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Retinal diseases are nowadays the most common causes of vision threatening in developed countries. Therapeutic advances in this field are hindered by the difficulty to deliver drugs to the posterior segment of the eye. Due to anatomical barriers, the ocular biodisponibility of systemically administered drugs remains poor, and topical instillation is not adequate to achieve therapeutic concentrations of drugs in the back of the eye. Ocular drug delivery has thus become one of the main challenges of modern ophthalmology. A multidisciplinary research is being conducted worldwide including pharmacology, biomaterials, ophthalmology, pharmaceutics, and biology. New promising fields have been developed such as implantable or injectable slow release intravitreal devices and degradable polymers, dispersed polymeric systems for intraocular drug delivery, and transscleral delivery devices such as iontophoresis, osmotic pumps or intra-scleraly implantable materials. The first clinical applications emerging from this research are now taking place, opening new avenues for the treatment of retinal diseases.  相似文献   
A series of tricyclic pyridones has been evaluated as benzodiazepine site ligands with functional selectivity for the alpha(3) over the alpha(1) containing subtype of the human GABA(A) receptor ion channel. This investigation led to the identification of a high affinity, functionally selective, orally bioavailable benzodiazepine site ligand that demonstrated activity in rodent anxiolysis models and reduced sedation relative to diazepam.  相似文献   
In the presence of ornithine and arginine, ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OTCase) and arginase form a one-to-one enzyme complex in which the activity of OTCase is inhibited whereas arginase remains catalytically active. The mechanism by which these nonallosteric enzymes form a stable complex triggered by the binding of their respective substrates raises the question of how such a cooperative association is induced. Analyses of mutations in both enzymes identify residues that are required for their association, some of them being important for catalysis. In arginase, two cysteines at the C terminus of the protein are crucial for its epiarginase function but not for its catalytic activity and trimeric structure. In OTCase, mutations of putative ornithine binding residues, Asp-182, Asn-184, Asn-185, Cys-289, and Glu-256 greatly reduced the affinity for ornithine and impaired the interaction with arginase. The four lysine residues located in the SMG loop, Lys-260, Lys-263, Lys-265, and Lys-268, also play an important role in mediating the sensitivity of OTCase to ornithine and to arginase and appear to be involved in transducing and enhancing the signal given by ornithine for the closure of the catalytic domain.  相似文献   
Dermaseptins are antimicrobial peptides from frog skin that have high membrane-lytic activity against a broad spectrum of microorganisms. The structure of dermaseptin B2 in aqueous solution, in TFE/water mixtures, and in micellar and nonmicellar SDS was analyzed by CD, FTIR, fluorescence, and NMR spectroscopy combined with molecular dynamics calculations. Dermaseptin B2 is unstructured in water, but helical conformations, mostly in segment 3-18, are stabilized by addition of TFE. SDS titration showed that dermaseptin B2 assumes nonhelical structures at SDS concentrations far below the critical micellar concentration and helical structures at micellar concentrations. Dermaseptin B2 bound to SDS micelles (0.4 mM peptide, 80 mM SDS) adopts a well-defined amphipathic helix between residues 11-31 connected to a more flexible helical segment spanning residues 1-8 by a flexible hinge region around Val9 and Gly10. Experiments using paramagnetic probes showed that dermaseptin B2 lies near the surface of SDS micelles and that residue Trp3 is buried in the SDS micelle, but close to the surface. A slow exchange equilibrium occurs at higher peptide/SDS ratios (2 mM peptide, 80 mM SDS) between forms having distinct sets of resonances in the N-terminal 1-11 segment. This equilibrium could reflect different oligomeric states of dermaseptin B2 interacting with SDS micelles. Structure-activity studies on dermaseptin B2 analogues showed that the N-terminal 1-11 segment is an absolute requirement for antibacterial activity, while the C-terminal 10-33 region is also important for full antibiotic activity.  相似文献   
The present experiments were carried out to investigate the role of endogenously produced NO in modulating renal function during postnatal maturation under physiological conditions. In conscious, chronically instrumented lambs aged approximately 1 (n = 8) and approximately 6 wk (n = 8) of postnatal life, various parameters of glomerular and tubular function were measured for 1 h before and 1 h after intravenous injection of 20 mg/kg of N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; experiment 1) or its inactive isomer D-NAME (experiment 2). After administration of L-NAME to 1-wk-old lambs, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and filtration factor (FF) decreased by approximately 50% at 20 min, remaining decreased at 60 min. In 6-wk-old lambs, GFR and FF remained constant after L-NAME. Proximal fractional Na(+) reabsorption decreased after L-NAME administration to lambs aged 6 wk, resulting in a prompt natriuresis; this was sustained for 60 min. There were no effects of L-NAME on proximal fractional Na(+) reabsorption in 1-wk-old lambs. In 6-wk-old lambs, urinary flow rate increased by approximately 500%, free water clearance increased by approximately 50%, and urinary osmolality decreased by approximately 60% after L-NAME administration; no effects on these variables were measured in 1-wk-old lambs. The diuresis after L-NAME administration to 6-wk-old lambs was unaccompanied by any changes in plasma levels of arginine vasopressin. There were no effects of D-NAME on any of the measured variables. We conclude that endogenously produced nitric oxide modulates glomerular and tubular function in an age-dependent manner.  相似文献   
In this combined field and laboratory investigation, the authors tested the efficacy of an intervention designed to promote circadian adaptation to night-shift work. Fifteen nurses working permanent night schedules (> or = 8 shifts/ 15 days) were recruited from area hospitals. Following avacation period of > or = 10 days on a regular daytime schedule, workers were admitted to the laboratory for the assessment of circadian phase via a 36-h constant routine. They returned to work approximately 12 night shifts on their regular schedules under one of two conditions. Treatment group workers (n = 10, mean age +/- SD = 41.7 +/- 8.8 years) received an intervention including 6 h of intermittent bright-light exposure in the workplace (approximately 3,243 lux) and shielding from bright morning outdoor light with tinted goggles (15% visual light transmission). Control group workers (n = 9, mean age +/- SD = 42.0 +/- 7.2 years) were observed in their habitual work environments. On work days, participants maintained regular sleep/wake schedules including a single 8-h sleep/darkness episode beginning 2 h after the end of the night shift. A second 36-h constant routine was performed following the series of night shifts. In the presence of the intervention, circadian rhythms of core body temperature and salivary melatonin cycles were delayed by an average (+/- SEM) of -9.32 +/- 1.06 h and -11.31 +/- 1.13 h, respectively. These were significantly greater than the phase delays of -4.09 +/- 1.94 h and -5.08 +/- 2.32 h displayed by the control group (p = 0.03 and p = 0.02, respectively). The phase angle between circadian markers and the shifted schedule was reestablished to its baseline position only in the treatment group of workers. These results support the efficacy of a practical intervention for promoting circadian adaptation to night-shift work under field conditions. They also underline the importance of controlling the overall pattern of exposure to light and darkness in circadian adaptation to shifted sleep/wake schedules.  相似文献   
The majority of inteins are comprised of a protein splicing domain and a homing endonuclease domain. Experimental evidence has demonstrated that the splicing domain and the endonuclease domain in a bifunctional intein are largely independent of each other with respect to both structure and activity. Here, an artificial bifunctional intein has been created through the insertion of an existing homing endonuclease into a mini-intein that is naturally lacking this functionality. The gene for I-CreI, an intron-encoded homing endonuclease, was grafted into the monofunctional Mycobacterium xenopi GyrA intein at the putative site of the missing endonuclease. The resulting fusion protein was found to be capable of protein splicing similar to that of the parent intein. In addition, the protein demonstrated site-specific endonuclease activity that is characteristic of the I-CreI homing endonuclease. The function of each domain therefore remained unaffected by the presence of the other domain. This artificial fusion of the two domains is a potential novel mobile genetic element.  相似文献   
Adjacent intein fragments fused to a Snf2/Rad54 helicase-related protein and Snf2/Rad54 helicase were reported for Deinococcus radiodurans R1, leading to the speculation that a frameshift was required for splicing or that trans splicing occurred. However, a type strain (ATCC 13939, RF18410) yielded a single protein that splices by the Ala1 protein splicing pathway, with splicing dependent on adjacent residues.  相似文献   
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