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The field of protein aggregation has been occupied mainly with the study of beta-strand self-association that occurs as a result of misfolding and leads to the formation of toxic protein aggregates and amyloid fibers. However, some of these aggregates retain native-like structural and enzymatic properties suggesting mechanisms other than beta-strand assembly. p13suc1 is a small protein that can exist as a monomer or a domain-swapped dimer. Here, we show that, under native conditions, p13suc1 forms three-dimensional domain-swapped aggregates, and that these aggregates are cytotoxic. Thus, toxicity of protein aggregates is not only associated with beta-rich assemblies and amyloid fibers, involving non-native interactions, but it can be induced by oligomeric misassembly that maintains predominantly native-like interactions.  相似文献   
Fish welfare is still a relatively new field. As such, regulations and protocols to ensure fish welfare are currently limited and vary considerably in different jurisdictions. This is in part because of the ongoing controversy as to whether or not fish feel pain. This controversy has persisted for several years, yet veterinarians have been mostly absent from the discussion so far. This essay aims to address this issue. Here, it is argued that while this controversy has its place, it is unlikely to be resolved in the near future. Fish welfare could instead be improved by pursuing more clinically applicable research to increase knowledge of fishes’ behavior and physiology. Such research would assist in learning the optimal environment for their specific needs, as well as compiling some verified indicators of pain in fish. This would then lead to improved studies that could help to determine if and when analgesic drugs can be beneficial in fish, as they are in many other species.  相似文献   
Sicilo-Sarde is a local breed from northern Tunisia resulting from crossing Sarda and Comisana dairy sheep and is traditionally used for cheese production after lamb weaning. A sample of 52 adult Sicilo-Sarde lactating ewes was used for studying their udder morphological traits and milk yield potential during weeks 4-8 (milking-suckling period) and 10 (milking period) of lactation. Daily milk yield was estimated on a daily basis by using the double oxytocin injection method 4 h after machine-milking at d 30 and 45. Udder and teat morphology were also measured at d 45 of lactation. Cisternal area (by ultrasonography) and udder compartments (cisternal and alveolar milk) were evaluated 8 h after milking by using atosiban and oxytocin on d 72 of lactation. Milk yield averaged 0.56 ± 0.10 L/d and ewes had small (volume, 496 ± 28 mL) and healthy udders (CMT, <1), with medium sized teats (length, 18.5 ± 4.9 mm; diameter, 10.0 ± 2.0 mm) attached at 45 ± 10°. A drop in milk production (49%) was found in the transition from suckling (day 30) to milking (week 10). Udder cisterns were multilocular and small sized (half udder area, 11.6 ± 4.5 cm2), although cisternal milk accounted for 54% of the total milk in the udder. Correlation between cisternal milk and cisternal area was moderate (R2 = 0.48; P < 0.05). Lag time and total milking time were 1.9 ± 0.1 and 31 ± 5 s, respectively. In conclusion, the Sicilo-Sarde ewes evaluated showed medium sized cisterns and teats which were morphologically adequate for machine milking, although milk production needs to be improved.  相似文献   
 Suspensions of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayers containing 5, 10 or 20% (w/w) surfactant protein SP-B have been reconstituted and spread at air-liquid interfaces. Compression isotherms of DPPC/SP-B monolayers spread from these preparations were qualitatively comparable to the isotherms of the corresponding DPPC/SP-B monolayers spread from solvents. SP-B was squeezed-out at higher pressures from vesicle-spread films than from solvent-spread monolayers. SP-B caused a marked decrease on the rate of relaxation of DPPC collapse phases to equilibrium pressures in all the lipid/protein films assayed. This stabilizing effect was higher in vesicle-spread than in solvent-spread monolayers. Inclusion in the films of traces of the fluorescent probe NBD-PC (1 mol%) and use of a fluorescent derivative of SP-B labeled with a rhodamine derivative, Texas Red, allowed for direct observation of protein and lipid domains at the interface by epifluorescence microscopy. Upon compression, SP-B altered the packing of phospholipids in the bilayer-spread films, observed as a SP-B-induced reduction of the area of liquid-condensed domains, in a way similar to its effect in solvent-spread monolayers. SP-B was not associated with condensed regions of the films. Fluorescence images from vesicle-spread films showed discrete fluorescent aggregates that could be consistent with the existence of lipid-protein vesicles in close association with the monolayer. Both the retention of SP-B at higher surface pressures and the greater stability of collapse phases of DPPC/SP-B films prepared by spreading from liposomes in comparison to those spread from solvents can be interpreted as a consequence of formation of complex bilayer-monolayer interacting systems. Received: 1 December 1999 / Revised version: 2 March 2000 / Accepted: 2 March 2000  相似文献   
The heterodimeric cytokine IL-23 consists of a private cytokine-like p19 subunit and a cytokine receptor-like subunit, p40, which is shared with IL-12. Previously reported IL-12p40-deficient mice have profound immune defects resulting from combined deficiency in both IL-12 and IL-23. To address the effects of specific IL-23 deficiency, we generated mice lacking p19 by gene targeting. These mice display no overt abnormalities but mount severely compromised T-dependent humoral immune responses. IL-23p19(-/-) mice produce strongly reduced levels of Ag-specific Igs of all isotypes, but mount normal T-independent B cell responses. In addition, delayed type hypersensitivity responses are strongly impaired in the absence of IL-23, indicating a defect at the level of memory T cells. T cells stimulated with IL-23-deficient APCs secrete significantly reduced amounts of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-17, and IL-23-deficient mice phenotypically resemble IL-17-deficient animals. Thus, IL-23 plays a critical role in T cell-dependent immune responses, and our data provide further support for the existence of an IL-23/IL-17 axis of communication between the adaptive and innate parts of the immune system.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of phenolic compounds in bioreactors is well documented, but the changes in the bacterial populations dynamics during degradation were not that often. A glass bubble column used as reactor was inoculated with activated sludge, spiked with 2-chlorophenol, phenol and m-cresol after 28 days and maintained for an additional 56 days, while the 16S rRNA gene from metagenomic DNA was monitored. Proteobacteria (68.1%) dominated the inoculum, but the bacterial composition changed rapidly. The relative abundance of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes decreased from 4.8 and 9.4 to <0.1 and 0.2% respectively, while that of Actinobacteria and TM7 increased from 4.8 and 2.0 to 19.2 and 16.1% respectively. Phenol application increased the relative abundance of Proteobacteria to 94.2% (mostly Brevundimonas 17.6%), while that of Bacteroidetes remained low (1.2%) until day 42. It then increased to 47.3% (mostly Leadbetterella 46.9%) at day 84. It was found that addition of phenolic compounds did not affect the relative abundance of the Alphaproteobacteria initially, but it decreased slowly while that of the Bacteroidetes increased towards the end.

In vivo, cortical pyramidal cells are bombarded by asynchronous synaptic input arising from ongoing network activity. However, little is known about how such ‘background’ synaptic input interacts with nonlinear dendritic mechanisms. We have modified an existing model of a layer 5 (L5) pyramidal cell to explore how dendritic integration in the apical dendritic tuft could be altered by the levels of network activity observed in vivo. Here we show that asynchronous background excitatory input increases neuronal gain and extends both temporal and spatial integration of stimulus-evoked synaptic input onto the dendritic tuft. Addition of fast and slow inhibitory synaptic conductances, with properties similar to those from dendritic targeting interneurons, that provided a ‘balanced’ background configuration, partially counteracted these effects, suggesting that inhibition can tune spatio-temporal integration in the tuft. Excitatory background input lowered the threshold for NMDA receptor-mediated dendritic spikes, extended their duration and increased the probability of additional regenerative events occurring in neighbouring branches. These effects were also observed in a passive model where all the non-synaptic voltage-gated conductances were removed. Our results show that glutamate-bound NMDA receptors arising from ongoing network activity can provide a powerful spatially distributed nonlinear dendritic conductance. This may enable L5 pyramidal cells to change their integrative properties as a function of local network activity, potentially allowing both clustered and spatially distributed synaptic inputs to be integrated over extended timescales.  相似文献   
Health care utilization and outcome studies call for hierarchical approaches. The objectives were to predict major complications following percutaneous coronary interventions by health providers, and to compare Bayesian and non‐Bayesian sample size calculation methods. The hierarchical data structure consisted of: (1) Strata: PGY4, PGY7, and physician assistant as providers with varied experiences; (2) Clusters: ks providers per stratum; (3) Individuals: ns patients reviewed by each provider. The main outcome event illustrated was mortality modeled by a Bayesian beta‐binomial model. Pilot information and assumptions were utilized to elicit beta prior distributions. Sample size calculations were based on the approximated average length, fixed at 1%, of 95% posterior intervals of the mean event rate parameter. Necessary sample sizes by both non‐Bayesian and Bayesian methods were compared. We demonstrated that the developed Bayesian methods can be efficient and may require fewer subjects to satisfy the same length criterion.  相似文献   
Autologous neutralizing antibodies (NAb) against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 generate viral escape variants; however, the mechanisms of escape are not clearly defined. In a previous study, we determined the susceptibilities of 48 donor and 25 recipient envelope (Env) glycoproteins from five subtype C heterosexual transmission pairs to NAb in donor plasma by using a virus pseudotyping assay, thereby providing an ideal setting to probe the determinants of susceptibility to neutralization. In the present study, acquisition of length in the Env gp120 hypervariable domains was shown to correlate with resistance to NAb in donor plasma (P = 0.01; Kendall's tau test) but not in heterologous plasma. Sequence divergence in the gp120 V1-to-V4 region also correlated with resistance to donor (P = 0.0002) and heterologous (P = 0.001) NAb. A mutual information analysis suggested possible associations of nine amino acid positions in V1 to V4 with NAb resistance to the donor's antibodies, and five of these were located within an 18-residue amphipathic helix (alpha2) located on the gp120 outer domain. High nonsynonymous-to-synonymous substitution (dN/dS) ratios, indicative of positive selection, were also found at these five positions in subtype C sequences in the database. Nevertheless, exchange of the entire alpha2 helix between resistant donor Envs and sensitive recipient Envs did not alter the NAb phenotype. The combined mutual information and dN/dS analyses suggest that unique mutational patterns in alpha2 and insertions in the V1-to-V4 region are associated with NAb resistance during subtype C infection but that the selected positions within the alpha2 helix must be linked to still other changes in Env to confer antibody escape. These findings suggest that subtype C viruses utilize mutations in the alpha2 helix for efficient viral replication and immune avoidance.  相似文献   
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