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Endoribonuclease E, a key enzyme involved in RNA decay and processing in bacteria, organizes a protein complex called degradosome. In Escherichia coli, Rhodobacter capsulatus, and Streptomyces coelicolor, RNase E interacts with the phosphate-dependent exoribonuclease polynucleotide phosphorylase, DEAD-box helicase(s), and additional factors in an RNA-degrading complex. To characterize the degradosome of the psychrotrophic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae Lz4W, RNase E was enriched by cation exchange chromatography and fractionation in a glycerol density gradient. Most surprisingly, the hydrolytic exoribonuclease RNase R was found to co-purify with RNase E. Co-immunoprecipitation and Ni(2+)-affinity pull-down experiments confirmed the specific interaction between RNase R and RNase E. Additionally, the DEAD-box helicase RhlE was identified as part of this protein complex. Fractions comprising the three proteins showed RNase E and RNase R activity and efficiently degraded a synthetic stem-loop containing RNA in the presence of ATP. The unexpected association of RNase R with RNase E and RhlE in an RNA-degrading complex indicates that the cold-adapted P. syringae has a degradosome of novel structure. The identification of RNase R instead of polynucleotide phosphorylase in this complex underlines the importance of the interaction between endo- and exoribonucleases for the bacterial RNA metabolism. The physical association of RNase E with an exoribonuclease and an RNA helicase apparently is a common theme in the composition of bacterial RNA-degrading complexes.  相似文献   
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) dynamics represent a complicated variant of the text-book case of non-linear dynamics: predator-prey interaction. The interaction can be described as naturally reproducing T-cells (prey) hunted and killed by virus (predator). Virus reproduce and increase in number as a consequence of successful predation; this is countered by the production of T-cells and the reaction of the immune system. Multi-drug anti-HIV therapy attempts to alter the natural dynamics of the predator-prey interaction by decreasing the reproductive capability of the virus and hence predation. These dynamics are further complicated by varying compliance to treatment and insurgence of resistance to treatment. When following the temporal progression of viral load in plasma during therapy one observes a short-term (1-12 weeks) decrease in viral load. In the long-term (more than 12 weeks from the beginning of therapy) the reduction in viral load is either sustained, or it is followed by a rebound, oscillations and a new (generally lower than at the beginning of therapy) viral load level. Biomathematicians have investigated these dynamics by means of simulations. However the estimation of the parameters associated with the dynamics from real data has been mostly limited to the case of simplified, in particular linearized, models. Linearized model can only describe the short-term changes of viral load during therapy and can only predict (apparent) suppression. In this paper we put forward relatively simple models to characterize long-term virus dynamics which can incorporate different factors associated with resurgence: (Fl) the intrinsic non-linear HIV-1 dynamics, (F2) drug exposure and in particular compliance to treatment, and (F3) insurgence of resistant HIV-1 strains. The main goal is to obtain models which are mathematically identifiable given only measurements of viral load, while retaining the most crucial features of HIV dynamics. For the purpose of illustration we demonstrate an application of the models using real AIDS clinical trial data involving patients treated with a combination of anti-retroviral agents using a model which incorporates compliance data.  相似文献   
An innovative and environmentally friendly battery chemistry is proposed for high power applications. A carbon‐coated ZnFe2O4 nanoparticle‐based anode and a LiFePO4‐multiwalled carbon nanotube‐based cathode, both aqueous processed with Na‐carboxymethyl cellulose, are combined, for the first time, in a Li‐ion full cell with exceptional electrochemical performance. Such novel battery shows remarkable rate capabilities, delivering 50% of its nominal capacity at currents corresponding to ≈20C (with respect to the limiting cathode). Furthermore, the pre‐lithiation of the negative electrode offers the possibility of tuning the cell potential and, therefore, achieving remarkable gravimetric energy and power density values of 202 Wh kg?1 and 3.72 W kg?1, respectively, in addition to grant a lithium reservoir. The high reversibility of the system enables sustaining more than 10 000 cycles at elevated C‐rates (≈10C with respect to the LiFePO4 cathode), while retaining up to 85% of its initial capacity.  相似文献   
The effects of glaucoma on binocular visual sensitivity for the detection of various stimulus attributes are investigated at the fovea and in four paracentral retinal regions. The study employed a number of visual stimuli designed to isolate the processing of various stimulus attributes. We measured absolute contrast detection thresholds and functional contrast sensitivity by using Landolt ring stimuli. This psychophysical Landolt C-based contrast test of detection and gap discrimination allowed us to test parafoveally at 6 ° from fixation and foveally by employing interleaved testing locations. First-order motion perception was examined by using moving stimuli embedded in static luminance contrast noise. Red/green (RG) and yellow/blue (YB) colour thresholds were measured with the Colour Assessment and Diagnosis (CAD) test, which utilises random dynamic luminance contrast noise (± 45 %) to ensure that only colour and not luminance signals are available for target detection. Subjects were normal controls (n?=?65) and glaucoma patients with binocular visual field defects (n?=?15) classified based on their Humphrey Field Analyzer mean deviation (MD) scores. The impairment of visual function varied depending on the stimulus attribute and location tested. Progression of loss was noted for all tests as the degree of glaucoma increased. For subjects with mild glaucoma (MD ?0.01 dB to ?6.00 dB) significantly more data points fell outside the normal age-representative range for RG colour thresholds than for any other visual test, followed by motion thresholds. This was particularly the case for the parafoveal data compared with the foveal data. Thus, a multifaceted measure of binocular visual performance, incorporating RG colour and motion test at multiple locations, might provide a better index for comparison with quality of life measures in glaucoma.  相似文献   
Activation of TLR7 and TLR9 by endogenous RNA- or DNA-containing ligands, respectively, is thought to contribute to the complicated pathophysiology of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). These ligands induce the release of type-I interferons by plasmacytoid dendritic cells and autoreactive antibodies by B-cells, both responses being key events in perpetuating SLE. We recently described the development of inhibitory oligonucleotides (INH-ODN), which are characterized by a phosphorothioate backbone, a CC(T)XXX3–5GGG motif and a chemical modification of the G-quartet to avoid the formation of higher order structures via intermolecular G-tetrads. These INH-ODNs were equally or significantly more efficient to impair TLR7- and TLR9-stimulated murine B-cells, macrophages, conventional and plasmacytoid dendritic cells than the parent INH-ODN 2088, which lacks G-modification. Here, we evaluate the inhibitory/therapeutic potential of our set of G-modified INH-ODN on human immune cells. We report the novel finding that G-modified INH-ODNs efficiently inhibited the release of IFN-α by PBMC stimulated either with the TLR7-ligand oligoribonucleotide (ORN) 22075 or the TLR9-ligand CpG-ODN 2216. G-modification of INH-ODNs significantly improved inhibition of IL-6 release by PBMCs and purified human B-cells stimulated with the TLR7-ligand imiquimod or the TLR9-ligand CpG-ODN 2006. Furthermore, inhibition of B-cell activation analyzed by expression of activation markers and intracellular ATP content was significantly improved by G-modification. As observed with murine B-cells, high concentrations of INH-ODN 2088 but not of G-modified INH-ODNs stimulated IL-6 secretion by PBMCs in the absence of TLR-ligands thus limiting its blocking efficacy. In summary, G-modification of INH-ODNs improved their ability to impair TLR7- and TLR9-mediated signaling in those human immune cells which are considered as crucial in the pathophysiology of SLE.  相似文献   
Ceftaroline is a new cephalosporin active against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Based on a representative collection of clinical S. aureus isolates from Germany, supplemented with isolates of clonal lineages ST228 and ST239, we demonstrate the in-vitro susceptibility towards ceftaroline prior to its introduction into clinical use for a total of 219 isolates. Susceptibility testing was performed by broth microdilution, disc diffusion and Etest, respectively. Results were interpreted according to EUCAST guidelines and showed considerable variance in dependence on clonal affiliation of the isolates tested. Among isolates of widespread hospital-associated lineages we found a high proportion of clinical isolates with MICs close to the EUCAST breakpoint (MIC50/90 1.0/1.5 mg/L); currently, interpretation of these “borderline” MICs is complicated by a lack of concordant susceptibility testing methods and reasonable breakpoint determination. Isolates of clonal lineages ST228 and ST239 demonstrated increased MIC50/90 values of 2.5/3.33 mg/L. Sequencing of mecA revealed no association of resistance to a specific mecA polymorphism, but rather reveals two regions in the non-penicillin-binding domain of PbP2a which displayed different combinations of mutations putatively involved in resistance development. This study provides national baseline data to (i) adjust susceptibility testing methods and current breakpoints to clinical and epidemiological requirements, (ii) evaluate current breakpoints with respect to therapeutic outcome and (iii) monitor further resistance evolution.  相似文献   
Plant intraspecific variability has been proposed as a key mechanism by which plants adapt to environmental change. In boreal forests where nitrogen availability is strongly limited, nitrogen addition happens indirectly through atmospheric N deposition and directly through industrial forest fertilization. These anthropogenic inputs of N have numerous environmental consequences, including shifts in plant species composition and reductions in plant species diversity. However, we know less about how genetic differences within plant populations determine how species respond to eutrophication in boreal forests. According to plant defense theories, nitrogen addition will cause plants to shift carbon allocation more towards growth and less to chemical defense, potentially enhancing vulnerability to antagonists. Aspens are keystone species in boreal forests that produce condensed tannins to serve as chemical defense. We conducted an experiment using ten Populus tremula genotypes from the Swedish Aspen Collection that express extreme levels of baseline investment into foliar condensed tannins. We investigated whether investment into growth and phenolic defense compounds in young plants varied in response to two nitrogen addition levels, corresponding to atmospheric N deposition and industrial forest fertilization. Nitrogen addition generally caused growth to increase, and tannin levels to decrease; however, individualistic responses among genotypes were found for height growth, biomass of specific tissues, root:shoot ratios, and tissue lignin and N concentrations. A genotype’s baseline ability to produce and store condensed tannins also influenced plant responses to N, although this effect was relatively minor. High-tannin genotypes tended to grow less biomass under low nitrogen levels and more at the highest fertilization level. Thus, the ability in aspen to produce foliar tannins is likely associated with a steeper reaction norm of growth responses, which suggests a higher plasticity to nitrogen addition, and potentially an advantage when adapting to higher concentrations of soil nitrogen.  相似文献   
The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) invests substantial resources in core research facilities (cores) that support research by providing advanced technologies and scientific and technical expertise as a shared resource. In 2010, the NIH issued an initiative to consolidate multiple core facilities into a single, more efficient core. Twenty-six institutions were awarded supplements to consolidate a number of similar core facilities. Although this approach may not work for all core settings, this effort resulted in consolidated cores that were more efficient and of greater benefit to investigators. The improvements in core operations resulted in both increased services and more core users through installation of advanced instrumentation, access to higher levels of management expertise; integration of information management and data systems; and consolidation of billing; purchasing, scheduling, and tracking services. Cost recovery to support core operations also benefitted from the consolidation effort, in some cases severalfold. In conclusion, this program of core consolidation resulted in improvements in the effective operation of core facilities, benefiting both investigators and their supporting institutions.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) represent actually the major class of biopharmaceuticals. They are produced recombinantly using living cells as biofactories. Among the different expression systems currently available, microalgae represent an emerging alternative which displays several biotechnological advantages. Indeed, microalgae are classified as generally recognized as safe organisms and can be grown easily in bioreactors with high growth rates similarly to CHO cells. Moreover, microalgae exhibit a phototrophic lifestyle involving low production costs as protein expression is fueled by photosynthesis. However, questions remain to be solved before any industrial production of algae-made biopharmaceuticals. Among them, protein heterogeneity as well as protein post-translational modifications need to be evaluated. Especially, N-glycosylation acquired by the secreted recombinant proteins is of major concern since most of the biopharmaceuticals including mAbs are N-glycosylated and it is well recognized that glycosylation represent one of their critical quality attribute. In this paper, we assess the quality of the first recombinant algae-made mAbs produced in the diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum. We are focusing on the characterization of their C- and N-terminal extremities, their signal peptide cleavage and their post-translational modifications including N-glycosylation macro- and microheterogeneity. This study brings understanding on diatom cellular biology, especially secretion and intracellular trafficking of proteins. Overall, it reinforces the positioning of P. tricornutum as an emerging host for the production of biopharmaceuticals and prove that P. tricornutum is suitable for producing recombinant proteins bearing high mannose-type N-glycans.  相似文献   
Metabolic disorders, like diabetes and obesity, are pathogenic outcomes of imbalance in glucose metabolism. Nutrient excess and mitochondrial imbalance are implicated in dysfunctional glucose metabolism with age. We used conplastic mouse strains with defined mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations on a common nuclear genomic background, and administered a high-fat diet up to 18 months of age. The conplastic mouse strain B6-mtFVB, with a mutation in the mt-Atp8 gene, conferred β-cell dysfunction and impaired glucose tolerance after high-fat diet. To our surprise, despite of this functional deficit, blood glucose levels adapted to perturbations with age. Blood glucose levels were particularly sensitive to perturbations at the early age of 3 to 6 months. Overall the dynamics consisted of a peak between 3–6 months followed by adaptation by 12 months of age. With the help of mathematical modeling we delineate how body weight, insulin and leptin regulate this non-linear blood glucose dynamics. The model predicted a second rise in glucose between 15 and 21 months, which could be experimentally confirmed as a secondary peak. We therefore hypothesize that these two peaks correspond to two sensitive periods of life, where perturbations to the basal metabolism can mark the system for vulnerability to pathologies at later age. Further mathematical modeling may perspectively allow the design of targeted periods for therapeutic interventions and could predict effects on weight loss and insulin levels under conditions of pre-diabetic obesity.  相似文献   
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