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The cuticular hydrocarbon gas chromatography of adult ticks obtained from experimental homogamic and reciprocal heterogamic crosses of Argas vulgaris (Vv) and A. polonicus (Pp) confirmed both argasids to be closely related species, but easily differentiated by several critical compounds. Cuticular mixtures contained variable amounts of n-alkanes, monomethyl-, and dimethyl-alkanes, without traces of detectable alkenes. Specimens from heterogamic crosses synthesized new high molecular weight compounds not detected in parental cuticular mixtures. Data on genetic identity revealed a close proximity of parental adults, but a high distances between and within their hybrids. A relatively high percentage of heterozygosity (32.12% in females and 20.00% in males) of F1 Pv generation in comparison with F1 Vp (14.54% and 8.48% respectively) and both P2 generations (6.66–9.09%) has also been ascertained.  相似文献   
The oxyuroid nematode Ichthyouris bursata Moravec & Prouza, 1995 (Pharyngodonidae) was recorded from the intestine of discus (Symphysodon spp. and hybrids) cultured in discus farms in Bangkok and Nonthaburi, central Thailand, during 2006 and 2007. This material made it possible to study in detail the morphology of this little known parasite species, using both light and scanning electron microscopy (the latter not previously used for the male). The SEM examination showed taxonomically important morphological features not previously reported or erroneously described, including the presence of three bilobed lips, a pair of sclerotised plate-like structures and a median cone-shaped outgrowth on the posterior cloacal lip, short 'hairs' on the cloacal lips, digital phasmids in the male and, sometimes, up to two filaments on the egg poles. This species is of South American origin, which was confirmed by its recent record from a free-living blue discus S. aequifasciatus Pellegrin in Brazil. The reproduction and transmission of I. bursata in the conditions of aquarium tanks is probably permitted by the direct (homoxenous) life-cycle of this parasite.  相似文献   
CYP2D6 is a member of cytochrome P450 enzymes that metabolise over 25% of commonly used drugs. Genetic polymorphisms can cause insufficient drug efficacy at usually administered doses or can be the cause of adverse drug reaction. CYP2D6 genotyping can be used to predict CYP2D6 phenotype and thereby explain some abnormalities in drug response and thus optimize pharmacotherapy. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of functionally important variant alleles of the CYP2D6 gene throughout the Czech population to predict the prevalence of ultra-rapid and poor metabolizer phenotypes. The DNA of 223 unrelated, healthy volunteers was analysed to detect the presence of CYP2D6*6, *5, *4, *3 and gene duplication. The variant allele frequencies in our population were 0.22%, 3.14%, 22.87%, 1.12% and 3.14% for CYP2D6*6, CYP2D6*5, CYP2D6*4, CYP2D6*3 and CYP2D6*MxN, respectively. Fifteen subjects carried two variant alleles leading to predicted poor type of metabolism, 84 subjects were heterozygous extensive metabolizers (het-EM). The full-text contains detailed comparison with European white populations. The distribution of variant alleles complies with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The frequencies of functional variant alleles of CYP2D6 in Czech population are in concordance with other Caucasian populations.  相似文献   
The cephalic region of the labial gland in the buff-tailed bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, consists of numerous acini (formed by associated secretory cells and a central lumen) and connecting ducts. Age-dependent changes in secretion production (both qualitative and quantitative) are associated with changes in the amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), Golgi apparatus, and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). The main secretory organelle is RER in the youngest individuals (pharate, and less-than-a-day old males), Golgi apparatus in 1-day-old males, and SER in males older than 2 days. Secretory cell death starts at 5 days of age, with maximal longevity to 10 days. Pheromone production starts immediately after eclosion, with pheromone quantities increasing until day 7. 2,3-dihydrofarnesol, the main component of the male-marking pheromone, appears in 1-day-old male glands, and reaches a maximum at 7 days of age, when its presence in the gland starts to decrease gradually. Older glands contain compounds not present in young ones. Variation in pheromone quantity and composition are reflected sensitively in the response of the queen antennae. Though queen antennae responded to gland extracts of all ages examined, maximum sensitivity was observed in response to extracts of glands 2-10 days old, while extracts of older glands gradually lose their effectiveness. Both major and minor components of the labial gland secretion extract elicited queen antennal responses suggesting that the pheromone is a multicomponent blend. Age-dependent changes in pheromone production, accumulation and tuning of pheromone activity are all synchronized approximately with male flight from the hive.  相似文献   
The development of the Mediterranean corn borer, Sesamia nonagrioides, under long-day (LD) photoperiod is associated with juvenile hormone (JH) decline and pupation in the 5th or 6th larval instar. The larvae grown under short-day (SD) conditions maintain a moderate JH titer and enter diapause during which they undergo several extra larval molts. Both types of larvae exhibit similar levels of juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) activity that increases in each instar during the period of low ecdysteroid titer and drops when the titer rises to a molt-inducing peak. A suppression of JHE activity within 24h after application of an ecdysteroid agonist suggests that the drop of activity is a rapid and possibly direct response to ecdysteroids or their agonist. Esterase inhibitor 3-octylthio-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanone (OTFP) suppressed more than 98% of the JHE activity without affecting pupation timing and adult development. The data indicate that JHE is not crucial for the switch between larval development, diapause, and metamorphosis in S. nonagrioides.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pilosella officinarum (syn. Hieracium pilosella) is a highly structured species with respect to the ploidy level, with obvious cytogeographic trends. Previous non-collated data indicated a possible differentiation in the frequency of particular ploidy levels in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Therefore, detailed sampling and ploidy level analyses were assessed to reveal a boundary of common occurrence of tetraploids on one hand and higher ploids on the other. For a better understanding of cytogeographic differentiation of P. officinarum in central Europe, a search was made for a general cytogeographic pattern in Europe based on published data. METHODS: DNA-ploidy level and/or chromosome number were identified for 1059 plants using flow cytometry and/or chromosome counting on root meristem preparations. Samples were collected from 336 localities in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and north-eastern Hungary. In addition, ploidy levels were determined for plants from 18 localities in Bulgaria, Georgia, Ireland, Italy, Romania and Ukraine. KEY RESULTS: Four ploidy levels were found in the studied area with a contrasting pattern of distribution. The most widespread cytotype in the western part of the Czech Republic is tetraploid (4x) reproducing sexually, while the apomictic pentaploids and mostly apomictic hexaploids (5x and 6x, respectively) clearly prevail in Slovakia and the eastern part of the Czech Republic. The boundary between common occurrence of tetraploids and higher ploids is very obvious and represents the geomorphologic boundary between the Bohemian Massif and the Western Carpathians with the adjacent part of Pannonia. Mixed populations consisting of two different ploidy levels were recorded in nearly 11% of localities. A statistically significant difference in a vertical distribution of penta- and hexaploids was observed in the Western Carpathians and the adjacent Pannonian Plain. Hexaploid populations tend to occur at lower elevations (usually below 500 m), while the pentaploid level is more or less evenly distributed up to 1000 m a.s.l. For the first time the heptaploid level (7x) was found on one site in Slovakia. In Europe, the sexual tetraploid level has clearly a sub-Atlantic character of distribution. The plants of higher ploidy level (penta- and hexa-) with mostly apomictic reproduction prevail in the northern part of Scandinavia and the British Isles, the Alps and the Western Carpathians with the adjacent part of Pannonia. A detailed overview of published data shows that extremely rare records on existence of diploid populations in the south-west Alps are with high probability erroneous and most probably refer to the closely related diploid species P. peleteriana. CONCLUSIONS: The recent distribution of P. officinarum in Europe is complex and probably reflects the climatic changes during the Pleistocene and consequent postglacial migrations. Probably both penta- and hexaploids arose independently in central Europe (Alps and Carpathian Mountains) and in northern Europe (Scandinavia, Great Britain, Ireland), where the apomictic plants colonized deglaciated areas. We suggest that P. officinarum is in fact an amphidiploid species with a basic tetraploid level, which probably originated from hybridizations of diploid taxa from the section Pilosellina.  相似文献   
Monounsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid are cardioprotective, modify the physicochemical properties of cardiomyocyte membranes, and affect the electrical stability of these cells by regulating the conductance of ion channels. We have designed a nonhydrolysable oleic acid derivative, 2-hydroxyoleic acid (2-OHOA), which regulates membrane lipid structure and cell signaling, resulting in beneficial cardiovascular effects. We previously demonstrated that 2-OHOA induces PKA activation and PKCalpha translocation to the membrane; both pathways are thought to regulate transient outward K(+) current (I(to)) depending on the stimulus and the species used. This study was designed to investigate the effect of 2-OHOA on isolated cardiomyocytes. We examined the dose- and time-dependent effect of 2-OHOA on cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) transient and contraction of myocytes isolated from different parts of the rat ventricular myocardium. Although this drug had no effect on [Ca(2+)](i) transient and cell shortening in myocytes isolated from the septum, it increased (up to 95%) [Ca(2+)](i) transient and cell shortening in subpopulations of myocytes from the right and left ventricles. The pattern of the effects of 2-OHOA was similar to that observed following the application of the I(to) blocker 4-aminopyridine, suggesting that the drug may act on this channel. Unlike the effect of 2-OHOA on [Ca(2+)](i) transient and cell shortening, PKCalpha translocation to membranes was not region specific. Thus 2-OHOA-induced effects on [Ca(2+)](i) transients and cell shortening are likely related to reductions in I(to) function, but PKCalpha translocation does not seem to play a role. The present results indicate that 2-OHOA selectively increases myocyte inotropic responsiveness, which could underlie its beneficial cardiovascular effects.  相似文献   
The ability of in vitro cultured cells of black nightshade, wheat, barley, soybean, tomato, mulberry and birch to grow in the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and to metabolise them was compared. No correlation was found between the resistance of the plants and removal of xenobiotics. Up to 20% of PCBs and over 90% of PAHs were removed by wheat cells from nutrient media in two weeks.  相似文献   
To investigate roles of the actin cytoskeleton in growth of the pollen tube of Picea meyeri, we used the actin polymerization inhibitor latrunculin B (LATB) under quantitatively controlled conditions. At low concentrations, LATB inhibited polymerization of the actin cytoskeleton in the growing pollen tube, which rapidly inhibited tip growth. The proteomic approach was used to analyse protein expression-profile changes during pollen germination and subsequent pollen-tube development with disturbed organization of the actin cytoskeleton. Two-dimensional electrophoresis and staining with Coomassie Brilliant Blue revealed nearly 600 protein spots. A total of 84 of these were differentially displayed at different hours with varying doses of LATB, and 53 upregulated or downregulated proteins were identified by mass spectrometry. These proteins were grouped into distinct functional categories including signalling, actin cytoskeleton organization, cell expansion and carbohydrate metabolism. Moreover, actin disruption affected the morphology of Golgi stacks, mitochondria and amyloplasts, along with a differential expression of proteins involved in their functions. These findings provide new insights into the multifaceted mechanism of actin cytoskeleton functions and its interaction with signalling, cell-expansion machinery and energy-providing pathways.  相似文献   
The closely related crickets Dianemobius nigrofasciatus and Allonemobius allardi exhibit similar circadian rhythms and photoperiodic responses, suggesting that they possess similar circadian and seasonal clocks. To verify this assumption, antisera to Period (PER), Doubletime (DBT), and Cryptochrome (CRY) were used to visualize circadian clock neurons in the cephalic ganglia. Immunoreactivities referred to as PER-ir, DBT-ir, and CRY-ir were distributed mainly in the optic lobes (OL), pars intercerebralis (PI), dorsolateral protocerebrum, and the subesophageal ganglion (SOG). A system of immunoreactive cells in the OL dominates in D. nigrofasciatus, while immunoreactivities in the PI and SOG prevail in A. allardi. Each OL of D. nigrofasciatus contains 3 groups of cells that coexpress PER-ir and DBT-ir and send processes over the frontal medulla face to the inner lamina surface, suggesting functional linkage to the compound eye. Only 2 pairs of PER-ir cells (no DBT-ir) were found in the OL of A. allardi. Several groups of PER-ir cells occur in the brain of both species. The PI also contains DBT-ir and CRY-ir cells, but in A. allardi, most of the DBT-ir is confined to the SOG. Most immunoreactive cells in the PI and in the dorsolateral brain send their fibers to the contralateral corpora cardiaca and corpora allata. The proximity and, in some cases, proven identity of the PER-ir, DBT-ir, and CRY-ir perikarya are consistent with presumed interactions between the examined clock components. The antigens were always found in the cytoplasm, and no diurnal oscillations in their amounts were detected. The photoperiod, which controls embryonic diapause, the rate of larval development, and the wing length of crickets, had no discernible effect on either distribution or the intensity of the immunostaining.  相似文献   
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