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Empirical analyses and models of the lineal effects of fission indicate that considerable genetic differentiation may occur at the time of group formation, thus confusing the usual positive relationship between historical affiliation and genetic differentiation. We analyze the effects of fission pattern on variation in highly heritable morphological traits among eight social groups on Cayo Santiago. The analysis is performed using general network autocorrelation methods that quantitatively and directly measure the amount of variation in social group mean morphology that can be explained by fission. All of the fission autocorrelation coefficients are strongly negative, indicating that groups most recently formed by fission are most dissimilar. Also, most of the variation between groups can be explained by the fission pattern, indicating that lineal fission is the most important process generating between-group variation on Cayo Santiago.  相似文献   
Summary A model has been developed for 5-nitroxide stearate, I(12,3), distribution in human erythrocyte ghosts which accurately predicts ESR spectral alterations observed with increased probe/total lipid (P/L) at 37°C. This spin probe occupies a class of high-affinity, noninteracting sites at low loading. Saturation occurs with increasing probe concentration, and, at higher loading, the probe inserts itself at initially dilute sites to form membranebound clusters of variable size. No low probe remains at high P/L where all I(12,3) clusters in a concentrated phase. This model allows determination of the dilute/clustered probe ratio, and shows that I(12,3) segregates in erythrocytes at what might otherwise be considered low P/L (e.g., 1/359). These findings validate the earlier use of empirical parameters to estimate probe sequestration in biological membranes.  相似文献   
Mechanical perturbation by rubbing of the first internode of 11–12 day old plants of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Cherokee wax induces the rapid deposition of callose in the cells of phloem and other tissues. Callose deposition begins immediately after mechanical perturbation, and shows a minor transient peak 1.5 h, and a major peak 6 h later. The callose gradually disappears and is gone after 3 days. If the stems are perturbed every day, the amount of callose decreases by day 2 but then gradually increases again through day 12. Both the top and bottom of the internode produce callose in response to mechanical perturbation. The evolution of ethylene in response to mechanical perturbation begins after 1 h, peaks at 2–3 h and is gone by 5–6 h. A spray of 10−2 M 2-deoxy-D-glucose (DDG) completely blocks stem thickening, callose deposition and ethylene evolution due to mechanical perturbation. DDG at 10−5 to 10−4 M blocks callose production in mechanically perturbed stem segments and increases ethylene evolution from unperturbed stem segments to greater levels than those obtained by mechanically perturbed segments. It is concluded that mechanical perturbation of bean stems tissue induces deposition of callose more rapidly than it induces evolution of ethylene and that DDG can block both processes.  相似文献   
Infection of wound tissue of Avicennia marina seedlings by a fungus belonging to the genus Phytophthora induced the production of three chemically-related phytoalexins. After isolation by extraction, partition HPLC separation, one was identified as naphtho[1,2-b]furan-4,5-dione, and the other two tentatively as 3-hydroxynaphtho[1,2-b]furan-4,5-dione and 2-[2′-(2′-hydroxy)propyl]-naphtho[1,2-b]furan-4,5-dione.  相似文献   
A nonintrusive auxonometric system, based on the DARWIN image processor (Telewski et al. 1983 Plant Physiol 72: 177-181), is described and demonstrated in the analysis of gravitropism and thigmomorphogenesis in corn seedlings (Zea mays). Using this system, growth and bending of regularly shaped plants or organs can be quickly and accurately measured without, in any way, interfering with the plant. Furthermore, the growth and bending curves are automatically plotted. Thigmomorphogenesis in the aerial part of corn seedlings involves growth promotion at a low force load and growth retardation at higher force loads. The time courses of the two kinds of response are somewhat different, with retardation occurring immeditely after mechanical perturbation and growth promotion taking somewhat longer to begin. Gravitropic experiments show that when dark-grown corn seedlings are placed on their side in the light, the resulting curvature is due to two consecutive morphological mechanisms. In the first instance, lasting for about 15 minutes, the elongation of the bottom edge of the plant accelerates, while the elongation of the top edge remains constant. After that, for the next 1.75 hours, the elongation of the top edge decelerates and stops while that of the bottom edge remains constant at the increased rate for most of the period. The measurements taken from both experiments at relatively high resolution (0.08-0.1 millimeter) show that the growth curves are not smooth but show many small irregularities which may or may not involve micronutations.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In Burkina Faso ließ ein Mangrovereiher offensichtlich gezielt eine Asclepiadaceen-Blüte aus 20 cm Höhe auf die Wasseroberfläche fallen und verharrte danach einige Sekunden mit halb-gestrecktem Hals. Bei einer weiteren Beobachtung in Niger plazierte ein Mangrovereiher einen kleinen Gegenstand auf der Wasseroberfläche. Bevor der Gegenstand mit dem Wind außer Reichweite trieb, holte ihn der Reiher und legte ihn auf der Luvseite wieder auf der Wasseroberfläche ab. Der Vorgang wiederholte sich mehrere Male, dabei gelang es dem Reiher, einen Fisch zu erbeuten, der allerdings wieder entkam. Anderntags setzte an derselben Stelle ein Mangrovereiher in gleicher Weise offensichtlich einen Käfer ein. Ähnliche Beobachtungen werden kurz diskutiert.  相似文献   
The production and spectroscopic properties of an L-selenomethionine-containing homolog of Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin are described. The amino acid substitution was carried out by developing an L-methionine-dependent bacterial strain from a fully functional ATCC culture. Uptake studies monitored using L-[75Se]methionine indicated that L-selenomethionine was incorporated into the protein synthetic pathway of Pseudomonas bacteria in a manner analogous to L-methionine. Several batches of bacteria were grown, and one sample of isolated and purified selenoazurin (azurin in which methionine was substituted by selenomethionine) was found (by neutron activation analysis) to contain 5.2 +/- 0.8 seleniums/copper. Correspondingly, a residual 0.35 methionines, relative to 6.0 in the native protein, were found by amino acid analysis in this azurin sample. The redox potential and extinction coefficient of this selenoazurin were found to be 333 +/- 1 mV (pH 7.0, I = 0.22) and 5855 +/- 160 M-1 cm-1 at 626 +/- 1 nm, respectively. Visible electronic, CD, and EPR spectra are reported and Gaussian curve fitting to the former spectrum allowed assignment of the selenomethionine Se----Cu(II) transition to a band found at 18034 cm-1, based upon an observed 450 cm-1 shift to the red from the analogous band position in the native protein. The data are consistent with a relatively more covalent copper site stabilizing the reduced, Cu(I), form in the selenoprotein. A role for the methionine as a modulator of the blue copper site redox potential by metal----ligand back bonding from Cu(I) is discussed in terms of a ligand sphere which limits the valence change at copper to much less than 1 during a redox cycle.  相似文献   
A procedure is described for the rapid preparation of nerve ending particles (synaptosomes) from 11 regions of one rat brain. The synaptosomal fractions have been characterized by electron microscopy and determination of four marker enzymes, i.e., glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), acetylcholinesterase, succinate dehydrogenase, and glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Comparison with a much lengthier standard (Ficoll-sucrose) preparation showed that the synaptosomal yield of the new procedure was substantially better as judged by both morphological evaluation and protein recovery. The improved synaptosome preparation was used for determination of regional gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels in synaptosomal fractions. The postmortem increase in GABA level during removal and dissection of brain tissue and homogenization and fractionation procedures could be minimized by rapid processing of the tissue at low temperatures and inclusion of the GAD inhibitor 3-mercaptopropionic acid (3-MP; 1 mM) in the homogenizing medium. The addition of GABA (0.2 mM) to the homogenizing medium did not alter the GABA levels in the synaptosomes, indicating that no significant redistribution of GABA occurred during subcellular fractionation in sodium-free media. Synaptosomal GABA levels determined in the 11 rat brain areas showed the same regional distribution as the GABA-synthesizing enzyme GAD. On the basis of these findings, it was suggested that the synaptosome preparation could be used to evaluate the in vivo effects of drugs on nerve terminal GABA. Treatment of rats with a convulsant dose of 3-MP (50 mg/kg i.p.) 3 min before decapitation significantly lowered synaptosomal GABA levels in olfactory bulb, hippocampus, thalamus, tectum, and cerebellum. The 3-MP-induced seizures and reduction of GABA levels could be prevented by administration of valproic acid (200 mg/kg i.p.) 15 min before the 3-MP injection. The data indicate that the improved synaptosome preparation offers a convenient method of preparing highly purified synaptosomes from a large number of small tissue samples and can provide useful information on the in vivo effects of drugs on regional GABA levels in nerve terminals.  相似文献   
This contribution illustrates the advantages of some chromophoric and fluorophoric carbohydrate derivatives such asp-nitrophenyl (pNO2Phe) or 4-methylumbelliferyl (MeUmb) glycosides andN-dansylgalactosamine in studies of the binding equilibrium and kinetics with some plant lectins. The methods used involve continuous titrations of changes in ligand or protein absorption and ligand fluorescence, including substitution titrations as well as stopped-flow, temperature-jump or pressure-jump relaxation kinetics. When monitored by temperature-jump relaxation, binding of MeUmbαGal to the bloodgroup A specific lectin GSAI-A4 fromGriffonia simplicifolia is a simple bimolecular association with parametersk + = 9.4 × 104 M-1 s-1 andk -1 = 5.3 s-1 at 23°C, but binding to the GSAI-B4 lectin is biphasic. The complementarity of the peanut agglutinin binding site with Galβ1 → 3GalNAc that occurs in manyO-glycoproteins follows from enthalpic considerations and also from the value of the dissociation-rate parameterk -1 = 0.24 s-1 of the MeUmbβGalβl → 3GalNAc.lectin complex. This value, obtained by stopped-flow kinetics is 100 times smaller than for other mono-and disaccharides investigated. The binding mechanism is simple and the derivatisation of Galβ1 → 3GalNAc does not affect the affinity to a considerable degree. The binding preference of tetravalentsoybean agglutinin for MeαGalNAc over MeαGal by a factor of 25 is mainly of enthalpic origin with an additional 7 kJ mol-1; the NAc group causes perturbation of a tryptophanyl residue, evidenced by protein difference absorption spectrometry. In the glycosides, a large aglycon likeβpNO2 Phe orβMeUmb hardly affects the affinity of SBA but a largeN-dansyl group increases the affinity by a factor 20 as compared to GalNAc. The 10-fold increase in carbohydrate-specificN-dansylgalactosamine fluorescence, together with a very favourable entropic contribution point at the presence of a hydrophobic region in the vicinity of the carbohydrate-binding site. The dissociation-rate parameter of the MeUmbβGalNAc SBA complex is slower than for any reported monosaccharide-lectin complex: 0.4 s-1. The divalent lectin fromErythrina cristagalli preferentially binds the Galβ1 → 4GlcNAc structure that occurs in manyN-glycoproteins. The combining site was mapped thermodynamically with carbohydrates ranging from mono-to pentasaccharides as derived fromN-glycoproteins. Here, N-dansylgalactosamine was used as a fluorescent indicator ligand in substitution titrations. When Galβ1 → 4GlcNAc was linkedα1 → 2 orα1 → 6 to Man, the binding enthalpy and entropy remained practically constant. Application of stopped flow kinetics and pressure-jump relaxation withN-dansylgalactosamine gave mono-exponential signal changes with a concentration dependence corresponding tok + = 4.8 x 104 M-1 s-1 k - = 0.4 to 0.66 s-1 and a change in reaction volume of+7ml/mol.  相似文献   
Glutamine synthetase (EC has been purified from a collagenolytic Vibrio alginolyticus strain. The apparent molecular weight of the glutamine synthetase subunit was approximately 62,000. This indicates a particle weight for the undissociated enzyme of 744,000, assuming the enzyme is the typical dodecamer. The glutamine synthetase enzyme had a sedimentation coefficient of 25.9 S and seems to be regulated by a denylylation and deadenylylation. The pH profiles assayed by the -glutamyltransferase method were similar for NH4-shocked and unshocked cell extracts and isoactivity point was not obtained from these eurves. The optimum pH for purified and crude cell extracts was 7.9. Cell-free glutamine synthetase was inhibited by some amino acids and AMP. The transferase activity of glutamine synthetase from mid-exponential phase cells varied greatly depending on the sources of nitrogen or carbon in the growth medium. Glutamine synthetase level was regulated by nitrogen catabolite repression by (NH4)2SO4 and glutamine, but cells grown, in the presence of proline, leucine, isoleucine, tryptophan, histidine, glutamic acid, glycine and arginine had enhanced levels of transferase activity. Glutamine synthetase was not subject to glucose, sucrose, fructose, glycerol or maltose catabolite repression and these sugars had the opposite effect and markedly enhanced glutamine synthetase activity.Abbreviations GS glutamine synthetase - SMM succinate minimal medium - ASMM ammonium/succinate minimal medium - GT -glutamyl transferase - SVP snake venom phosphodiesterase  相似文献   
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