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The interstitial tissue of the opossum testis includes interstitial or Leydig cells, macrophages, and small cells which morphologically resemble mesenchymal cells. The latter are thought to give rise to mature interstitial cells. The most prominent feature of the interstitial cell cytoplasm is an exceedingly abundant agranular endoplasmic reticulum. This reticulum is generally in the form of a meshwork of interconnected tubules about 300 to 450 A in diameter, but occasionally it assumes the form of flattened, fenestrated cisternae resembling those of pancreatic acinar cells, except for the lack of ribonucleoprotein particles on the surface of the membranes. The interstitial cells vary considerably in their cytoplasmic density. The majority are quite light, but some appear extremely dense, and in addition usually have a more irregular cell surface, with numerous small pseudopodia. These differences may well reflect variations in physiological state. Cytoplasmic structures previously interpreted as "crystalloids" consist of long bundles of minute parallel tubules, each about 180 A in diameter, which seem to be local differentiations of the endoplasmic reticulum. The mitochondria are rod-shaped, and contain a moderately complex internal membrane structure, and also occasional large inclusions that are spherical and homogeneous. The prominent juxtanuclear Golgi complex contains closely packed flattened sacs and small vesicles. The results of the present study, coupled with biochemical evidence from other laboratories, make it seem highly probable that the agranular endoplasmic reticulum is involved in the synthesis of the steroid hormones produced by the interstitial cell. This finding therefore constitutes one of the first functions of the agranular reticulum for which there is good morphological and biochemical evidence.  相似文献   
Phenol hydroxylase (PH) from Acinetobacter radioresistens S13 represents an example of multicomponent aromatic ring monooxygenase made up of three moieties: a reductase (PHR), an oxygenase (PHO) and a regulative component (PHI). The function of the oxygenase component (PHO), here characterized for the first time, is to bind molecular oxygen and catalyse the mono-hydroxylation of substrates (phenol, and with less efficiency, chloro- and methyl-phenol and naphthol). PHO was purified from extracts of A. radioresistens S13 cells and shown to be a dimer of 206 kDa. Each monomer is composed by three subunits: alpha (54 kDa), beta (38 kDa) and gamma (11 kDa). The gene encoding PHO alpha (named mopN) was cloned and sequenced and the corresponding amino acid sequence matched with that of functionally related oxygenases. By structural alignment with the catalytic subunits of methane monooxygenase (MMO) and alkene monooxygenase, we propose that PHO alpha contains the enzyme active site, harbouring a dinuclear iron centre Fe-O-Fe, as also suggested by spectral analysis. Conserved hydrophobic amino acids known to define the substrate recognition pocket, are also present in the alpha-subunit. The prevalence of alpha-helices (99.6%) as studied by CD confirmed the hypothized structural homologies between PHO and MMO. Three parameters (optimum ionic strength, temperature and pH) that affect kinetics of the overall phenol hydroxylase reaction were further analyzed with a fixed optimal PHR/PHI/PHO ratio of 2/1/1. The highest level of activity was evaluated between 0.075 and 0.1 m of ionic strength, the temperature dependence showed a maximum of activity at 24 degrees C and finally the pH for optimal activity was determined to be 7.5.  相似文献   
Locomotor activity in a field population of the freshwater crab, Potamon fluviatile, was studied during the breeding season by means of radio-telemetry and by direct counts of active animals along a transect of the stream. The basic pattern of crabs' locomotor activity can be described as a sequence of short distance movements around the shelters (foraging movements), followed by rarer long distance displacements (wandering movements). Whilst direct counting showed that the crabs exhibit a broadly nocturnal rhythm in foraging movements, no daily periodicity in wandering activity was revealed by telemetry. There is sexual difference in these latter excursions: females move farther along the stream and into the surrounding terrestrial habitat than do males. This behaviour is in contrast to observations made during the non-breeding season and is probably related to the stage of female reproduction.  相似文献   
There is a correlation between the location of early atherosclerotic lesions and the hemodynamic characteristics at those sites. Circulating monocytes are key cells in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic plaques and localize at sites of atherogenesis. The hypothesis that the distribution of monocyte adhesion to the vascular wall is determined in part by hemodynamic factors was addressed by studying monocyte adhesion in an in vitro flow model in the absence of any biological activity in the model wall.

Suspensions of U937 cells were perfused (Re = 200) through an axisymmetric silicone flow model with a stenosis followed by a reverse step. The model provided spatially varying wall shear stress, flow separation and reattachment, and a three-dimensional flow pattern. The cell rolling velocity and adhesion rates were determined by analysis of videomicrographs. Wall shear stress was obtained by numerical solution of the equations of fluid motion. Cell adhesion patterns were also studied in the presence of chemotactic peptide gradients.

The cell rolling velocity varied linearly with wall shear stress. The adhesion rate tended to decrease with increasing local wall shear stress, but was also affected by the radial component of velocity and the dynamics of the recirculation region and flow reattachment. Adhesion was increased in the vicinity of chemotactic peptide sources downstream of the expansion site. Results with human monocytes were qualitatively similar to the U937 experiments.

Differences in the adhesion rates of U937 cells occurring solely as a function of the fluid dynamic properties of the flow field were clearly demonstrated in the absence of any biological activity in the model wall.  相似文献   

Seven melon varieties (Alpha, Delada, Marygold, Sirio, Topper,Tornado, and Viva) known to exhibit differences in their ripeningbehaviour were used in this study. The expression of mRNAs forACC oxidase (MEL1) and phytoene synthase (MEL5), required forsynthesis of ethylene and carotenoids, respectively, and tworipening-related cDNAs (MEL2 and MEL7), of unknown function,was examined and correlated with the development of colour andsoftening of fruits. The MEL2 and MEL7 mRNAs were present andaccumulated in all varieties, indicating their importance inmelon fruit ripening. The fruits of Delada and Marygold didnot show any change in the colour of the flesh even at 50 daa(days after anthesis). All other varieties changed colour fromgreen to orange between 25–30 daa. The phytoene synthasemRNA levels in most varieties seemed to be unrelated to changein fruit flesh colour. The firmness of all the fruits was reducedsignificantly between 25 and 40 daa. The expression of ACC oxidasemRNA showed the most variation among the different varitiesand was delayed in Sirio and undetectable in Marygold fruitseven at 40 daa. Varieties with delayed expression of ACC oxidasemRNAs after anthesis also showed delayed softening during ripening.The prospects of genetic engineering and breeding for melonfruits with improved quality characteristics and extended storagelife are discussed. Key words: Cucumis melo, colour development, melon varieties, ripening genes, softening  相似文献   
Two field experiments were designed to evaluate the importance of competition, fire, repeated disturbance, and their interactions on the vegetative and reproductive performance of the Mediterranean shrub Erica multiflora over a 2.5-yr period. In a burn experiment, fire was applied to the ground-level stumps of previously clipped 13-yr-old plants with a propane torch and competition was diminished by removal of neighboring plants. Fire resulted in a reduction of sprout vigor and biomass of flowers; mature neighbors also reduced E. multiflora sprout vigor and flowering. The interaction between fire and competition was nonsignificant. In a stand burned by a wildfire we studied the effects of regenerating neighbors on target plants by removing all neighbors or only Quercus coccifera, the most dominant species in the burned stand. In this stand we also simulated herbivory by repeatedly clipping the sprouts of E. multiflora. Regenerating neighbors did not affect target plant sprout vigor after the wildfire, but did cause a decrease in the biomass of flowers per plant. Survival decreased after repeated clipping but was not affected by neighborhood treatment. The results suggest that the importance of competition on resprouting vigor was temporally variable. Variables related to plant size rather than species determined competitive superiority: resprouting neighbors did not affect resprouting performance of target plants, but mature neighbors did. In nature, fire may directly reduce vegetative and reproductive biomass by the heating effect. But it may have an indirect positive effect on biomass, by reducing competition among plants. Frequent disturbances that removed aboveground biomass of E. multiflora had a detrimental effect on target plant survival independent of neighborhood effect.  相似文献   
Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is an X-linked disease, characterised by an alteration of the peroxisomal -oxidation of the very long chain fatty acids. The ALD gene has been identified and mutations have been detected in ALD patients. We report here a new missense mutation in the ALD gene of a male patient, predicting a tyrosine to serine substitution at codon 174 (mutation Y174S). The mother of the ALD patient does not have the Y174S mutation in her leukocyte DNA, indicating that Y174S arose de novo in the patient. Y174S is the first reported de novo mutation in the ALD gene.  相似文献   
The effects of electrolytic lesions to the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus (SCN) on circadian rhythms of locomotor activity were examined in ruin lizards Podarcis sicula maintained in constant darkness and constant temperature (29°C). All lizards (N=15) in which the lesion damaged 80% or more of the SCN became behaviorally arrhythmic. On the contrary, locomotor rhythms persisted in all cases (N=11) when the SCN remained intact and lesions were confined to neighbouring regions of the preoptic area. Taken together with previous work which demonstrates that the pineal and the retinae are not essential for the persistence of circadian locomotor rhythmicity in Podarcis sicula and with recent evidence showing the homology between the SCN of lizards and those of mammals the present results strongly support the view that the SCN of Podarcis sicula contain the primary pacemaker(s) for locomotor rhythms.Abbreviations DD constant darkness - LL constant light - SCN suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus - PH nucleus periventricularis hypothalami - OC optic chiasm - te length of circadian activity - freerunning circadian period  相似文献   
Plasma concentrations of beta-carotene and retinol, determined by HPLC, and of transport proteins, ascertained by immunodiffusion technique, in hypo and hyperthyroid subjects are reported. In hypothyroid subject a considerable increase in carotene was noted. This was not the case for retinol. In hyperthyroids both beta-carotene and retinol levels were found to be normal. Transport protein (PA and RBP) levels were found to be lower only in cases of hyperthyroidism but unchanged for hypothyroids. According to the Authors the results show that the alteration in plasma carotene levels to be found in hypothyroid subjects is not the direct consequence of a lack of thyroid hormone in the metabolism of vitamin A but the indirect effect of thyroid disease.  相似文献   
Summary Eight major antifreeze polypeptides (AFP) were purified from the sera of Newfoundland ocean pout. Except for their approximately identical size (6,000 Dalton), these components were shown to be separate entities by their behaviour on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, ion exchange chromatography, gel permeation and reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. They could also be divided into two cross-reactive, yet distinct, immunological groups. Amino acid analysis demonstrated that ocean pout AFP are different from all of the other antifreezes studied to date. The ocean pout AFP do not contain the abundance of alanine (60 mol%) found in winter flounder and shorthorn sculpin AFP nor the high half-cystine residues (8 mol%) observed in sea raven AFP. It is suggested that ocean pout AFP represent a new type of macromolecular antifreeze.Abbreviations AFGP antifreeze glycoprotein(s) - AFP antifreeze polypeptide(s) - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   
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