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Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) usually shows an X-linked recessive mode of inheritance caused by mutations in the vasopressin type 2 receptor gene (AVPR2). In the present study, three NDI families are described in which females show clinical features resembling the phenotype in males. Maximal urine osmolality in three female patients did not exceed 200 mosmol/kg and the absence of extra-renal responses to 1-desamino-8-d-arginine vasopressin was demonstrated in two of them. All affected females and two asymptomatic female family members were shown to be heterozygous for an AVPR2 mutation. Skewed X-inactivation is the most likely explanation for the clinical manifestation of NDI in female carriers of an AVPR2 mutation. It is concluded that, in female NDI patients, the possibility of heterozygosity for an AVPR2 gene mutation has to be considered in addition to homozygosity for mutations in the aquaporin 2 gene.  相似文献   
In a previous study, we have developed a panel of chromosomal rearrangements for the physical mapping of the q13-q21 region of the human X chromosome (Philippe et al., Genomics 17: 147-152, 1993). Here, we report the physical localization of 36 additional polymorphic markers by polymerase chain reaction analysis. The high density of chromosomal breakpoints in Xq21 allows us to map 58 DNA loci in 22 intervals. As a result, this segment of the X chromosome is saturated with approximately three sequence tagged sites per megabase of DNA, which will facilitate the construction of a YAC contig of this region.  相似文献   
In previous research, male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) were found to be more ‘conciliatory’ than females, in that after aggressive incidents males more often engaged in socially positive contact with former opponents. The first part of the present paper presents similar results for a large breeding troop of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). To investigate further the possible sex difference in postconflict behaviour, a series of experiments was carried out on small isosexual groups of young rhesus monkeys, three male and three female groups. Food competition was created by providing either a single apple piece (Monopoly test) or a handful of small pieces (Equality test). Observations lasted for 30 min, and behaviour in tests without food provisioning was also recorded. The predicted response to food was an increase in aggression followed by restorative behaviour, such as grooming. In Equality tests both sexes showed similar responses, i.e. increased aggression and decreased grooming and cohesiveness. In Monopoly tests, however, their responses differed. After the aggression increase, which occurred in all groups, males showed a significant increase in grooming and cohesiveness, whereas females showed the (non-significant) opposite trend. Another sex difference was that changes in grooming and aggression frequencies were related to the rank order in female groups, but not in male groups. Since there was no evidence for a direct causal connection between grooming and aggression, a new model is introduced which links grooming behaviour to the type of food provision rather than to the social disturbance by aggression. According to this model inequality in food distribution causes social tensions. Males actively try to reduce these tensions, whereas females do not. Some alternative explanations are also discussed.  相似文献   
Summary This paper presents a model of the neural coding and discrimination of sensory intensity. The model consists of five stages: (1) the coding of stimulus intensity in peripheral receptors or neurons by a rate code. The relevance of comparing different analysis intervals for the response is pointed out; (2) neural processing, according to either labeled-line or across-fiber pattern theory. In addition, two possible non-linearities in the processing are considered: a threshold mechanism, and contrast enhancement by reciprocal inhibition; (3) a neural discriminator, based on signal-detection theory; (4) a memory stage; (5) an effector organ providing a behavioral output. Emphasis is put on stages 2 and 3.The model produces predictions of the differential threshold, which should be directly testable in a behavioral two-alternative forced-choice paradigm. The model will be applied to gustatory intensity discrimination in rat in a subsequent study (Maes and Erickson 1984). The Discussion pays attention to the relative contributions of peripheral and central noise sources. It also compares the present model with Beidler's (1958) approach through just noticeable differences (JND's). The model presented here seems more adequate in providing an understanding of sensory information processing.Abbreviations AFP across fiber pattern - DA discrimination acuity - DT differential threshold - JND just noticeable difference - LL labeled line - NTS nucleus tractus solitarius  相似文献   
Summary Regulation of ion-channel activity must take place in order to regulate ion transport. In case of tonoplast ion channels, this is possible on both the cytoplasmic and the vacuolar side. Isolated vacuoles of youngVigna unguiculata seedlings show no or hardly any channel activity at tonoplast potentials >80 mV, in the vacuole-attached configuration. When the configuration is changed to an excised patch or whole vacuole, a fast (excised patch) or slow (whole vacuole) increase of inward rectifying channel activity is seen. This increase is accompanied by a shift in the voltage-dependent gating to less hyperpolarized potentials. In the whole vacuole configuration the level of inward current increases and also the activation kinetics changes. Induction of channel activity takes up to 20 min depending on the age of the plants used and the diameter of the vacuole. On the basis of the estimated diffusion velocities, it is hypothesized that a compound with a mol wt of 20,000 to 200,000 is present in vacuoles of young seedlings, which shifts the population of channels to a less voltage-sensitive state.Ecotrans publication no. 27.  相似文献   
As part of an investigation into whether it would be possible to use UV radiation as a suitable pretreatment of the donor cells in asymmetric hybridization experiments, the effects of this treatment on sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) protoplast DNA have been determined and compared with those of gamma radiation. Both nuclear and mitochondrial DNAs have been examined. The dose ranges chosen had previously been determined to be potentially applicable for fusion experiments. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis and standard agarose gel electrophoresis have been used in combination with laser scanning densitometry to gain an insight into the precise nature and degree of DNA damage resulting from irradiation. It was observed that UV radiation introduced substantial modifications to sugarbeet DNA. Double-strand breaks were detected, the number of which was found to be directly proportional to the dose applied. Such breaks indicate that UV radiation results in substantial chromosome/chromatid fragmentation in these cells. Chemical modifications to the DNA structure could be revealed by a significant reduction in DNA hybridization to specific mitochondrial and nuclear DNA probes. Following gamma irradiation at equivalent biological doses (i.e. those just sufficient to prevent colony formation) much less damage was detected. Fewer DNA fragments were produced indicating the presence of fewer double-strand breaks in the DNA structure. In comparison to UV treatments, DNA hybridization to specific probes following gamma radiation was inhibited less. For both treatments, mitochondrial DNA appeared more sensitive to damage than nuclear DNA. The possibility that DNA repair processes might account for these differences has also been investigated. Results indicate either that repair processes are not involved in the effects observed or that DNA repair occurs so fast that it was not possible to demonstrate such involvement with the experimental system used. The general relevance of such processes to asymmetric cell hybridization is discussed.  相似文献   
Recent reports have revealed that the asymmetric nature of the nuclear genome of somatic hybrids, produced following the irradiation of one of the parents with X- or gamma rays, is generally much less than had been anticipated. As a consequence, we have begun to investigate whether UV radiation might be used as an alternative or indeed a supplement to the presently-used ionising radiation techniques in such experiments. Cell culture studies have revealed that UV radiation induces the desired physiological effects in sugar beet ( Beta vulgaris ) protoplasts, namely, a prevention of cell division without immediate cytotoxicity. Preliminary studies using denaturing and pulsed field gel electrophoresis have shown that UV can also induce substantial physical fragmentation of DNA. When using the same techniques, less breakdown was observed following gamma radiation. All results were highly reproducible. Such results augur well for the potential use of UV in asymmetric somatic cell fusion experiments.  相似文献   
A sensitive and accurate stable isotope dilution assay was developed for the measurement of pipecolic acid in body fluids using capillary gas chromatography with electron-capture detection. The method utilizes [2H11]pipecolic acid as the internal standard. Sample preparation consisted of derivatization in aqueous solution (pH 11.5) of the amine moiety with methyl chloroformate to the N-methylcarbamate, followed by acidic ethyl acetate extraction at pH ≤ 2 and further derivatization of the carboxyl moiety with pentafluorobenzyl bromide, the excess of which was removed by solid-phase extraction. Control values have been determined in the plasma of at-term infants, age > 1 week (n = 21, mean = 1.36 μM, range = 0.47–3.27 μM). The utility of the method was demonstrated by quantitating pipecolic acid in biological fluids derived from patients with peroxisomal disorders. The method was validated against an established electron-capture negative ion mass fragmentographic technique.  相似文献   
Temperature coefficients of both cat and toad brain have been calculated for the active metabolic state induced by electrical stimulation. Values are higher than most of the values previously reported for "rest" metabolism, whether calculated from Arrhenius plots or from linear graphs. Relative rates of oxidative metabolism were obtained by measuring the time course of the transient changes in NADH fluorescence and cytochrome aa3 absorption by reflectance techniques directly from the surface of the exposed cat cerebral cortex in vivo and from the isolated intact toad brain mounted in a cuvet. These findings demonstrate that such optical methods accurately record metabolic processes.  相似文献   
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