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Sepsis remains a contemporary threat, and its frequency remains high amongst an aging population. Its definition has been regularly revisited, but the impact of the translational research studying it remains very modest compared to the results seen after the introduction of hygiene and the use of antibiotics. In the past, the main forms of sepsis were hospital gangrene (also known as nosocomial fever or putrid fever) that affected the wounded, and puerperal fever that affected women shortly after delivery. In 1858, Armand Trousseau stated that these two pathologies were identical. Lucrezia Borgia, who died in 1519, is undoubtedly the most famous woman to die from puerperal fever. The notion of sepsis as a real epidemic was deplored. For decades doctors remained deaf to the recommendations of their clairvoyant colleagues who advocated for the use of hygienic measures. It was as early as 1795 that Alexander Gordon (UK) and later in 1843, Oliver Holmes (USA), called for the use of hygienic practices. In 1847, Ignaz Semmelweis, a Hungarian physician, provided an irrefutable demonstration of the importance of hygiene in the prevention of contamination by the hands of the practitioners. But Ignaz Semmelweis' life was a tragedy, his fight against the medical nomenklatura was a tragedy, and his death was a tragedy! Nowadays, Ignaz Semmelweis is receiving the honor that he deserves, but never received during his life. Carl Mayrhofer, Victor Feltz, and Léon Coze were the first to associate the presence of bacteria with sepsis. These observations were confirmed by Louis Pasteur who, thanks to his prestige, had a great influence on how to undertake measures to prevent infections. He inspired Joseph Lister who reduced mortality associated with surgery, particularly amputation, by utilizing antiseptic methods.  相似文献   
The flea’s lumen gut is a poorly documented environment where the agent of flea‐borne plague, Yersinia pestis, must replicate to produce a transmissible infection. Here, we report that both the acidic pH and osmolarity of the lumen’s contents display simple harmonic oscillations with different periods. Since an acidic pH and osmolarity are two of three known stimuli of the OmpR‐EnvZ two‐component system in bacteria, we investigated the role and function of this Y. pestis system in fleas. By monitoring the in vivo expression pattern of three OmpR‐EnvZ‐regulated genes, we concluded that the flea gut environment triggers OmpR‐EnvZ. This activation was not, however, correlated with changes in pH and osmolarity but matched the pattern of nutrient depletion (the third known stimulus for OmpR‐EnvZ). Lastly, we found that the OmpR‐EnvZ and the OmpF porin are needed to produce the biofilm that ultimately obstructs the flea’s gut and thus hastens the flea‐borne transmission of plague. Taken as a whole, our data suggest that the flea gut is a complex, fluctuating environment in which Y. pestis senses nutrient depletion via OmpR‐EnvZ. Once activated, the latter triggers a molecular program (including at least OmpF) that produces the biofilm required for efficient plague transmission.  相似文献   
Coccidia are obligate intracellular protozoan parasites responsible for human and veterinary diseases. Eimeria tenella, the aetiologic agent of caecal coccidiosis, is a major pathogen of chickens. In Toxoplasma gondii, some kinases from the rhoptry compartment (ROP) are key virulence factors. ROP kinases hijack and modulate many cellular functions and pathways, allowing T. gondii survival and development. E. tenella's kinome comprises 28 putative members of the ROP kinase family; most of them are predicted, as pseudokinases and their functions have never been characterised. One of the predicted kinase, EtROP1, was identified in the rhoptry proteome of E. tenella sporozoites. Here, we demonstrated that EtROP1 is active, and the N‐terminal extension is necessary for its catalytic kinase activity. Ectopic expression of EtROP1 followed by co‐immunoprecipitation identified cellular p53 as EtROP1 partner. Further characterisation confirmed the interaction and the phosphorylation of p53 by EtROP1. E. tenella infection or overexpression of EtROP1 resulted both in inhibition of host cell apoptosis and G0/G1 cell cycle arrest. This work functionally described the first ROP kinase from E. tenella and its noncanonical structure. Our study provides the first mechanistic insight into host cell apoptosis inhibition by E. tenella. EtROP1 appears as a new candidate for coccidiosis control.  相似文献   
The apicoplast is a recently discovered, plastid-like organelle present in most apicomplexa. The methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway involved in isoprenoid biosynthesis is one of the metabolic pathways associated with the apicoplast, and is a new promising therapeutic target in Plasmodium falciparum. Here, we check the presence of isoprenoid genes in four coccidian parasites according to genome database searches. Cryptosporidium parvum and C. hominis, which have no plastid genome, lack the MEP pathway. In contrast, gene expression studies suggest that this metabolic pathway is present in several development stages of Eimeria tenella and in tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii. We studied the potential of fosmidomycin, an antimalarial drug blocking the MEP pathway, to inhibit E. tenella and T. gondii growth in vitro. The drug was poorly effective even at high concentrations. Thus, both fosmidomycin sensitivity and isoprenoid metabolism differs substantially between apicomplexan species.  相似文献   
ClC-2 is a broadly expressed member of the voltage-gated ClC chloride channel family. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the role of the membrane lipid environment in ClC-2 function, and in particular the effect of cholesterol and ClC-2 distribution in membrane microdomains. Detergent-resistant and detergent-soluble microdomains (DSM) were isolated from stably transfected HEK293 cells by a discontinuous OptiPrep gradient. ClC-2 was found concentrated in detergent-insoluble membranes in basal conditions and relocalized to DSM upon cholesterol depletion by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin. As assessed by patch clamp recordings, relocalization was accompanied by acceleration of the activation kinetics of the channel. A similar distribution and activation pattern were obtained when cells were treated with the oxidant tert-butyl hydroperoxide and after ATP depletion. In both cases activation was prevented by cholesterol enrichment of cells. We conclude that the cholesterol environment regulates ClC-2 activity, and we provide evidence that the increase in ClC-2 activity in response to acute oxidative or metabolic stress involves relocalization of this channel to DSM.  相似文献   
In this study we investigated the involvement of p53 in cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL)-induced tumor target cell killing mediated by the perforin/granzymes pathway. For this purpose we used a human CTL clone (LT12) that kills its autologous melanoma target cells (T1), harboring a wild type p53. We demonstrated initially that LT12 kills its T1 target in a perforin/granzymes-dependent manner. Confocal microscopy and Western blot analysis indicated that conjugate formed between LT12 and T1 resulted in rapid cytoplasmic accumulation of p53 and its activation in T1 target cells. Cytotoxic assay using recombinant granzyme B (GrB) showed that this serine protease is the predominant factor inducing such accumulation. Furthermore, RNA interference-mediated lowering of the p53 protein in T1 cells or pifithrin-alpha-induced p53-specific inhibition activity significantly decreased CTL-induced target killing mediated by CTL or recombinant GrB. This emphasizes that p53 is an important determinant in granzyme B-induced apoptosis. Our data show furthermore that when T1 cells were treated with streptolysin-O/granzyme B, specific phosphorylation of p53 at Ser-15 and Ser-37 residues was observed subsequent to the activation of the stress kinases ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and p38K. Treatment of T1 cells with pifithrin-alpha resulted in inhibition of p53 phosphorylation at these residues and in a significant decrease in GrB-induced apoptotic T1 cell death. Furthermore, small interference RNAs targeting p53 was also accompanied by an inhibition of streptolysin-O/granzyme B-induced apoptotic T1 cell death. The present study supports p53 induction after CTL-induced stress in target cells. These findings provide new insight into a potential role of p53 as a component involved in the dynamic regulation of the major pathway of CTL-mediated cell death and may have therapeutic implications.  相似文献   
In plants, 6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin pyrophosphokinase/7,8-dihydropteroate synthase (mitHPPK/DHPS) is a bifunctional mitochondrial enzyme, which catalyzes the first two consecutive steps of tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis. Mining the Arabidopsis genome data base has revealed a second gene encoding a protein that lacks a potential transit peptide, suggesting a cytosolic localization of the isoenzyme (cytHPPK/DHPS). When the N-terminal part of the cytHPPK/DHPS was fused to green fluorescent protein, the fusion protein appeared only in the cytosol, confirming the above prediction. Functionality of cytHPPK/DHPS was addressed by two parallel approaches: first, the cytHPPK/DHPS was able to rescue yeast mutants lacking corresponding activities; second, recombinant cytHPPK/DHPS expressed and purified from Escherichia coli displayed both HPPK and DHPS activities in vitro. In contrast to mitHPPK/DHPS, which was ubiquitously expressed, the cytHPPK/DHPS gene was exclusively expressed in reproductive tissue, more precisely in developing seeds as revealed by histochemical analysis of a transgenic cytHPPK/DHPS promoter-GUS line. In addition, it was observed that expression of cytHPPK/DHPS mRNA was induced by salt stress, suggesting a potential role of the enzyme in stress response. This was supported by the phenotype of a T-DNA insertion mutant in the cytHPPK/DHPS gene, resulting in lower germination rates as compared with the wild-type upon application of oxidative and osmotic stress.  相似文献   
Tumor ablation with irreversible electroporation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report the first successful use of irreversible electroporation for the minimally invasive treatment of aggressive cutaneous tumors implanted in mice. Irreversible electroporation is a newly developed non-thermal tissue ablation technique in which certain short duration electrical fields are used to permanently permeabilize the cell membrane, presumably through the formation of nanoscale defects in the cell membrane. Mathematical models of the electrical and thermal fields that develop during the application of the pulses were used to design an efficient treatment protocol with minimal heating of the tissue. Tumor regression was confirmed by histological studies which also revealed that it occurred as a direct result of irreversible cell membrane permeabilization. Parametric studies show that the successful outcome of the procedure is related to the applied electric field strength, the total pulse duration as well as the temporal mode of delivery of the pulses. Our best results were obtained using plate electrodes to deliver across the tumor 80 pulses of 100 micros at 0.3 Hz with an electrical field magnitude of 2500 V/cm. These conditions induced complete regression in 12 out of 13 treated tumors, (92%), in the absence of tissue heating. Irreversible electroporation is thus a new effective modality for non-thermal tumor ablation.  相似文献   
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