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Key message

In mature black spruce, bud burst process is anticipated by soil warming, while delayed by foliar applications of nitrogen; however, the effects depend on growth conditions at the site.


The observation of phenological events can be used as biological indicator of environmental changes, especially from the perspective of climate change. In boreal forests, the onset of the bud burst is a key factor in the length of the growing season. With current climate change, the major factors limiting the growth of boreal trees (i.e., temperature and nitrogen availability) are changing and studies on mature trees are limited. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of soil warming and increased nitrogen (N) deposition on bud burst of mature black spruce [Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP]. From 2008 onwards, an experimental manipulation of these environmental growth conditions was conducted in two stands (BER and SIM) at different altitudes in the boreal forest of Quebec, Canada. An increase in soil temperature (H treatment) and a canopy application of artificial rain enriched with nitrogen (N treatment) were performed. Observations of bud phenology were made during May–July 2012 and 2013. In BER, H treatment caused an anticipation (estimated as 1–3 days); while N treatment, a delay (estimated as 1–2 days but only in 2012) in bud burst. No treatments effect was significant in SIM. It has been demonstrated that soil temperature and N availability can play an important role in affecting bud burst in black spruce but the effects of these environmental factors on growth are closely linked with site conditions.

Key message

A novel non-destructive method is presented for studying the frost hardiness of roots. Principal component analysis from the electrical impedance spectra revealed differences between freezing temperatures, but no clear differences between the mycorrhizal treatments as regards freezing stress.


We present a novel non-destructive method for the classification of root systems with different degrees of freezing injuries based on the measurement of electrical impedance spectra (EIS). Roots of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings, raised in perlite with nutrient solution, were colonized by Hebeloma sp. or Suillus luteus or left non-mycorrhizal, and exposed to a series of low temperatures (5, ?5, ?12 and ?18 °C) after cultivation with and without cold acclimation regimes. In EIS measurements, we ran a small-amplitude electric current to the root system at 44 frequencies between 5 Hz and 100 kHz through electrodes set in the stem and in perlite at the bottom of the container. The normalized (Euclidian) electrical impedance spectra were classified using the CLAFIC-method (CLAss-Featuring Information Compression) that is based on a subspace method with two variants where the longest projection vector defines the sample class. The current delivery through the root system was affected by freezing injuries in the roots. The most remarkable change, indicating the threshold for cold tolerance, took place between ?5 and ?12 °C for non-acclimated and between ?12 and ?18 °C for cold acclimated roots. No difference was found between the mycorrhizal treatments in the response to the freezing temperatures. The results on the effects of both the low-temperature exposure and mycorrhizas agree with freezing damage assessments done by other methods.

Key message

A higher mortality of dominant trees under drought stress is explained by impacts of tree size, canopy- and root structure and the hydraulic transport system.


Drought stress can trigger tree mortality but the impact depends on stress intensity (water demand and availability) and on the vulnerability of the individual. Therefore, most research focusses on the species-specific properties such as water use efficiency or hydraulic conductivity that determine vulnerability. At the ecosystem scale, however, tree properties that have been found important for drought sensitivity or resistance vary with individual size and resource availability within a forest—also within the same species. This is caused by different environmental conditions for each tree and hence different growth histories of individuals generating specific anatomical and physiological features. Individual drought stress sensitivity might thus be considerably different from stand scale sensitivity. Indeed, empirical evidence shows that drought stress impact depends on tree social position which can be defined in degrees of suppression but correlated to resource availability, stress sensitivity and stress exposure. In this review, we collect such evidence and discuss the role of microclimate and soil water distribution as well as anatomical and physiological adjustments, which might serve as foundation for better-adapted management strategies to mitigate drought stress impacts. Finally, we define model requirements aiming to capture stand-scale drought responses or management impacts related to drought stress mitigation.


The temporal gradations of the investigated phenolics in Norway spruce bark after bark beetle (Ips typographus) attack followed the general eco-physiological concept. Treatment with salicylic acid inhibits bark beetle colonisation, alleviates the phenolic responses and activates the synthesis of condensed tannins on later sampling dates.


Conifer bark is the target of numerous organisms due to its assimilated transport and nutrient storage functions. In the presented study, 100 mM salicylic acid (SA) was applied onto Norway spruce stems prior to being infested with bark beetles (Ips typographus L.), to study the temporal gradation of changes in condensed tannins (CT) and total phenolics (tPH) and their significance for mediating stress-tolerance. A significant accumulation of CT was monitored in untreated trees in response to progressive bark beetle infestation occurring from May onwards. In SA-treated infested trees, the CT values remained at control levels until May, but after the re-treatment of infested trees in June, the concentrations of CT rose significantly in comparison to the controls. The tPH values dropped 16 days after SA-treatment, independent of infestation, and later on remained at control level until July. In contrast, tPH contents accumulated in untreated infested trees in May, eased in June and increased again in July, when the trees were affected by the second generation of bark beetles. To sum up, in May and July when the highest beetle-flight activity was monitored the metabolic shift of phenolics within untreated infested trees differed significantly from the response of SA-treated trees. In addition, on SA-treated trees less entrance holes were monitored over the whole period of sampling when compared to untreated infested trees. These results provide evidence that SA-treatment alleviates the phenolic responses, activates the synthesis of condensed tannins and inhibits bark beetle colonisation.
Excessive and long-term alcohol consumption leads to liver disease and low immunity. Extensive evidence suggests that C-phycocyanin (C-PC), a chromophore phycocyanobilin derived from Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis, exerts protective effects against chemical-induced organ damage and improves immunity. In this study, we investigated whether C-PC could protect against ethanol-induced subacute liver injury and improve immunity. KM mice with ethanol-induced liver injury were established, and animals were divided into three groups that were treated with high, medium, and low doses of C-PC. Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (CHOL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), total bilirubin (TBIL), liver homogenate malondialdehyde (MDA), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels were measured. In addition, the number of thymus T cell subsets was assessed, and liver sections were examined pathologically. C-PC exhibited obvious inhibitory effects on serum ALT, AST, TG, CHOL, LDL, and MDA levels and increased SOD content significantly in the liver. C-PC also increased serum CD3+ and CD4+ cell activation and T cell proliferation significantly compared with the model group. The structure of the hepatic lobules was clear, the liver sinus returned to normal, and the liver cell cords were arranged in neat rows. Therefore, C-PC could protect against ethanol-induced subacute liver injury significantly.  相似文献   
Microalgal industry in China: challenges and prospects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Over the past 15 years, China has become the major producer of microalgal biomass in the world. Spirulina (Arthrospira) is the largest microalgal product by tonnage and value, followed by Chlorella, Dunaliella, and Haematococcus, the four main microalgae grown commercially. China’s production is estimated at about two-thirds of global microalgae biomass of which roughly 90 % is sold for human consumption as human nutritional products (‘nutraceuticals’), with smaller markets in animal feeds mainly for marine aquaculture. Research is also ongoing in China, as in the rest of the world, for other high-value as well as commodity microalgal products, from pharmaceuticals to biofuels and CO2 capture and utilization. This paper briefly reviews the main challenges and potential solutions for expanding commercial microalgae production in China and the markets for microalgae products. The Chinese Microalgae Industry Alliance (CMIA), a network founded by Chinese microalgae researchers and commercial enterprises, supports this industry by promoting improved safety and quality standards, and advancement of technologies that can innovate and increase the markets for microalgal products. Microalgae are a growing source of human nutritional products and could become a future source of sustainable commodities, from foods and feeds, to, possibly, fuels and fertilizers.  相似文献   
Two-tier vessels, developed for culturing of microalgae and cyanobacteria at high cell density on a shaken platform, were assembled from a flat lower chamber to be filled with a CO2 buffer and an upper flat sterile chamber for the culture that was separated from the lower chamber by a porous polypropylene membrane. Diffusive gas exchange with the atmosphere was controlled by the O2 outlet channel. Referred to surface area, rates of CO2 transfer to a shaken weakly alkaline buffer solution across the membrane were higher than those reached on the conventional pathway through the free upper liquid surface. Membrane-mediated CO2 supply enabled rapid growth of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 up to ultrahigh cell density. The biomass (dry weight) concentration of Synechococcus cultures reached more than 30 g L?1 on a buffered medium with adequate concentrations of mineral nutrients. An increase of 15 to 20 g L?1 was observed during repeated two-day cycles. Separate pathways for CO2 supply and oxygen outlet prevented significant loss of CO2. Convective gas flow through the oxygen outlet channel enabled the estimation of the O2 generation rate. The permeability of the channel for diffusive O2/N2 exchange limited the O2 concentration to a moderate value. It is concluded that shaken flat cultures using CO2 supply through a porous hydrophobic membrane and diffusive release of O2 through a separate pathway are promising for research on microalgae and cyanobacteria.  相似文献   
The genus Coccomyxa comprises green microalgae, which can be found worldwide in remarkably versatile aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems including symbiotic associations with a number of different hosts. In this study, we describe a new species, Coccomyxa onubensis, based on 18S and ITS ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequence data. Coccomyxa onubensis was isolated from acidic water, and its ability to adapt to a wide range of acidic and alkaline pH values and to high salinity was analyzed. The long-term adaptation capacity of the microalga to such extreme conditions was evaluated by performing continuous repeated batches at selected salt concentrations and pH values. Adapted cultures of C. onubensis were found to yield high biomass productivities from pH 2.5 to 9, with maximum yields at acidic pH between 2.5 and 4.5. Moreover, C. onubensis was also found to adapt to salinities as high as 0.5 M NaCl, reaching biomass productivities that were similar to those of control cultures. Ultrastructural analysis by transmission electron microscopy of C. onubensis cells adapted to high salinity showed a robust response to hyperosmotic shock. Thus, C. onubensis was found to be acidotolerant and halotolerant. High biomass productivity over a wide range of pH and salinities denotes C. onubensis as an interesting candidate for various biotechnological applications including outdoor biomass production.  相似文献   
The purposes of this study were to assess the influence of culture medium on biomass production, fatty acid, and pigment composition of Choricystis minor var. minor and to evaluate the use of this microalga as a source of fatty raw material for biodiesel production. Cultures of C. minor var. minor were grown using WC (Wright’s cryptophyte) and BBM (Bold’s Basal medium) media. BBM medium produced more biomass (984.3 mg L?1) compared to the WC medium (525.7 mg L?1). Despite this result, WC medium produced a higher methyl ester yield for biodiesel production than the BBM medium (170.0 and 90.2 mg g?1 of biomass, respectively). The average percentage of fatty acids obtained using the WC medium (17.0 %) was similar to soybean (18.0 %) and with similar biomass fatty acid profile. However, for pigment production, carotenoids and chlorophyll concentrations were twice as high when using the BBM medium.  相似文献   
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