic soil that was either steamed or left untreated. Seedlings were inoculated with an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal consortium from Bandalup Hill. Fungal hyphae, vesicles, as well as intracellular arbuscules and hyphal coils were observed in the cluster roots of H. verrucosa in both experiments. In the first experiment, 57% of the root length was colonized by AM fungi. Seedlings had high (between 1.4 and 1.9) shoot to root ratios and their roots had very few root hairs, despite growing in P-deficient soil. Steaming of the ultramafic soil increased the growth of seedlings and their nutrient uptake. Inoculation with AM fungi reduced the seedling growth in steamed ultramafic soil; however, it increased their shoot P and K concentration and also the shoot K content. The shoot Ni concentration of seedlings was not affected by the presence of AM fungi.  相似文献   
Many p53 missense mutations possess dominant-negative activity and oncogenic gain of function. We report that for structurally destabilized p53 mutants, these effects result from mutant-induced coaggregation of wild-type p53 and its paralogs p63 and p73, thereby also inducing a heat-shock response. Aggregation of mutant p53 resulted from self-assembly of a conserved aggregation-nucleating sequence within the hydrophobic core of the DNA-binding domain, which becomes exposed after mutation. Suppressing the aggregation propensity of this sequence by mutagenesis abrogated gain of function and restored activity of wild-type p53 and its paralogs. In the p53 germline mutation database, tumors carrying aggregation-prone p53 mutations have a significantly lower frequency of wild-type allele loss as compared to tumors harboring nonaggregating mutations, suggesting a difference in clonal selection of aggregating mutants. Overall, our study reveals a novel disease mechanism for mutant p53 gain of function and suggests that, at least in some respects, cancer could be considered an aggregation-associated disease.  相似文献   


This work concentrated on understanding the allocation of Cd recently taken up between the organs of sunflower at early and middle reproductive growth stages. The roles of transpiration and allometry were investigated.


Sunflowers were grown hydroponically in greenhouse, being exposed to low concentrations of Cd (pCd2+ = 11.03). At flower bud and grain filling stages, plants were exposed for three days to 111Cd and at the same time, subjected or not to fans to increase the transpiration. The partitioning of 111Cd between plant organs measured by high resolution ICP-MS was then modelled.


Although the use of fans increased the plant water uptake and transpiration by about 20%, there were no significant effects on the partitioning of recent Cd. Most of the recent Cd was recovered in roots (60%) and only 2.8% were found in seeds (0.8% for the husk and 2.0% for the almonds). The sequestration of recent Cd in a plant organ was successfully explained by its biomass and except for leaves, by the biomass of other organs acting as competitive sinks.


This work proposes a modelling approach for the partitioning of the labelled Cd between plant organs in sunflower.
The mechanism by which pentobarbital anesthesia causes increases in plasma renin activity (PRA) was examined in dogs infused with either propranolol or indomethacin, an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthetase. Infusion of propranolol at 1 mg/kg, (I.V.) followed by 0.6–0.7 mg/kg/hr decreased PRA from 6.98±2.49 ng/m1/hr during control periods to 1.58±0.79 ng/m1/hr 30 minutes after the injection of propranolol (P<0.025). Subsequent induction of anesthesia with sodium pentobarbital caused PRA to rise to 3.87±0.93 ng/m1/hr in 30 minutes. (P<0.01). Plasma potassium concentration decreased from 4.6±0.2 mEq/L to reach 4.0±0.1 mEq/L 30 minutes after induction of anesthesia (P<0.005). Infusion of indomethacin at 5 mg/kg, (I.V.) followed by 1.5 ? 3.1 mg/kg/hr into conscious dogs did not decrease PRA. In contrast to the report by Montgomery et al (Fed. Proc. 36: 989, 1977), we found that the increase in PRA after pentobarbital anesthesia could not be blocked by indomethacin. PRA was 5.3±1.2 ng/m1/hr(M ± SEM) during control periods and was 4.7±1.4 ng/m1/hr 30 minutes after the infusion of indomethacin (P<0.1). PRA increased to 10.9±2.3 ng/m1/hr, 9.2±2.2 ng/m1/hr, and 7.7±1.7 ng/m1/hr at 5, 15 and 30 minutes, respectively, after the administration of pentobarbital (P<0.005, P<0.025, P<0.05). PRA declined to 4.2±1.3 ng/m1/hr 60 minutes after pentobarbital anesthesia (P<0.1). It is concluded that the mechanism by which pentobarbital causes increases in PRA is independent of prostaglandins.  相似文献   
RNAi technology was applied to down regulate LuPLR1 gene expression in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) seeds. This gene encodes a pinoresinol lariciresinol reductase responsible for the synthesis of (+)-secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), the major lignan accumulated in the seed coat. If flax lignans biological properties and health benefits are well documented their roles in planta remain unclear. This loss of function strategy was developed to better understand the implication of the PLR1 enzyme in the lignan biosynthetic pathway and to provide new insights on the functions of these compounds. RNAi plants generated exhibited LuPLR1 gene silencing as demonstrated by quantitative RT-PCR experiments and the failed to accumulate SDG. The accumulation of pinoresinol the substrate of the PLR1 enzyme under its diglucosylated form (PDG) was increased in transgenic seeds but did not compensate the overall loss of SDG. The monolignol flux was also deviated through the synthesis of 8-5′ linked neolignans dehydrodiconiferyl alcohol glucoside (DCG) and dihydro-dehydrodiconiferyl alcohol glucoside (DDCG) which were observed for the first time in flax seeds.  相似文献   
Considerable uncertainty remains over how increasing atmospheric CO2 and anthropogenic climate changes are affecting open‐ocean marine ecosystems from phytoplankton to top predators. Biological time series data are thus urgently needed for the world's oceans. Here, we use the carbon stable isotope composition of tuna to provide a first insight into the existence of global trends in complex ecosystem dynamics and changes in the oceanic carbon cycle. From 2000 to 2015, considerable declines in δ13C values of 0.8‰–2.5‰ were observed across three tuna species sampled globally, with more substantial changes in the Pacific Ocean compared to the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Tuna recorded not only the Suess effect, that is, fossil fuel‐derived and isotopically light carbon being incorporated into marine ecosystems, but also recorded profound changes at the base of marine food webs. We suggest a global shift in phytoplankton community structure, for example, a reduction in 13C‐rich phytoplankton such as diatoms, and/or a change in phytoplankton physiology during this period, although this does not rule out other concomitant changes at higher levels in the food webs. Our study establishes tuna δ13C values as a candidate essential ocean variable to assess complex ecosystem responses to climate change at regional to global scales and over decadal timescales. Finally, this time series will be invaluable in calibrating and validating global earth system models to project changes in marine biota.  相似文献   
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