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The rate of α-methylglucoside efflux from wild-type cells of Escherichia coli K-12 is enhanced by different substrates, as long as they are readily respired. A similar enhancement takes place in strains with impaired oxidative phosphorylation (unc mutants), regardless of their being able (strains AN120, N144, and AN382) or unable (strain NR70) to energize the membrane through respiratory electron flow. The uncouplers carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone and tetrachlorosalicylanilide do not diminish the efflux acceleration in wild-type strains or unc mutants. However, the stimulation of α-methylglucoside efflux does not occur in the mutant AN59 which cannot perform a normal respiratory electron transport due to a defective synthesis of ubiquinone. The failure to stimulate the efflux is observed with succinate, which is a typical substrate of respiration, as well as with substrates which can yield ATP both at respiratory and substrate levels such as gluconate or glycerol. Moreover, potassium cyanide nullifies the acceleration of α-methylglucoside efflux caused in any type of strain and by any substrate. These results show that neither ATP nor an energized state of the membrane appears to be needed for respiration to accelerate α-methylglucoside release from E. coli cells, and question the existence of any energy-requiring reaction for αMG exit, previously proposed by other authors.  相似文献   
The influence of track compliance on running   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A model of running is proposed in which the leg is represented as a rack-and-pinion element in series with a damped spring. The rack-and-pinion element emphasizes the role of descending commands, while the damped spring represents the dynamic properties of muscles and the position and the rate sensitivity of reflexes. This model is used to predict separately the effect of track compliance on step length and ground contact time. The predictions are compared with experiments in which athletes ran over tracks of controlled spring stiffness. A sharp spike in foot force up to 5 times body weight was found on hard surfaces, but this spike disappeared as the athletes ran on soft experimental tracks. Both ground contact time and step length increased on very compliant surfaces, leading to moderately reduced running speeds, but a range of track stiffness was discovered which actually enhances speed.  相似文献   
Hypercholesterolemia was induced in adult male rhesus monkeys with a high-fat diet containing an elevated cholesterol level (0.5%). Plasma lipoproteins were chromatographically separated into four size populations (regions) that were subdivided by density until fractions with single electrophoretic mobilities were obtained. The region III lipoproteins (LDL) contained 80% of plasma cholesterol and were present in the highest concentration of all fractions. Their molecular weight was increased over that of controls so that each particle averaged 1.8 times the number of cholesteryl ester molecules as did control LDL. Region II lipoproteins, a heterogeneous group, were present in next highest concentration. Most were cholesteryl ester-rich, beta-migrating lipoproteins that overlapped the VLDL and LDL density ranges; apoB was the predominant apoprotein. One region II subfraction had pre beta 2 migration and the density range. 1.050 less than d less than 1.10. Another subfraction, cholesteryl ester-rich VLDL including only about 1% of plasma cholesterol, had pre beta 1 migration and apoB and apoC as the predominant apoproteins with no apoprotein E. Region I lipoproteins were larger sized, slow beta-migrating cholesteryl ester-rich VLDL that included 5% of plasma cholesterol. ApoB and apoE were the predominant apoproteins. Region IV lipoproteins (HDL) contained 4% of the plasma cholesterol; their concentration was decreased to about 1/3 of the control level. Atherogenic features of the diet-induced dyslipoproteinemia included the increased plasma concentrations and cholesteryl ester contents of the region I, II, and III lipoproteins in addition to the decreased HDL concentration.  相似文献   
Twenty-four amateur climbers took part in a double-blind controlled cross-over trial of acetazolamide versus placebo for the prevention of acute mountain sickness. They climbed Kilimanjaro (5895 m) and Mt Kenya (5186 m) in three weeks with five rest days between ascents. The severity of acute mountain sickness was gauged by a score derived from symptoms recorded daily by each subject. On kilimanjaro those taking acetazolamide reached a higher altitude (11 v 4 reached the summit) and had a lower symptom score than those taking placebo (mean 4.8 v 14.3). Those who had taken acetazolamide on Kilimanjaro maintained their low symptom scores while taking placebo on Mt Kenya (mean score 1.9), whereas those who had taken placebo on Kilimanjaro experienced a pronounced improvement when they took acetazolamide on Mt Kenya (mean score 2.5). Acute mountain sickness prevented one subject for completing either ascent. Acetazolamide was acceptable to 23 of the 24 subjects. Acetazolamide is recommended as an acceptable and effective prophylactic for acute mountain sickness.  相似文献   
By using sodium dodecyl sulphage/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis it was shown that rabbit muscle creatine kinase, both in a homogenate and purified, appears to be composed of a mixture of two peptides (mol.wts. 42100 and 40300) differing in length by about 15 amino acids. It is found that low concentrations of proteinase K from the fungus Tritirachium album can cleave about 38 amino acids from each chain of creatine kinase, leaving two large fragments (mol.wts 37700 and 35500). Scission of the whole enzyme was found to be concomitant with complete loss of enzyme activity. MgADP in the presence of absence of creatine slowed the rate of proteolysis by about 50%, but the transition-state analogue complex creatine-NO3--MgADP appeared to protect completely. The time course for the proteolytic inactivation in the presence of this complex, but not in its absence, was biphasic.  相似文献   
The blood glucose control obtained when using semi-synthetic monocomponent human insulin (insulin A) was compared with that using standard monocomponent porcine insulin (insulin B) in 14 children in a double blind crossover study. At the start of the study age, duration of diabetes, insulin dose, and daily carbohydrate intake were the same in both groups. After a one month run in period of standard treatment with porcine insulin the children were randomly divided into group 1 (three months of insulin A followed by three months of insulin B) and group 2 (three months of insulin B followed by three months of insulin A). During each treatment period blood glucose control was assessed by clinical symptoms, glycosylated haemoglobin, and home blood glucose monitoring. Although a significant difference in the period after lunch during 24 hour blood glucose profiles suggested a shorter onset time and faster peak action time of human insulin, no significant difference in the overall diabetic control was seen between the two types of insulin. There was a trend towards improved blood glucose control (irrespective of insulin) as the trial progressed. No clinical reactions to human insulin occurred, and there was no significant difference in the daily insulin dose between porcine and human insulin.  相似文献   
The variable regions of antibody molecules bind antigens with high affinity and specificity. This binding is imparted largely by the hypervariable portions of the variable region. Hypervariable regions typically fold into reverse turn or loop structures. Peptides derived from antibody hypervariable region sequences can bind antigens with similar specificity, albeit with markedly lower affinity. In this study, cyclic and dimeric peptide analogs of an anti-idiotypic/antireceptor antibody hypervariable region were developed. This antibody (87.92.6) binds to reovirus type 3 receptors on cells as well as to a neutralizing anti-reovirus type 3 monoclonal antibody (9B.G5). The cyclic peptides were utilized to probe the optimal conformation for binding to both the receptor and 9B.G5. By dimerizing or constraining the conformation of these peptides, higher affinity binding was produced. By utilizing several different cyclic peptides, the optimal conformation for binding was established. The conformationally optimized cyclic peptide possessed greater than 40-fold higher affinity for the receptor and the idiotype than the linear analog. This study suggests that conformationally constrained and dimeric peptides derived from antibody hypervariable loop sequences can bind antigens (including receptors) with reasonable affinity. hypervariable loop sequences can bind antigens (including  相似文献   
There has been much recent interest in the self-association of short deoxyguanosine-rich motifs within single-stranded DNAs to generate monovalent cation modulated four-stranded helical segments called G-quadruplexes stabilized by hydrogen-bonded G-tetrad alignments. We have addressed structural aspects of this novel alignment and report on multinuclear 1H, 31P and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance studies on the d(G2T4CG2) deoxynonanucleotide with Na cation as counterion in aqueous solution at low temperature. This sequence forms stable structures even though it cannot align by Watson-Crick hydrogen bond formation (see the paper on d(G2T5G2) describing optical and calorimetric measurements by Jin, R., Breslauer, K. J., Jones, R. A. & Gaffney, B. L. (1990), Science, 250, 543-546). The four narrow exchangeable protons detected between 11.5 and 12.0 parts per million (p.p.m.), which are common to the d(G2T4CG2) deoxynonanucleotide and the d(G2TCG2) deoxyhexanucleotide sequences, are assigned to deoxyguanosine imino protons hydrogen-bonded to carbonyl acceptor groups. These narrow imino protons are not detected for d(IGN5IG) and d(I2N5G2), where two deoxyguanosine residues are replaced by two deoxyinosine residues in the deoxynonanucleotide sequences. This implies that the 2-amino protons of deoxyguanosine must also participate in hydrogen bond formation and stabilize the structured conformation of d(G2T4CG2) in Na cation-containing solution. We have completely assigned the base and sugar H1', H2',2', H3', and H4' protons of the d(G2T4CG2) oligomer following analysis of two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy and two-dimensional correlated spectroscopy data sets in 0.1 M-NaCl, 10 mM-sodium phosphate, 2H2O solution at 0 degree C. The relative magnitude of the nuclear Overhauser enhancements (NOEs) between the base H8 and its own sugar H1' protons of individual deoxyguanosine residues establishes that G1 and G8 adopt syn orientations while G2 and G9 adopt anti orientations about the glycosidic bond in the d(G1-G2-T3-T4-T5-T6-C7-G8-G9) sequence in both Na and K cation-containing aqueous solution. Consequently, any structure proposed for the tetramolecular complex of d(G2T4CG2) must exhibit alternating G(syn) and G(anti) glycosidic torsion angles within each strand. The directionality and magnitude of the observed NOEs are consistent with the G(syn)-G(anti) steps adopting right-handed helical conformations in solution. We also note that the H8 protons of G1 and G8 (7.35 to 7.45 p.p.m.) in a syn alignment are shifted significantly upfield from the H8 protons of G2 and G9 (8.0 to 8.3 p.p.m.) in an anti alignment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Gatalytically active Pneumocystis carinii thymidylate synthase is expressed to the extent of about 4% of the soluble protein in Escherichia coli χ2913 harboring plasmid pUETS-1.8 (U. Edman, J. C. Edman, B. Lundgren, and D. V. Santi, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86, 6503–6507, 1989). Ion-exchange, affinity, hydrophobic, and reactive dye agarose chromatography steps were explored to devise a large-scale purification protocol for P. carinii thymidylate synthase. Sequential DE52, Q-Sepharose, phenyl-Sepharose, and Cibacron Blue F3GA chromatography yielded enzyme that was homogeneous by SDS-PAGE in a yield of over 50%. The sequence of the first 10 amino acid residues of the purified protein was in accord with that predicted from the DNA sequence. Isoelectric focusing gave a pI of 6.2. Kinetic analysis of the purified enzyme revealed that the the Km values were 4.7 ± 1.3 μM for dUMP and 15.7 ± 4.3 μM for 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate, similar to those of many other thymidylate synthases; the κcat of the most active preparation was 0.8 s−1. The enzyme is stable for at least 2 months when stored at −80°C in the presence of 40% glycerol, Tris-HCl, and thiol.  相似文献   
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