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Fragments D1 and DD, plasmic degradation products of human fibrinogen and cross-linked fibrin, respectively, originate from the COOH-terminal domain of the parent molecule. Since a specific binding site for fibrin resides in the COOH-terminal region of the gamma chain, the primary structure of the two fragments was compared and their affinity for fibrin monomer measured. Fragments D1 and DD contained the same segments of the three fibrinogen chains, corresponding to the sequences alpha 105-206, beta 134-461, and gamma 63-411. Fragment DD had a double set of the same chain remnants. Fragments D1 and DD inhibited polymerization of fibrin monomer in a dose-dependent manner; 50% inhibition occurred at a molar ratio of fragment to monomer of 1:1 and 0.5:1, respectively. To prevent fibrin monomer polymerization and render it suitable for binding studies in the liquid phase, fibrinogen was decorated with Fab fragments isolated from rabbit antibodies to human fragment D1. Fibrinogen molecules decorated with 6 molecules of this Fab fragment did not clot after incubation with thrombin, and the decorated fibrin monomer could be used to measure binding of fragments D1 and DD in a homogeneous liquid phase. The data analyzed according to the Scatchard equation and a double-reciprocal plot gave a dissociation constant of 12 nM for fragment D1 and 38 nM for fragment DD. There were two binding sites/fibrin monomer molecule for each fragment. After denaturation in 5 M guanidine HCl, the inhibitory function on fibrin polymerization was irreversibly destroyed. Denatured fragments also lost binding affinity for immobilized fibrin monomer. The preservation of the native tertiary structure in both fragments was essential for the expression of polymerization sites in the structural D domain.  相似文献   
We have characterized the biosynthesis of two metalloproteinases, procollagenase and prostromelysin, by rabbit brain capillary endothelial cells (RBCE) by means of immunochemical, biosynthetic, and functional assays. Unstimulated RBCE secreted no detectable metalloproteinases. Secretion of both procollagenase and prostromelysin was induced within 6 h by treating the cells with 50 ng/ml 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate. In treated cells, the two proenzymes accounted for up to 20% of the [35S]methionine-labeled secreted proteins; about 15 micrograms of each protein was secreted in 48 h by 10(6) RBCE. Although RBCE secreted approximately as much procollagenase and prostromelysin as did rabbit fibroblasts, virtually no enzyme activity could be measured in RBCE-conditioned medium, even after activation of the proenzymes by trypsin or an organomercurial agent.  相似文献   
Expression of platelet glycoprotein Ib alpha in HEL cells   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We have previously shown that platelet glycoprotein Ib is expressed in a minority of cells of the human leukemic cell line HEL (Tabilio, A., Rosa, J. P., Testa, U., Kieffer, N., Nurden, A. T., Del Canizo, M. C., Breton-Gorius, J., and Vainchenker, W. (1984) EMBO J. 3, 453-459). In this report, we have selected a stable HEL subclone with increased expression of glycoprotein (GP) Ib as assessed by 6 different monoclonal antibodies in order to investigate the biochemical characteristics of this glycoprotein. A single polypeptide chain of apparent Mr = 60,000 was precipitated under reducing and nonreducing conditions by a specific polyclonal anti-platelet glycocalicin antibody and two anti-GPIb alpha monoclonal antibodies (AN51 and AP1), both from surface-labeled and metabolically labeled HEL cells. We were unable to demonstrate the presence of a polypeptide corresponding to the beta subunit of GPIb or GPIX which is closely associated with GPIb. Competitive immunoprecipitation performed in the presence of an excess amount of cold platelet glycocalicin completely displaced the Mr = 60,000 polypeptide. Synthesis of N-linked oligosaccharide chains on this Mr = 60,000 polypeptide was inhibited by the antibiotic tunicamycin, and a shift of the apparent Mr from 60,000 to 48,000 was observed. O-Linked oligosaccharide chains identical to platelet GPIb hexasaccharides were deficient or incomplete since no peanut agglutinin binding to the Mr = 60,000 polypeptide was observed after neuraminidase treatment of HEL cells. Thus, our results provide evidence that the Mr = 60,000 polypeptide expressed on the surface membrane of HEL cells is closely related to platelet GPIb and corresponds to an incompletely or abnormally O-glycosylated GPIb alpha subunit.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas exotoxin A. Membrane binding, insertion, and traversal   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Using vesicle targets composed of phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol (1:1 molar ratio), we found that Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A (PTx) binding and insertion are not only dependent on pH (Zalman, L.S., and Wisnieski, B.J. (1985) Infect. Immun. 50, 630-635) but also on ionic strength, reaching a maximum in pH 4 buffer that contains 150-200 mM NaCl. Insertion was monitored by photolabeling with an intramembranous probe. Higher levels of binding and insertion were attained with vesicles that contained 2.5 mol% dicetylphosphate than with neutral vesicles. Positively charged vesicles (2.7 mol% stearylamine) were the least effective targets. At pH 7.4, all binding levels were depressed. While PTx binding increased with increasing temperature, the relative proportion of the vesicle-associated toxin that was photolabeled decreased. The most likely explanation for the decrease is that the bilayer translocation rates increased with increasing temperature, and hence fewer PTx molecules were accessible at the time of photolabeling. At 37 degrees C, binding and insertion both plateaued within 10 min of lowering the pH to 4. After 10 min, the amount of bound toxin decreased slightly with time but there was a dramatic decrease in photolabeling, indicating that inserted PTx had begun to cross the bilayer. This was verified by the finding that when PTx was incubated with vesicles that contained trypsin, cleavage occurred only in those samples in which the pH was shifted down to pH 4. Entry is triggered by an acid-induced conformational change that promotes productive binding and insertion. After insertion, the kinetics of membrane traversal appear to be regulated by the physical properties of the bilayer.  相似文献   
The lateral diffusion coefficients of various epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor mutants with increasing deletions in their carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic domain were compared. A full size cDNA construct of human EGF receptor and different deletion constructs were expressed in monkey COS cells. The EGF receptor mutants expressed on the cell surface of the COS cells were labeled with rhodamine-EGF, and the lateral diffusion coefficients of the labeled receptors were determined by the fluorescence photo-bleaching recovery method. The lateral mobilities of three deletion mutants, including a mutant that has only nine amino acids in the cytoplasmic domain, are all similar (D approximately equal to 1.5 X 10(-10) cm2/s) to the lateral mobility of the "wild-type" receptor, which possess 542 cytoplasmic domain of EGF receptor, including its intrinsic protein kinase activity and phosphorylation state, are not required for the restriction of its lateral mobility.  相似文献   
We have purified a reduced and alkylated tryptic fragment of von Willebrand factor (vWF) which migrated in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as a 52/48-kDa doublet, but behaved as a single 46-kDa species after partial deglycosylation. After extensive treatment with denaturants, the 52/48-kDa polypeptide retained its ability to inhibit ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation in the presence of native vWF, as well as aggregation induced by desialylated vWF alone. Therefore, the 52/48-kDa polypeptide interacts with the platelet glycoprotein Ib receptor even in the absence of ristocetin. Both the 52/48- and the 46-kDa species inhibited ristocetin-induced binding of the intact molecule to platelets, but did not affect thrombin-induced binding. Determination of the NH2-terminal sequence of both members of the doublet gave identical results: VTLNPSDPEHCQ. This provided additional evidence that differences between the doublet constituents were only of carbohydrate composition and established the position of this peptide within the vWF polypeptide chain of approximately 2050 amino acid residues as beginning with the residue tentatively designated 449. These studies suggest that native conformation is not necessary for binding of vWF to platelets at the glycoprotein Ib receptor and that a linear amino acid sequence following residue 449 defines a domain responsible for this interaction.  相似文献   
Normal human plasma alpha 2HS-glycoprotein has earlier been shown to be comprised of two polypeptide chains. Recently, the amino acid and carbohydrate sequences of the short chain were elucidated (Gejyo, F., Chang, J.-L., Bürgi, W., Schmid, K., Offner, G. D., Troxler, R.F., van Halbeck, H., Dorland, L., Gerwig, G. J., and Vliegenthart, J.F.G. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 4966-4971). In the present study, the amino acid sequence of the long chain of this protein, designated A-chain, was determined and found to consist of 282 amino acid residues. Twenty-four amino acid doublets were found; the most abundant of these are Pro-Pro and Ala-Ala which each occur five times. Of particular interest is the presence of three Gly-X-Pro and one Gly-Pro-X sequences that are characteristic of the repeating sequences of collagens. Chou-Fasman evaluation of the secondary structure suggested that the A-chain contains 29% alpha-helix, 24% beta-pleated sheet, and 26% reverse turns and, thus, approximately 80% of the polypeptide chain may display ordered structure. Four glycosylation sites were identified. The two N-glycosidic oligosaccharides were found in the center region (residues 138 and 158), whereas the two O-glycosidic heterosaccharides, both linked to threonine (residues 238 and 252), occur within the carboxyl-terminal region. The N-glycans are linked to Asn residues in beta-turns, while the O-glycans are located in short random segments. Comparison of the sequence of the amino- and carboxyl-terminal 30 residues with protein sequences in a data bank demonstrated that the A-chain is not significantly related to any known proteins. However, the proline-rich carboxyl-terminal region of the A-chain displays some sequence similarity to collagens and the collagen-like domains of complement subcomponent C1q.  相似文献   
In inside-out red cell membrane vesicles active calcium transport and the formation of the enzyme-phosphate complex (EP) of the calcium pump were simultaneously investigated and the effects of a limited proteolytic digestion examined. In order to visualize the proteolyzed EP forms we have induced the formation of a maximum level EP from [gamma-32P]ATP in the presence of Ca2+ + La3+ and applied a good-resolution acidic discontinuous sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis system. Proteolysis of inside-out vesicle membranes by trypsin, Pronase, papain, or chymotrypsin produces a calmodulin-like activation of the calcium pump, abolishes its calmodulin sensitivity, and decreases the original 140-kDa EP complex to a limit polypeptide of 80 kDa. Trypsin digestion produces another major intermediary fragment of 90 kDa, which is still a low-activity calmodulin-sensitive form of the pump. The red cell calcium pump is activated by trypsin both in the absence and presence of Ca2+ during digestion although the rate of activation and the appearance of the 80-kDa polypeptide are enhanced by Ca2+. If proteolytic digestion is carried out by chymotrypsin, a calmodulin-insensitive maximum activation of the calcium pump coincides with the formation of a 125-130-kDa EP-forming polypeptide. Chymotrypsin and carboxypeptidase A have synergistic effects on the formation of this latter high-activity species. Based on these data we suggest a probable molecular arrangement for the functional parts of the red cell membrane calcium pump.  相似文献   
Physiological profile of world-class high-altitude climbers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The functional characteristics of six world-class high-altitude mountaineers were assessed 2-12 mo after the last high-altitude climb. Each climber on one or several occasions had reached altitudes of 8,500 m or above without supplementary O2. Static and dynamic lung volumes and right and left echocardiographic measurements were found to be within normal limits of sedentary controls (SC). Muscle fiber distribution was 70% type I, 22% type IIa, and 7% type IIb. Mean muscle fiber cross-sectional area was significantly smaller than that of SC (-15%) and of long-distance runners (LDR, -51%). The number of capillaries per unit cross-sectional area was significantly greater than that of SC (+ 40%). Total mitochondrial volume was not significantly different from that of SC, but its subsarcolemmal component was equal to that of LDR. Average maximal O2 consumption was 60 +/- 6 ml X kg-1 X min-1, which is between the values of SC and LDR. Average maximal anaerobic power was 28 +/- 2.5 W X kg-1, which is equal to that of SC and 40% lower that that of competitive high jumpers. All subjects were characterized by resting hyperventilation both in normoxia and in moderate (inspired O2 partial pressure = 77 Torr) hypoxia resulting in higher oxyhemoglobin saturation levels in hypoxia. The ventilatory response to four tidal volumes of pure O2 was similar to that of SC. It is concluded that elite high-altitude climbers do not have physiological adaptations to high altitude that justify their unique performance.  相似文献   
A microcalorimeter for aerobic growth studies, derived from a Tian Calvet differential apparatus, was successfully constructed. The calorimetric vessel was a short cylinder, which permitted a good exchange between the surface area and the gas phase. The time constant of the calorimeter was 3.6 min and the sensitivity 234 V/W. The thermochemical aspect of the aerobic growth of Escherichia coli on succinate, acetate, and glucose was investigated. This analysis revealed that the contribution of biosynthetic reactions varied with the substrate used and strongly influenced the heat evolution. The experimental metabolic enthalpy change was in good agreement with the predicted value for succinate and glucose growth. To explain the discrepancy between the two values observed for acetate growth we suggest that acetate metabolism may generate a by-product which was not further oxidized.  相似文献   
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