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In vitro selections for catalytic activity have been designed for the isolation of genes encoding enzymes from libraries of proteins displayed on filamentous phages. The proteins are generally expressed as C-terminal fusions with the N-terminus of the minor coat protein p3 for display on phages. As full-length cDNAs generally contain several stop codons near their 3′ end, this approach cannot be used for their expression on the surface of phages. Here we show that in vitro selection for catalytic activity is compatible with a system for expression of proteins as N-terminal fusions on the surface of bacteriophages. It is highlighted for the Stoffel fragment of Taq DNA polymerase I and makes use of (p3–Jun/Fos–Stoffel fragment) fusions. The efficiency of the selection is measured by an enrichment factor found to be about 55 for a phage polymerase versus a phage not expressing a polymerase. This approach could provide a method for the functional cloning of nucleotidyl transferases from cDNA libraries using filamentous phage display.  相似文献   
A "F1" diploid population between Solanum tuberosum 2 x and the wild Solanum spegazzinii was studied. It segregated for resistance against the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida derived from the wild species. The inheritance had a quantitative nature. Linkage maps of AFLP and RFLP markers were constructed for both parents. Three QTLs were identified on the map of the resistant parent on chromosomes V, VI and XII, respectively. The first one had a major effect and explained more than 50% of the total variance of resistance. It is located in a cluster of resistance genes and may be the same locus as Gpa which has been described formerly. The two others explained about 20% of the total variance each. The QTL on chromosome XII is also in a cluster of resistance genes, and in an orthologous position with resistance genes against nematodes in tomato and pepper.  相似文献   
With the objective of studying the role of wild fauna in the epidemiology of fasciolosis disease, a definitive wild-host inventory was carried out in a french farm where infected domestic hosts (cows) cohabit with wild potential ones. Liver flukes, faecal eggs and antibodies were looked for in lagomorphs (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and rodents (Myocastor coypus, Ondatra zybethicus, Rattus norvegicus, Arvicola sapidus and micromammal species) trapped in the study area. Presence of Fasciola hepatica was detected in two species: O. cuniculus and M. coypus. Infection rates were respectively 34% (42/124) and 55% (106/193). Liver flukes were found in 78 M. coypus (n = 192) and 11 O. cuniculus (n = 35). No other species was infected by F. hepatica. The number of animals shedding fluke eggs was higher in M. coypus (49 out of 127 sampled; 38.6%) than in O. cuniculus (two out of 17 sampled; 11.7%). The results indicate that M. coypus may play a role in the maintenance and the dissemination of F. hepatica in various environments and open a discussion on the role of other natural wild hosts.  相似文献   
We provide a unified overview of methods that currently are widely used to assess the accuracy of prediction algorithms, from raw percentages, quadratic error measures and other distances, and correlation coefficients, and to information theoretic measures such as relative entropy and mutual information. We briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. For classification tasks, we derive new learning algorithms for the design of prediction systems by directly optimising the correlation coefficient. We observe and prove several results relating sensitivity and specificity of optimal systems. While the principles are general, we illustrate the applicability on specific problems such as protein secondary structure and signal peptide prediction.  相似文献   


The fragile X mouse model shows an increase in seizure susceptibility, indicating an involvement of the GABAergic system via an alteration in cellular excitability. In the brain, we have previously described a reduction in GABAA receptor expression as a likely basis for this susceptibility. In the brains of fragile X mice, this reduction in receptor expression culminates with a concomitant increase in the expression of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), the enzyme responsible for GABA synthesis. Further, voltage-sensitive calcium channel expression is reduced in the pancreas of the fragile X mouse. Since there are considerable similarities in the GABAergic system in the brain and pancreas, we evaluated the protective role of taurine in pancreatic islet development in both wild type (WT) and fragile X mice (KO).


One-month-old FVB/NJ males or age-matched fmr1-knockout (KO) mice were supplemented with taurine in drinking water (0.05% w/v) for four weeks. Age-matched controls were fed water only for the same duration. At four weeks, mice were sacrificed and pancreases processed for histology and immunohistochemical studies on changes of insulin, glucagon and somatostatin expression. Additional mice were subjected to a glucose tolerance test.


Taurine treatment resulted in a significant increase in the number and size of islets. WT taurine-fed mice, slightly hypoglycemic prior to glucose injection, showed significantly reduced plasma glucose at 30 min post-injection when compared to control mice. KO mice had normal baseline plasma glucose concentration; however, following glucose injection they had higher plasma glucose levels at 30 min when compared to controls. Supplementation of taurine to KO mice resulted in reduced baseline levels of plasma glucose. After glucose injection, the taurine-fed KO mice had reduced plasma glucose at 30 min compared to KO. Concomitant with the increased islets size and glucose tolerance observed in taurine-fed mice there was an increase in insulin, glucagon and somatostatin immunoreactivity in the islets of WT mice. In the KO mice however, insulin levels were not affected whereas glucagon and somatostatin levels were reduced. Exocytosis of these hormones is calcium-dependent, therefore any exacerbation of calcium homeostasis could affect hormone release. We found the expression of the voltage sensitive calcium channels (VSCC) is drastically reduced in the pancreas of fragile X mice.


During early development, the VSCC play an important role in calcium-dependent gene expression. Since these channels are also involved in depolarization and calcium-mediated vesicular release of neurotransmitters and pancreatic hormones, alterations in the expression of VSCC not only will affect calcium-mediated gene expression but also hormonal and neurotransmitter release creating therefore a neuroendocrine perturbation in the fragile X that may potentially affect other organ systems. We find that in the fragile X mouse, taurine treatment may partially restore functionality of the neuro-endocrine pancreas.
Aldosterone classically modulates Na transport in tight epithelia such as the renal collecting duct (CD) through the transcellular route, but it is not known whether the hormone could also affect paracellular permeability. Such permeability is controlled by tight junctions (TJ) that form a size- and charge-selective barrier. Among TJ proteins, claudin-4 has been highlighted as a key element to control paracellular charge selectivity. In RCCD2 CD cells grown on filters, we have identified novel early aldosterone effects on TJ. Endogenous claudin-4 abundance and cellular localization were unaltered by aldosterone. However, the hormone promoted rapid (within 15-20 min) and transient phosphorylation of endogenous claudin-4 on threonine residues, without affecting tyrosine or serine; this event was fully developed at 10 nM aldosterone and appeared specific for aldosterone (because it is not observed after dexamethasone treatment and it depends on mineralocorticoid receptor occupancy). Within the same delay, aldosterone also promoted an increased apical-to-basal passage of 125I (a substitute for 36Cl), whereas 22Na passage was unaffected; paracellular permeability to [3H]mannitol was also reduced. Later on (45 min), a fall in transepithelial resistance was observed. These data indicate that aldosterone modulates TJ properties in renal epithelial cells.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to develop an equine metacarpophalangeal joint model that induces osteoarthritis that is not primarily mediated by instability or inflammation. The study involved six Standardbred horses. Standardized cartilage surface damage or “grooves” were created arthroscopically on the distal dorsal aspect of the lateral and medial metacarpal condyles of a randomly chosen limb. The contralateral limb was sham operated. After 2 weeks of stall rest, horses were trotted 30 minutes every other day for 8 weeks, then evaluated for lameness and radiographed. Synovial fluid was analyzed for cytology and biomarkers. At 10 weeks post-surgery, horses were euthanized for macroscopic and histologic joint evaluation. Arthroscopic grooving allowed precise and identical damage to the cartilage of all animals. Under the controlled exercise regime, this osteoarthritis groove model displayed significant radiographic, macroscopic, and microscopic degenerative and reactive changes. Histology demonstrated consistent surgically induced grooves limited to non-calcified cartilage and accompanied by secondary adjacent cartilage lesions, chondrocyte necrosis, chondrocyte clusters, cartilage matrix softening, fissuring, mild subchondral bone inflammation, edema, and osteoblastic margination. Synovial fluid biochemistry and cytology demonstrated significantly elevated total protein without an increase in prostaglandin E2, neutrophils, or chondrocytes. This equine metacarpophalangeal groove model demonstrated that standardized non-calcified cartilage damage accompanied by exercise triggered altered osteochondral morphology and cartilage degeneration with minimal or inefficient repair and little inflammatory response. This model, if validated, would allow for assessment of disease processes and the effects of therapy.  相似文献   
Intracellular cytokine staining combined with flow cytometry is one of a number of assays designed to assess T-cell immune responses. It has the specific advantage of enabling the simultaneous assessment of multiple phenotypic, differentiation and functional parameters pertaining to responding T-cells, most notably, the expression of multiple effector cytokines. These attributes make the technique particularly suitable for the assessment of T-cell immune responses induced by novel tuberculosis vaccines in clinical trials. However, depending upon the particular nature of a given vaccine and trial setting, there are approaches that may be taken at different stages of the assay that are more suitable than other alternatives. In this paper, the Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI) TB Biomarker Working group reports on efforts to assess the conditions that will determine when particular assay approaches should be employed. We have found that choices relating to the use of fresh whole blood or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and frozen PBMC; use of serum-containing or serum-free medium; length of stimulation period and use of co-stimulatory antibodies can all affect the sensitivity of intracellular cytokine assays. In the case of sample material, frozen PBMC, despite some loss of sensitivity, may be more advantageous for batch analysis. We also recommend that for multi-site studies, common antibody panels, gating strategies and analysis approaches should be employed for better comparability.  相似文献   
Suberoyl bishydroxamic acid (SBHA) as a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor has various cellular effects such as cell growth and apoptosis. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of SBHA on the growth and death of A549 lung cancer cells. SBHA inhibited the growth of A549 cells with an IC50 of approximately 50 μM at 72 h in a dose-dependent manner. DNA flow cytometric analysis indicated that SBHA induced a G2/M phase arrest of the cell cycle. This agent also induced apoptosis, as evidenced by sub-G1 cells and annexin V-FITC staining cells. SBHA-induced apoptosis was accompanied by the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP; ΔΨm), Bcl-2 decrease, Bax increase, and the activation of caspase-3. All of the tested caspase inhibitors significantly rescued some cells from SBHA-induced A549 cell death. However, none of the caspase inhibitors prevented the loss of MMP (ΔΨm) induced by SBHA. Intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels including O 2 ?? were increased in 50 μM SBHA-treated A549 cells. None of the caspase inhibitors attenuated ROS levels in these cells. SBHA also elevated the number of glutathione (GSH)-depleted cells in A549 cells, which was reduced by treatment with caspase inhibitors. In conclusion, this is the first report that SBHA inhibited the growth of A549 lung cancer cells via caspase-dependent apoptosis, which was related to GSH depletion rather than changes in ROS level.  相似文献   
The great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo is thought to have a wettable plumage, providing low body insulation during foraging. Great cormorants should thus be constrained by water temperatures, and show high energy requirements. Surprisingly, this species has one of the widest breeding distributions of all diving birds, and does not require more food than these other species. We explored this apparent paradox by comparing the insulative properties of body plumage in four subspecies of great cormorants ranging from tropical to polar regions. We found that all subspecies retained an insulating air layer in their plumage, which was, however, much thinner than for other species of diving birds. Detailed examination of the plumage showed that each cormorant body feather has a loose, instantaneously wet, outer section and a highly waterproof central portion. This indicates that the plumage of great cormorants is only partly wettable, and that birds maintain a thin layer of air in their plumage. Our findings suggest an unusual morphological-functional adaptation to diving which balances the antagonist constraints of thermoregulation and buoyancy.  相似文献   
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