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An efficient and easy method for genetic characterization of plant somatic hybrids is proposed. In a first qualitative approach, four somatic hybrids and their parental species (Nicotiana tabacum andN. plumbaginifolia) were characterized by DNA fingerprinting and Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). After this, a quantitative estimation of the degree of parental contribution to the hybrids was carried out by means of a slot-blot analysis. Both qualitative methods, showed one hybrid identical toN. tabacum, two almost identical toN. plumbaginifolia, and a fourth similar to this parental species, but with someN. tabacum admixture. The quantitative method, for the same hybrids, gave 83%, 7%, 7%, and 37%N. tabacum DNA contribution, respectively.  相似文献   
The IPL1 gene is required for high-fidelity chromosome segregation in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Conditional ipl1ts mutants missegregate chromosomes severely at 37 degrees C. Here, we report that IPL1 encodes an essential putative protein kinase whose function is required during the later part of each cell cycle. At 26 degrees C, the permissive growth temperature, ipl1 mutant cells are defective in the recovery from a transient G2/M-phase arrest caused by the antimicrotubule drug nocodazole. In an effort to identify additional gene products that participate with the Ipl1 protein kinase in regulating chromosome segregation in yeast, a truncated version of the previously identified DIS2S1/GLC7 gene was isolated as a dosage-dependent suppressor of ipl1ts mutations. DIS2S1/GLC7 is predicted to encode a catalytic subunit (PP1C) of type 1 protein phosphatase. Overexpression of the full-length DIS2S1/GLC7 gene results in chromosome missegregation in wild-type cells and exacerbates the mutant phenotype in ipl1 cells. In addition, the glc7-1 mutation can partially suppress the ipl1-1 mutation. These results suggest that type 1 protein phosphatase acts in opposition to the Ipl1 protein kinase in vivo to ensure the high fidelity of chromosome segregation.  相似文献   
The phylogeny and taxonomy of the drosophilids have been the subject of extensive investigations. Recently, Grimaldi (1990) has challenged some common conceptions, and several sets of molecular data have provided information not always compatible with other taxonomic knowledge or consistent with each other. We present the coding nucleotide sequence of the Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase gene (Sod) for 15 species, which include the medfly Ceratitis capitata (family Tephritidae), the genera Chymomyza and Zaprionus, and representatives of the subgenera Dorsilopha, Drosophila, Hirtodrosophila, Scaptodrosophila, and Sophophora. Phylogenetic analysis of the Sod sequences indicates that Scaptodrosophila and Chymomyza branched off the main lineage before the major Drosophila radiations. The presence of a second intron in Chymomyza and Scaptodrosophila (as well as in the medfly) confirms the early divergence of these two taxa. This second intron became deleted from the main lineage before the major Drosophila radiations. According to the Sod sequences, Sophophora (including the melanogaster, obscura, saltans, and willistoni species groups) is older than the subgenus Drosophila; a deep branch splits the willistoni and saltans groups from the melanogaster and obscura groups. The genus Zaprionus and the subgenera Dorsilopha and Hirtodrosophila appear as branches of a prolific “bush” that also embraces the numerous species of the subgenus Drosophila. The Sod results corroborate in many, but not all, respects Throckmorton's (King, R.C. (ed) Handbook of Genetics. Plenum Press, New York, pp. 421–469, 1975) phylogeny; are inconsistent in some important ways with Grimaldi's (Bull. Am. Museum Nat. Hist. 197:1–139, 1990) cladistic analysis; and also are inconsistent with some inferences based on mitochondrial DNA data. The Sod results manifest how, in addition to the information derived from nucleotide sequences, structural features (i.e., the deletion of an intron) can help resolve phylogenetic issues. Correspondence requests to: F. J. Ayala  相似文献   
Are there enough mast cells in denervated skeletal muscle to account for autopharmacological mediation of the antigen potentials (APs) elicited by microtaps? Through rough qualitative estimations, some authors have suggested a positive answer to this question. However, in view of measurements performed in this investigation of both the density of mast cells and the diffusion coefficient of antigens, the probability of such mediated effects was found to be relatively low:P=0.016 for egg albumin andP=0.004 for ferritin. Therefore, most APs induced by microtaps should be attributed to the direct effect of antigen over the sensitized muscle fibers. Yet, both the density of mast cells found in this work and the known amount of histamine they are capable of releasing when challenged with antigen, support the hypothesis regarding the involvement of these cells when antigen is massively superfused so as to induce Schultz-Dale reactions in muscle strips. Under this circumstance, the direct and mediated mechanisms may coexist.  相似文献   
A comparative analysis was carried out on the several equationsmost commonly used to describe the dependence of the developmentof organisms on temperature. Goodness of fit, number of parameters,ease of fitting data and biological significance were compared.  相似文献   
Very short-term feeding activity of the cladoceran Ceriodaphniasp. was investigated in situ in a eutrophic reservoir in thesouth of Spain, using fluorimetric analysis of the gut pigmentcontent in periods when the water column was relatively mixedor strongly stratified. The results obtained in the mixed watercolumn showed a clear increase in gut pigment content at dawn,a period sampled with high frequency. The accumulation of thecladoceran at the depth of maximum concentration of phytoplankton,and the high gut pigment concentration in cladocerans at thatdepth just after dawn, suggested active feeding of Ceriodaphniaon phytoplankton at that time. During stratification, the abundanceof Ceriodaphnia was higher, but the gut pigment contents werevery low and they did not reflect any clear feeding patterns,with either time or depth. Changes in phytoplankton concentrationand composition between the relatively mixed and the stratifiedwater column suggest a shift in feeding activity from herbivorousto.  相似文献   
Abstract: Specific endothelin (ET) binding sites were characterized in membranes prepared from human cerebral cortices using binding assay and cross-linking analysis. The presence of immunoreactive (IR) ET-1 was studied by radioimmunoassay. Saturation binding experiments revealed that the K D and B max for 125I-ET-1 and 125l-ET-3 to membranes from gray matter were 25 ± 6 pM and 115 ± 15 fmol/mg of protein and 24 ± 5 p M and 108 ± 13 fmol/mg of protein, respectively. Similar results were obtained for white matter. In the presence of 10 n M sarafotoxin-6c, which is selective for ETB receptors, 125I-ET-1 and 125l-ET-3 binding was totally abolished. However, in the presence of 1 μ M BQ123, which is selective for ETAreceptors, both bindings were not affected. These results suggest that the human cerebral cortex contains only ETBreceptors. Cross-linking of 125I-ET-1 and 125l-ET-3 to membranes with disuccinimidyl suberate resulted in the labeling of two bands of 48 and 31 kDa. Concentrations of IR-ET-1 in the gray and white matter were 7.0 ± 3.2 and 2.5 ± 1.7 fmol/g wet weight, respectively. The demonstration of high-affinity ETB receptors and the presence of IRET-1 suggest that the peptide may act as a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator in the human cerebral cortex.  相似文献   
From the cloned mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) isolated from two bisexual species, one Mediterranean, Artemia salina, and one American, Artemia franciscana, and two parthenogenetic (diploid and tetraploid) strains of Artemia parthenogenetica collected in Spain, physical maps have been constructed and compared. They are extremely different among themselves, much more than the differences between Drosophila melanogaster and D. yakuba and in the same range of different mammalian species such as mouse/rat or man/cow. The nucleotide sequences of two regions of mtDNA encoding parts of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and cytochrome b (Cytb) genes have been determined in the two bisexual species and the two parthenogenetic strains. Comparisons of these sequences have revealed a high degree of divergence at the nucleotide level, averaging more than 15%, in agreement with the differences found in the physical maps. The majority of the nucleotide changes are silent and there is a strong bias toward transitions, with the CT substitutions being highly predominant. The evolutionary distance between the two Artemia parthenogenetica is high and there is no clear relationship with any of the bisexual species, including the one present nowadays in Spain. Using a combination of molecular (mtDNA) and morphological markers it is possible to conclude that all of these Artemia isolates should be actually considered as belonging to different species, even the two Artemia parthenogenetica diploidica and tetraploidica.On sabbatical leave from Departamento de Bioquímica, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad Complutense de Madridearly Italian artemiologists to designate the Medi-Beatriz Batuecas died in an accident during the Christmas holy days of 1988 after she had initiated this workCorrespondence to: R. Garesse  相似文献   
Summary The kinetic parameters of the yeastDebaryomyces hansenii grown in continous cultivation on D-xylose were determined by different methods. While the values obtained for μm by the steady state and the washout methods only gave a 3% difference, the determined Ks values by the steady state and the maximal biomass output methods led a to a 305% difference. The latter method was suggested to overestimate the Ks value.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the pyrogenic activity of factor(s) released by rat peritoneal macrophages following a brief stimulation with LPS. The effect of this factor on the number of circulating leukocytes and serum Fe, Cu and Zn levels, was also evaluated. The possibility that the content of interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-6 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF) in the supernatant could explain the observations was investigated. Supernatant produced over a period of 1 h by peritoneal macrophages, following a 30 min incubation with LPS at 37 degrees C, was ultrafiltered through a 10 000 MW cut-off Amicon membrane, sterilized, and concentrated 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 times. The intravenous (i.v.) injection of this supernatant induced a concentration-dependent fever in rats with a maximal response at 2 h. The pyrogenic activity was produced by macrophages elicited with thioglycollate and by resident cells. The supernatants also induced neutrophilia and reduction in Fe and Zn 6 h after the injection. Absence of activity in boiled supernatants, or supernatants from macrophages incubated at 4 degrees C with LPS, indicates that LPS was not responsible for the activity. In vitro treatment with indomethacin (Indo), dexamethasone (Dex), or cycloheximide (Chx) did not modify the release of pyrogenic activity into the supernatant or its effects on the reduction in serum metal levels. Although Chx abolished the production of mediator(s) inducing neutrophilia, and Dex reduced the induction of IL-1beta, TNF and IL-6, injection of the highest concentration of these cytokines detected in the supernatants did not induce fever. In vivo treatment with Dex, but not Indo, abolished the fever induced by the supernatant. These results suggest that macrophages contain pre-formed pyrogenic mediator(s), not related to IL-1beta, IL-6 or TNF, that acts indirectly and independently of prostaglandtn. It also seems likely that the pyrogenic activity is related to the factor responsible for the reduction of serum Fe and Zn levels, but not the neutrophilia.  相似文献   
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