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The trichothecene mycotoxin T-2 toxin is a common contaminant of food and feed and is also present in processed cereal derived products. Cytotoxic effects of T-2 toxin and its main metabolite HT-2 toxin are already well described with apoptosis being a major mechanism of action. However, effects on the central nervous system were until now only reported rarely. In this study we investigated the effects of T-2 and HT-2 toxin on the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in vitro. Besides strong cytotoxic effects on the BBB as determined by the CCK-8 assay, impairment of the barrier function starting at low nanomolar concentrations were observed for T-2 toxin. HT-2 toxin, however, caused barrier disruption at higher concentrations compared to T-2 toxin. Further, the influence on the tight junction protein occludin was studied and permeability of both toxins across the BBB was detected when applied from the apical (blood) or the basolateral (brain) side respectively. These results clearly indicate the ability of both toxins to enter the brain via the BBB.  相似文献   
Fluorescence microscopy of the localization and the spatial and temporal dynamics of specifically labelled proteins is an indispensable tool in cell biology. Besides fluorescent proteins as tags, tag-mediated labelling utilizing self-labelling proteins as the SNAP-, CLIP-, or the Halo-tag are widely used, flexible labelling systems relying on exogenously supplied fluorophores. Unfortunately, labelling of live budding yeast cells proved to be challenging with these approaches because of the limited accessibility of the cell interior to the dyes. In this study we developed a fast and reliable electroporation-based labelling protocol for living budding yeast cells expressing SNAP-, CLIP-, or Halo-tagged fusion proteins. For the Halo-tag, we demonstrate that it is crucial to use the 6′-carboxy isomers and not the 5′-carboxy isomers of important dyes to ensure cell viability. We report on a simple rule for the analysis of 1H NMR spectra to discriminate between 6′- and 5′-carboxy isomers of fluorescein and rhodamine derivatives. We demonstrate the usability of the labelling protocol by imaging yeast cells with STED super-resolution microscopy and dual colour live cell microscopy. The large number of available fluorophores for these self-labelling proteins and the simplicity of the protocol described here expands the available toolbox for the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   
RNA polymerase II is recruited to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), transcribes the sequences that flank the break and produces a novel RNA type that has been termed damage-induced long non-coding RNA (dilncRNA). DilncRNAs can be processed into short, miRNA-like molecules or degraded by different ribonucleases. They can also form double-stranded RNAs or DNA:RNA hybrids. The DNA:RNA hybrids formed at DSBs contribute to the recruitment of repair factors during the early steps of homologous recombination (HR) and, in this way, contribute to the accuracy of the DNA repair. However, if not resolved, the DNA:RNA hybrids are highly mutagenic and prevent the recruitment of later HR factors. Here recent discoveries about the synthesis, processing, and degradation of dilncRNAs are revised. The focus is on RNA clearance, a necessary step for the successful repair of DSBs and the aim is to reconcile contradictory findings on the effects of dilncRNAs and DNA:RNA hybrids in HR.  相似文献   
Journal of Mathematical Biology - In this work we prove occurrence of a super-critical Hopf bifurcation in a model of white blood cell formation structured by three maturation stages. We provide an...  相似文献   
Many snake venoms are known for their antithrombotic activity. They contain components that specifically target different platelet-activating receptors such as the collagen-binding integrin α2β1 and the von Willebrand factor receptor GPIb. In a search for an α2β1 integrin-blocking component from the venom of the habu snake (Trimeresurus flavoviridis), we employed two independent purification protocols. First, we used the integrin α2A domain, a major collagen-binding domain, as bait for affinity purification of an α2β1 integrin-binding toxin from the crude venom. Second, in parallel, we used classical protein separation protocols and tested for α2β1 integrin-inhibiting capabilities by ELISA. Using both approaches, we identified flavocetin-A as an inhibitor of α2β1 integrin. Hitherto, flavocetin-A has been reported as a GPIb inhibitor. However, flavocetin-A inhibited collagen-induced platelet aggregation even after GPIb was blocked with other inhibitors. Moreover, flavocetin-A antagonized α2β1 integrin-mediated adhesion and migration of HT1080 human fibrosarcoma cells, which lack any GPIb, on collagen. Protein chemical analyses proved that flavocetin-A binds to α2β1 integrin and its α2A domain with high affinity and in a cooperative manner, which most likely is due to its quaternary structure. Kinetic measurements confirmed the formation of a strong complex between integrin and flavocetin-A, which dissociates very slowly. This study proves that flavocetin-A, which has long been known as a GPIb inhibitor, efficiently targets α2β1 integrin and thus blocks collagen-induced platelet activation. Moreover, our findings suggest that the separation of GPIb- and α2β1 integrin-blocking members within the C-type lectin-related protein family is less strict than previously assumed.  相似文献   
This study summarizes results which have been obtained by a mutational study of human cytochrome c. The protein can be used as a recognition element in analytical assays and biosensors for superoxide radicals since ferricytochrome c reacts with superoxide to form ferrocytochrome c and oxygen. Here lysine mutagenesis of the distal surface (i.e., of exposed residues around the Met80 axial ligand) of human cytochrome c was pursued to evaluate the effect of the surface charges on the reaction rate with the superoxide anion radical and on the redox properties of the heme protein. The latter feature is particularly relevant when the protein is immobilized on a negatively charged self-assembled monolayer on an electrode to be used as a biosensor. The observed effects of the mutations are rationalized through structural investigations based on solution NMR spectroscopy and computational analysis of the surface electrostatics. The results suggest the presence of a specific path that guides superoxide toward an efficient reaction site. Localized positive charges at the rim of the entry channel are effective in increasing the reaction rate, whereas diffused positive charges or charges far from this area are not effective or are even detrimental, resulting in a misguided approach of the anion to the protein surface.  相似文献   
Climate change and associated sea level rise will likely affect coastal ecosystems and lead to more frequent inundations. Plants are an important control for methane (CH4) emissions in peatlands because the metabolism of the living plant can either enhance or attenuate CH4 emissions and plant litter supplies an easily available carbon source for methanogenesis. Here we compare the contribution of various dominant plant species to methane emissions in a degraded, rewetted coastal brackish fen at the southern Baltic Sea coast in Northeast Germany. We analyse one year of bi-weekly static closed chamber data gathered at measurement spots that were located in different mono-dominant vegetation stands (Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla, Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (C.C.Gmel.) Palla, Carex acutiformis Ehrh.). Furthermore, data on water level, water temperature, conductivity (sulphate), and several peat characteristics were recorded. Generally, the annual methane emissions were low with an average across vegetation stands of 14 kg CHha?1 a?1, which we related to high decomposition of peat after drainage and to relatively low water levels in summer. Nevertheless, methane emissions varied between different vegetation types with significantly higher methane fluxes (31.8 ± 5.7 kg CH4 ha?1 a?1) from Bolboschoenus maritimus stands compared to Carex acutiformis and Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani stands (4.3 ± 1.2 and 5.7 ± 2.4 kg CH4 ha?1 a?1, respectively). None of the environmental variables that have been recorded can explain this difference. Thus, vegetation composition seems to be an important driver for methane emissions in coastal brackish fens and may therefore be crucial with regard to recreation measures.  相似文献   
An increased rate of lipid synthesis in cancerous tissues has long been recognised as an important aspect of the rewired metabolism of transformed cells. However, the contribution of lipids to cellular transformation, tumour development and tumour progression, as well as their potential role in facilitating the spread of cancerous cells to secondary sites, are not yet fully understood. In this article, we review the recent findings that support the importance of lipid synthesis and metabolism in tumorigenesis. Specifically, we explore the role of aberrant lipid biosynthesis in cancer cell migration and invasion, and in the induction of tumour angiogenesis. These processes are crucial for the dissemination of tumour cells and formation of metastases, which constitute the main cause of cancer mortality.  相似文献   
Cell migration is the driving force behind the dynamics of many diverse biological processes. Even though microscopy experiments are routinely performed today by which populations of cells are visualized in space and time, valuable information contained in image data is often disregarded because statistical analyses are performed at the level of cell populations rather than at the single-cell level. Image-based systems biology is a modern approach that aims at quantitatively analyzing and modeling biological processes by developing novel strategies and tools for the interpretation of image data. In this study, we take first steps towards a fully automated characterization and parameter-free classification of cell track data that can be generally applied to tracked objects as obtained from image data. The requirements to achieve this aim include: (i) combination of different measures for single cell tracks, such as the confinement ratio and the asphericity of the track volume, and (ii) computation of these measures in a staggered fashion to retrieve local information from all possible combinations of track segments. We demonstrate for a population of synthetic cell tracks as well as for in vitro neutrophil tracks obtained from microscopy experiment that the information contained in the track data is fully exploited in this way and does not require any prior knowledge, which keeps the analysis unbiased and general. The identification of cells that show the same type of migration behavior within the population of all cells is achieved via agglomerative hierarchical clustering of cell tracks in the parameter space of the staggered measures. The recognition of characteristic patterns is highly desired to advance our knowledge about the dynamics of biological processes.  相似文献   
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