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This is a study of the processing of procollagen to collagen in cultures of skin and tendon fibroblasts. Processing was markedly increased by growing cells for 2-4 days postconfluence and then adding ascorbate to the medium for 2 days prior to labeling with [3H] proline. With this system, more than two-thirds of the pro-alpha chains of type I procollagen in the culture medium, and more than 90% of those in the cell layer, were rapidly processed to pC-alpha, pN-alpha, or alpha chains. Purified, exogenous procollagen was also rapidly processed in cell-free culture medium. The results showed for the first time that exogenous procollagen can be processed in conditioned cell-free medium. The system was then used to compare the processing of procollagen in the medium of normal fibroblasts, cells from one bovine and four human variants of osteogenesis imperfecta, and those from eight human variants of the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. The cells could be divided into three groups, based on their ability to process type I procollagen: normal, consistently slow, and very slow. The cause of the decreased processing was shown to be associated with either a mutation causing a shortening of an alpha chain or decreased activity of procollagen N-proteinase in cell-free culture medium. Decreased processing of procollagen to collagen occurred with cultured fibroblasts from patients with different forms of both osteogenesis imperfecta and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Both of these disease syndromes are associated with abnormalities in the structure or metabolism of procollagen in fibrous connective tissues, bones, and teeth. The results show that defects in the structure, synthesis, or processing of procollagen are readily demonstrated with cultured fibroblasts.  相似文献   
Thermoregulation, metabolism, and stages of sleep in cold-exposed men   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four naked men, selected for their ability to sleep in the cold, were exposed to an ambient temperature (Ta) of 21 degrees C for five consecutive nights. Electrophysiological stages of sleep, O2 consumption (VO2), and skin (Tsk), rectal (Tre), and tympanic (Tty) temperatures were recorded. Compared with five nights at a thermoneutral Ta of 29 degrees C, cold induced increased wakefulness and decreased stage 2 sleep, without significantly affecting other stages. Tre and Tty declined during each condition. The decrease in Tre was greater at 21 degrees C than at 29 degrees C, whereas Tty did not differ significantly between conditions. Increases in Tty following REM sleep onset at 21 degrees C were negatively correlated with absolute Tty. VO2 and forehead Tsk also increased during REM sleep at both TaS, whereas Tsk of the limb extremities declined at 21 degrees C. Unsuppressed REM sleep in association with peripheral vasoconstriction and increased Tty and VO2 in cold-exposed humans, do not signify an inhibition of thermoregulation during this sleep stage as has been observed in other mammals.  相似文献   
Procollagen N-proteinase, the enzyme which cleaves the NH2-terminal propeptides from type I procollagen, was purified over 15,000-fold from extracts of chick embryos by chromatography on columns of DEAE-cellulose, concanavalin A-agarose, heparin-agarose, pN-collagen-agarose, and a filtration gel. The purified enzyme had an apparent molecular weight of 320,000 as estimated by gel filtration and a pH optimum for activity of 7.4 to 9.0. The enzyme was inhibited by metal chelators and the thiol reagent dithiothreitol. Addition of calcium was required for maximal activity under the standard assay conditions, and the presence of calcium decreased thermal inactivation at 37 degrees C. The purified enzyme cleaved a homotrimer of pro-alpha 1(I) chains, an observation which indicated that the presence of pro-alpha 2(I) chain is not essential for the enzymic cleavage of NH2-terminal propeptides. Previous observations suggesting that the enzyme requires a substrate with a native conformation were explored further by reacting the enzyme with type I procollagen at different temperatures. Type I procollagen from chick embryo fibroblasts became resistant to cleavage at about 43 degrees C. Type I procollagen from human skin fibroblasts, which was previously shown to have a slightly lower thermal stability than chick embryo type I procollagen, became resistant to cleavage at temperatures that were about 2 degrees C lower. The results suggested that the enzyme is a sensitive probe for the three-dimensional structure of the NH2-terminal region of the procollagen molecule and that it requires the protein substrate to be triple helical.  相似文献   
Summary In mammals, a number of liver-derived plasma proteins, termed acute phase reactants, are induced during an inflammation response. We have studied genetic variation in the structure and expression of several of these proteins in a variety of inbred and wild-derived mice. In a genetic cross, electrophoretic polymorphisms for the two 1-acid glycoproteins, AGP-1 and AGP-2, co-segregated in 58 backcross progeny, indicating that either a single gene or two tightly-linked genes on chromosome 4 encode the AGPs. In the same backcross, segregation of variation in haptoglobin structure showed that the gene encoding this acute phase reactant is on chromosome 8. Structural variation in serum amyloid A correlated with restriction fragment length polymorphisms in the Saa gene determined by Taylor and Rowe (1984). Analysis of a number of highly diverged species of mice indicated that AGP expression has undergone considerable modification during evolution of the Mus genus; this is associated with alterations in Agp gene organization, which may include species-specific amplification and/or deletion events.  相似文献   
The effect of light on the metabolism of ammonia was studied by subjecting detached maize leaves to 150 or 1350 mol m–2 s–1 PAR during incubation with the leaf base in 2 mM 15NH4Cl. After up to 60 min, leaves were extracted. Ammonia, glutamine, glycine, serine, alanine, and aspartate were separated by isothermal distillation and ion exchange chromatography. 15N enrichments were analyzed by emission spectroscopy. The uptake of ammonium chloride did not influence CO2 assimilation (8.3 and 17.4 mol m–1 s–1 at 150 and 1350 mol m–2 s–1 PAR, respectively). Leaves kept at high light intensity contained more serine and less alanine than leaves from low light treatments. Within 1 h of incubation the enrichment of ammonia extracted from leaves rose to approximately 20% 15N. In the high light regime the amino acids contained up to 15% 15N, whereas in low light 15N enrichments were small (up to 6%). The kinetics of 15N incorporation indicated that NH3 was firstly assimilated into glutamine and then into glutamate. After 15 min 15N was also found in glycine, serine and alanine. At high light intensity nearly half of the 15N was incorporated in glycine. On the other hand, at low light intensity alanine was the predominant 15N sink. It is concluded that light influences ammonia assimilation at the glutamine synthetase reaction.  相似文献   
Summary Zwitterion buffers are often used to modulate the pH of cell culture medium but their effect on cultured cells is controversial. We found that addition of 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (HEPES) caused superoxide dismutase (SOD) inhibitable increases in nitroblue tetrazolium dye reduction and SOD and catalase inhibitable decreases in the growth of cultured bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells. The findings suggest that HEPES stimulates endothelial cells to make toxic oxygen metabolites that contribute to decreased cell growth. This work was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health, Colorado and American Lung Associations, Colorado and American Heart Associations, the Council for Tobacco Research, and the Kroc, Hill, Swan and Kleberg Foundations. Dr. Bowman is a Clinician Scientist Awardee of the American Heart Association.  相似文献   
Human ceroid lipofuscinosis (CL) is an inherited disease marked by cerebromacular degeneration and early death. We have utilized the canine model to investigate the possible role of dolichol and dolichyl phosphate in the developmental pathology of CL. We found that while brain levels of dolichol increase with age in both affected and unaffected dogs, the amount in the diseased animal was similar to that in controls. Brain levels of dolichyl phosphate ranged from 20 to 35 micrograms/g in control dogs at all ages examined, but increased substantially during development in the affected dogs, a value of 113 +/- 24 micrograms/g (mean +/- SD) being obtained in the end-stage animals. In addition to the results obtained in the canine model, dolichyl phosphate levels in human brain tissues from a 5-year-old with late infantile CL and from a 19-year-old with juvenile CL were found to be 153 and 382 micrograms/g, respectively, compared with a control that assayed 26 micrograms/g. The preliminary findings with human tissues provide further evidence for an association of elevated brain dolichyl phosphate levels with CL. Whether the increase is primary or secondary remains to be determined.  相似文献   
The binding of serum C3 to the O-antigen capsule (OAg Cap), lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and outer membrane proteins (OMP) of Escherichia coli 0111B4 was examined. Bacteria were intrinsically labeled with [3H] or [14C]galactose (*gal) in the OAg Cap and LPS moieties or with [14C]leucine (*leu) to label proteins. Organisms were then incubated in serum containing differentially labeled C3, the above fractions were separated, and the proportion of each binding to a column containing anti-C3 was measured. The OAg Cap fraction bound 72 to 82% of the C3, which bound to E. coli 0111B4 during incubation in absorbed 10% pooled normal human serum (10% PNHS) or absorbed 40% C8-deficient serum (C8D). This distribution did not change when the organism was presensitized with immune IgG before serum incubation. A total of 2.93% +/- 0.48 of OAg Cap and 0.52% +/- 0.16 of LPS *gal bound specifically to Sepharose-containing antibodies to C3 (A:C3-Seph) after incubation in 10% PNHS; these values increased to 10.1% +/- 4.5 and 1.8% +/- 0.3, respectively, when C3 deposition was increased fourfold by incubation in 40% C8D. When encapsulated E. coli 0111B4 was incubated in 10% PNHS containing biotinylated C3, specific attachment of OAg Cap *gal to avidin-Sepharose was demonstrated in 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and complete release of bound *gal but not C3 occurred with 1 M NH2OH. When a mutant of E. coli 0111B4 lacking OAg Cap was incubated in 40% C8D, the outer membrane (OM) bound 85% of C3. Five percent of OM *gal from the unencapsulated organism bound to A:C3-Seph in 0.05% SDS, indicating that the fraction of LPS molecules with bound C3 increased threefold in the absence of OAg Cap. OAg Cap does not contain protein, and no net specific binding of *leu from OAg Cap fractions to A:C3 was detectable; 2.4 to 3.6% of OM *leu bound to A:C3-Seph. Immunoprecipitation of 82.9% of OAg Cap *gal with antisera that were directed to E. coli 0111B4 was associated with co-precipitation of 69.5% of C3 in the capsular fraction. Therefore, the majority of C3 bound to E. coli 0111B4 was covalently attached to OAg Cap and LPS. As corroboration of experiments with whole bacteria, purified OAg Cap and purified LPS consumed C3 when incubated in serum in the fluid phase. These results are the first to evaluate the acceptor site for C3 deposition on a Gram-negative organism incubated in serum, and show that LPS, OAg Cap, and OMP are all major acceptor sites for C3 in nonimmune serum.  相似文献   
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