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Lipase from Candida cylindracea (CCL) was incorporated into polymerizable positively charged dialkylammonium bromide surfactant vesicles. The enzyme was incorporated by the use of the dehydration-rehydration method or by incubation. In the latter case, trapping efficiencies of up to 100% could be obtained. Activities of free and vesicle-incorporated CCL were tested for three triglycerides: triacetin, tributyrin, and tricaprylin. Enzyme activity was lowest in homogeneous mixtures (triacetin and small concentrations of tributyrin) and highest in heterogeneous mixtures (tricaprylin and high concentrations of tributyrin). Entrapment in vesicular systems is advantageous, especially in homogeneous reaction mixtures and in the case of the production of insoluble fatty acid (caproate), because inhibition by the acid can be suppressed. The influence of several surface-active additives, including vesicles, on the activity of lipase in triglyceride assays was tested. Vesicles have a positive influence on the activity, whereas other positively charged additives act as inhibitors. In the case of tricaprylin assays, the positively charged additives increase the activity. Finally, tryptic digestion for free and incorporated CCL were compared. Free CCL is readily inactivated, whereas incorporated enzyme is protected from proteolytic degradation. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Oxidative capacity and uncoupling protein-3 (UCP3) content are reduced in limb muscles of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It has been hypothesized that the physiological role of UCP3 is to protect mitochondria against lipotoxicity in cases where fatty acid influx exceeds the capacity to oxidize them. Exercise training improves oxidative capacity and reduces UCP3 protein content in healthy subjects, but the response of UCP3 to training in COPD is unknown. We studied the effect of exercise training on UCP3 content in limb muscles of COPD patients. For this, seven healthy age-matched subjects and thirteen patients with COPD were studied. All patients were admitted to an 8-wk exercise training intervention. Exercise capacity was assessed by means of an incremental cycle ergometry test. Biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis in which UCP3 and lipid peroxidation levels were determined by Western blotting. Citrate synthase and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (HAD; an enzyme involved in fatty acid oxidation) were measured as indexes of muscle oxidative capacity. UCP3 in COPD was approximately 50% lower compared with healthy age-matched controls. In COPD, training induced upregulation of UCP3 [from 67.7 (SD 41.8) to 113.8 (SD 104.2) arbitrary units (AU), P = 0.062], especially in the patients who showed no increase in HAD activity [from 80.9 (SD 52.6) to 167.9 (SD 109.1) AU, P = 0.028], whereas lipid peroxidation levels remained unaltered. We conclude that exercise-training can restore muscle UCP3 protein level in COPD, and the nature of this response complies with the hypothesis that UCP3 may protect against lipotoxicity.  相似文献   
Tetratricopeptide repeat domain 9A (TTC9A) is a target gene of estrogen and progesterone. It is over-expressed in breast cancer. However, little is known about the physiological function of TTC9A. The objectives of this study were to establish a Ttc9a knockout mouse model and to study the consequence of Ttc9a gene inactivation. The Ttc9a targeting vector was generated by replacing the Ttc9a exon 1 with a neomycin cassette. The mice homozygous for Ttc9a exon 1 deletion appear to grow normally and are fertile. However, further characterization of the female mice revealed that Ttc9a deficiency is associated with greater body weight, bigger thymus and better mammary development in post-pubertal mice. Furthermore, Ttc9a deficient mammary gland was more responsive to estrogen treatment with greater mammary ductal lengthening, ductal branching and estrogen target gene induction. Since Ttc9a is induced by estrogen in estrogen target tissues, these results suggest that Ttc9a is a negative regulator of estrogen function through a negative feedback mechanism. This is supported by in vitro evidence that TTC9A over-expression attenuated ERα activity in MCF-7 cells. Although TTC9A does not bind to ERα or its chaperone protein Hsp90 directly, TTC9A strongly interacts with FKBP38 and FKBP51, both of which interact with ERα and Hsp90 and modulate ERα activity. It is plausible therefore that TTC9A negatively regulates ERα activity through interacting with co-chaperone proteins such as FKBP38 and FKBP51.  相似文献   


Comorbidities are common in chronic heart failure (HF) patients, but diagnoses are often not based on objective testing. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an important comorbidity and often neglected because of shared symptoms and risk factors. Precise prevalence and consequences are not well known. Therefore, we investigated prevalence, pulmonary treatment, symptoms and quality of life (QOL) of COPD in patients with chronic HF.


205 patients with stable HF for at least 1 month, aged above 50 years, were included from our outpatient cardiology clinic, irrespective of left ventricular ejection fraction. Patients performed post-bronchodilator spirometry, a six-minute walk test (6-MWT) and completed the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ). COPD was diagnosed according to GOLD criteria. Restrictive lung function was defined as FEV1/FVC ≥0.70 and FVC <80% of predicted value. The BODE and ADO index, risk scores in COPD patients, were calculated.


Almost 40% fulfilled the criteria of COPD and 7% had restrictive lung disease, the latter being excluded from further analysis. Noteworthy, 63% of the COPD patients were undiagnosed and 8% of those without COPD used inhalation therapy. Patients with COPD had more shortness of breath despite little difference in HF severity and similar other comorbidities. KCCQ was significantly worse in COPD patients. The ADO and BODE indices were significantly different.


COPD is very common in unselected HF patients. It was often not diagnosed and many patients received treatment without being diagnosed with COPD. Presence of COPD worsens symptoms and negatively effects cardiac specific QOL.
In plants, a variety of chromatin-associated high mobility group (HMG) proteins belonging to the HMGB family have been identified. We have examined the phosphorylation of the HMGB proteins from the monocotyledonous plant maize and the dicotyledonous plant Arabidopsis by protein kinase CK2alpha. Maize CK2alpha phosphorylates the maize HMGB1 and HMGB2/3 proteins and the Arabidopsis HMGB1, HMGB2/3, and HMGB4 proteins. Maize HMGB4 and HMGB5 and Arabidopsis HMGB5 are not phosphorylated by CK2alpha. Depending on the HMGB protein up to five amino acid residues are phosphorylated in the course of the phosphorylation reaction. The HMGB1 proteins from both plants are markedly more slowly phosphorylated by CK2alpha than the other HMGB substrate proteins, indicating that certain HMGB proteins are clearly preferred substrates for CK2alpha. The rate of the phosphorylation reaction appears to be related to the ease of interaction between CK2alpha and the HMGB proteins, as indicated by chemical cross-linking experiments. MALDI/TOF mass spectrometry analyses demonstrate that the HMGB1 and HMGB2/3 proteins occur in various phosphorylation states in immature maize kernels. Thus, HMGB1 exists as monophosphorylated, double-phosphorylated, triple-phosphorylated, and tetraphosphorylated protein in kernel tissue, and the tetraphosphorylated form is the most abundant version. The observed in vivo phosphorylation states indicate that protein kinase(s) other than CK2alpha contribute(s) to the modification of the plant HMGB proteins. The fact that the HMGB proteins are phosphorylated to various extents reveals that the existence of differentially modified forms increases the number of distinct HMGB protein variants in plant chromatin that may be adapted to certain functions.  相似文献   
The regulatory role of protons in hyphal tip growth was investigated by using membrane-permeant weak acids to acidify cytoplasm of the oomycete Saprolegnia ferax. Acetic acid decreased cytoplasmic pH from approximately pH 7.2 to 6.8, as shown by SNARF-1 measurements of cytoplasmic pH. Inhibition of growth in a dose-dependent manner by acetic, propionic, and isobutyric acid was accompanied by changes in positioning and morphology of mitochondria and nuclei, condensation of chromatin, disruptions in peripheral actin, and increases in hyphal diameter. These cellular alterations were fully reversible, and during recovery, major cytoplasmic movements and extensive apical vacuolations were observed. The results are consistent with proton regulation of the cytoskeleton, nuclear matrix, and/or chromosomes. However, a macroscopic cytoplasmic gradient of H+ in hyphae was not revealed by SNARF-1, indicating that if such a H+ gradient were required, it must occur at a finer level than we detected.  相似文献   
We used a semiquantitative root hair deformation assay for Vicia sativa (vetch) to study the activity of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae nodulation (Nod) factors. Five to 10 min of Nod factor-root interaction appears to be sufficient to induce root hair deformation. The first deformation is visible within 1 h, and after 3 h about 80% of the root hairs in a small susceptible zone of the root are deformed. This zone encompasses root hairs that have almost reached their maximal size. The Nod factor accumulates preferentially to epidermal cells of the young part of the root, but is not restricted to the susceptible zone. In the interaction with roots, the glucosamine backbone of Nod factors is shortened, presumably by chitinases. NodRlv-IV(C18:4,Ac) is more stable than NodRlv-V(C18:4,Ac). No correlation was found between Nod factor degradation and susceptibility. Degradation occurs both in the susceptible zone and in the mature zone. Moreover, degradation is not affected by NH4NO3 and is similar in vetch and in the nonhost alfalfa (Medicago sativa).  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The natural oncotropism and oncotoxicity of vectors derived from the autonomous parvovirus, minute virus of mice (prototype strain) [MVM(p)], combined with the immunotherapeutic properties of cytokine transgenes, make them interesting candidates for cancer gene therapy. METHODS: The in vivo anti-tumour activity of a recombinant parvoviral vector, MVM-IL2, was evaluated in a syngeneic mouse melanoma model that is relatively resistant in vitro to the intrinsic cytotoxicity of wild-type MVM(p). RESULTS: In vitro infection of the K1735 melanoma cells prior to their injection resulted in loss of tumorigenicity in 70% of mice (7/10). Tumour-free mice were protected against a challenge with non-infected parental cells. In addition, MVM-IL2-infected tumour cells induced an anti-tumour activity on parental cells injected at a distant location. These non-infected tumour cells were injected either at the same time or 7 days before the injection of MVM-IL2-infected cells. In the latter setting, which mimics a therapeutic model for small tumours, 4/10 mice were still tumour-free after 4 months. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that (i) the MVM-IL2 parvoviral vector efficiently transduces tumour cells; and (ii) the low multiplicity of infection (MOI = 1) used in our experiments was sufficient to elicit an anti-tumour effect on distant cells, which supports further studies on this vector as a new tool for cancer gene therapy.  相似文献   
Understanding population-level responses to novel selective pressures can elucidate evolutionary consequences of human-altered habitats. Stream impoundments (reservoirs) alter riverine ecosystems worldwide, exposing stream fishes to uncommon selective pressures. Assessing phenotypic trait divergence in reservoir habitats will be a first step in identifying the potential evolutionary and ecological consequences of stream impoundments. We tested for body shape divergence in four stream-adapted fishes found in both habitats within three separate basins. Shape variation among fishes was partitioned into shared (exhibited by all species) and unique (species-specific) responses to reservoir habitats. All fishes demonstrated consistent significant shared and unique morphological responses to reservoir habitats. Shared responses were linked to fin positioning, decreased body depths and larger caudal areas; traits likely related to locomotion. Unique responses were linked to head shape, suggesting species-specific responses to abiotic conditions or changes to their trophic ecology in reservoirs. Our results highlight how human-altered habitats can simultaneously drive similar and unique trait divergence in native populations.  相似文献   
J. M. Franssen  R. D. Firn  J. Digby 《Planta》1982,155(4):281-286
The differential growth causing second positive phototropic curvature in intact, black-capped and decapitated Avena coleoptiles has been measured. In all cases the curvature is brought about by a cessation in growth of the illuminated side. The fact that shading the apex does not significantly alter the initial steps of differential growth means that the subapical zones can perceive and respond to unilateral illumination. Decapitation significantly reduces coleoptile growth, especially in the most apical zone. However, the fact that differential growth is still evident in the other zones of decapitated coleoptiles within 30 min of unilateral illumination requires one to conclude that the apex cannot be controlling the differential growth in those basal zones.  相似文献   
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