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Endoribonuclease E, a key enzyme involved in RNA decay and processing in bacteria, organizes a protein complex called degradosome. In Escherichia coli, Rhodobacter capsulatus, and Streptomyces coelicolor, RNase E interacts with the phosphate-dependent exoribonuclease polynucleotide phosphorylase, DEAD-box helicase(s), and additional factors in an RNA-degrading complex. To characterize the degradosome of the psychrotrophic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae Lz4W, RNase E was enriched by cation exchange chromatography and fractionation in a glycerol density gradient. Most surprisingly, the hydrolytic exoribonuclease RNase R was found to co-purify with RNase E. Co-immunoprecipitation and Ni(2+)-affinity pull-down experiments confirmed the specific interaction between RNase R and RNase E. Additionally, the DEAD-box helicase RhlE was identified as part of this protein complex. Fractions comprising the three proteins showed RNase E and RNase R activity and efficiently degraded a synthetic stem-loop containing RNA in the presence of ATP. The unexpected association of RNase R with RNase E and RhlE in an RNA-degrading complex indicates that the cold-adapted P. syringae has a degradosome of novel structure. The identification of RNase R instead of polynucleotide phosphorylase in this complex underlines the importance of the interaction between endo- and exoribonucleases for the bacterial RNA metabolism. The physical association of RNase E with an exoribonuclease and an RNA helicase apparently is a common theme in the composition of bacterial RNA-degrading complexes.  相似文献   
Cryptophytes, unicellular algae, evolved by secondary endosymbiosis and contain plastids surrounded by four membranes. In contrast to cyanobacteria and red algae, their phycobiliproteins do not assemble into phycobilisomes and are located within the thylakoid lumen instead of the stroma. We identified two gene families encoding phycoerythrin alpha and light-harvesting complex proteins from an expressed sequence tag library of the cryptophyte Guillardia theta. The proteins bear a bipartite topogenic signal responsible for the transport of nuclear encoded proteins via the ER into the plastid. Analysis of the phycoerythrin alpha sequences revealed that more than half of them carry an additional, third topogenic signal comprising a twin arginine motif, which is indicative of Tat (twin arginine transport)-specific targeting signals. We performed import studies with several derivatives of one member using a diatom transformation system, as well as intact chloroplasts and thylakoid vesicles isolated from pea. We demonstrated the different targeting properties of each individual part of the tripartite leader and show that phycoerythrin alpha is transported across the thylakoid membrane into the thylakoid lumen and protease-protected. Furthermore, we showed that thylakoid transport of phycoerythrin alpha takes place by the Tat pathway even if the 36 amino acid long bipartite topogenic signal precedes the actual twin arginine signal. This is the first experimental evidence of a protein being targeted across five biological membranes.  相似文献   
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) dynamics represent a complicated variant of the text-book case of non-linear dynamics: predator-prey interaction. The interaction can be described as naturally reproducing T-cells (prey) hunted and killed by virus (predator). Virus reproduce and increase in number as a consequence of successful predation; this is countered by the production of T-cells and the reaction of the immune system. Multi-drug anti-HIV therapy attempts to alter the natural dynamics of the predator-prey interaction by decreasing the reproductive capability of the virus and hence predation. These dynamics are further complicated by varying compliance to treatment and insurgence of resistance to treatment. When following the temporal progression of viral load in plasma during therapy one observes a short-term (1-12 weeks) decrease in viral load. In the long-term (more than 12 weeks from the beginning of therapy) the reduction in viral load is either sustained, or it is followed by a rebound, oscillations and a new (generally lower than at the beginning of therapy) viral load level. Biomathematicians have investigated these dynamics by means of simulations. However the estimation of the parameters associated with the dynamics from real data has been mostly limited to the case of simplified, in particular linearized, models. Linearized model can only describe the short-term changes of viral load during therapy and can only predict (apparent) suppression. In this paper we put forward relatively simple models to characterize long-term virus dynamics which can incorporate different factors associated with resurgence: (Fl) the intrinsic non-linear HIV-1 dynamics, (F2) drug exposure and in particular compliance to treatment, and (F3) insurgence of resistant HIV-1 strains. The main goal is to obtain models which are mathematically identifiable given only measurements of viral load, while retaining the most crucial features of HIV dynamics. For the purpose of illustration we demonstrate an application of the models using real AIDS clinical trial data involving patients treated with a combination of anti-retroviral agents using a model which incorporates compliance data.  相似文献   
Cancer drug screening in patient‐derived cells holds great promise for personalized oncology and drug discovery but lacks standardization. Whether cells are cultured as conventional monolayer or advanced, matrix‐dependent organoid cultures influences drug effects and thereby drug selection and clinical success. To precisely compare drug profiles in differently cultured primary cells, we developed DeathPro, an automated microscopy‐based assay to resolve drug‐induced cell death and proliferation inhibition. Using DeathPro, we screened cells from ovarian cancer patients in monolayer or organoid culture with clinically relevant drugs. Drug‐induced growth arrest and efficacy of cytostatic drugs differed between the two culture systems. Interestingly, drug effects in organoids were more diverse and had lower therapeutic potential. Genomic analysis revealed novel links between drug sensitivity and DNA repair deficiency in organoids that were undetectable in monolayers. Thus, our results highlight the dependency of cytostatic drugs and pharmacogenomic associations on culture systems, and guide culture selection for drug tests.  相似文献   
In Mauritania, several mosquito-borne viruses have been reported that can cause devastating diseases in animals and humans. However, monitoring data on their occurrence and local distribution are limited. Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) is an arthropod-borne virus that causes major outbreaks throughout the African continent and the Arabian Peninsula. The first Rift Valley fever (RVF) epidemic in Mauritania occurred in 1987 and since then the country has been affected by recurrent outbreaks of the disease. To gain information on the occurrence of RVFV as well as other mosquito-borne viruses and their vectors in Mauritania, we collected and examined 4,950 mosquitoes, belonging to four genera and 14 species. The mosquitoes were captured during 2018 in the capital Nouakchott and in southern parts of Mauritania. Evidence of RVFV was found in a mosquito pool of female Anopheles pharoensis mosquitoes collected in December on a farm near the Senegal River. At that time, 37.5% of 16 tested Montbéliarde cattle on the farm showed RVFV-specific IgM antibodies. Additionally, we detected IgM antibodies in 10.7% of 28 indigenous cattle that had been sampled on the same farm one month earlier. To obtain information on potential RVFV reservoir hosts, blood meals of captured engorged mosquitoes were analyzed. The mosquitoes mainly fed on humans (urban areas) and cattle (rural areas), but also on small ruminants, donkeys, cats, dogs and straw-colored fruit bats. Results of this study demonstrate the circulation of RVFV in Mauritania and thus the need for further research to investigate the distribution of the virus and its vectors. Furthermore, factors that may contribute to its maintenance should be analyzed more closely. In addition, two mosquito pools containing Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes showed evidence of dengue virus (DENV) 2 circulation in the city of Rosso. Further studies are therefore needed to also examine DENV circulation in Mauritania.  相似文献   
The effects of glaucoma on binocular visual sensitivity for the detection of various stimulus attributes are investigated at the fovea and in four paracentral retinal regions. The study employed a number of visual stimuli designed to isolate the processing of various stimulus attributes. We measured absolute contrast detection thresholds and functional contrast sensitivity by using Landolt ring stimuli. This psychophysical Landolt C-based contrast test of detection and gap discrimination allowed us to test parafoveally at 6 ° from fixation and foveally by employing interleaved testing locations. First-order motion perception was examined by using moving stimuli embedded in static luminance contrast noise. Red/green (RG) and yellow/blue (YB) colour thresholds were measured with the Colour Assessment and Diagnosis (CAD) test, which utilises random dynamic luminance contrast noise (± 45 %) to ensure that only colour and not luminance signals are available for target detection. Subjects were normal controls (n?=?65) and glaucoma patients with binocular visual field defects (n?=?15) classified based on their Humphrey Field Analyzer mean deviation (MD) scores. The impairment of visual function varied depending on the stimulus attribute and location tested. Progression of loss was noted for all tests as the degree of glaucoma increased. For subjects with mild glaucoma (MD ?0.01 dB to ?6.00 dB) significantly more data points fell outside the normal age-representative range for RG colour thresholds than for any other visual test, followed by motion thresholds. This was particularly the case for the parafoveal data compared with the foveal data. Thus, a multifaceted measure of binocular visual performance, incorporating RG colour and motion test at multiple locations, might provide a better index for comparison with quality of life measures in glaucoma.  相似文献   
The Ly49A NK cell receptor interacts with MHC class I (MHC-I) molecules on target cells and negatively regulates NK cell-mediated target cell lysis. We have recently shown that the MHC-I ligand-binding capacity of the Ly49A NK cell receptor is controlled by the NK cells' own MHC-I. To see whether this property was unique to Ly49A, we have investigated the binding of soluble MHC-I multimers to the Ly49 family receptors expressed in MHC-I-deficient and -sufficient C57BL/6 mice. In this study, we confirm the binding of classical MHC-I to the inhibitory Ly49A, C and I receptors, and demonstrate that detectable MHC-I binding to MHC-I-deficient NK cells is exclusively mediated by these three receptors. We did not detect significant multimer binding to stably transfected or NK cell-expressed Ly49D, E, F, G, and H receptors. Yet, we identified the more distantly related Ly49B and Ly49Q, which are not expressed by NK cells, as two novel MHC-I receptors in mice. Furthermore, we show using MHC-I-sufficient mice that the NK cells' own MHC-I significantly masks the Ly49A and Ly49C, but not the Ly49I receptor. Nevertheless, Ly49I was partly masked on transfected tumor cells, suggesting that the structure of Ly49I is compatible in principal with cis binding of MHC-I. Finally, masking of Ly49Q by cis MHC-I was minor, whereas masking of Ly49B was not detected. These data significantly extend the MHC-I specificity of Ly49 family receptors and show that the accessibility of most, but not all, MHC-I-binding Ly49 receptors is modulated by the expression of MHC-I in cis.  相似文献   
Cyclic diguanosine monophosphate is a bacterial second messenger involved in a lifestyle switch from single cells to biofilm formation. Atomistic simulations are used to characterize inhibited diguanylate cyclase (DGC) PleD with emphasis on the feedback inhibition mechanism. Normal-mode calculations show a rigidification particularly in both the inhibition site and the active site of the protein upon ligand binding. Extensive molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent and analysis of the dynamical cross-correlation maps suggest two distinct coupling pathways between the active and the inhibition site: direct information transfer either through the β-strands β2 and β3 of the DGC domain (pathway I) or via the disordered regions connecting domains D2 and DGC (pathway II). In addition, dynamical cross-correlation maps show differences in the correlation between neighboring domains upon ligand binding and upon the point mutation R390A. The correlated motions between domains D1 and D2, which form the dimerization interface, are stronger for free PleD. Complementary to the experimentally observed short-range interactions in ligated PleD, the present work also characterizes the long-range, delocalized interactions between domains that are important for understanding activation and allosteric control of the protein. Based on the results, experimental characterization of the point mutant R353 and of the double mutant N357/H394 is proposed to differentiate between pathways I and II.  相似文献   
Tight control of translation is fundamental for eukaryotic cells, and deregulation of proteins implicated contributes to numerous human diseases. The neurodegenerative disorder spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 is caused by a trinucleotide expansion in the SCA2 gene encoding a lengthened polyglutamine stretch in the gene product ataxin-2, which seems to be implicated in cellular RNA-processing pathways and translational regulation. Here, we substantiate a function of ataxin-2 in such pathways by demonstrating that ataxin-2 interacts with the DEAD/H-box RNA helicase DDX6, a component of P-bodies and stress granules, representing cellular structures of mRNA triage. We discovered that altered ataxin-2 levels interfere with the assembly of stress granules and cellular P-body structures. Moreover, ataxin-2 regulates the intracellular concentration of its interaction partner, the poly(A)-binding protein, another stress granule component and a key factor for translational control. Thus, our data imply that the cellular ataxin-2 concentration is important for the assembly of stress granules and P-bodies, which are main compartments for regulating and controlling mRNA degradation, stability, and translation.  相似文献   
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