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Rhizobia induce the formation of root nodules on the roots of leguminous plants. In temperate legumes, nodule organogenesis starts with the induction of cell divisions in regions of the root inner cortex opposite protoxylem poles, resulting in the formation of nodule primordia. It has been postulated that the susceptibility of these inner cortical cells to Rhizobium nodulation (Nod) factors is conferred by an arrest at a specific stage of the cell cycle. Concomitantly with the formation of nodule primordia, cytoplasmic rearrangement occurs in the outer cortex. Radially aligned cytoplasmic strands form bridges, and these have been called preinfection threads. It has been proposed that the cytoplasmic bridges are related to phragmosomes. By studying the in situ expression of the cell cycle genes cyc2, H4, and cdc2 in pea and alfalfa root cortical cells after inoculation with Rhizobium or purified Nod factors, we show that the susceptibility of inner cortical cells to Rhizobium is not conferred by an arrest at the G2 phase and that the majority of the dividing cells are arrested at the G0/G1 phase. Furthermore, the outer cortical cells forming a preinfection thread enter the cell cycle although they do not divide.  相似文献   
In pea (Pisum sativum) up to 50 nodulation mutants are known, several of which are affected in the early steps of the symbiotic interaction with Rhizobium sp. bacteria. Here we describe the role of the sym2 gene in nodulation (Nod) factor perception. Our experiments show that the sym2A allele from the wild pea variety Afghanistan confers an arrest in infection-thread growth if the Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae strain does not produce Nod factors with a NodX-mediated acetylation at their reducing end. Since the induction of the early nodulin gene ENOD12 in the epidermis and the formation of a nodule primordium in the inner cortex were not affected, we conclude that more than one Nod factor-perception mechanism is active. Furthermore, we show that sym2A-mediated control of infection-thread growth was affected by the bacterial nodulation gene nodO.  相似文献   
Translation of middle-component RNA of cowpea mosaic virus in vitro produced two polypeptides of 95 and 105 kilodaltons (95K and 105K, respectively) with overlapping amino acid sequences, which were specifically cleaved by a protease encoded by the bottom-component RNA. The proteolytic cleavage was studied by the addition of antibodies raised against various bottom-component RNA-encoded proteins to extracts prepared from bottom-component RNA-inoculated cowpea protoplasts. Since antiserum to the 32K polypeptide efficiently inhibited the proteolytic activity of such extracts, although antiserum to VPg or to the 170K polypeptide did not, evidence was obtained which indicates that the 32K polypeptide represents the protease involved. Fractionation of proteolytically active extract by glycerol gradient centrifugation demonstrated that 32K polypeptides do not exist as free proteins but are aggregated to the bottom-component RNA-encoded 170K, 84K, 60K, or 58K polypeptides. Maximal proteolytic activity was observed for 32K polypeptides associated with 170K polypeptides, suggesting that the activity was unstable and confined to newly synthesized molecules.  相似文献   
Branched chain fatty acids (BCFAs) are fatty acids substituted with alkyl groups. Many of them are chiral and therefore occur in two enantiomeric forms. This review describes their occurrence in Nature, their biosynthesis, their properties as flavours, and their enzymatic kinetic resolution. Many lipases are able to separate the enantiomers of BCFAs, in hydrolysis, esterification or transesterification reactions. Very often, the stereoselectivity of these reactions is remarkably high, even when the chiral carbon atom is remote from the carboxylic acid group.  相似文献   
Enzymes from extremophiles operate at conditions that are different from their ‘normal’ counterparts, and are therefore a useful extension of the enzyme toolbox. In this paper, the direct glucosylation reaction mediated by a hyperthermophilic β-glucosidase from Pyrocuccus furiosus was investigated. Hexanol was successfully coupled to glucose with this enzyme. A preliminary study was conducted to improve the product yield. A maximum product concentration of 12.9 g.l−1 was attainable by increasing the glucose concentration to the maximum solubility of 2000 g.(kg buffer solution)−1 at the reaction temperature. The highest glucose based yield of 2.64% was achieved with a glucose concentration of 900 g.(kg buffer solution)−1 at a reaction temperature of 65°C and a pH of 6.0. Performing the reaction at higher pH and temperature led to lower product concentrations. This was caused by deactivation of the enzyme accompanied by browning of the reaction mixture. A pH of 4.4 did have a negative effect on both the storage and the operational stability of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Rivers and streams are among the most threatened ecosystems worldwide, and their fish assemblages have been modified by anthropogenic habitat alteration and introductions of non‐native species. Consequently, two frequently observed patterns of assemblage change over time are species loss and biotic homogenization. In the present study, we compared contemporary (2006–2007) and historical (1948–1955) assemblages of darters, a group of small benthic fishes of the family Percidae, in the Arkansas River drainage of northeastern Oklahoma, USA. Results showed species loss between the two sampling periods, with historical estimates of overall species diversity across the study area exceeding contemporary estimates by five to eight species. Assemblages showed a low degree of darter similarity based on species presence and absence, with pairwise site comparisons (Jaccard's similarity index) between historical and contemporary samples averaging < 0.35. No significant homogenization or differentiation of assemblages occurred. Range expansion of widespread species, one of the primary mechanisms of biotic homogenization, was not observed; rather, all species occurred at a smaller proportion of sites in contemporary samples. Our results highlight the threat posed by anthropogenic habitat alteration to taxonomic groups such as darters, most of which are habitat specialists. However, our results suggest that biotic homogenization is unlikely to occur in the absence of immigration, especially if assemblages are subjected to ‘novel disturbances’ such as dam construction and watershed‐scale habitat degradation which negatively affect all components of the assemblage.  相似文献   
Methane formation in the rumen is a major cause of greenhouse gas emission. Plant secondary compounds in ruminant diets, such as essential oils, saponins and tannins, are known to affect methane production. However, their methane-lowering properties have generally been associated with undesired side effects such as impaired feed digestibility. Here we show that microbial methane formation in diluted and buffered rumen fluid was significantly lowered in the presence of (+)-catechin, a natural polyphenol. This flavan-3-ol, a tannin precursor, decreased the production of methane in a dose-dependent manner, where 1.0 mol catechin prevented the emission of 1.2 mol methane. During methane mitigation, (+)-catechin was step-wise degraded via C- and A-ring cleavage and reductive dehydroxylation reactions, as indicated by LC-QToF-MS based metabolomic profiling and NMR-based metabolite identification. This accounted for the acceptance of six hydrogen atoms per catechin molecule. Consequently, catechin functions as an extensive hydrogen sink, thereby competing with methane production by rumen methanogens ( $ {\text{CO}}_{2} + 4{\text{H}}_{2} \Rightarrow {\text{CH}}_{4} + 2{\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}} $ ). Catechin therefore acts as an antireductant under the anaerobic test conditions, in contrast to its well-known antioxidant role during oxidative stress. The reductive degradation of catechin had no impact on the formation of ruminal fermentation products such as short-chain fatty acids in this model system. These results highlight the potential of plant secondary compounds to replace methane precursors as hydrogen sinks, and justify future scientific screening programs for similar, potentially more effective organic compounds.  相似文献   
A substantial increase in political and financial investment that aligns plant and industrial biotech will pay dividends for sustainable energy and materials production.  相似文献   
Generating new carbon–carbon (C–C) bonds in an enantioselective way is one of the big challenges in organic synthesis. Aldolases are a natural tool for stereoselective C–C bond formation in a green and sustainable way. This review will focus on thermophilic aldolases in general and on dihydroxyacetone phosphate-dependent aldolases in particular. Biochemical properties and applications for synthesis of rare sugars and carbohydrates will be discussed.  相似文献   
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