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Ts-131b, one of the temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants isolated from mouse FM3A cells, was found to be defective in DNA replication at a non-permissive temperature. After the cells were transferred to 39.5 °C, the cell number increased by only 10% and the rate of incorporation of precursors into cellular DNA decreased rapidly. Cell cycle analysis by a flow cytometric method with the cells incubated at 39.5 °C revealed that progression of the cells through the S phase was inhibited and most of the cells were arrested in the S phase. To study the defect in DNA replication of this ts-mutant at 39.5 °C, DNA-fiber autoradiography was performed to measure the rate of DNA-chain elongation. The results showed that the rate of DNA-chain elongation was decreased at 6 h after the temperature shift. However, since the decrease in the rate of DNA-chain elongation was not sufficient to account for the decrease in the rate of incorporation of the precursors, it was suggested that there was also a decrease in the rate of initiation of DNA replication at some of the replicon origins.  相似文献   
Human T cell responses to gp63, a surface antigen of Leishmania   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
gp63, an abundant and conserved leishmania cell surface protein, has been implicated in the ability of these parasitic protozoa to infect macrophages in vitro and has shown potential as a protective immunogen in mice. However, little is known regarding human immune responses to this glycoprotein Ag. In this study, human T lymphocyte responses to Leishmania amazonensis native gp63 and to recombinant gp63 (rgp63) produced in Escherichia coli were evaluated in individuals with active or cured cutaneous, mucosal or visceral leishmaniasis. Both native and rgp63 elicited strong proliferative responses in all patients tested. In addition, IFN-gamma was produced in response to stimulation with both forms of the protein. T cell lines generated from PBMC by stimulation with native or rgp63 were phenotypically similar, and proliferated and produced IFN-gamma in response to stimulation with both forms of the molecule. These results suggest that gp63 is a strong T cell immunogen and that the recombinant and native forms can elicit the same type of T cell response from infected patients. In order to compare the immunogenic properties of these two forms of gp63, PBMC from naive (uninfected) donors were sensitized in vitro with native or rgp63. T cell lines generated against rgp63 proliferated in response to rgp63, but failed to proliferate in response to native gp63 or to promastigote lysate. Thus, rgp63 was effective in eliciting T cell responses from patients with active or cured leishmania infection, but did not effectively induce T cell responses under the conditions used.  相似文献   
V Casadó  J Mallol  E I Canela  C Lluis  R Franco 《FEBS letters》1991,286(1-2):221-224
Kinetic evidence for negative cooperativity on the binding of [3H]R-PIA to A1 adenosine receptors was obtained from dissociation experiments at different ligand concentrations and from the equilibrium isotherm. The dissociation curves indicate that there is an apparent ligand-induced transformation of high- to low-affinity states of the receptor. At concentrations of 18.2 nM R-PIA or higher there was only found the low-affinity state of the receptor. In view of these results equilibrium binding data were analyzed by the usual two-state model (assuming that there is an interconversion between them) and by the negative cooperativity model employing the Hill equation.  相似文献   
A reliable and practical method is proposed for increasing sensitivity and detection efficiency of immunocytochemical techniques, based on silver enhancement of the nickel-diaminobenzidine product of the peroxidase reaction. The procedure produces a strong signal at the site of the end product of the peroxidase reaction which is visible as black grains at the light microscopic level. The method has been used to detect peroxidase labeled probes in immunocytochemical tissue preparations and blotting assays and is ideal for the purposes of double staining and photographic documentation.  相似文献   
The most widely held model for the human TSH receptor is of holoreceptor of 80 kDa with two subunits of approximately 50 and 30 kDa linked by disulfide bridges, with the former subunit containing the major hormone-binding site. We reexamined this model by covalently cross-linking radiolabeled TSH to the recombinant human TSH receptor stably expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. When cross-linking was performed after the preparation of CHO membranes, analysis of hormone-receptor complexes under reducing and nonreducing conditions provided results supporting the two-subunit TSH receptor model. In contrast, however, cross-linking of TSH to the TSH receptor in intact CHO cells before membrane preparation revealed, even under reducing conditions, an approximately 100-kDa receptor as well as an approximately 54-kDa hormone-binding subunit. The approximately 100-kDa holoreceptor size is consistent with the size of the TSH receptor, as predicted from its derived amino acid sequence. The proportions of the approximately 100-kDa TSH receptor and the 54-kDa fragment varied in different experiments, suggesting the occurrence of proteolytic cleavage. Cross-linking of radiolabeled TSH to intact cells expressing a mutant TSH receptor (TSHR-D1) lacking amino acids 317-366 localized the proteolytic cleavage site to just up-stream of amino acid residue 317. In summary, the present data obtained by cross-linking TSH to recombinant human TSH receptors in intact cells provides evidence that the receptor exists in vivo as an approximately 100-kDa glycoprotein with a single polypeptide chain with intramolecular disulfide bridges.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
We studied the role of glycosylation in the expression of a functional human TSH receptor. Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis was used to replace, separately or together, the Asn codons with Gln in each of the six potential glycosylation sites in the receptor. Recombinant wild-type and mutated TSH receptors were stably expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells. High affinity TSH binding and the cAMP response to TSH stimulation were abolished in the receptor mutated at Asn77 as well as in the receptor mutated at all six potential glycosylation sites. In the receptor mutated at Asn113, the affinity of TSH binding was markedly decreased (Kd, 2.6 x 10(-8) 3.3 x 10(-10) M in the wild-type receptor). This affinity was too low to permit the transduction of a signal, as measured by an increase in intracellular cAMP generation. Substitution of Asn at positions 99, 177, 198, and 302 did not appreciably affect the affinity of the TSH receptor for TSH binding or its ability to mediate an increase in intracellular cAMP levels. Therefore, either these four potential glycosylation sites are not glycolysated, or alternatively, oligosaccharide chains at these positions do not play a major role in the folding, intracellular trafficking, stability, or expression of a functional receptor on the cell surface. Conversely, our data suggest that N-linked glycosylation of Asn77 and Asn113 does play a role in the expression of a biologically active TSH receptor on the cell surface.  相似文献   
To lek or not to lek: mating strategies of male fallow deer   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
We studied the mating system of fallow deer (Dama dama) for6 years in central Italy. Males in this population could defendterritories that were either single, clumped in leks, or satelliteto leks. The most highly successful males in our study werein leks. When we considered all males, there were no significantdifferences in average copulatory success according to territorytype because many lek males did not achieve any copulations,which were seen in only a few lek territories. The variancein copulatory success, however, was much greater for leks thanelsewhere. Single territories were occupied for shorter timesduring the rut than lek territories. Fighting among males wasmore frequent in the lek, even when we excluded highly successfullek males from the analysis. Chases of nonterritorial malesand harem size were correlated with the number of copulationsachieved by individual males, but did not vary according toterritory type. Copulatory success of some individuals increasedwith age, but there were no age differences among males holdingdifferent types of territories. Satellite males switched tolek territoriality in the course of one rut, but switches fromsingle territory to lek territory were rare. We suggest thatmales in single territories are inferior competitors that selecta low-risk, lowbenefit strategy, whereas those in lek territorieswhere no copulations were seen may be attempting to establishthemselves on the lek to increase their copulatory success infuture years.  相似文献   
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